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以湖北省1 086个农户调研数据为研究对象,利用Logit回归模型、中介效应检验模型和调节效应检验模型,围绕政策激励、价值认同对农户有机肥施用行为的影响机制问题进行了深入探讨。结果表明:(1)农户有机肥施用行为受到政策宣传、政府补贴、法规约束、环境危机意识和生态环境改善等多个因素影响;(2)环境危机意识、生态环境改善和农耕文明传承在政策宣传与农户有机肥施用行为之间起中介作用,生态环境改善在法规约束与农户有机肥施用行为之间起中介作用;(3)政府补贴增强了环境危机意识与农户有机肥施用行为之间的正向关系。基于此,创新发展以农业绿色生产为导向的绿色补贴,积极开展当前我国农业发展所面临的形势教育,转变只注重技术如何使用的传统技术推广方式,以便调动农户有机肥施用积极性,实现农业绿色发展。  相似文献   

对我国农业废弃物资源化利用的思考   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
对我国农业废弃物的资源化利用状况进行了综述分析与探讨,指出当前我国在农业废弃物利用方面尚存在诸多问题,包括农业废弃物产生量巨大且总量不清、农业废弃物粗放低效利用且闲置状况严重、农业废弃物利用技术与产业化水平滞后,以及农业废弃物利用相关的政策法规与社会化服务体系不健全等问题,同时,总结指出了我国农业废弃物资源化利用的几个发展方向,即向能源化、肥料化、饲料化、材料化、基质化和生态化发展.在此基础上提出了我国农业废弃物资源化发展的对策措施,包括:(1)建立与健全农业废弃物资源化利用与无害化处理相关的政策法规;(2)结合新农村建设,加大资金扶持力度,加强农业废弃物利用的基础设施建设;(3)加快推动农业废弃物资源化利用的产业化进程,大力发展循环经济;(4)鼓励和推动农业废弃物资源化利用技术的创新研究、示范与推广工作.  相似文献   

制约我国绿色食品发展的重要因素之一是其生态环境成本难以通过市场来兑现。为解决这一问题,文章以生态补偿为突破口,首先从理论上明确绿色食品生产具有正外部性,政府对其生产企业或农户进行补偿具有合理性和必要性,然后进一步探讨其制度构建与政策设计。(1)构建一个包括政府、生产者、消费者三方的博弈模型,着重分析绿色食品供需过程中、政府影响下生产者和消费者的利益动机和博弈行为。模型结果显示,存在能够满足绿色食品供需平衡的1个纯战略纳什均衡解和1个混合战略纳什均衡解,这两个纳什均衡解的实现条件均要求政府对绿色食品生产者提供补偿和对消费者实施优惠政策。(2)利用C-D生产函数建构的利润函数和恢复费用法探讨绿色食品生产补偿标准范围,结果表明最低补偿标准应满足生产者生产绿色食品和生产普通食品利润相等,而最高补偿标准则应对绿色食品生产中创造的环境效益进行支付。(3)文章最后从“建立经济政策支持体系,构筑科技进步支撑体系,完善品牌质量保障体系,培育产业化生产体系”等4方面提出了现阶段我国绿色食品生产补偿的政策建议。  相似文献   

农户经营行为及其对生态环境的影响   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
陈利顶  马岩 《生态环境》2007,16(2):691-697
20世纪70年代我国农村实行了家庭联产承包责任制,使农户成为了农业生产经营最基本单元,对农户经营行为的研究是解决“三农”问题的基础。农户不合理的经济活动与生态环境恶化有着直接的、必然的联系。从农户的经营行为动机出发,分析影响农户经济行为的主要因素及其对生态环境的影响已成为热点问题。农户经营行为与环境保护的矛盾主要表现在三个方面:(1)农户经营行为的短期性与环境影响的长期性;(2)农户经营行为的个体性与环境资源的共享性;(3)农户经营行为的针对性与环境政策的普适性。今后进一步研究的热点领域包括四个方面,其一是农户经营行为的政策影响机制研究;其二是对农户经营行为的环境影响过程的跟踪研究;其三是对农户经营行为环境影响的定量模拟研究;其四是探讨基于生态环境保护的农户经营行为最佳模式。改善生态环境的根本在于建立人类与自然界的和谐关系,使人们在追求经济效益的同时,考虑社会效益和生态环境效益。  相似文献   

