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Crickets in the genus Laupala (subfamily Trigonidiinae) have an elaborate courtship system, defined by a highly ritualized serial transfer of multiple spermatophores. Males produce multiple “micro” spermatophores followed by a final “macro” spermatophore during a single mating bout. Remarkably, the microspermatophores of L. cerasina, the first species whose mating system was studied in detail, were discovered to be spermless. However, in a study of another species, L. pacifica, sperm transfer was reported after every copulation suggesting that L. pacifica microspermatophores contain sperm. The presence or absence of sperm in the microspermatophore has important implications for the evolution of this exaggerated courtship system and the origin of nuptial gifts. In this study, we systematically examined L. pacifica spermatophore contents for sperm using a fluorescent nuclear stain. We detected sperm only in macrospermatophores. This finding suggests that spermless microspermatophores are typical for Laupala; thus, to determine the origin of this highly modified phenotype will require comparative analyses with closely related outgroups that exhibit less exaggerated courtship systems.  相似文献   

Diversification of sperm morphology has been investigated in the context of sperm competition, but the adaptive significance of sperm bundles is still unclear. In analyzing 10 taxa of the genus Carabus subgenus Ohomopterus and one related Carabus ground beetles, we found that dimorphic sperm bundles occurred in most species with varied degrees of bimodality, whereas sperm were generally monomorphic. Comparative analyses with phylogenetically independent contrasts revealed that the sizes of large and small sperm bundles evolved more rapidly than, and were not correlated with, the length of sperm, suggesting more intense selection on sperm bundle sizes and their independent responses to different evolutionary forces. The size of large sperm bundles was positively correlated with male genital morphology (pertinent to displacement of rival spermatophores) and postcopulatory guarding duration as well as male body length, suggesting that larger sperm bundles have been favored when the risk of spermatophore displacement is high. Larger sperm bundles may be advantageous because of their ability to migrate more rapidly into the spermatheca. In contrast, no clear association was detected between the small sperm bundle size and mating traits despite its rapid diversification. The present study provides the first record of heteromorphic sperm bundles, the diversity of which may be promoted by sperm competition.  相似文献   

A remarkable external sperm transfer is described for the first time in a species of a group of winged insects (Pterygota), the enigmatic Zoraptera. Mating and sperm transfer of two species of the order were examined in detail, documented, and compared with each other and with patterns described for other species belonging to the order. The behavior differs strikingly in Zorotypus impolitus and Zorotypus magnicaudelli. A copula is performed by males and females of the latter, as it is also the case in other zorapteran species and generally in pterygote insects. In striking contrast to this, males of Z. impolitus do not copulate but deposit small (100 μm in diameter) spermatophores externally on the abdomen of the female. Each spermatophore contains only one giant spermatozoon (3 mm long and 3 μm wide), a unique feature in the entire Hexapoda. External sperm transfer in Pterygota is a highly unusual case of evolutionary reversal. The very small relict group Zoraptera displays a uniform general morphology but exhibits very different reproductive structures and patterns of mating behavior. This may be an extreme form of a more general situation in insects, with a specific form of selection resulting in an accelerated rate of evolution in the reproductive system.  相似文献   

Harvestmen (Arachnida: Opiliones) are familiar animals in most terrestrial habitats but are rare as fossils, with only a handful of species known from each of the Palaeozoic, Mesozoic, and Cenozoic eras. Fossil harvestmen from Middle Jurassic (ca. 165 Ma) strata of Daohugou, Inner Mongolia, China, are described as Mesobunus martensi gen. et sp. nov. and Daohugopilio sheari gen. et sp. nov.; the two genera differ primarily in the relative length of their legs and details of the pedipalps. Jurassic arachnids are extremely rare and these fossils represent the first Jurassic, and only the fourth Mesozoic, record of Opiliones. These remarkably well-preserved and modern-looking fossils are assigned to the Eupnoi, whereby M. martensi demonstrably belongs in Sclerosomatidae. It thus represents the oldest record of a modern harvestman family and implies a high degree of evolutionary stasis among one of the most widespread and abundant groups of long-legged, round-bodied harvestmen.  相似文献   

