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正福建:加快生态文明先行示范区建设国务院近日正式印发《关于支持福建省深入实施生态省战略加快生态文明先行示范区建设的若干意见》。《意见》提出,到2015年,福建单位地区生产总值能源消耗和二氧化碳排放均比全国平均水平低20%以上,非化石能源占一次能源消费比重比全国平均水平高6个百分点;城市空气质量全部达到或优于二级标准;主要水系Ⅰ~Ⅲ类水质比例达到90%以上。  相似文献   

乌市大气 SO_2年日均值为0.207mg/m~3,超过国家二级标准39%,冬季含量是国标的2.47倍。SO_2巳上升为冬季大气的主要污染物。乌鲁木齐市年耗煤量510万吨,全年通过燃煤排放的 SO_2达7万吨以上,占全市 SO_2总排放量的80%以上,燃煤排放是 SO 主要的排放源。冬季燃煤排放 SO_24.6万吨,占全市排放量的65%以上。因此从现在开始着眼于乌市大气 SO_2的防治是改善乌市大气环境质量的战略措施。治理的途径一是改变燃料结构,大量推广使用无烟煤型煤,二是在防止二次污染,提高水的重复利用率前提下因地制宜地推广湿式除烟尘、除硫技术。  相似文献   

能源是现代社会发展的重要基础,其在社会经济发展中占有不可替代的地位。以四川省统计年鉴及相关数据资料为基础,参考美国能流图绘制了四川省2010年的能流图,并对四川省2005~2010年间的能源输入、输出、消耗,以及相应的污染物排放进行了分析,分析发现:近年来能源消费总量增长迅速,年均增长率达10.8%,能源对外依存度较高,尤其是石油。能源消耗结构有待进一步优化,传统化石能源所占比重偏高,2010年达77.18%。同时构建了能源-社会经济-环境复合系统能流分析指标,分析了2005~2010年四川省能源、经济、环境两两子系统及三者系统之间的协调度,结果显示:四川省能源-经济-环境系统协调度不断上升,2010年三者综合协调度0.97238。最后根据能流分析、污染物排放水平、协调度分析等结果,提出了四川省能源发展战略、能流的优化管理、节能减排等对策建议。  相似文献   

中原经济区能源消费视角下的大气环境压力评估   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0       下载免费PDF全文
研究以能源消费模式为切入点,分析中原经济区能源消费总量、消费结构和利用效率的现状水平,并分析能源消费引起的大气环境压力状况。基于经济发展速度调控及节能减排力度的不同,设置2020年三种能源消费情景,使用区域能源消费总量优化模型模拟预测不同情景下的能源消费总量,并分析不同情景下的大气环境压力。结果表明,快速发展和适度发展Ⅰ情景下,2020年区域能源消费总量将比2012年增加4.2×10~8tce和2.4×10~8tce,煤炭消费总量将增加3.1×10~8tce和1.2×10~8tce,大气污染物排放压力增加30%和50%;适度发展Ⅱ情景下,能源消费总量将增加0.2×10~8tce,煤炭消费总量将下降0.3×10~8tce,大气污染物排放压力将降低20%。因此,要实现经济发展稳步增长(年均增长率7.7%)和大气污染物排放总量削减10%目标,重中之重是实现煤炭消费总量"零增长"或"负增长",同时力争能源消费总量控制在5×10~8~6×10~8tce,凭借煤炭占比大幅下降(降至65%左右)最大限度发挥能源供给领域节能效应,依靠产业结构升级节能效应和技术节能拓展能源消费领域节能空间,将能效水平提高至0.6tce/万元以下。  相似文献   

20 0 2年 ,在国内生产总值比上年增长 8%、人口自然增长 6 4 5‰的情况下 ,全国各项主要污染物排放量都比上年有所减少 ,呈持续减少趋势。2 0 0 2年 ,全国废水排放总量为 4 39 5× 10 8t ,比上年增加 1 5 %。其中工业废水排放量 2 0 7 2× 10 8t,占废水排放总量的 4 7 1% ;城镇生活污水排放量 2 32 3× 10 8t ,占废水排放总量的 5 2 9%。废水中COD排放量 136 7× 10 4 t,比上年减少 2 7%。其中工业废水中COD排放量 5 84× 10 4 t ,占COD排放总量的 4 2 7% ;城镇生活污水中COD排放量 783× 10 4 t ,占COD排放总量的 5 7 3%。废水…  相似文献   

