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在全球气候变暖的背景下,以低能耗、低污染、低排放为基础的低碳经济成为全球热点。论述了我国发展低碳经济所面临的压力和挑战,提出发展低碳经济是我国的必然选择,由高碳经济向低碳经济转变对我国经济的发展起到促进作用,同时对有色金属工业在发展低碳经济中所面临的形势和机遇进行分析,为政府、企业在发展低碳经济过程中应担当的责任和做法提出建议。  相似文献   

低碳经济是一种新的经济发展模式,是我国建设资源节约型、环境友好型社会,实现可持续发展的重要途径。论述了“低碳经济”提出的大背景,以及我国发展低碳经济所面临的严峻挑战。指出循环经济是发展低碳经济的基本路径。  相似文献   

分析在低碳经济大背景下钢铁行业发展过程当中存在的问题:钢铁企业成本上升;低碳技术性制约钢铁行业的发展;低碳贸易壁垒严峻,严重制约我国钢铁行业出口。提出低碳经济背景下加强钢铁行业管理的措施:加强产业升级,提高资源利用效率,有效降低钢铁生产成本;加强钢铁低碳技术的研究,提高我国钢铁行业竞争力;高度重视低碳贸易壁垒,保证钢铁行业的高效出口。  相似文献   

在气候问题备受关注的国际大背景下,发展低碳经济越来越受到国际社会的重视。中国作为最大的发展中国家,在应对全球气候问题的进程中起着举足轻重的作用。如何找到适合中国自身的低碳经济之路,是当今所面临的关键问题。本文通过对安徽省高耗能企业的实地走访调研及相关问卷调查分析,有针对性地提出了我国发展低碳经济的对策和建议,希望为政府部门的决策提供一定的理论依据。  相似文献   

发达国家以气候变暖为契机,引领全球进入"后工业革命"时代,这个时代的特点就是,发展低碳经济,构建绿色体系。我国以节能减排为切入点,推进低碳经济的发展。文章论述了发展低碳经济面临的挑战与机遇,最后指出低碳经济是我国经济与环境融合的最佳选择。  相似文献   

发展低碳经济的途径与潜力   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
<正>从我国的发展来看,低碳经济也是一把"双刃剑",面临着机遇,更面临着挑战,因为它几乎涵盖了所有的GDP支柱产业。发展低碳经济的必要性  相似文献   

低碳经济是在全球气候变化背景下中国及世界各国发展的必然选择.低碳经济理论的提出不仅是为了达到哥本哈根会议上各国所承诺的减排指标,更为了使世界各国的经济向着可持续发展的方向迈进,而环境材料对节能减排、实现低碳经济的目标有着很重要的作用.综述在阐述低碳经济内涵的基础上,分析环境材料与发展低碳经济的关系,重点介绍环境材料在建筑业、汽车业及日常生活中的具体应用,旨在为实现我国的可持续发展目标提供技术保障.  相似文献   

2010年第6期《环境经济》的封面文章——《低碳,城市发展的新标杆》,让读者从多方面了解了我国当前低碳城市的发展情况,特别是对几个低碳试点城市的盘点,有助于我们认识当前我国发展低碳城市所取得的成就及存在的问题。  相似文献   

中国是温室气体排放大国,同时又是发展中大国。中国的城市是经济、人口的高度集中区,因而低碳发展对中国城市来说是一个极大的挑战。当前我国城市的低碳发展依然面临着许多问题。  相似文献   

低碳经济是减少碳排放的、减少化石能源消耗的经济发展模式.当代中国面临石油短缺、空气污染等多重发展困境,要化解这些经济发展的能源和环境"束缚",就必须发展以新能源、减少碳排放等为主的低碳经济.低碳经济发展需要低碳教育的有力支持,杜鹃等所著的《低碳教育理论与实践》就是一部如何开展低碳教育的作品,能为低碳经济理念融入课堂教学...  相似文献   