地膜是重要的农业生产资料,但长期以来重使用、轻回收,造成我国部分地区地膜残留污染问题日益严重。利用云南省9个典型农业县(区)入户调查获得的963份问卷数据,从认知因素和经济因素2个方面运用二元Logistic回归模型探究农户地膜回收决策影响因素,并分析认知因素和经济因素的主要来源。结果表明:(1)认知因素和经济因素均显著影响农户地膜回收决策,经济因素对农户地膜回收行为的促进作用更大。(2)农户年龄、政府宣传、农户对残膜污染的直接认知、家庭经济状况和政策支持对农户地膜回收决策起正向促进作用;家庭农业从业劳动力人数对农户地膜回收决策起负向促进作用;农户个体特征中性别和文化程度对地膜回收决策的影响不显著。(3)政府宣传和政策支持在农户地膜回收决策中起到关键影响作用。  相似文献   

农村面源污染控制不仅是技术问题,也是管理体制与机制问题,探讨并完善农村面源污染治理的政策、管理与服务体系已成为当前研究的热点与难点。以上海郊区农村为例,梳理总结农村面源污染及其控制现状;在肯定当前治理效果的同时,识别其局限性,指出农业政策与环境保护政策的不协调、农村发展模式转变下制度与服务体系的相对滞后是根本原因;针对当前农村面源污染重要的贡献者——化肥、农药、畜禽粪便以及农村生活污水,分别从改革农业补贴制度、重构实现农村多重价值的制度以及完善农业生产服务体系等方面给出了治理的对策与建议。  相似文献   

农业废弃物生物黑炭转化还田作为低碳农业途径的探讨   总被引:31,自引:0,他引:31  
生物黑炭是有机废弃物转化的稳定性碳物质.国际农业废弃物生物黑炭转化技术研究日益活跃,并正在进行农田增汇减排的试验示范.文章介绍了生物黑炭技术发展的背景,以及生物黑炭技术转化和应用研究的国际动态,讨论了生物黑炭技术在应对气候变化中对农业生产和固碳减排的潜在作用,并分析将其纳入国际碳贸易市场和国内自主减排碳交易市场的可能性.最后,提出我国开展农作物废弃物生物黑炭转化与农业应用研究的建议.  相似文献   

绿色化生产作为农业可持续发展的主要方式,不但为政府所提倡,更是农业发展的未来导向,农户是否自觉采用绿色化生产技术关乎未来农业可持续发展的进展情况。利用山东、湖北两省的农户调查数据和全国合作社调查数据,分析了家庭经济水平对农户自觉采用绿色化生产技术的影响。结果表明:家庭经济水平是制约农户自觉采用绿色化生产技术的重要因素,提高农户的家庭经济水平有利于增强农户实施秸秆还田和减少普通农药施用的生态自觉性。然而,农户减少普通化肥施用的生态自觉性普遍较低,改变农户的传统观念,提高其生态自觉性,促使农户合理施用化肥尤为重要。同时,务农年限、绿色认知、种植面积、家庭总人口、技术指导和地域差异也会影响农户绿色化生产技术采纳的生态自觉性。对此,政府应着力于农户收入多元化发展,努力提高其家庭经济水平,在此基础上积极培育新型职业农民,因地制宜加大新型实用农机研发力度,以此促进农户生态自觉性的养成与提高。  相似文献   

对三峡库首地区秭归、兴山、巴东等县人口、耕地资源和农业生产力状况进行了统计,并选择库区典型乡镇移民户作为调查对象,点面结合地分析了移民安置对三峡库首地区人口、耕地资源和生态环境状况的影响。结果表明,移民搬迁过程中,库首地区各县乡镇总人口降低,蓄水影响到的移民户基本都得到了妥善安置,农村劳动力资源未明显下降;三峡工程蓄水后,库首地区低海拔区域的耕地被淹没,农村可用耕地总量减少,人地资源矛盾比较突出;在耕地总量和人均耕地面积降低情况下,秭归县粮食、柑橘和蔬菜种植面积和产量仍稳步提高,库区农业生产保持稳步发展;移民搬迁以后,库首地区农村的居住环境、住宅条件、生活条件和交通条件均较移民前有明显改善,农户普遍评价较好,淹水对农村生态环境状况有一定影响,存在自然灾害和病虫害增多、农村废弃物处理设施不足等问题,库区生态环境问题应引起政府的足够重视。  相似文献   

