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2008年3月武汉市被商务部列为全国再生资源回收体系建设26个试点城市之一;2008年又被国务院批准成为“两型社会”改革试验区。党和国家对再生资源回收利用工作的高度关注为武汉市再生资源回收行业的规范管理和加速发展提供了前所未有的机遇和动力。为贯彻落实《武汉市再生资源回收利用体系建设实施方案》,促进武汉市循环经济发展和“两型社会”建设,武汉市结合自身的具体情况,在再生资源回收体系建设方面开展了以下工作。  相似文献   

日本循环型社会的现状与展望   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
日本在世界上是第一个建成循环型社会的国家。全面阐述了日本循环型社会的建设历程与现状,基本做法与2010年的资源流通目标,成功原因分析;重点介绍了日本建设循环型社会的“废弃物处理法”,“容器包装循环利用法”2部法律内容。日本政府认为,展望未来,构建国际循环型社会是必要的、可能的。  相似文献   

为落实“十二五”规划《纲要》,推动“城市矿产”规模化、规范化、产业化发展,促进循环经济形成较大规模,加快建设资源节约型和环境友好型社会,根据《国家发展改革委财政部关于组织开展城市矿产示范基地建设的通知》(发改环资[2010]977号)和《循环经济发展专项资金管理暂行办法》(财建[2012]616号),2013年,国家发展改革委、财政部拟继续选择部分园区开展第四批国家“城市矿产”示范基地(以下简称示范基地)建设。现将有关事项通知如下:  相似文献   

随着长株潭城市群两型社会建设的推进,培育生态市场经济已经成为必然要求。对长株潭两型社会生态市场发展面临的现状进行分析,研究了发展长株潭两型社会生态市场培育的要点与难点,最后借鉴国内外的相关经验,从法制保障、行政规制、经济手段、道德约束等方面,对长株潭两型社会的生态市场培育进行了分析与探讨。  相似文献   

生态文明,在党的十七大报告中被明确提出,并赋予了丰富的科学内涵,说明人类社会发展已从“敬畏自然的原始文明”,经过“依赖自然的农业文明”,再到近代社会曾经历的“改造自然的工业文明”,而即将发展进入“效法自然的生态文明”的历史新阶段。我国倡导建设资源节约与环境友好型社会、循环经济、和谐社会的理念,都充分体现出了东方“道法自然”哲学和人与自然和谐的发展观。  相似文献   

国家“十一五”(2006—2010)规划纲要指出,必须加快转变经济增长方式。要把节约资源作为基本国策,发展循环经济,保护生态环境,加快建设资源节约型、环境友好型社会,促进经济发展与人口、资源、环境相协调。推进国民经济和社会信息化,切实走新型工业化道路,坚持节约发展、清洁发展、安全发展,实现可持续发展。把发展循环经济作为“十一五”的重大战略任务。时至今日,“十一五”规划已经完成过半。本刊就循环经济的有关问题对国家发改委副主任解振华进行了专访。  相似文献   

资源和环境问题已经成为国际社会公认的社会问题和政治问题。胡锦涛总书记在“十七大”报告中指出:“坚持节约资源和保护环境的基本国策,关系人民群众切身利益和中华民族生存发展。必须把建设资源节约型、环境友好型社会放在工业化、现代化发展战略的突出位置,落实到每个单位、每个家庭。”再生资源行业与节约资源和保护环境有着密切关系。有人认为,它是二次污染的源头;也有人认为,它是节约资源、保护环境的支柱性行业之一。为此,本刊就再生资源的现状、特点与发展前景专门访问了中华全国供销合作总社党组书记、理事会主任李成玉。  相似文献   

为加快广元市低碳经济、循环经济发展,建设“两型”社会,根据广元市政府安排,由市供销社牵头,与市商务局等有关部门一道共同完成了《广元市再生资源产业发展规划(2013-2020年)》编制工作。发展规划明确了到2020年的目标是:建成“一园四区”(市主城区建1个再生资源产业综合园,苍溪县、旺苍县、青川县、  相似文献   

株洲市“两型”社会建设资源循环利用机制研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
资源循环利用是建设"两型"社会和发展循环经济的任务和目标。总结并分析了株洲市资源循环利用的主要成就及现存问题,并在此基础上探索了有利于资源循环利用的产业引导机制、生态补偿机制、奖惩机制和科技创新机制。  相似文献   