根据《“十二五”主要污染物总量控制规划编制技术指南》提供的公式,预测社会经济发展主要参数,包括GDP、能源消费总量、煤炭消费量等指标。二氧化硫新增量预测以宏观测算方法为主,并按行业测算方法予以校核。宏观测算分为火电行业和非电力行业,结果为1.419万t;分行业预测分为石化、建材(水泥)、有色、冶金和其他行业,结果为1.774万t,两者预测偏差为25%,采用分行业预测结果作为2015年二氧化硫新增量预测。  相似文献   

广西沿海市政排污口污水主要来源于城市生活污水和工业废水,2011年监测结果显示全年排放废水7033万t,排放污染物4236t,排污口超标率95.83%,普遍超标因子为磷酸盐、生化需氧量、化学需氧量和氨氮,分别占84.20%、66.67%、52.60%、50.00%。根据调查结果,分析了超标原因,提出了防治对策。  相似文献   

正【环境新闻】我国可再生能源占能源消费的比重尚不足10%加剧雾霾天气产生我国部分地区连续爆发雾霾天气,不合理的能源结构,特别是燃煤过度排放,是加剧雾霾天气的重要原因。我国煤炭消费占能源消费总量的67%,占全球煤炭消费量的40%,仍以年均5%的速度增长。与此形成对比的是我国可再生能源占能源消费的比重尚不足10%,且弃风、弃水问题突出。因此,加快转变能源利用方式,  相似文献   

本研究利用2010年污染源普查数据和MEIC排放清单建立全国大气污染物高时空分辨率排放清单,在此基础上利用2012年环境统计数据对其进行修订建立2012年全国大气污染物高时空分辨率排放清单;结合《大气污染防治行动计划》(以下简称《计划》)研究工作,测算了《计划》实施后在污染源综合治理、落后产能淘汰、能源结构调整方面对SO2、NOx、颗粒物、VOCs的减排量,同时对污染物新增量进行了预测,建立了《计划》实施后全国大气污染物高时空分辨率排放清单;利用CMAQ空气质量模型模拟分析了《计划》实施的空气质量改善效果。结果表明:《计划》实施后,将可以减少641万吨SO2、859万吨NOx、547万吨颗粒物(不含扬尘污染控制)、627万吨VOCs,全国、京津冀、长三角及珠三角区域PM2.5年均浓度将分别比2012年下降22.08%、33.99%、23.98%、24.04%。如果《计划》要求全部落实,可以实现空气质量改善目标。  相似文献   

采用1995—2013年分燃料品种化石燃料燃烧消耗量数据,对山西省化石燃料燃烧CO2排放量进行核算,并分析其变化趋势。结果表明:山西省化石燃料燃烧CO2排放总量呈持续上升趋势,煤、油、气排放占比平均分别为95.0%、4.3%、0.7%;单位能源消耗碳排放强度远远高于同期全国及世界平均水平;单位地区生产总值碳排放强度显著下降,但仍远高于全国平均水平;人均碳排放强度呈显著上升趋势。基于上述分析,进一步提出了山西省减少碳排放的对策建议。  相似文献   

Primary steelmaking involves CO2-intensive processes, but the expansion of secondary steel production is limited by the global availability of steel scrap. The present work examines global scrap consumption in the past (1870–2012) and future scrap availability (2013–2050) based on the historical trend. The results reveal that (i) historically, the consumption of old scrap has been insufficient compared with the amounts of discarded steel, and (ii) based on historical scrap consumption, the future availability of scrap will not be sufficient to satisfy the two assumed cases of steel demand. Primary steelmaking is expected to remain the dominant process, at least up until 2050. Under the reference-demand case of 2.19 billion tons in crude steel production by 2050, the total production of pig iron and direct reduced iron could reach 1.35 billion tons. Consumption of old scrap could reach 0.76 billion tons. Because the availability of scrap will be limited in the context of the global total, it is important to research and develop innovative low-carbon technologies for primary steelmaking and to explore their economic viability if we are to aim for achieving large reductions in CO2 emissions from the iron and steel industry.  相似文献   

