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本文详细论述了中国和世界的水资源状况,并论述了中国的水资源短缺状况、中国用水的优劣势,以及如何解决中国水资源短缺的措施和基本战略。  相似文献   

由于地质和地理条件的特殊性,沿海地区生态环境极其脆弱和敏感。水资源短缺、水环境污染、海水入侵、地面沉降、生态环境退化和海平面上升,已构成我国沿海地区实现可持续发展战略面临的重大资源和环境问题。水资源和生态环境的持续利用,已成为我国沿海地区一项极其重要的战略任务。根据可持续发展理论,通过建立适应水资源持续利用的管理体制、政策和运行机制,采取生态环境可持续保护策略,可完全达到水资源和生态环境的持续利用,并有效实现中国沿海地区资源、环境与经济、社会的有机协调及经济、社会的持续、稳定、健康发展  相似文献   

本文阐述了黄渤海地区水资源现状,分析了水资源短缺的原因,提出了缓解水资源的对策。  相似文献   

当前,许多干旱国家面临水资源短缺的危机。以色列的水资源管理经验可供借鉴。尽管以色列人口不断增长,农业生产不断扩大,海水倒灌,地下水盐碱化,工业污水增加,以色列当前的水资源管理政策使其能从容应对未来水资源挑战。这些政策中最值得关注的是开源。  相似文献   

中国水资源总量丰富,但人均占有量低及水资源时空分配不均等问题,使水资源的可持续利用成为一个亟待解决的问题。山西省自身所处的地理位置使水资源短缺一直是当地突出问题,同时山西省作为煤炭能源大省又具有其独特的水资源短缺冲突,故以山西省为例对水资源的承载力进行研究。选取了山西省的10个地级市,从需水量和供水量两个方面对水资源的现状及未来进行分析及预测。而水资源承载力的评价摒弃传统较单一、片面的方法,在原先的研究基础上建立了一个新的水资源承载力评价体系,从水环境、社会、经济及生态环境4个层面对水资源的承载力进行综合、全面的评价。运用STELLA软件模拟2020年山西省10个地级市水资源供需平衡状况,结果表明,山西省水资源的供给无法满足需求量,并且在较长的一段时间将一直处于这个状况。  相似文献   

联合国今年 3日的一份水资源报告说 ,过去 2 5年 ,历次国际会议一再强调适当的水资源管理是人类赖以生存的核心问题 ,但始终难以得出有效的解决办法。全世界淡水资源供应形势依然十分严峻。192 0年至 1990年 ,全球人均水供应量减少了 1/3 ,今后 2 0年 ,有可能再减少 1/3 ,除非有关国家政府领导人采取积极措施。报告称 ,亚洲只占淡水资源的 3 6% ,欧洲 8% ,非洲 11% ,北非和中东水资源特别短缺。而南美情况较好 ,分享水资源 2 6% ,但人口为世界总人数的 6% ,加拿大和俄罗斯水资源较丰富。多数国家水资源的 2 /3以上用于农业 ,据瑞士联邦环境…  相似文献   

利用污水灌溉农田,已有几百年的历史了。随着污灌中存在的问题和工业的进一步发展,在欧美逐渐兴起了污水处理工程。近来,又由于能源危机和水资源的短缺,不少国家又转到以土地作为污水处理系统的研究和实际应用上来。1978年在澳大利亚的墨尔本召开过一个“土地处理和污水利用”的国际会议。  相似文献   

我国城镇可持续发展的水资源问题与对策   总被引:8,自引:1,他引:7  
本文简述了甸水资源的现状,指出水短缺和水污染是制约我国城镇可持续发展的两个主要问题,并探讨了解决问题的对策,强调工农业及城市用水的节水,实施污水间和海水利用等方法开发新水源,进行科学的水资源管理。  相似文献   

基于文献计量的我国水处理研究发展态势分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
杨雨寒 《环境工程学报》2019,13(5):1245-1260
水资源短缺已经成为21世纪人类发展面临的重大挑战之一,我国正面临着水资源不足和水污染双重问题,水处理行业在国家环保经济发展中的重要性日益增长。为分析我国水处理领域的研究现状与热点,检索并统计了与水处理相关的SCI论文。结果表明,近10年来,全球水处理领域发文量呈上升趋势,我国在该领域的发文量占全球总量的19%,居全球首位。我国与全球的发文领域基本一致,主要为环境科学、工程-环境、工程-化学、水资源、化学-跨学科、生物工程学和应用微生物等领域。哈尔滨工业大学、清华大学、同济大学、中国科学院生态环境研究中心等机构发文量居我国水处理领域发文量前列。近5年来,我国对光催化、氧化处理、微生物处理等技术的关注有所增加。  相似文献   

