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郑新 《劳动保护》1999,(7):42-43
前几期中我们向您介绍了有关呼吸系统防护用品的知识,本期中我们将向您介绍个体防护用品的另一大类:听力保护用品的有关知识。当我们暴露于噪声中时,就要对听力进行保护。什么是噪声呢?应当说一切惹人讨厌,令人烦噪,人们不愿意听的声音都是噪声。噪声是声音的一种,...  相似文献   

目的通过对生产性噪声职业暴露进行定量风险评估,探讨其在职业病危害评价工作中的主要内容和步骤,从而提高职业病危害评价水平。方法以某石油化工聚酯装置的短丝及聚酯生产车间为对象,通过对其生产工艺过程噪声职业暴露调查,分析劳动者职业暴露的特点、检测工作环境的噪声强度并对频谱特性进行分析,对个人使用的防噪耳塞防护效果进行分析,通过装置的噪声检测结果与国际标准化组织1971年发布的0a—45a间连续性噪声A声级与听力损害的危险率的关系表相结合,对聚酯装置噪声所致听力损害进行风险评价。结果牵伸工、卷绕工和切粒岗存在噪声暴露时间长、暴露强度高的特点;聚酯装置主要岗位噪声暴露强度为85.5dB(A)—99.7dB(A);卷绕机频谱带较窄;切粒工及卷绕工护耳器保护不足;卷绕工发生听力损害的危险率最高。结论对高噪声作业进行职业暴露评估是研究劳动者听力保护管理的重要方法,其中关键的步骤就是要进行定量风险评估。通过开展生产性噪声职业暴露的调查与风险评估,可进一步探讨噪声危害的客观规律,从风险管理的角度提出切实可行的噪声危害控制措施,保护劳动者的健康。说明噪声的职业暴露及风险评估在今后的建设项目职业病危害评价工作中有一定的实际意义。  相似文献   

听力防护用品是指防止过量的声能侵入外耳道,使人耳避免噪声的过度刺激,减少听力损伤,预防噪声对人身引起不良影响的防护用品。听力防护用品的结构原理,类似人们遇到强烈音响振动时,会自觉或不自觉地用双手掩耳,以减少强声波对人听觉器官损伤的情况。听力防护用品就是根据这种原理,通过一定的造型,使之能封闭外耳道,达到衰减声波强度与能量的目的,同时,又要具有一定适于佩戴的结构,形成一种以防噪声为目的的防护用具。  相似文献   

众所周知,噪声对人的危害是多方面的。职业性噪声对工人的危害更大。研究人员发现,在低于120分贝的情况下,噪声对人听力以外的危害主要是通过听力而起作用的。人们把对听力的危害叫做直接性危害;而把通过听力而作用的对人的其他危害(如对心血管、脑血管等)则称为间接性危害。因此,如果保护了听力,也就间接地保护了人的其他器官。 听力保护计划就是在这个基础上应运而生的。它是科技工作者为保护工人免受职业性噪声危害而实施的一项综合工程。自八十年代以来,已在美国和西欧等国实行,取得了明显效果。目前在我国属试行阶段,已在部分地区实施…  相似文献   

通过对某发电厂噪声作业环境及接噪工人听力损伤情况的调查,表明噪声强度越大,听损率越高;接噪工龄越长,听损率越高;同工龄段高频听损比语频听损率高。指出保护作业人员听力的关键在于加强噪声治理,同时不应忽视个人防护。  相似文献   

本文利用职业卫生调查法对某海上设施噪声情况进行检测调查研究,评估噪声所致作业人员听力损失的风险。结果显示,该海上平台噪声作业存在听力损失极高风险的岗位为甲板工,高风险的岗位为电气操作、仪表操作和吊车司机。建议平台应采取措施加强对员工接触噪声强度的控制,减少听力损失的风险。  相似文献   