Turkey's primary energy resources seem limited as indigenous energy production meets nearly 31 % of the total primary energy demand. But the growth of Turkey's industry gives rise to a substantial increase in energy demand. Final energy consumption grew from 52.6 Mtoe (million tons of oil equivalent) in the year 1990 to 78.4 Mtoe in the year 2002. Industrial demand accounts for about 41.6 % of the final energy demand in Turkey. Basic metal industries, non-metallic material products and chemical and petroleum products have the highest energy consumption in industrial sector. In this work, industrial energy consumption and energy consumption of different indsutrial subsectors in Turkey are investigated.  相似文献   

中国政府承诺CO2排放力争于2030年前达到峰值,努力争取2060年前实现碳中和。在工业部门深化应对气候变化和全面推进绿色转型的背景下,数量庞大的工业园区已然成为"十四五"乃至今后一个时期工业领域实现科学、精准碳减排的关键靶点。本研究首先剖析了中国工业园区低碳发展面临的挑战与机遇;进而以2015年为基准年,面向2035和2050年美丽中国建设两阶段战略目标,研究提出了工业园区碳减排的目标、路径和潜力,以期为园区深化低碳发展提供决策参考。研究显示,2015年中国工业园区CO2排放总量约为28亿吨,占全国总排放量的31%。通过产业结构调整、能效提升、能源结构优化、碳捕集等低碳路径,2015-2050年全国园区预期可减排CO2 18亿吨,在2015年基础上减排60%以上;其中,2015-2035年减排8亿吨,2035-2050年减排10亿吨。  相似文献   

Plug-in hybrid electric vehicles (PHEVs) have the potential to be an economic means of reducing direct (or tailpipe) carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions from the transportation sector. However, without a climate policy that places a limit on CO2 emissions from the electric generation sector, the net impact of widespread deployment of PHEVs on overall U.S. CO2 emissions is not as clear. A comprehensive analysis must consider jointly the transportation and electricity sectors, along with feedbacks to the rest of the energy system. In this paper, we use the Pacific Northwest National Laboratory's MiniCAM model to perform an integrated economic analysis of the penetration of PHEVs and the resulting impact on total U.S. CO2 emissions. In MiniCAM, the deployment of PHEVs (or any technology) is determined based on its relative economics compared to all other methods of providing fuels and energy carriers to serve passenger transportation demands. Under the assumptions used in this analysis where PHEVs obtain 50–60% of the market for passenger automobiles and light-duty trucks, the ability to deploy PHEVs under the two climate policies modelled here results in over 400 million tons (MT) CO2 per year of additional cost-effective emissions reductions from the U.S. economy by 2050. In addition to investments in nuclear and renewables, one of the key technology options for mitigating emissions in the electric sector is CO2 capture and storage (CCS). The additional demand for geologic CO2 storage created by the introduction of the PHEVs is relatively modest: approximately equal to the cumulative geologic CO2 storage demanded by two to three large 1000 megawatt (MW) coal-fired power plants using CCS over a 50-year period. The introduction of PHEVs into the U.S. transportation sector, coupled with climate policies such as those examined here, could also reduce U.S. demand for oil by 20–30% by 2050 compared to today's levels.  相似文献   

孙建卫  黄贤金 《四川环境》2007,26(5):79-82,92
本文将物质减量图解应用于工业系统的资源环境减量投入上,对南京市工业系统1986~2004年的资源环境的使用强度和减量化水平进行了计算和分析。结果表明,南京市工业系统的资源环境使用强度在评价期间逐年降低,2004年的工业用水、能源消耗、废水排放、废气排放和“固废”排放的强度分别为1986年的18.14%、15.14%、4.36%、14.95%、15.72%;在评价期间南京市工业系统只有工业废水实现了绝对减量排放;而水耗、能耗、废气排放和“固废”排放四项指标均没有实现绝对减量,致使在此期间南京市工业系统水耗增加了384100.66万吨,能耗增加了1409.32万标准吨煤,废气排放量增加19852018.00万立方米,“固废”增加排放603.26万吨。  相似文献   