Males of several insect species transfer nuptial gifts to females during mating, typically in the form of a protein-rich spermatophore. In chemically defended species, males could potentially enhance such a gift with chemicals that help protect the female, her eggs, or both. This was shown for lepidopteran species that accumulate pyrrolizidine alkaloids. Most Heliconius butterflies are presumably protected from predators by virtue of de novo synthesized and/or sequestered cyanogenic glycosides. Males of Heliconius species are known to transfer nutritional gifts to the females but whether defensive chemicals could also be transferred is not known. To ascertain whether transfer of cyanogens occurs, we dissected freshly mated females from nine different Heliconius species and analyzed spermatophores for cyanogenic glycosides. We found cyanogens in the spermatophores of all nine species. This is the first time cyanogenic glycosides are reported in the spermatophores of arthropods. We discuss the implications of these findings for Heliconius biology and for other cyanogenic insects as well. We suggest that chemically defended species commonly lace their nuptial gifts with defensive chemicals to improve gift quality.  相似文献   

Most studies on insect sperm motility have been conducted in vitro using artificial environments outside the animal’s body. Only little is known about the function of motile insect sperm at different sites within the male or female genital tracts. We dissected genital tracts of female rove beetles (Drusilla canaliculata) to show that spermatozoa use their own motility to migrate from the spermatophore into the spermatheca. Our dissection method allowed direct observation and filming of the spermathecal filling process inside the female’s genital tract. Spermatozoa were found to enter the spermatheca individually, sometimes in groups of two or three. Although exhibiting only weak motility and no progressive motion in buffer solution, the spermatozoa inside the female show vigorous lashing and reach an average velocity of 47.5 μm s−1. To gain mobility and speed, the spermatozoa likely utilize the relatively small diameter of the spermathecal duct to push themselves off the duct walls, rather than swimming freely in seminal fluid. The spermatozoa (approximately 1,250 μm) are considerably longer than the distance they have to travel along the spermathecal duct (approximately 800 μm). Our study provides the first direct observation of active sperm migration within the female of an insect stressing the importance of the genital tract as a prerequisite for functional sperm motility.  相似文献   

刘晨芳  赵微 《自然资源学报》2018,33(9):1613-1626
论文先对农户生计策略类型进行细分,利用倾向得分匹配-双重差分方法(Propensity Score Matching-Difference in Differences,PSM-DID)排除其他混杂因素,探讨农地整治在生计资本差异下对农户生计策略的影响效用,并运用多种匹配方法和反事实检验法对估计结果进行稳健性检验。结果表明:1)农地整治的实施能够显著改变二兼型农户的生计策略,但并不能显著改变专业型或多兼型农户的生计策略;2)农地整治对传统兼业型、现代兼业型、非农兼业型农户生计策略有显著影响,传统兼业型、现代兼业型农户比重显著增加,而非农兼业型农户比重显著减少,说明农户能够通过调整自身生计策略适应农地整治带来的变化,农地整治促进了农户生计多样化;3)通过多种匹配方法及反事实法开展稳健性检验,证实论文主要估计结果是稳健的。建议针对不同类型农户家庭需求制定差别化的鼓励政策;充分利用当地产业特色,依托农地整治与现代农业政策,带动现代兼业型农户发展区域特色农业或休闲农业。  相似文献   

Dynamics of sperm transfer in the ant Leptothorax gredleri   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
Mating tactics differ remarkably between and within species of social Hymenoptera (bees, wasps, ants) concerning, e.g., mating frequencies, sperm competition, and the degree of male sperm limitation. Although social Hymenoptera might, therefore, potentially be ideal model systems for testing sexual selection theory, the dynamics of mating and sperm transfer have rarely been studied in species other than social bees, and basic information needed to draw conclusions about possible sperm competition and female choice is lacking. We investigated sperm transfer in the ant Leptothorax gredleri, a species in which female sexuals attract males by “female calling.” The analysis of 38 female sexuals fixed immediately or up to 7 days after copulation with a single male each revealed that the sperm is transferred into the female bursa copulatrix embedded in a gelatinous mass, presumably a spermatophore. Sperm cells rapidly start to migrate from the tip of the spermatophore towards the spermatheca, but transfer is drastically slowed down by an extreme constriction of the spermathecal duct, through which sperm cells have to pass virtually one by one. This results in the spermatheca being filled only between one and several hours after mating. During this time, the posterior part of the spermatophore seals the junction between bursa copulatrix and spermathecal duct and prevents sperm loss. The prolonged duration of sperm transfer might allow female sexuals to chose between ejaculates and explain previously reported patterns of single paternity of the offspring of multiply mated queens. Electronic supplementary material  The online version of this article (doi:) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users.  相似文献   