作为当前我国稻作地区农户广泛采纳的生态农业模式之一,水稻-小龙虾(稻虾)共作模式中农户农资投入减量化行为及其影响因素的研究对农田资源高效利用和农业可持续发展具有重要意义。以江苏省3市589个采用稻虾共作模式的农户为样本,基于农户行为选择理论和结构方程模型,分析稻虾共作模式中农户农资(化肥、农药和饲料)投入减量化行为及其关键影响因素。结果表明,在稻虾共作模式中,大部分农户倾向于减少化肥、农药和饲料的投入;农户对稻虾共作模式的认知和外部环境对农户农资投入减量化行为有显著正向影响,且对稻虾共作模式认知的影响程度大于外部环境;农户对稻虾共作模式能否减少农资投入的认知、对过量农资投入会污染环境的认知、农技部门指导、农业保险、农业补贴及邻里效应等因素对农户农资投入减量化行为均有显著影响。最后提出应提高农户的综合资本禀赋、加强农技部门指导和培训、完善扶持政策和奖惩机制、做大做强稻虾公用品牌等政策建议。  相似文献   

水体环境中天然有机质腐殖酸研究进展   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
王亚军  马军 《生态环境》2012,(6):1155-1165
腐殖酸作为一种资源广泛存在于自然界中,它是影响环境生态平衡的重要因素,也是潜在的、可大力开发和综合利用的有机资源。腐殖酸类物质具有多种活性官能团,具有酸性、亲水性、界面活性、阳离子交换能力、络合作用及吸附分散能力。腐殖酸概念、理论出现了重大突破,已从传统腐殖酸重点或仅研究腐殖酸自身发生中的物质流动、能量转化规律,同时着眼研究腐殖酸与土壤、水体和生物多界面的环境过程和机理。文章主要以水环境为例,天然有机质研究历史、化学结构,对环境污染物效应和去除技术等几个方面的研究进展进行了简要的总结;对现代腐殖酸的研究趋势进行了展望。  相似文献   

Humic and fulvic acids are present in nearly all natural waters. These acids are known to affect the transport of environmental contaminants such as metals and hydrophobic organics through the terrestrial environment. an understanding of their role in the transport of contaminants is therefore essential and is facilitated if the acid is labelled with a suitable radioactive label. This paper reports the use of 14C-methylamine and 125I to label humic acid with either 14C or 125I and investigates factors which affect the yield of these reactions. the stability and mobility of the labelled humic material through sand is also reported.  相似文献   

腐殖质的光化学降解及其对环境污染物环境行为的影响   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
腐殖质是地表环境中最重要的有机组分,也是生态环境中最主要的吸光物质之一,对环境污染物的形态、迁移、毒性和生物可利用性有着重要的影响。文章综述了腐殖质的结构特征和光化学降解反应过程和机理,指出腐殖质的光敏化和光化学降解过程对环境污染物的环境行为和归宿有重要的影响。通常,腐殖质的光敏化作用在低质量浓度下,尤其在一定铁离子的协同作用下可促进有机污染物的降解,但高质量浓度的腐殖质由于其本身的吸光作用以及参与自由基的竞争则抑制有机污染物的降解。腐殖质的光化学降解过程降低了环境体系的pH和腐殖质的分子量、破坏了腐殖质的芳环结构、改变了紫外和可见光区域的吸收等,导致其与重金属离子和有机污染物结合能力的下降,造成水体或颗粒态中游离的污染物质量浓度增加,对生态系统将造成更大的危害。目前对腐殖质和环境污染物本身的光化学降解机理已较为清晰,今后应加强对自然水体或土壤系统中腐殖质光化学降解的影响因素,腐殖质光化学降解过程中结构特性的变化机理,以及腐殖质的结构特性与环境污染物结合性质之间的构效关系等方面的研究。特别是随着平流层臭氧空洞的增加,增强了到达地球表面的紫外线强度,研究紫外线增强对腐殖质和有机污染物的降解以及对生态系统的影响可进一步深刻理解太阳光辐射对污染物环境行为和归宿的影响。  相似文献   