钢铁行业是我国主要的能源消费及CO2排放行业,推动钢铁行业低碳绿色发展已成为实现我国碳达峰、碳中和的重要环节。为此,研究围绕能源结构调整、工艺结构优化、节能减排技术推广和CCUS技术应用4方面,通过设置基础情景、稳定发展情景和强化减排情景3类情景,利用边际减排成本曲线对我国钢铁行业34项减排技术的减排成本和减排潜力进行分析。结果表明:在稳定发展情景下,我国钢铁行业平均减排成本为433元/tCO2,所有技术的总减排成本为2100亿元,总减排潜力为4.9亿t。在各项减排技术中,废铁-电弧炉炼钢具有较高的减排经济效益,其以较低的单位减排成本贡献了钢铁行业近50%的碳减排量。未来,我国应加快推进长流程炼钢向短流程炼钢的发展,推动钢铁行业生产工艺的结构性调整。  相似文献   

As the biggest iron and steel producer in the world and one of the highest CO2 emission sectors, China’s iron and steel industry is undergoing a low-carbon transition accompanied by remarkable technological progress and investment adjustment, in response to the macroeconomic climate and policy intervention. Many drivers of the CO2 emissions of the iron and steel industry have been explored, but the relationships between CO2 abatement,investment and technological expenditure, and their connections with the economic growth and governmental policies in China, have not been conjointly and empirically examined. We proposed a concise conceptual model and an econometric model to investigate this crucial question. The results of regression, Granger causality test and impulse response analysis indicated that technological expenditure can significantly reduce CO2 emissions, and that investment expansion showed a negative impact on CO2 emission reduction. It was also argued with empirical evidence that a good economic situation favored CO2 abatement in China’s iron and steel industry, while achieving CO2 emission reduction in this industrial sector did not necessarily threaten economic growth.This shed light on the dispute over balancing emission cutting and economic growth.Regarding the policy aspects, the year 2000 was found to be an important turning point for policy evolution and the development of the iron and steel industry in China. The subsequent command and control policies had a significant, positive effect on CO2 abatement.  相似文献   

中国发展低碳经济的若干思考   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:3  
全球气候变化是世界面临的最严峻的环境问题,中国作为发展中国家及温室气体排放大国。急需探索出适合中国发展的低碳之路。中国碳排放总量持续增加,且以工业碳排放为主,严重威胁中国的环境安全与能源安全。中国发展低碳经济主要面临低碳理论欠缺、能源利用效率低、经济发展粗放、以煤炭为主的能源结构等问题.可以从健全相关的政策体系、研发低碳技术和低碳产品、加强公众参与、加强国际合作及树立示范等方面去探索适合中国的低碳经济发展模式。  相似文献   

As the biggest iron and steel producer in the world and one of the highest CO2 emission sectors, China's iron and steel industry is undergoing a low-carbon transition accompanied by remarkable technological progress and investment adjustment, in response to the macroeconomic climate and policy intervention. Many drivers of the CO2 emissions of the iron and steel industry have been explored, but the relationships between CO2 abatement, investment and technological expenditure, and their connections with the economic growth and governmental policies in China, have not been conjointly and empirically examined. We proposed a concise conceptual model and an econometric model to investigate this crucial question. The results of regression, Granger causality test and impulse response analysis indicated that technological expenditure can significantly reduce CO2 emissions, and that investment expansion showed a negative impact on CO2 emission reduction. It was also argued with empirical evidence that a good economic situation favored CO2 abatement in China's iron and steel industry, while achieving CO2 emission reduction in this industrial sector did not necessarily threaten economic growth. This shed light on the dispute over balancing emission cutting and economic growth. Regarding the policy aspects, the year 2000 was found to be an important turning point for policy evolution and the development of the iron and steel industry in China. The subsequent command and control policies had a significant, positive effect on CO2 abatement.  相似文献   

本文基于情景分析理论和方法,建立了钢铁工业物质流与价值流协调度模型,对未来一段时期钢铁工业的协调发展状况进行研究.在维持现有发展模式的基准情景下,我国钢铁工业协调发展度将持续下降,2020年将下降到0.73.在环境恶化和经济效益相对脱钩的情景下,直到2020年我国钢铁工业协调发展度将维持在0.85的水平.而在经济与环境出现绝对脱钩的情景下,我国钢铁工业协调发展度将持续上升,2020年将达到0.95的高水平.因此,近期我国钢铁工业应遵循“基准相对脱钩绝对脱钩”的发展路径,降低总物质投入和污染物排放总量,提升经济产出效益,可持续发展才有可能实现.  相似文献   

