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基于用户选择的绿色电力市场机制在美国、欧洲等国家日益受到人们的关注,2001年6月28日至29日,第一届欧洲绿色电力市场会议在瑞士举行,预示着绿色电力市场的开发已经不再是一幅想象中的远景,而将迎来一个新的阶段,成为可再生能源商业化的战略措施。从其目前的发展趋势来看,结合绿色证书交易,绿色电力机制将有可能形成一个跨国界的全球绿色电力大市场,从而有力地促进可再生能源的发展。1绿色电力市场:可再生能源商业化发展的新战略随着对全球环境、气候变化、CO2减排的关注及为满足偏远地区对电力的需求,可再生能源及…  相似文献   

可再生能源发电政策分析及建议   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
自2006年以来,中国的可再生能源增长迅速,特别是风能方面。目前,中国已成为世界上风电装机容量最大的国家。现今中国可再生能源的迅猛发展,2005年颁布(2009年修正)的《中华人民共和国可再生能源法》功不可没。该法在中国首次创建了一个国家可再生能源电力发展的框架,通过设立可再生能源目标,建立可再生能源电力配额制度,出台强制性的电网连接和采购政策,建立国家上网电价制度等方面,促进中国可再生能源电力政策的推广。本文阐述了现行的利用可再生能源发电的政策,指出可再生能源电力的现存问题,并对可再生能源电力政策的改进提出建议方案。  相似文献   

正绿色电力是指利用特定的发电设备,将风能、太阳能等可再生能源转化成电能,发电过程中不产生或很少产生对环境有害的排放物,且不需消耗化石燃料,更有利于环境保护和可持续发展的来自于可再生能源的电力。绿色电力消费则是指在用电需求侧,电网内的各个电力用户,如各大企业、工厂、居民等,对于绿色电力的消费。目前,在我国,绿色电力和传统火电的消费并无差别。近年来,电力短缺状况和电力过剩状况相继出现。当电力短缺时,供  相似文献   

<正>在2010年5月10日搜狐绿色举办的绿色竞争力营销讲堂上,国家发改委能源研究所可再生能源发展中心副主任任东明透露,《可再生能源法》修正案与此前的法案有了显著的变化,  相似文献   

<正>日前,山东省能源局印发《2019年全省能源工作指导意见》(以下简称《意见》),提出今年将重点发展可再生能源、核电、天然气,以能源转型助力产业转型,以产业结构调整推动能源结构调整,努力实现能源生产和消费增量主要由绿色能源提供,电力生产和消费增量主要由绿色电力提供。按照《意见》,今年山东省将把清洁绿色能源作为主攻方向,力争新能源和可再生能源发电装机同比增长13%、发电量增长35%,接纳省外来电最高负  相似文献   

1995年下半年,荷兰的一些能源电力公司要求世界自然基金会(WWF)荷兰项目部支持它们在市场上引入绿色电力:消费者用电大约多支出20%,电力公司证明这些电来自于风、小水电、生物质能和太阳能。它们从消费者处多收的费用将投资于可再生能源。它们的市场分析表明,如果电费每月相差不超过10美元,20%的消费者对绿色电力有兴趣。这个分析的另外一个结果是消费者希望由独立的审计人员确定电力公司卖的绿色电力是否和其发电量一致,以及钱用往何处。 WWF介入这个项目是因为这次合作提供了传递以下关键信息的机会:气候变化…  相似文献   

绿色营销—现代企业的选择   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
王保利 《陕西环境》2000,7(3):30-32
论文艰绿色营销的及特点进行论述,分析了绿色营销对社会可持续发展的历史意义和对现代企业适应竞争所具有的战略意义,提出了以绿色营销观念为主导,创办绿色企业,绿色产品的研发与生产,绿色包装与绿色标志,绿色促销等方面的绿色营销策略。  相似文献   

面对气候变化和能源危机的双重挑战,开发利用可再生能源已成为全球绿色低碳发展的“破局之法”。本文对全球、中国及其他共建“一带一路”国家(以下简称“共建国家”)可再生能源发展情况进行了分析,发现未来5年,化石能源生产消费仍将占据主导地位,但可再生能源利用增长势头强劲;共建国家可再生能源储量及发展潜力巨大,但仍面临资金、技术不足等发展阻力;作为“一带一路”倡议发起国,中国不断努力推进能源绿色低碳转型,并取得了积极进展,可为共建国家发展可再生能源提供重要的支持和借鉴。为助力共建国家能源绿色低碳发展,建议中国积极担负大国责任,发挥中国影响力,全力开展可再生能源外交;积极分享中国经验,输出中国智慧,促进共建国家可再生能源发展;务实推进项目合作,促进优势互补,推动共建国家能源转型发展。  相似文献   