China has laid out an ambitious strategy for developing its vast shale gas reserves. This study developed an input–output based hybrid life-cycle inventory model to estimate the energy use, water consumption, and air emissions implications of shale gas infrastructure development in China over the period 2013–2020, including well drilling and operation, land rig and fracturing fleet manufacture, and pipeline construction. Multiple scenarios were analyzed based on different combinations of well development rates, well productivities, and success rates. Results suggest that 700–5100 petajoules (PJ) of primary energy will be required for shale gas infrastructure development, while the net primary energy yield of shale gas production over 2013–2020 was estimated at 1650–7150 PJ, suggesting a favorable energy balance. Associated emissions of CO2e were estimated at 80–580 million metric tons, and were primarily attributable to coal-fired electricity generation, fugitive methane, and flaring of methane during shale gas processing and transmission. Direct water consumption was estimated at 20–720 million metric tons. The largest sources of energy use and emissions for infrastructure development were the metals, mining, non-metal mineral products, and power sectors, which should be the focus of energy efficiency initiatives to reduce the impacts of shale gas infrastructure development moving forward.  相似文献   

The International Energy Agency Energy Technologies Perspectives (ETP) model is used to assess the prospects for carbon abatement options, including carbon capture and storage, up to 2050. Three main scenarios are considered: a Baseline scenario with current energy policies, an accelerated technology scenario that seeks to return energy-related CO2 emissions in 2050 to their level in 2005, and a scenario for which CO2 emissions are reduced at 50% of current levels by 2050. To reach these emissions reduction targets, annual global CO2 emissions in the year 2050 must be reduced by 35 GtCO2 to 48 GtCO2 compared to the Baseline scenario. The analysis presented here shows that a broad portfolio of emissions reducing technologies will need to be deployed across all economic sectors of the global economy to reach these targets. Carbon dioxide capture and storage (CCS) is one of the suite of technologies employed across the globe to reach these targets. CCS adoption occurs in many aspects of the global economy and accounts for 14–19% of all emissions reductions. The total amount of CO2 captured and stored in deep geologic reservoirs up to 2050 ranges between 5.1 GtCO2 and 10.4 GtCO2 in these two climate policy scenarios. Up to 2030, more than half of total CCS deployment takes place in OECD countries. After 2035, emerging economies account for more than half of total CCS use. This paper also demonstrates that as the climate policy becomes more stringent it will be necessary for CCS to deploy more extensively in many different industries outside of the electric power sector which often receives the most attention in discussions of CCS's role in addressing climate change.  相似文献   

本文运用碳折算系数法和投入产出模型测算了1990—2018年中国30个省(区、市)城镇居民食物消费的人均直接碳排放、人均家庭间接碳排放和人均产业间接碳排放,并运用探索性空间数据分析(ESDA)对总碳排放的空间特征进行分析。研究表明:1990—2018年中国30个省(区、市)人均间接碳排放在研究期内呈增长趋势,人均产业碳排放增长幅度最大且始终处于主导地位,大部分地区的人均直接碳排放增长较为缓慢;人均碳排放和总碳排放都呈显著增长趋势,人均碳排放的增长幅度宁夏>新疆>上海>浙江>青海>北京,甘肃最小,总碳排放增长幅度广东>浙江>山东>江苏>河北>上海,吉林最低;总碳排放在大部分年份呈正的空间相关性,整体上呈"M"形波动;局部空间自相关分析结果表明,食物消费总碳排放存在高高型和低高型两种,且2000年及以后高高型稳定在上海、江苏、浙江地区。最后,本文依据实证结果对如何降低城镇居民食物消费碳排放提出了相应的政策建议。  相似文献   

For the first time since the mid-1960s, China became a net oil importer in 1993. That the country will remain a net oil importer is inevitable and probably irreversible for the foreseeable future. In the period to 2000, its crude oil production is projected to increase only 2% annually, while demand for refined oil products is expected to grow at 6.6% per annum. As a result, China's net oil imports are expected to reach 1.3 million barrels per day in 2000, accounting for almost one-third of its projected oil consumption. Most of the imports will come from the Middle East, and China's dependence on Middle Eastern oil is expected to increase significantly in the future .  相似文献   

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