低碳经济时代,随着我国各项低碳相关政策、法规的建立与实施,企业将面临向低碳发展模式转型的机遇与挑战。对电信企业来说,通过技术创新与制度创新积极推进节能减排工作,既是企业履行社会责任、实现可持续发展的必然选择,也是提升企业经济效益与社会形象的有效途径。  相似文献   

中国钢铁行业二氧化碳排放达峰路径研究   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0       下载免费PDF全文
钢铁行业是我国重要的CO2排放源. 作为典型的资源能源密集型产业,钢铁行业加快绿色低碳转型、尽早实现碳达峰并有效降碳,既是行业自身高质量发展的内在需要,也是支撑落实国家碳达峰、碳中和目标的客观要求. 本文综合考虑经济社会发展、资源能源利用、工艺结构调整、低碳技术应用等因素影响,开展了基于情景分析的钢铁行业CO2排放达峰路径研究,对不同情景下钢铁行业CO2的排放趋势进行测算,识别钢铁行业CO2减排的主要驱动因素,判断推动钢铁行业碳排放达峰的关键举措,为制定“双碳”目标背景下钢铁行业CO2排放控制策略提供参考. 测算结果表明,我国钢铁行业CO2总排放量有望在2020—2024年期间达到峰值;行业CO2总排放量峰值为18.1×108~18.5×108 t,达峰后到2030年降幅将超过3×108 t. 研究显示,粗钢产量是决定我国钢铁行业碳排放能否快速达峰的关键,加大废钢资源利用、推进外购电力清洁化以及提高系统能效水平是2030年前钢铁行业实现碳排放达峰并有效降碳的重要途径. 到2030年,粗钢产量降低、加大废钢资源利用、推进外购电力清洁化、提高系统能效水平以及氢能炼钢和二氧化碳捕集、利用与封存(CCUS)等前沿技术对钢铁行业CO2减排的贡献率分别为11%~52%、34%~52%、7%~20%、5%~13%和2%~3%.   相似文献   

冯光宏  张宏亮  张培 《环境工程》2012,30(6):113-115
在分析钢铁行业循环经济与清洁生产技术范围与特点的基础上,通过循环经济3R原则、清洁生产技术评价的方法调研并结合生命周期理论,建立了钢铁行业循环经济与清洁生产技术的分析评价方法模型,并采用德尔菲方法进行专家多轮讨论修正,完善了模型的评价体系,为我国钢铁行业推行循环经济与清洁生产技术提供理论和技术支持。  相似文献   

As the biggest iron and steel producer in the world and one of the highest CO2 emission sectors, China's iron and steel industry is undergoing a low-carbon transition accompanied by remarkable technological progress and investment adjustment, in response to the macroeconomic climate and policy intervention. Many drivers of the CO2 emissions of the iron and steel industry have been explored, but the relationships between CO2 abatement, investment and technological expenditure, and their connections with the economic growth and governmental policies in China, have not been conjointly and empirically examined. We proposed a concise conceptual model and an econometric model to investigate this crucial question. The results of regression, Granger causality test and impulse response analysis indicated that technological expenditure can significantly reduce CO2 emissions, and that investment expansion showed a negative impact on CO2 emission reduction. It was also argued with empirical evidence that a good economic situation favored CO2 abatement in China's iron and steel industry, while achieving CO2 emission reduction in this industrial sector did not necessarily threaten economic growth. This shed light on the dispute over balancing emission cutting and economic growth. Regarding the policy aspects, the year 2000 was found to be an important turning point for policy evolution and the development of the iron and steel industry in China. The subsequent command and control policies had a significant, positive effect on CO2 abatement.  相似文献   

日本钢铁工业发展循环经济简介   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
介绍日本钢铁工业发展循环经济的实践经验和主要做法,与之相比,指出我国钢铁工业发展循环经济存在的差距,并提出我国钢铁工业依法率先发展循环经济应采取的主要措施。  相似文献   

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