德囯科学家长期测量大气中羟基自由基据最新报道,德国尤利希研究中心和德国气象服务中心的科学家弗朗茨·罗勒等已在德国南部地区测量大气中羟基自由基浓度长达5年。并发现99%羟基浓度波动是由于太阳辐射,羟基浓度与太阳辐射的变化存在线性关系。这一结果的公布颇受关注的原因是,羟基自由基是清除大气污染物的主要组分,对其存在状况的测量,对了解大气自净有重要意义。以色列水资源管理着重开源当前,许多干旱国家面临水资源短缺的危机。以色列的水资源管理经验可供借鉴。尽管以色列人口不断增长,农业生产不断扩大,海水倒灌,地下水盐碱化,工业…  相似文献   

The authors explore what is considered to be the emerging issue of the 21st century, shortages of water. It is expected that the Netherlands, which is entirely dependent on water from other countries, will be in an extremely vulnerable position. The quantity of fresh water is limited. Contamination of water reduces water quality and availability. Many World Bank projects focus on management of the water supply for sanitation, irrigation, hydroelectric power, and construction of dikes in order to prevent flooding. The World Bank concludes that everyone worldwide must acknowledge that fresh water is a scarce natural resource. The Action Plan, Agenda 21, of the UN Rio Conference emphasized the importance of the widespread shortage, gradual destruction, and increased pollution of fresh water reserves. The four major world problems with fresh water are 1) shortages of renewable supplies, 2) unequal distribution of supplies, 3) problems of water quality and health, and 4) disastrous effects of unrestrained construction of dams and reservoirs. Only 2.5% of the total amount of water on earth is fresh water, of which 69.4% is in the form of ice, snow, or permafrost and most of the remainder is ground water. Fresh water in lakes and rivers is only about 1% of fresh water available on earth. Most of the precipitation that falls on land every year is lost through evaporation. 45,000 sq. km is the absolute maximum available annually. Distribution of water among industry, agriculture, and households varies by country. Arid regions constitute about 33% of Europe, 60% of Asia, 85% of Africa, and most of Australia and western North America. 14% of countries are at or under the poverty line of water availability, 37% have dangerously dry conditions, 14% have average levels, and 35% have ample supplies. Examples of water management are given for the Amazon River, the Euphrates and Tigris, the Aral Sea, and the Rhine River Basin. It is estimated that the world supply of fresh water would meet the needs of 4.5-9.0 billion people.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Water is the basis for life and culture. In addition to the availability of water its quality has become a major issue in industrialized areas and in developing countries as well. Water usage has to be seen as part of the hydrological cycle. As a consequence water management has to be sustainable. The aim of the contribution is to give water usage oriented quality criteria and to focus on the technical means to achieve them. MAIN FEATURES: Water is used for many purposes, ranging from drinking and irrigation to a broad variety of technical processes. Most applications need specific hygienic, chemical and/or physical properties. RESULTS: To meet these demands separation and reaction principles are applied. The reuse of water and the application of water treatment with little or no waste and by-product formation is the way to go. Membrane separation and advanced oxidation including catalytic reactions are promising methods that apply natural processes in sustainable technical performance. Thus elimination of specific water constituents (e.g. salts and metals, microorganisms) and waste water cleaning (e.g. pollutants, nutrients and organic water) can be done efficiently. OUTLOOK: Learning from nature and helping nature with appropriate technology is a convincing strategy for sustainable water management.  相似文献   

水环境管理在国家的环境保护中具有极为重要的地位,国外在水环境管理方面有成熟的经验和新的发展趋势。通过分析国外在水环境管理方面的先进经验和发展趋势及我国水环境管理现状,提出以流域管理为中心、加强立法保证等建议。并强调,借鉴国外水环境管理的先进经验,以流域管理为基础,以水资源管理和水污染控制—体化为目标的管理模式是解决我国水环境管理存在问题的必然途径。  相似文献   

Although it is commonplace today to argue that population growth drives many or most environmental problems, Jane Jacobs has questioned the prevailing view, noting that the empirical evidence for it is actually rather slim. This article presents a case study of the pressures that population places on water in the Middle East, concluding that the countries of the region suffer from inappropriate patterns of water use rather than from excessive population. Heavy reliance on agriculture for employment or to earn foreign exchange can only lead to environmental collapse in such an arid region. In particular, to develop export markets for agricultural products is really to export water from a water-poor region. With such short-sighted policies in place, the region has already entered upon a severe crisis of recurring and intensifying water shortages that are exacerbated by population growth. If more intelligent use were made of the waters of the region, a population considerably larger than found at present could be supported without excessive stress on water resources or the natural ecology. To accomplish this, the nations of the region must create legal institutions to enable them to undertake integrated (joint) management of their shared water resources.  相似文献   