在目前尚不能全面、彻底解决噪声危害的情况下,正确选择、合理使用噪声防护用品,是防止噪声危害的重要措施。选用噪声防护用品既要考虑噪声衰减特性,又要考虑舒适感和其他优缺点,结合实际情况由使用者个人定。 噪声防护用品类型 防止噪声进入人耳的防护用品大体分两类:一类是内塞型,如耳塞等;另一类是外罩型,如耳罩等。其中耳塞购买容易,价格低廉,使用方便,应用较广。表1为国内市场上较易买到的噪声防护用品(瑞典产品除外)。 性能特点 耳塞的规格、材料不同,防噪声效果也不同。我们对上述几种耳塞作了声衰减性能的测定,结果见表2、表3。 从…  相似文献   

本文通过了解焊接过程中有害物质的类别和特点,以及不同呼吸防护用品的指定防护因数及特点,结合焊接作业的呼吸防护特殊性,分析选择更高防护等级、更高舒适性的呼吸防护用品,才能保障工人焊接作业时的呼吸安全与健康。  相似文献   

我国纺织噪声暴露现状及听力损失情况预测   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
通过对国内纺织业从业人员数量、工龄的统计和企业实地噪声情况的调查,借鉴ISO1999—1975(E)和其它相关方法预测我国纺织行业噪声暴露情况和从业人员的听力损失情况。经过预测,结果显示纺织从业人员暴露于85dB以下噪声的约有289.3万人,85~95dB约有381.2万人,高于95dB约有329.5万人;对于听力损失的预测,采用悲观和乐观法分别进行预测,结果表明约有100.57万人和21.61万人患有听力损失;结合实际调研情况对预测数据进行修正,结果表明目前我国纺织行业约有70.96万人患有听力损失。  相似文献   

噪声是由许多不同频率和不同强度的杂乱声音组合而成。噪声危害已成为当今世界各国主要的职业公害之一,噪声对人类的危害是多方面的,对听觉器官的损害最为明显。无论暴露在一次短暂的强脉冲噪声或长期反复的噪声暴露所致的听力下降,统称为噪声性听力损伤,亦称噪声性聋。  相似文献   

Hearing protectors attenuate both the background noise and the useful sounds embedded in noise such as the sounds of speech and warning signals. An effective hearing protector is one that attenuates background noise while leaving sufficient energy of speech and warning signals to reach the ear of the worker. At present, however, there are no established criteria for assessing effective change in speech-to-noise ratio caused by hearing protection devices (HPDs). One such criterion could be a change in most comfortable (listening) level (MCL) for speech caused by the presence of HPDs. In this study the HPD-related shift in MCL for speech presented in quiet was measured and compared with two measures of noise attenuation: Noise Reduction Rating (NRR) and high–medium–low (H–M–L). The results indicate that the MCL shift may be a sensitive measure of speech attenuation by HPDs, which together with the appropriate H–M–L may describe technical properties of HPDs.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to investigate occupational noise exposure and hearing defects among sawmill workers in the south of Thailand. Seven hundred sawmill workers participated, of which 335 (47.9%) were male. The mean age of the sawmill workers was 33.5 years (SD 10.2), and more than 60% were <35 years old; 75.1% of the workers had less than 5 years of work experience. Only about one in four workers (25%) had been trained in use of personal protective equipment (PPE), and half of the participants never or rarely wore PPE while working. The prevalence rate of noise-induced hearing loss (NIHL) was 22.8% (N?=?42). Male workers had significantly higher risk than female workers (odds ratio [OR]?=?2.21). Workers aged older than 25 years had significantly higher risks for NIHL (OR?=?3.51–12.42) than workers younger than 25 years. Sawing workers had higher risk for NIHL than office workers (OR?=?3.07).  相似文献   

本文介绍了关于护听器实际防护值的研究数据,和用于护听器个人防护效果验证的方法,以及3ME-A-RfitTM听力防护验证系统。研究表明,护听器的标称降噪值对其实际防护值的指示性非常差,目前也还没有一个可靠的方法来使用护听器的标称值。3ME-A-RfitTM听力防护验证系统是使用实地真耳内置麦克风(F-MIRE)方法,在实际工作现场中快速、定量地测定护听器在具体使用者身上取得的个人声衰减值(PAR),让安全管理人员对员工实际获得的防护水平有清晰的了解。  相似文献   