控制NOx排放是电力企业在建设资源节约型和环境友好型社会中的一项重要工作.分析了我国NOx排放状况以及控制政策的发展趋势,并对新的电力工业体制下,建立以电力集团为责任主体和组织核心的NOx控制战略和规划提出了一些建议.  相似文献   

AECOM's Environmental Remediation Services Group, under a Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Protection (PADEP) remediation contract, was tasked with assessing potential vapor intrusion risks and mitigating identified risks at an active commercial property affected by a former adjacent laundry and dry cleaning operation. The former dry cleaning operation was positioned in the center of row‐buildings containing various commercial businesses. The neighboring active commercial property is an antiquated building that operates as a coffee shop. The coffee shop building contains a service area, a kitchen, and a rear conference room on the first floor, a storage area on the second floor, and a partial basement. The basement has been observed to periodically flood. Adjacent to the coffee shop building is an operating hair and nail salon that formerly functioned as one of the dry cleaning operations buildings with known soil, groundwater, and soil gas impacts. Due to the disposition of the coffee shop building, a methodical approach was implemented to characterize the potential vapor intrusion risk and included a diagnostic building inspection that identified required management of basement apertures and abatement of periodic flooding prior to vapor intrusion mitigation system design and installation.  相似文献   

2011年两家以废钢加工配送为主业的专业化金属再生资源公司双双跻身于中国企业500强,显现了我国废钢铁产业的成就和希望。指出创造一个具有中国特色的现代化废钢铁产业体系需要大企业骨干群体的创新和引领,打造大企业的着力点在于扩大规模、系统管理及承担社会责任,其动力核心在于突破和创新。  相似文献   

基于建筑全生命周期这个主线,建筑可持续发展视角下供应链协调与社会责任共担机理研究,以绿色建筑供应链运行效率为导向,以既有建筑节能改造效率为切入点,以产业链过程中各主体行为规律为基础,采用“总-分-合”的基本研究思路模式,聚焦了“主导企业驱动下绿色建筑供应链协调机理与策略、既有建筑节能改造主体社会责任共担机理、建筑废弃物再生利用产业链主体社会责任共担机理”等三部分核心内容,初步形成建筑可持续发展视角下供应链协调与社会责任共担机理的理论体系。本成果采用“总-分-合”的思路模式,基于循环经济理念和主体行为策略视角,遵循研究的学理逻辑,以研究生学位论文为基础,开展“主导企业驱动下绿色建筑供应链协调机理与策略、既有建筑节能改造主体社会责任共担机理、建筑废弃物再生利用产业链主体社会责任共担机理”3个子课题研究,从系统整体概况实施全面研究规划着手,构架了总括、绿色建筑供应链协调机理、既有建筑节能改造主体社会责任共担、建筑废弃物再生利用社会责任共担、总结等五大模块及上中下三大篇共12章的系统体系。  相似文献   

Building waste recycling as aggregates is a modern approach for preventing environmental pollution through both reducing the stocks of waste and decreasing the use of natural aggregates. The reuse of building waste is a relatively new issue for Bulgaria despite the existing considerable quantity of building waste and the significant changes in the environmental rules applied. The paper discusses generated and potential waste streams in Bulgaria in the context of the social and economic restructuring and recent urban development undergone by the country. The main preliminary conditions for developing the recycling activity such as: streams of building waste, experience in recycling, technical and environmental standardization, appropriate technologies, etc. are examined. The authors analyze current practice and research activities with regard to the implementation of advanced EU building-waste recycling methods. Conclusions are drawn about existing opportunities and the priorities of the needed building waste management strategy in the country.  相似文献   