Cross-border water resources management and protection is a complicated task to achieve, lacking a common methodological framework. Especially in the Adriatic region, water used for drinking water supply purposes pass from many different countries, turning its management into a hard task to achieve. During the DRINKADRIA project, a common methodological framework has been developed, for efficient and effective cross-border water supply and resources management, taking into consideration different resources types (surface and groundwater) emphasizing in drinking water supply intake. The common methodology for water resources management is based on four pillars: climate characteristics and climate change, water resources availability, quality, and security. The present paper assesses both present and future vulnerability of water resources in the Adriatic region, with special focus on Corfu Island, Greece. The results showed that climate change is expected to impact negatively on water resources availability while at the same time, water demand is expected to increase. Water quality problems will be intensified especially due to land use changes and salt water intrusion. The analysis identified areas where water resources are more vulnerable, allowing decision makers develop management strategies.  相似文献   

Gipperth L  Elmgren R 《Ambio》2005,34(2):157-162
The implementation of the EU Water Framework Directive and the achievement of its water quality objectives will to a large degree depend on scientific knowledge about the sources and status of water resources and the effects of mitigative measures. Coastal waters will be of central interest, since the management of whole river basins may be affected if coastal water status is not satisfactory. The Water Directive's general directions on what information the water authorities need and on suitable methods for obtaining such information leave it to the Member states to decide on more precise instructions. Improved legal mechanisms are needed to assist and guide the managers and scientists charged with implementing the directive and achieving its water quality objectives, particularly when faced with insufficient information, flawed knowledge, or changed circumstances. We assess progress in the current process of implementing the Water Directive in Sweden, focussing on coastal waters, and on general problems arising using this type of legal technique.  相似文献   

Michael S. Poustie  Ana Deletic 《Ambio》2014,43(8):1093-1111
Developing countries struggle to provide adequate urban water services, failing to match infrastructure with urban expansion. Despite requiring an improved understanding of alternative infrastructure performance when considering future investments, integrated modeling of urban water systems is infrequent in developing contexts. This paper presents an integrated modeling methodology that can assist strategic planning processes, using Port Vila, Vanuatu, as a case study. 49 future model scenarios designed for the year 2050, developed through extensive stakeholder participation, were modeled with UVQ (Urban Volume and Quality). The results were contrasted with a 2015 model based on current infrastructure, climate, and water demand patterns. Analysis demonstrated that alternative water servicing approaches can reduce Port Vila’s water demand by 35 %, stormwater generation by 38 %, and nutrient release by 80 % in comparison to providing no infrastructural development. This paper demonstrates that traditional centralized infrastructure will not solve the wastewater and stormwater challenges facing rapidly growing urban cities in developing countries.  相似文献   

Arctic communities often face drinking water supply challenges that are unique to their location. Consequently, conventional drinking water regulatory strategies often do not meet the needs of these communities. A literature review of Arctic jurisdictions was conducted to evaluate the current water management approaches and how these techniques could be applied to the territory of Nunavut in Canada. The countries included are all members of the Arctic Council and other Canadian jurisdictions considered important to the understanding of water management for Northern Canadian communities. The communities in Nunavut face many challenges in delivering safe water to customers due to remoteness, small community size and therefore staffing constraints, lack of guidelines and monitoring procedures specific to Nunavut, and water treatment and distribution systems that are vastly different than those used in southern communities. Water safety plans were explored as an alternative to water quality regulations as recent case studies have demonstrated the utility of this risk management tool, especially in the context of small communities. Iceland and Alberta both currently have regulated water safety plans (WSPs) and were examined to understand shortcomings and benefits if WSPs were to be applied as a possible strategy in Nunavut. Finally, this study discusses specific considerations that are necessary should a WSP approach be applied in Nunavut.  相似文献   



The International Association for Danube Research (IAD), a legal association (Verein) according to Austrian law, presently consists of 13 member countries and 12 expert groups covering all water-relevant scientific disciplines. IAD, founded in 1956, represents a traditional and significant stakeholder in the Danube River Basin, fulfilling an important task towards an integrative water and river basin management requested by the EU Water Framework Directive.  相似文献   

Climate change is projected to have a strongly negative effect on water supplies in the arid mountains of South America, significantly impacting millions of people. As one of the poorest countries in the region, Bolivia is particularly vulnerable to such changes due to its limited capacity to adapt. Water security is threatened further by glacial recession with Bolivian glaciers losing nearly half their ice mass over the past 50 years raising serious water management concerns. This review examines current trends in water availability and glacier melt in the Bolivian Andes, assesses the driving factors of reduced water availability and identifies key gaps in our knowledge of the Andean cryosphere. The lack of research regarding permafrost water sources in the Bolivian Andes is addressed, with focus on the potential contribution to mountain water supplies provided by rock glaciers.  相似文献   

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