农民工职业危害防护需求意愿调查分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
为了调查农民工职业危害防护的具体需求意愿及他们对企业职业危害管理现状的认知,分析农民工职业危害防护需求意愿与农民工职业危害防护行为之间的关系。采用问卷调查的定量调查方法进行调查。调查对象中男性农民工409人,女性农民工157人。参与问卷调查的农民工,均接触一种及以上的职业性有害因素。调查内容包括了解公司预防和控制职业病的政策,参与公司的职业危害管理决策,实施的职业性健康安全培训、健康监护、个人防护用品的使用等预防和控制职业病的管理措施等方面,本次调查显示,农民工对于预防职业危害表现出强烈的需求愿望,且对企业的职业危害防护现况表示了不满,倾向于采取极端的行为维护自身的健康权益。但另一方面,农民工实际参与企业职业危害防护的行为率较低,与他们的需求意愿相比有明显的差距。  相似文献   

Determining the effectiveness of impulse noise attenuation with hearing protection devices (HPDs) is an important part of their selection. Measuring impulse noise parameters under an HPD would involve exposing subjects to impulses with a high peak sound pressure level. This paper presents a computational method of determining impulse noise parameters under the cups of earmuffs. Calculations are done using the transfer function of earmuffs, determined with Shaw’s electrical equivalent of an HPD, taking into account the design parameters of earmuffs. The developed method was used for calculations in the presence of impulse noise generated by gunshots. To verify the computational method, the results of these calculations were compared with the results of measurements.  相似文献   

Occupational noise specialists do not generally recommend hearing protection devices (HPDs) as a preferred solution to noise risk prevention. Nevertheless, these devices are widely used and are in fact often necessary. Selection of an HPD should take into account comfort and the capacity for perceiving external signals, when they are worn. Current European regulations require that HPD attenuation be considered, when comparing noise exposure to limit values. However, HPD attenuation is effectively unknown under real-world conditions. Some methods are designed to give approximate attenuation values and these provide results within a wide statistical range. Field measurement methods and current standards have been developed to deal with this situation. The specific characteristic of impulse noise requires establishment of dedicated criteria and tools for HPD selection and testing. This paper introduces a number of avenues for research, which could be of assistance in improving HPD selection, qualification and design.  相似文献   



With baby boomers reaching retirement age, Western countries may need more immigrant workers to ensure productivity. Many studies have suggested a higher occupational injury frequency among immigrant workers, which could considerably reduce their contribution to society. The aim of this study was to examine whether immigrant workers have a higher injury frequency compared to Finnish workers when performing the exact same tasks under the same working conditions.


A total of 176 Finnish and 130 immigrant bus drivers were asked about their occupational injuries during the past 12 months via a questionnaire. In addition, the data contained 134 injuries reported by the transport firm to an insurance company.


There was no significant difference in reporting occupational injuries by self-reporting or by company-records. Because there were more accident-repeaters among Finnish drivers, their injury frequency (114) was higher than that of immigrant drivers (78).


This study showed that immigrant workers did not have a higher injury frequency than other workers when they worked in the exact same conditions. Immigrant workers can work as safely as native-Finnish workers, when their working conditions and job contracts are at the same level as those of the original population. Immigrant workers can compensate for the shortage of workforce caused by an aging population.  相似文献   

Response times (RT) in an audio-visual target acquisition task were collected from 3 participants while wearing either circumaural earmuffs, foam earplugs, or no hearing protection. Analyses revealed that participants took significantly longer to locate and identify an audio-visual target in both hearing protector conditions than they did in the unoccluded condition, suggesting a disturbance of the cues used by listeners to localize sounds in space. RTs were significantly faster in both hearing protector conditions than in a non-audio control condition, indicating that auditory localization was not completely disrupted. Results are discussed in terms of safety issues involved with wearing hearing protectors in an occupational environment.  相似文献   

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