Sea water was collected at several stations in the Bay of Lim at a depth of one meter below the surface, and before analysis, was filtered with 0.45-μm Millipore filters. Shallow water sediments were collected at the same locations. Humic acids used in this work were separated from near-shore sediments taken from various saline waters of the Bay of Lim. The prepared humic acids were then analysed for their elementary composition and also for positions of their hydrolytic products to obtain more data on how and to which characteristic part, the trace elements were related. The hydrolysis of humic acids was done by chemical methods in order to obtain four main components: amino acids, sugars, phenols and condensed benzene core. Neutron activation analysis was used for trace element analysis in evaporated portions of filtered sea water, sediments, soil, living organisms, humic acids and their hydrolytic products. This work was undertaken to obtain more data on the organic matter present in sediments and in seagrass flats, and also to collect more data on trace elements that are associated with typical and representative samples for the Bay of Lim. Analyses of trace elements associated with either humic acids or their hydrolytic products were performed with the purpose of gaining evidence as to which part of humic acids metals are bound. Humic acids or their decomposition products play an important role in the distribution and availability of a number of essential or nonessential trace elements. Results of this work indicate that humic acids influence the process of redistribution of trace elements in the investigated local coastal area.  相似文献   

Humic substances are natural compounds abundantly present in the environment. They play a significant role in the natural attenuation of pollution in surface water due to their capacity to generate reactive species upon solar light excitation. Finding physico chemical parameters related to this property would be of a great help in the prediction studies of the organic pollutants fate. In this work, we investigated relationships between the ability of the humic substances to produce singlet oxygen and their fluorescence properties. For this, a series of sixteen humic acids, fulvic acids, and water-extractable organic matter from soils were studied. The steady-state singlet oxygen concentrations in the irradiated humic substances solutions were measured by monitoring the loss of furfuryl alcohol added as a singlet oxygen scavenger. The emission spectra of the sixteen samples were also recorded. Values of the steady-state singlet oxygen concentrations and the emission intensities showed significant variations among the humic samples and a parallel increase. Thus, here we demonstrate that the rate of singlet oxygen production and the emission intensity of the humic samples are correlated, the best correlation being obtained for emission wavelengths between 500 and 580 nm. This correlation which was never reported until now can be used to estimate the singlet oxygen-production capacity of the humic substances based on their fluorescent properties.  相似文献   

First determination of Cu adsorption on soil humin   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Humic substances are heterogeneous mixtures of organic compounds occurring in huge amounts mainly in waters, soils, sediments and organic wastes. They are formed during the decay of living organisms. They play a very important role in many environmental processes including carbon sequestration, water cleaning and retention, soil erosion, fertility and pollutant retention. However, due to their complex nature, humic substances are still poorly characterized and much less known than living matter. Humin is the most insoluble and, in turn, the least understood fraction of humic substances. To our knowledge, no information is currently available on the adsorption and desorption behaviors of metal ions on soil humin. Here, we report the adsorption and desorption properties of Cu(II) on humin and humic acids isolated from a forest soil in northeast China using the batch equilibration method. Solid-state 13C cross-polarization magic angle spinning nuclear magnetic resonance (13C CPMAS NMR) spectroscopy was used to characterize and compare the chemical structures of humin and humic acid. The batch experiments’ results show that humin has a lower adsorption capacity and higher adsorption reversibility for Cu(II) than humic acid. The adsorption isotherms well fitted both the Langmuir and Freundlich equations. Humin, therefore, plays an important role in controlling the fate, transport and bioavailability of Cu(II) in the environment. The 13C CPMAS NMR spectra showed that compared with humic acid, humin was higher in alkyl C, carbohydrate C and phenolic C and was lower in methoxyl C, aryl C and carbonyl C. These findings mean that humin was less alkylated, more aliphatic and more hydrophobic.  相似文献   

