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正乡愁(Nostalgia)是浪漫主义的一个重要内容,是现代性的产物,是现代化生产出来的一种情绪。人们对乡村有着爱恨情仇的矛盾和复杂的感情:乡村既是逃离的对象,又是眷恋的对象。乡村曾经遭受了诅咒,然而,当人们进入城市之后,乡村被对象化,成为了相对遥远的"风景",转变为审美和抒情的对象。乡村和城市的分裂和对立造成了现代的病态和创痛。人们在乡村和城市之间游弋徘徊,充满了矛盾和困惑。任何片面地赋予城市或乡村优先价值都是偏颇的。只有当乡村和城市获得和解,重新建立亲密的关系,工业生产和农业生产、体力劳动和脑力劳动的分裂被克服,人类才能重建健全的人性和社会。  相似文献   

底泥的氮、磷释放及其微生物影响的研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
张恒军  吴群河 《环境技术》2003,41(Z1):20-23
氮和磷在自然界的循环已经引起了人们的关注,一方面因为氮和磷是生态系统中必不可少的营养元素,另一方面过剩的氮和磷会导致水域的富营养化 ,从而使生态平衡遭受破坏.本文综述了水体沉积物中氮和磷受微生物作用进行释放的影响,以及国内外的研究历史和现状.总结了氮磷微生物代谢的特点,并阐述了与传统认识相区别的最新发现和思想.本文试图从理论上说明微生物的氮磷释放机理,通过生物化学和分子动力的角度解释了细菌对氮磷的吸收和释放,即质子动势理论和Pho调控理论.目前,这一领域研究的热点是为了特殊的使用用途对于高效微生物的分离鉴别和组合培养,和对氮磷代谢的影响因素.  相似文献   

龚慧明 《绿叶》2012,(3):14-20
作为一种全新的消费产品,新能源汽车需要一定的时间周期才能被消费者接受和认可。在这一过程中,相关的产业政策不仅应该侧重于技术研发的支持和公平竞争的维护,更需要强化产品跟踪评估和质量监管方面的精细化管理,并依据评估和监管的结果,及时调整政策的支持方向和力度,才能促进新能源汽车的商业化和产业化进程。  相似文献   

为实现深度脱水污泥的改性和资源化利用,以上海某城市污水处理厂的两种不同含水率的深度脱水污泥A和B为例,通过向污泥中掺混土壤,研究土壤对污泥含水率、有机质、抗压强度、恶臭和植物毒性等的影响,探索其用作填埋场封场覆盖绿化用土的可行性.结果表明,掺混土壤可明显降低污泥含水率、有机质和臭气强度,并显著提高其抗压强度和种子发芽率,且相关性分析表明,土壤对污泥的有机质、臭气强度和浸出液种子发芽率的改善效果较强;当土壤添加量分别为60%和30%时,污泥A和B的抗压强度可分别由32.99kPa和196.67kPa的初始值增加至117.6kPa和227.5kPa,臭气强度可由4.5级和4级下降至2级和1.5级,浸出液白菜种子发芽率可由50%和56.7%增加至90%和80%.改性后的污泥A和B均能满足填埋场封场覆盖绿化用土的要求,实现其资源化利用.  相似文献   

基于1995—2008年统计数据,从洲际和客源国两个层面入手,分析客源地进出口贸易总额和入境客流总量的关系,选取1995—2008年我国同各洲(国)的进出口贸易和入境客流量的案板数据,建立入境客流量和进出口贸易总额的统计方程,分析两者间的相互关系。同时,分析了贸易市场占有率和客源市场占有率的关系,选取1995—2008年对外贸易和入境旅游的相关数据,计算出各洲(国)贸易和客源的市场占有率,分析其变化规律。  相似文献   

社会组织的功能,就是替社会发现问题和困难,并通过自身的持续挖掘和提炼,把这些困难投料到社会生态系统中,逼迫社会的生理和心理讨论和接应,最终给出一些共识性的应对方案,慢慢地沉淀为人类共识的一部分,为政府和企业所遵守的执行。社会组织的创新过程有助于政府拓展其业务领域,社会组织的道德追求有利于避免企业沦落到无道德感的泥潭,社会组织持续的业务追逐有利于社会组织自身永远处在社会的边缘并保持高度的清醒和敏感。  相似文献   

生态文明入宪的必要性与建议   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0       下载免费PDF全文
生态文明入宪是健全中国特色社会主义法律体系、为生态文明建设提供根本法依据的内在要求。由于生态文明已经入党章,因此入宪是党内法规和国家立法全面衔接和协调的要求。关于入宪的思路和方法,可以采取理论阐述与原则规定相结合的方法,内容体现党章的要求,表述符合宪法的风格,并梳理现有政策和法律的规定,提炼出生态文明建设的系统性和根本性规定。在此基础上,本文分别对宪法的"序言"和"总纲"的内容做出补充和修改。  相似文献   