New fossil spiders (Arachnida: Araneae) from Middle Jurassic (ca. 165 Ma) strata of Daohugou, Inner Mongolia, China are described as Eoplectreurys gertschi gen. et sp. nov. and referred to the modern haplogyne family Plectreuridae. This small family is restricted to southwestern USA, Mexico, and the adjacent Caribbean area today and hitherto has only a sparse Cenozoic fossil record. The morphology of Eoplectreurys is remarkably similar to modern forms and thus demonstrates great evolutionary conservatism. This new discovery not only extends the fossil record of the family by at least 120 Ma to the Middle Jurassic but also supports the hypothesis of a different distribution of the family in the past than today and subsequent extinction over much of its former range.  相似文献   

中国土地流转的时空演变特征及影响因素研究   总被引:5,自引:2,他引:3  
为了在全国尺度上全面了解中国的土地流转发展状况及其影响因素,论文在详细分析中国土地流转时空演变特征的基础上,利用因子分析方法在省级尺度对影响土地流转的因素进行了归纳和提取。结果表明:1)当前中国土地流转发展迅速,2007—2015年,中国土地流转率由5.2%增至33.3%。但土地流转程度区域差异明显,南部与西部地区流转较慢,规模较小,平原地区流转较快,规模较大。2)土地流转对规模经营(经营规模>3.33 hm2)的促进效果尚不明显,中国规模经营比例仍然偏低,经营规模在3.33 hm2以上的农户仅有1.42%。3)土地资源禀赋、经济发展水平、流转交易成本、地权稳定程度、农户流转意愿和交通通达性等方面因素是影响中国土地流转发展的主要因素。4)土地流转条件成熟程度存在区域差异,黑龙江、内蒙古、吉林最高,贵州、云南、广西最低。政策启示是:交易成本过高阻碍了土地流转效果的实现,土地细碎化是导致交易成本增加的重要原因,进行农地制度改革,推动农地承包权在一定区域范围内流转,可以促进细碎地块的集中,有效降低流转的交易成本,有效地提高农户的耕地经营规模。同时,在制定政策推动土地流转时,还应重视土地流转条件成熟程度和土地流转主要限制因素的区域差异,分区制定政策解决影响土地流转的障碍,鼓励适合当地的适度规模经营。  相似文献   

论文以湖北武汉、孝感为实证,构建农户家庭生计禀赋衡量体系,运用Logit模型分析不同类型功能区农户生计禀赋对农地流转的影响。研究表明:1)重点开发区农户已参与农地流转的比例(48.38%)及未来愿意参与农地流转的比例(61.99%)相对较高,且流转程序较规范;农产品主产区农户农地流转参与率(46.72%)相对较高,但农户农地依赖程度高,未来愿意参与农地流转的比例(38.61%)相对最低;生态功能区资源环境承载能力较低、农业生产条件差,农地流转实际比例较低(31.82%),但受农业种植低利益及非农产业高回报的诱导,受访农民未来流转意愿(45.87%)较强烈。2)自然资产及物质资产对农户参与农地流转行为影响较大,目前承包耕地面积大的农户转出农地的概率较大,而经营耕地面积大和拥有生产性工具多的农户转入耕地的概率较大。3)人力资产、自然资产、物质资产、金融资产及社会资产的差异会使农地流转后农民生存风险不同,从而对农户未来参与农地流转意愿影响显著。家庭整体劳动能力、家庭承包耕地面积、实际经营耕地面积、农地机耕条件、家庭拥有生产性工具、拥有耐用消费品数量及人情开支均对农户转入农地意愿产生正向影响;同时,家庭承包耕地面积的增加、农地交通条件及景观环境改善能够增加农户的农地转出意愿。  相似文献   

Land use change is a main driver of carbon storage in terrestrial ecosystems. Based on land use data, research results related to carbon densities in vegetation and soil as well as government policies related to development in different regions of China, this paper optimized land use structure in 2020 for different regions with the goal of increasing terrestrial ecosystem carbon storage. We defined seven types of land use: (1) cultivated land, (2) garden land, (3) woodland, (4) pasture land, (5) other agricultural land, (6) urbanized land, and (7) a mixture of other land which we call mixed land which included open water, swamps, glaciers and other land as defined below. We found: (1) For most eastern regions, woodland has the highest carbon (C) densities while C densities of pasture land and cultivated land did not differ widely. Both have C densities higher than urbanized land while urbanized land has higher carbon densities than the areas placed in the mixed land type. (2) Under an optimized land use structure projected for 2020, the area of cultivated land will decrease compared with 2005 for most regions. The areas of garden land, pasture land and other agricultural land are much smaller compared with the mixed land use type, and the changes there are not obvious and their contributions to increased carbon storage are not significant. The area of woodland will increase the most obviously and it will contribute the most to increased carbon storage. The increasing urbanization of land and the decreasing trend of other land types make it difficult to change carbon storage patterns since the Chinese economy is expanding rapidly. (3) The optimized land use structure presented here will have effects on the entire country though with regional differences. Some inland regions will always have a larger potential to increase carbon storage than other areas because the potentialities in some coastal regions are limited by social and economic development.  相似文献   