Humic substances from soils and sediments can be defined as surface active substances based on the surface tension measurements. Although there are several micellar structural models of humic substances currently available, few studies evaluating humic substances as surfactants have been conducted to date. Therefore, we evaluated the ability of humic substances and their derivatives to influence surface tension. We found that the ability of a humic substance to influence the surface tension of a solution depends on its origin. Many industrially produced humic materials exerted little or no impact on surface tension, whereas humic substances isolated from natural environments (water, soil, peat, sediments, sludge from wastewater treatment facilities) exerted a large impact on surface tension. These findings indicate that the modification of humic substances can enable their use as surfactants. In addition, these findings indicate that solutions of humic substances and their derivatives can be used to increase the solubility of organic compounds.  相似文献   

Humic acids (HA) didn’t cause obvious reverse osmosis (RO) membrane fouling in 45 h. Osmotic pressure (NaCl) affected slightly the RO membrane fouling behavior of HA. Ca2+ promoted aggregation of HA molecules and thus aggravated RO membrane fouling. Ozonation eliminated the effect of Ca2+ on the RO membrane fouling behavior of HA. The change of the structure of HA was related to its membrane fouling behavior. Humic acid has been considered as one of the most significant sources in feed water causing organic fouling of reverse osmosis (RO) membranes, but the relationship between the fouling behavior of humic acid and the change of its molecular structure has not been well developed yet. In this study, the RO membrane fouling behavior of humic acid was studied systematically with ozonation as a pretreatment method to control RO membrane fouling. Furthermore, the effect of ozone on the structure of humic acid was also explored to reveal the mechanisms. Humic acid alone (10–90 mg/L, in deionized water) was found not to cause obvious RO membrane fouling in 45-h operation. However, the presence of Ca2+ aggravated significantly the RO membrane fouling caused by humic acid, with significant flux reduction and denser fouling layer on RO membrane, as it was observed by scanning electron microscope (SEM) and atomic force microscope (AFM). However, after the pretreatment by ozone, the influence of Ca2+ was almost eliminated. Further analysis revealed that the addition of Ca2+ increased the particle size of humic acid solution significantly, while ozonation reduced the SUVA254, particle size and molecular weight of the complexes of humic acid and Ca2+ (HA-Ca2+ complexes). According to these results and literature, the bridge effect of Ca2+ aggregating humic acid molecules and the cleavage effect of ozone breaking HA-Ca2+ complexes were summarized. The change of the structure of humic acid under the effect of Ca2+ and ozone is closely related to the change of its membrane fouling behavior.  相似文献   

The sunscreen UV filter 2-phenylbenzimidazole-5-sulfonic acid (PBSA) is an emerging pollutant recently detected in surface waters. PBSA is photolabile in pure water and sunscreen cream. PBSA photoinduces DNA damages. However, the photochemical behavior and environmental persistence of PBSA are not well known. Here, we studied the photochemical transformation of PBSA in sea and continental waters. Results show that photodegradation is dependent on water constituents. Whereas low concentrations of humic acids accelerate PBSA photodegradation slightly, high concentrations of humic acids inhibit the photodegradation. Colloidal organic matters of high molecular weights are the main water constituents inhibiting photodegradation. The estimated solar photolytic half-life of PBSA at environmental concentration levels ranged from 3?days from June to August to 35?days in December. Findings show that PBSA is not persistent in waters that are low in colloidal organic matters.  相似文献   


Humic substances play empirically several essential functions in biogeochemical cycles such as storage of carbon, pollutants, nutrients and water, yet the underlying mechanisms remain poorly known because their precise molecular structure is largely unknown so far. Here, we extracted humic substances from biomass waste of bell pepper, fennel, artichoke, coffee ground, coffee husks, and nursery residues. We analyzed humic extracts by ultra-high resolution Orbitrap Fusion Lumos Tribrid 1 M mass spectrometry, using both positive photoionization and negative electrospray ionization modes, and by 13C cross polarization/magic angle spinning nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy. We identified 5000–7000 unique organic compounds in humic substances by integrating photoionization with electrospray ionization. The chemical distribution of all components was depicted by nuclear magnetic resonance. Humic substances from green composts are composed by a wide variety of hydrophilic and hydrophobic moieties, thus providing the required biosurfactant properties for effective soil washing capacities, with carboxyl-rich alicyclic molecules, fatty acids, and phenolic acids as major constituents. Overall, our findings provide a major insight in the molecular structure of humic substances, thus opening research on mechanisms ruling the origin, fate and behavior of humic substances.


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