炭黑和低空臭氧加剧气候变化 联合国环境规划署和世界气象组织发布的研究报告称,炭黑(煤烟)和低空臭氧(烟雾)能加剧气候变暖。大幅度减少炭黑和臭氧的排放量,不但能限制全球气候变暖,还有助于减少呼吸系统疾病,并能减轻对农作物的损害,促进粮食产量。报告呼吁制定控制有机废物和减少煤炭和石油行业甲烷排放等方面的政策。  相似文献   

电磁兼容测量结果可追溯性技术探讨   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
无线电波因其具有较强的方向性和反射性等传播特点,往往会引起电磁兼容测量结果的不稳定甚至有较大的偏差,如果不对测量过程中的测量和试验布置、试品的工况、记录报告等要素进行可追溯性分析和控制,势必会造成测量结果的随意和不确定性.因此在电磁兼容测量实验室,非常有必要对测量过程和测量结果进行可追溯性研究、分析和控制,一是提供准确可再现的测量数据,对客户负责,二是通过可追溯性控制,再现试验和测量过程,验证测量结果,对实验室的风险进行预见和预防.本文主要立求通过实际案例的分析,畅述和分析在电磁兼容测量实验室如何建立可追溯性的控制体系.  相似文献   

生态环境部环境发展中心(中日友好环境保护中心)是生态环境部直属事业单位,是生态环境管理的综合性技术支持与服务机构,以及对日环境交流与合作的主要平台和窗口。中心的主要职责和业务领域包括生态环境科研成果的评估、推广和应用,国家环境保护重大专项管理,环境分析测试技术研究与服务,环境标准样品研制,环境社会风险防范和环境政策社会风险评估,农村生态环境治理技术体系研究,规划环境影响评价研究,生态环境大数据应用研究,人才队伍建设和体制改革研究,环境标志认证管理,绿色消费促进和工业生态设计研究与咨询,排污权有偿使用和交易监督管理,污染源调查技术研究和数据管理,国际环境问题研究与交流等。主办《中国环境管理》期刊。  相似文献   

In the face of criticisms about the current generationof agricultural biotechnology products, some proponents ofagricultural biotechnology offer a ``future benefitsargument'(FBA), which is a utilitarian ethical argument thatattempts to justify continued R&D. This paper analyzes severallogical implications of the FBA. Among these are that acceptanceof the FBA implies (1) acceptance of a precautionary approach torisk, (2) the need for a more proportional and equitabledistribution of the benefits of agricultural biotechnology, andmost important, (3) the need to reorient and restructurebiotechnology R&D institutions (and the agriculturalbiotechnology community's values and attitudes) so that futurebenefits are indeed achieved through agricultural biotechnology.  相似文献   

During the last 50 years, the Common Agricultural Policy (CAP) has impacted the evolution of European agricultural landscapes by driving changes in land use and farming practices. We propose a typology characterising the scales relevant for agricultural landscapes management and argue that action is required on three scales: (1) a landscape oriented management at the farm level; (2) the coordination of land managers’ actions at the landscape level; and (3) the conservation of the diversity of agricultural landscapes in the EU. We provide evidence that until now the CAP has mainly focused on the first scale. We also illustrate how agricultural policy could encourage coordinated actions at the landscape- and EU-scales. In particular, we propose policy instruments to coordinate actions of individual land owners (e.g. collective bonus in agro-environmental contracts or support to environmental cooperatives (scale 2)). We also analyse how the recognition and transposition of the European Landscape Convention could promote trans-frontier landscape cooperation in order, not only to conserve high-quality rural landscapes, but also to ensure the conservation of the diversity of EU landscapes (scale 3). This paper provides a knowledge base to support an integrated CAP design in the direction of improved landscape management, as an important component of the EU project towards more sustainable agriculture.  相似文献   

赵中金  黄昀  周优良 《四川环境》2006,25(4):123-126
对重庆市农业环境质量安全现状进行了研究分析,提出了充分利用环境资源比较优势,进行农业生产布局和农业结构调整;加强城郊区农业生态环境保护和污染的治理;合理施用农药化肥,防止农产品农药残留和硝酸盐污染;加强全市农业环境与农产品质量安全监测体系建设,开展预警监测;加强三峡库区农业面源污染防治;进一步开展农业环境优先污染物的控制研究等防治对策。  相似文献   

A survey was conducted in the United Statesin 1998 and 1999 to determine what members of theNational Association of State Universities and LandGrant Colleges (NASULGC) and of the AmericanAssociation of State Colleges and Universities (AASCU)offered agricultural ethics as an undergraduatecourse. Of the 59 responses, the survey found 15 USuniversities that have a course on agricultural ethicsor one that includes the topic. This paper willdiscuss the survey's findings and offer six reasonsthat explain why so few universities includeagricultural ethics in their curriculum. The sixreasons are: 1) lack of education in ethics andphilosophy on the part of agricultural scientists; 2)lack of institutional or disciplinary incentives foragricultural scientists to reflect on their work andits effects; 3) lack of administrative leadership incolleges of agriculture due to their failure tounderstand the benefits of agricultural ethics; 4)continuance of the prevailing assumption thatagriculture is inherently ethically correct; 5) thefelt necessity by agricultural scientists to defendthemselves against what are perceived to be unjust andinaccurate criticisms of agriculture; and 6) areluctance to engage in ethical reflection because itmay raise more problems than it solves. The paper'scentral question is why ethics is not taught in morecolleges of agriculture. Those who teach know thattheir students are tomorrow's farmers, businesspeople, professors, and policy makers. If we who nowteach and administer fail to include true ethicalstudy in our student's education, our students willstill be defensive when confronted with an ethicalissue and unable to respond except with assertionsbased on the production paradigm, the correctness ofwhich, although unexamined, we taught them. If theagricultural faculty does not recognize theopportunity and the obligation to participate in theshaping of values, then the values of agriculture willbe shaped elsewhere in the institution and insociety.  相似文献   