论产品的过度包装及法律对策   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
产品过度包装有污染环境、浪费能源、不正当竞争及增加消费者经济负担等现实危害,它反映了绿色消费、绿色营销理念、法律制度保障的缺乏。限制产品过度包装首先就要对过度包装进行法律界定与法律定性。文中提出通过立法限制过度包装,是当今世界上发达国家的共同做法,但并非简单的一部包装法就可以解决所有的问题,要针对限制产品过度包装的现实需求及以此为契机对法律制度进行体系重构,实现循环型社会,进而提出法律对策。  相似文献   

基于建筑项目节能评估内容,从建筑工艺方案节能设计、新能源及可再生能源应用、绿色建筑发展和能源消费管理与控制等方面进行分析,结合实例探讨节能评估在建筑节能中的应用重点。  相似文献   

This paper presents a comparison analysis of eco-efficiency in the small and medium sized enterprises (SMEs) of Venezuela. The research can be divided into three parts: the first part reviews similar studies in the literature on the level of eco-efficiency exhibited by the companies of Venezuela and other countries. In the second place, the findings of a survey conducted on Venezuelan SMEs allowed the definition of 54 eco-efficiency profiles. Thirdly, six national experts in cleaner production and eco-efficiency were interviewed. The interview was based on a questionnaire similar to that used in the survey of the Venezuelan SMEs. At a second meeting, the experts were asked to discuss on the similarities and differences between their answers and those of the company's managers.The findings of the survey allow us to conclude that Venezuelan SMEs understand the legal environmental regulations that affect them but they do not perceive the influence of external driving forces like customers demand for green products or institutional incentives. The adoption of eco-efficiency practices is not perceived as an incentive to improve competitiveness so that the environmental strategies adopted generally aim at reducing costs or avoiding non-compliance sanctions and negative effects on the company image. Materials recycling and reuse, especially packaging materials, are common practices; however, other environmental tools or practices have not been implemented yet, e.g. environmental management systems (EMS), process, product and services design tools based on the product life cycle, renewable energy resources or green marketing. There are also differences among the eight industrial sectors analyzed, food and chemical industries having the higher index of eco-efficiency practices, and plastic and wood industries the lower.  相似文献   

This paper aims to assess the renewable energy capacity of Turkey in order to consider main priorities in the energy policy of Turkey. In this paper, renewable energy potential and regulatory conditions are discussed in Turkey in comparison with European Union. The results of the study implemented within the framework of EnviroGRIDS project indicated a promising yet very susceptible future for the implementation of renewable energy power plants in Turkey. The forecasts have shown that the solar power potential utilization is becoming more significant after 2020. The projections for 2050 indicate that electricity consumption from small and medium renewable energy sources including solar and wind will constitute 15% of the total, whereas the solar thermal will constitute around 16%. Geothermal and other renewables will remain around 3%. According to the high demand scenario, in 2050 the share of hydropower in overall electricity generation will be 12%, followed by solar power at 7% and wind power at 3%. Additionally, renewable energy policy and regulations in Turkey and in EU are overviewed in this study. On the contrary to EU, the constant feed-in tariff amount does not consider capital investments of specific energy sources in Turkey that brings disadvantage to the implementation. However, new regulations published and currently applied should be accepted as milestones in acquisition period of Turkey in EU.  相似文献   

世界经济飞速发展进程中,各国普遍面临着能源瓶颈.石油、煤炭等不可再生能源在人类消费的能源结构中占比逐渐降低是一种趋势,各国将关注点放在可再生能源方面,才是谋求经济可持续发展的理性选择.太阳能、风能、潮汐能、地热能、水能、生物质能、核能等可再生能源正在进入发展的快车道.中国、印度等发展中国家在可再生能源的开发方面处在世界前列,很多发达国家也开始转向可再生能源开发.可再生能源相对于传统能源而言,开发成本较高,所以政府需要给予支持政策.发达国家的经验表明,实行配额制是比较可行的,除此之外,还可以进行绿色交易、创新融资机制以及进行财政倾斜等相关制度设计,确保可再生能源得到可持续发展.  相似文献   

基于GIS的河南省风能资源时空分布及利用   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
近年来,无污染、可再生的绿色能源--风能,其潜在的价值逐渐被开发与利用。为了更加合理地利用河南省风能资源及研究气候变化条件下河南省风能的变化趋势,论文利用1971-2000年期间的河南省气象台站风速资料,采用统计方法和流体力学风能计算方法,结合ArcGIS系统对河南省的风能及分布进行了研究。研究结果表明:①特殊的地形特征造就了河南省风速较大区域主要集中在豫北、豫中、豫东的平原地带及豫南,西部及北部太行山区平均风速相对较小,区域风速差值较大;②30 a间河南大部分区域的风速变化为逐渐减小趋势,只有个别站点风速表现为趋势略增或趋势稳定;豫东为风速减小最大的区域,豫西、豫中及豫南地区风速变化趋势相对较小;③风能研究发现最大值区域与平均风速地理分布基本一致,最大风能区域在豫北、豫东、豫中及豫南一带,最小风能区域主要集中在西部山区。  相似文献   