基于2011年、2013年和2015年中国健康与养老追踪调查(CHARLS)数据库,构建了三期具备农村户口且拥有耕地的微观农户 面板数据,采用固定效应模型实证分析我国农村老龄化问题背景下新农保能否促进农户土地流转。研究发现:(1)2015年中国耕地的平均转出率和转入率仅为14%和6%,2011-2015年中国耕地呈现转出率逐年递增、转入率逐年递减的趋势,凸显中国耕地出现集聚现象。(2)中国土地流转行为区域差异性明显,耕地转出率顺序为:东北地区>东部地区>中部地区>西北地区>西南地区;耕地转入率除西北地区较高外(2015年为9%),其余各区均在5%左右。(3)新型农村社会养老保险能够促进60岁以上老年农户的耕地转出。政策启示是:提高农村养老保险水平以弱化土地的养老保障功能,进而促进农村土地流转;完善耕地集聚化背景下的土地管理制度,培育一批具有带头作用的新型农民;发展区域差异化的农村耕地管理政策,首先重点针对土地流转潜力大的地区推行土地流转交易。  相似文献   

论文利用江西省42个县(区)74个行政村1396户农户的抽样调查数据,通过建立耕地流转行为与各自变量的Logistic回归计量模型,从家庭特征因素、家庭经济因素和资源禀赋因素三方面分析了农户耕地流出和流入行为的影响因素。研究表明:外出打工对耕地流出影响最大,是农户耕地流出的最大驱动力;而经济收入与耕地流转是互为因果的关系,耕地流入户的经济收入存在明显低于流出户的经济收入的趋势;地形特征对耕地流出行为有明显影响,地形越平坦,越容易流出,同样耕地越破碎,越不易被流入户接受。  相似文献   

基于Meta分析的矿业城市生态服务价值转移研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
采矿活动剧烈干扰了区域土地利用,对生态系统健康造成了严重影响。论文在综合国内若干资源型城市生态系统服务价值研究实例的基础上,提炼系列指标参数,运用Meta分析方法建立并验证了专门针对矿业城市耕地、林地、草地、水域的价值转移模型,并以河北省武安市为例估算了1987、2001和2014年的生态系统服务价值。研究结果表明:1)价值转移模型可以有效地评估矿业城市生态系统服务价值;2)武安市生态系统服务总价值呈现先增后减的趋势,2001年之后呈现快速下降状态;3)从地类面积来看,1987—2014年间武安市经济发展对生态用地产生的干扰程度为:耕地>草地>水域>林地,从服务价值角度看,干扰程度为:耕地>水域>草地>林地;4)在生态用地总面积减少的情况下,适当优化生态用地土地利用结构可以提高生态系统服务总价值。  相似文献   

中国农地流转与农民收入的时空耦合关系及空间效应   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
基于中国省域2003—2018年面板数据,通过构建耦合协调发展模型,分析农地流转与农民收入耦合协调发展时空演变特征,并运用空间杜宾模型剖析农地流转对不同类型农民收入的空间效应。结果表明:(1)在时间维度上,农地流转与农民收入的耦合协调发展程度趋于优化,但农地流转一直以滞后于农业收入为主,农地流转由同步于非农收入转为超前于非农收入。(2)在空间维度上,农地流转与不同类型农民收入的耦合协调发展程度在不同省区之间差异明显。(3)农地流转显著促进了本地区农业收入与非农收入的提高,且农地流转对农民人均收入产生直接效应与溢出效应;虽然户均农地规模增加并没有显著提高非农收入,但农地的规模经济使得户均农地规模增加,显著促进了农业收入提高。  相似文献   