陈玉成 《四川环境》1991,10(3):55-63
本文运用生态学原理,分析了污灌区农业生态系统的特点,指出了污灌在农业生态系统中既起着水源和肥源,又起着污染源的三重作用。同时,从正反两方面阐述了污灌对我国农业生态系统的影响,提出了污灌条件下建立农业生态系统良性循环的途径,即(1)尽量控制污水中的污染物质进入农业生态系统;(2)减少污染物质在农田生态系统的累积;(3)改变污染物在农业生态系统中的迁移途径。  相似文献   

农业区划与农业产业化   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
农业区划与农业产业化具有非常密切的联系。农业区划部门应当抓住中央农村工作会议关于促进农业产业化发展的机遇,深化农业区划,促进农业产业化。本文论述了农业区划与农业产业化的关系,并按照发展农业产业化的要求,提出了农业区划部门当前急需做好的主要工作。  相似文献   

农业作为国民经济的基础,是生态文明的重要内容,其文明程度直接体现生态文明程度.生态文明建设给农业经营提出了更高的要求,也为农业生产的发展指明了方向.充分认识生态文明建设与农业生产的关系,加强农业相关人员的生态文明教育和农业环保法制建设,实施更加科学、文明的农业经营方式将对促进农业的可持续发展和生态文明建设发挥积极的作用.  相似文献   

While many scientific studies show the influence of agricultural landscape patterns on water cycle and water quality, only a few of these have proposed scientifically based and operational methods to improve water management. Territ’eau is a framework developed to adapt agricultural landscapes to water quality protection, using components such as farmers’ fields, seminatural areas, and human infrastructures, which can act as sources, sinks, or buffers on water quality. This framework allows us to delimit active areas contributing to water quality, defined by the following three characteristics: (i) the dominant hydrological processes and their flow pathways, (ii) the characteristics of each considered pollutant, and (iii) the main landscape features. These areas are delineated by analyzing the flow connectivity from the stream to the croplands, by assessing the buffer functions of seminatural areas according to their flow pathways. Hence, this framework allows us to identify functional seminatural areas in terms of water quality and assess their limits and functions; it helps in proposing different approaches for changing agricultural landscape, acting on agricultural practices or systems, and/or conserving or rebuilding seminatural areas in controversial landscapes. Finally, it allows us to objectivize the functions of the landscape components, for adapting these components to new environmental constraints.  相似文献   

Training programmes that involve agricultural researchers with farmers and extension field-workers have helped national agricultural research systems in sub-Saharan Africa to improve their communication with farmers. The International Institute of Tropical Agriculture (IITA) has worked with national crop research institutes and agricultural extension agencies in building communication links with farmers. In a continent where population growth still outstrips food production increases, feedback from farmers on performance of high-yielding crop varieties and on new farming techniques is essential in boosting food production.  相似文献   

Dutta, Sudarshan, Shreeram Inamdar, Jerry Tso, Diana S. Aga, and J. Tom Sims, 2012. Dissolved Organic Carbon and Estrogen Transport in Surface Runoff from Agricultural Land Receiving Poultry Litter. Journal of the American Water Resources Association (JAWRA) 48(3): 558-569. DOI: 10.1111/j.1752-1688.2011.00634.x Abstract: Dissolved organic carbon (DOC) provides a reactive substrate for the transport of organic contaminants with runoff. Very few studies have investigated the export of DOC from agricultural land, especially those receiving manure applications. We investigated exports of DOC in surface runoff from agricultural fields receiving various treatments of poultry litter (raw vs. pelletized). In addition, we also investigated how estrogens in runoff were associated with DOC. Different forms of estrogens studied were: estrone, 17β-estradiol, estriol, and their conjugates. Experimental agricultural plots were 12 m × 5 m long and had reduced tillage and no-till management practices. The aromatic content of DOC was characterized using specific ultraviolet absorbance (SUVA). Flow-weighted concentrations of DOC and SUVA in surface runoff from plots with poultry litter were significantly (p ≤ 0.10) greater than the control (no litter) plots. Compared to pelletized poultry litter, reduced-tillage plots with raw litter yielded higher DOC concentrations and SUVA values. No significant differences (p ≥ 0.10) in DOC and SUVA were observed between litter treatments for plots with no-till. Total estrogen concentrations (including all forms) were positively and significantly (p ≤ 0.10) correlated with DOC. These results can help select and guide agricultural management practices that can reduce the exports of DOC and associated contaminant from agricultural land receiving manure applications.  相似文献   

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