张宁  庞军  温婧  王军霞 《中国环境科学》2022,42(5):2442-2452
通过构建电力部门细分的CGE模型,分别在电价管制和完全竞争市场背景下,评估了取消电价交叉补贴和可再生能源电价补贴,以及引入碳税政策并将碳税收入转移支付给风电及光伏行业的经济影响.研究发现:取消电价交叉补贴对GDP有负面影响,而取消可再生能源电价补贴后GDP有所提升;相比完全竞争市场,电价管制市场背景下取消电价交叉补贴对GDP的负面冲击强度增加了0.003%,而取消可再生能源电价补贴对GDP的促进作用幅度则相对减小0.056%;同时取消两种补贴时,在电价管制市场背景下GDP相比基准情景下降了0.022%,而在完全竞争市场背景下GDP则增加了0.038%.电价管制市场背景下取消电价补贴对电力结构及能源结构影响较小;而在完全竞争市场背景下取消电价补贴将刺激传统电力消费并导致碳排放有所增加.引入碳税政策并将碳税收入转移支付给风电及光伏行业可以有效控制碳排放并促进电力结构和能源结构改善,但会对行业总产出和GDP产生更大的负面冲击.我国未来应适度放开电价管制,并采取诸如适时征收碳税并将其收入转移支付给风电和光伏行业的支持性政策,推动我国能源结构优化和节能减排目标的实现.  相似文献   

针对当前多数产品评价中缺少对环保因素考虑的现状,构建由环境、资源、能源和经济指标组成的产品绿色评价指标体系,提出基于层次分析法和布氏矩阵的产品绿色评价方法.运用层次分析法确定绿色评价指标的权重,运用布氏矩阵对产品设计方案进行综合绿色评价,评选出环保性能最优的产品方案,进而节约资源,降低能耗,减少环境污染.并通过车载冰箱绿色评价实例验证了该方法的实用性和有效性.  相似文献   

《Journal of Cleaner Production》2006,14(15-16):1299-1306
This paper presents the use of the human body to power electronic products, two product design cases applying human-powered energy systems and the relation with eco-design. The paper illustrated how the use of an alternative energy system (i.e. human-powered energy systems) offers new viewpoints to the design engineer and brings about environmental improvements. ‘Green marketing’ experiences from Philips teach us that environmental benefits should be backed-up by additional user benefits in order to be effective in the market. Human-powered energy systems offer these possibilities.  相似文献   


In China, the power industry contributes significantly to carbon emissions, reducing carbon emissions in this industry is conducive to China's adaptation and mitigation of climate change. Researches on green and low-carbon power have attracted increasing attention. In this paper, we analyze and compare the carbon emissions from thermal power sector in 30 Chinese provinces, divided into three main regions. Based on the panel data over the period 2002–2016, we use a slacks-based measurement (SBM) model to measure the carbon emission efficiency of China’s power sector. The results show that the carbon emission efficiency of the system is relatively low, with marked differences among regions. Based on the Moran’s I, we further found spatial heterogeneity in carbon emission efficiency of provincial power sector. Policies for adaptation and mitigation of climate change should have regional differences. Interregional collaboration also plays a key role in adapting to and mitigating climate change. For China, it is an important issue to develop clean coal-fired power generation and vigorously develop renewable energy. From a global perspective, energy transformation needs to be continuously promoted. Promoting low-carbon transformation of global energy system requires deep technical cooperation and synergy. Global mitigation strategy should focus on the orientation of structural reform and constantly optimize the energy structure.


This paper examines Sweden’s role as a pioneer in mitigating climate change. Critical discourse analysis of climate and energy policy unveils Sweden’s ambition to ‘lead-by-example’, by virtue of a win–win combination of economy and environment via stringent regulations and an early-mover strategy on eco-innovations. The extent of the unilateral approach is constrained by concerns for the competitiveness of energy-intensive industries and a persistent debate on the fate of Swedish nuclear power. Whilst Sweden has made significant demonstrative progress in reducing emissions and introducing renewable energy sources, these issues may limit her role as a pioneer in years to come.  相似文献   

饭店绿色竞争力的关键要素与提升路径探讨   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
饭店的绿色竞争力是企业在提高了绿色化水平后在市场竞争中所表现出来的相对优势。绿色竞争力是企业竞争力的一部分,它主要由绿色技术、绿色管理、绿色产品、绿色人力、绿色营销等五个关键要素构成,并通过这些要素的改进和提高来实现饭店整体竞争力的提升。通过绿色竞争力的提高,可以使饭店在不牺牲环境利益的前提下获得更大、更持续的经营效益。  相似文献   

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