Waste management and environmental protection are mandatory requirements of modern society. In our study, air pollution control (APC) residues from municipal solid waste incinerators (MSWI) were considered as a mixture of fly ash and fine particulate solids collected in scrubbers and fabric filters. These are hazardous wastes and require treatment before landfill. Although there are a number of treatment options, it is highly recommended to find practical applications rather than just dump them in landfill sites. In general, for using a construction material, beyond technical specifications also soil and surface water criteria may be used to ensure environmental protection. The Dutch Building Materials Decree (BMD) is a valuable tool in this respect and it was used to investigate which properties do not meet the threshold criteria so that APC residues can be further used as secondary building material. To this end, some scenarios were evaluated by considering release of inorganic species from unmoulded and moulded applications. The main conclusion is that the high amount of soluble salts makes the APC residues a building material prohibited in any of the conditions tested. In case of moulding materials, the limits of heavy metals are complied, and their use in Category 1 would be allowed. However, also in this case, the soluble salts lead to the classification of "building material not allowed". The treatments with phosphates or silicates are able to solve the problem of heavy metals, but difficulties with the soluble salts are still observed. This analysis suggests that for APC residues to comply with soil and surface water protection criteria to be further used as building material at least a pre-treating for removing soluble salts is absolutely required.  相似文献   

面对原生资源的枯竭和工业化发展的双重压力,开发“城市矿产”,开辟资源新路,是社会发展的必然需求。介绍了“城市矿产”等资源化园区的形式特点和资源种类,论述了建设园区的必要性和意义,并对建设要点和流程做了概要性分析。  相似文献   

In this paper, a multi-echelon multi-period solid waste management system (MSWM) was developed by inoculating with multi-echelon supply chain. Waste managers, suppliers, industries and distributors could be engaged in joint strategic planning and operational execution. The principal of MSWM system is interactive planning of transportation and inventory for each organization in waste collection, delivery and disposal. An efficient inventory management plan for MSWM would lead to optimized productivity levels under available capacities (e.g., transportation and operational capacities). The applicability of the proposed system was illustrated by a case with three cities, one distribution and two waste disposal facilities. Solutions of the decision variable values under different significant levels indicate a consistent trend. With an increased significant level, the total generated waste would be decreased, and the total transported waste through distribution center to waste to energy and landfill would be decreased as well.  相似文献   

Refuse collection has been the main public service to be outsourced in Denmark since the E.U. guidelines on public procurement came into force in 1993. The contracting activities of the municipalities are framed by a complex set of ideologies and objectives, in addition to regulations. At both EU level and at national level, the demands for marketization of the public sector are counterbalanced by demands for social and environmental considerations. The procurement directive reflects the balance legalizing the inclusion of such requirements by contracting. The Danish experiences, however, tell a grim tale of subordination of social requirements in municipal contracting practices with implications for the quality of the service. The results of a recent study of developments in the working conditions at commercial collection companies show deterioration in respect of health and safety, competence building and job security concurrent with the increase in outsourcing and competition in the sector. In the analysis of the results, a combination of municipal cost-saving strategies, harsh market forces and cultural influences are identified as causal factors. Drawing on a brief institutional analysis, it is concluded that the existing normative and regulative framework of municipal contracting needs reinforcement if societal intentions of qualified public services and acceptable working conditions are to be effective. Initiatives to simultaneously improve working conditions and environmental results of collection are called for.  相似文献   

The news media and environmental groups are frequently blamed for public overreaction to unfortunate events like major oil spills; an example of the social amplification of risk. A disconnect between public views regarding spill consequences and necessary remedies on the one hand, and expert opinion on these same questions on the other, is a frequently identified consequence of this social amplification. A more comprehensive examination of the ways in which scientific messages can fail to inform the public or to rationalize public policy suggests however that a more complex phenomenology is at work. Perceived risks can be attenuated as well as amplified, and many organizations besides the news media contribute to the shaping of public risk attitudes. As a result, social and political questions of blame can prove difficult to disentangle from scientific questions of impact. Both social amplification and social attenuation of messages about the risks of oil production and transport are evident in public responses to the Exxon Valdez spill, and both continue to affect the debate about oil production and its transport by sea today. Oil-spill science has had mixed success in modulating these risk concerns, as the conduct of oil-spill science has itself felt the effects of risk amplification and attenuation. Because these difficulties are bound up in questions of social trust, institution building is seen as the best long-term strategy for redress. The Prince William Sound Regional Citizen’s Advisory Council offers a hopeful example that such institution building can occur, given sufficient motivation, resources and the means and time for diverse interests to develop a shared vision of the risks to be addressed.  相似文献   

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