我国农村外出务工人员保有相当规模的承包地,如何高效集约利用是农业现代化的基础。利用流动人口卫生计生动态监测数据,在分析省域承包地处置方式差异的基础上,以其社会融入水平为切入点,分析其承包地处置决策的影响因素。研究发现:(1)粮食主产区承包地流转已具一定规模,但撂荒在全国也有相当比例,显性撂荒呈“西南高、东北低”的空间格局,农村外出务工人员承包地处置方式的集聚特征与其流动目的地社会融入水平存在一定程度的关联性;(2)社会融入水平的提升会显著降低农村外出务工人员的自耕意愿,易于形成亲朋耕种、流转等承包地处置决策,但是,撂荒的概率也会随之增加;(3)地方土地流转政策尚不足以将农村外出务工人员转移经营权的意愿完全转化为亲朋耕种、流转等行为,依然有较高概率显性或隐性撂荒。针对这些问题,流出地与流动目的地的政策应统筹考虑。一方面提升社会服务水平,降低农村外出务工人员生计风险;另一方面应积极引导其将承包地流转,避免撂荒造成耕地资源浪费。  相似文献   

耕地转为建设用地价格评估——以河南省南阳市为例   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
张志  刘耀林  龚健 《自然资源学报》2009,24(12):2115-2123
以经济增长理论为基础的传统土地估价理论与方法,对耕地价值缺乏完整认识,造成了耕地价格与转用建设用地价格的不连续性,论文在土地资源总价值理论基础上,通过对耕地价值的重建、耕地转为建设用地增值空间分析以及权益归属的研究,重新构建了城乡交错带耕地转为建设用地价格评估体系,提出耕地价格是经过外部性内在化以后的耕地资源权利的价值体现,它包括耕地实际生产收益价格、社会保障价格、社会稳定价格、生态安全价格和发展权价格5部分。同时以河南省南阳市为例,对该方法进行了实际应用,得出南阳市水田单位面积价值总量价格测算结果为139.81元/m2,该评估较好地反映了耕地的转用价格。  相似文献   

王盼  阎建忠  杨柳  王晶滢 《自然资源学报》2019,34(11):2348-2362
近年来,中国耕地的不合理利用引发了一系列严重的问题,为此国家提出“探索实行耕地轮作休耕制度试点”这一重要举措。劳动力是农业的主要生产要素,归纳总结农户休耕和劳动力转移的情况,准确掌握休耕面积对劳动力转移产生的影响,对进一步推动国家轮作休耕政策、现代化发展和城镇化具有重要的战略意义。基于此,利用河北、甘肃、云南三省六县1542户农户家庭的相关调研数据,对农户休耕、劳动力转移等情况进行了分析,并运用Tobit回归模型定量分析农户休耕面积对劳动力转移数量的影响。研究结果表明:(1)研究区内农户休耕比例与户均休耕面积存在差异,且休耕比例与户均休耕面积大小均为甘肃省>云南省>河北省。(2)研究区内有62.97%的家庭存在劳动力转移现象,且休耕农户劳动力转移数量远超未休耕农户。(3)核心变量休耕面积对劳动力转移存在显著的正向影响;控制变量中,农户家庭总人口、户主性别、劳动力受教育水平、医疗支出、住宅距公路距离和劳均工资对劳动力转移存在显著的正向影响,而家庭抚养比则对劳动力转移存在显著的负向影响。  相似文献   

在退耕还林工程背景下,以退耕还林实施后生态效果较显著的延安市为研究对象,基于解译的三期影像数据,通过土地利用转移矩阵,在2 km×2 km的格网尺度下测算延安市不同土地利用类型的生态服务价值(ESV),并结合空间探索性数据分析,探讨ESV的不同土地利用类型转移的时间变化特征及空间转移的关联性和异质性。延安市的实证分析显示:(1)1990-2015年间,ESV的增减主要发生在耕地、林地和草地之间,林地和草地ESV合计转入21.29亿元,且转入量主要发生在退耕还林工程实施之后;(2)生态服务功能主要由林地和草地提供,ESV的时间变化经历了先下降后上升的过程,退耕还林工程的实施促进ESV的增长,2001-2015年间增长了5.34%;(3)空间探索性分析显示,ESV在格网尺度下呈现出显著的“南高北低”分布格局,并在空间上表现出正向的集聚性和依存性,ESV的高高集聚和低低集聚效果比较明显,并且高高集聚区与林地、草地的空间分布相吻合,低低集聚区与耕地、城乡建设用地的空间分布相吻合。整体而言,延安市土地利用类型转移和ESV的增减变化与推行退耕还林工程在时间上呼应、在空间上匹配,政府主导的退耕还林工程对生态环境恢复与保护起到显著的积极作用。因此,对于不同土地利用类型的生态服务功能,以耕地为主的北部地区应在基本农田保护制度基础上,注重农业生产与生态效益平衡,而林草资源丰富的南部地区则继续发挥生态屏障的调节作用。  相似文献   

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