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建筑垃圾的资源化利用是保护生态的有效途径   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
对建筑垃圾的成分和特征进行了研究,介绍了国外建筑垃圾管理中资源化利用值得借鉴的经验和方法,分析了国内建筑垃圾资源化的管理体制以及综合利用建筑垃圾的状况.通过分析提出了我国建筑垃圾循环再利用的一些基本对策,并就建筑垃圾资源化与环境保护的关系做了阐述.以资源化再利用为主体的全过程循环模式符合国家产业政策,是今后处理建筑垃圾的发展方向.  相似文献   

针对餐厨垃圾处理的环境问题,梳理了餐厨垃圾资源化处理的运营模式。通过实例分析了目前激励政策下餐厨垃圾处理的绩效和问题,针对存在的问题提出监督餐厨垃圾排放、合理收费、激励餐厨垃圾处理企业项目联合、丰富资源化产品等激励措施。  相似文献   

对宁波建筑垃圾资源利用现状进行深入分析,其建筑垃圾产生量长期维持高位增长,资源化利用难度不断加大,政策上难以调动社会的积极性,再生产品技术创新不足。为了破解建筑垃圾资源化利用低问题,提出完善和健全相关法规与政策;加大科学技术研究,延长产业链;搭建信息化平台,加强政府监督和宣传等措施。  相似文献   

高校生活垃圾分类回收及资源化探讨   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文通过对高校生活垃圾组成的调查,探讨了教学区、宿舍区、食堂等区域生活垃圾的分类回收模式,并对废纸、废塑料、废金属、废电池、餐厨垃圾等资源化利用的可行性进行了分析,建议通过加强宣传工作,健全管理机制,完善资源化市场体系等途径对高校生活垃圾进行分类回收及资源化。  相似文献   

对我国城市生活垃圾的构成及资源利用现状进行了介绍,分析了生活垃圾资源化存在的问题,探讨了资源化利用途径以及提高资源化利用水平的措施,提出了垃圾治理可持续发展的思路,为生活垃圾走资源化之路指明方向。  相似文献   

城市生活垃圾资源化存在的问题与对策探讨   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
对我国城市生活垃圾的构成及资源利用现状进行了介绍,分析了生活垃圾资源化存在的问题,探讨了资源化利用途径以及提高资源化利用水平的措施,提出了垃圾治理可持续发展的思路,为生活垃圾走资源化之路指明方向。  相似文献   

农业废弃物的资源化利用是节能减排和实现可持续发展的重要途径。本文首先分析了农业废弃物处理现状与存在问题,介绍了目前的能源化、肥料化、饲料化、材料化、基质化和生态化等利用方式;其次,分别介绍了秸秆、畜禽粪便、农村垃圾、农村污水4种主要农业废弃物的常用处理技术,同时对各项技术的应用特点、发展难点和发展前景进行了分析;最后,提出了农业废弃物处理的分类利用模式,提出了加快发展农业废弃物处理的政策建议。  相似文献   

城市生活垃圾的资源化处理及对策分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
简要介绍了城市生活垃圾处理的现状,阐述了该领域存在的问题,对目前城市生活垃圾处理技术的优缺点进行对比分析。针对我国城市生活垃圾混合收集、无机物含量高的特点,提出了一种以生活垃圾能源化利用为目标,兼顾资源循环回收利用的城市生活垃圾资源化综合处理利用的解决方案。  相似文献   

正随着六安市绿色城市的发展,对生活垃圾资源化、无害化、循环化的处理提出了更高的要求,因此,如何减少垃圾排放量,将垃圾变废为宝,实现垃圾的资源化循环利用,已成为六安市垃圾处理和现代化城市管理中的一个重要课题。六安市城区生活垃圾现状生活垃圾的主要来源六安市民日常生活消费用品中有许多是塑料制品,如塑料袋、一次性餐具、饮料瓶、饮水杯等,这些塑料制品的  相似文献   

近年来,国家对餐厨垃圾回收处理越来越重视,对特许经营给了很多政策支持。作为缓解政府压力的一种方式,餐厨垃圾特许经营在满足公众多层次的食品与环境需求方面发挥了巨大的作用。本文运用利益相关者理论,对餐厨垃圾特许经营的各个利益相关者进行分析并提出建议,为更好地发展餐厨垃圾特许经营提供参考。  相似文献   

我国医疗废物集中处置行业呈现多种投资来源和多种运营模式并存的格局,医疗废物集中处置设施建设和运营主要采用以BOT为主的特许经营模式,部分设施由于模式选择不当,导致产权边界不清、稳定运行困难等问题,一定程度限制了行业的可持续发展。近年来开始应用于我国污水处理设施的DBO模式具有责任主体一致、建设运营效率较高等特点,在环境污染治理领域的应用前景较为广阔。本文通过对DBO模式和BOT模式的所有权归属、责任主体、实施期限等方面进行对比,分析得出DBO模式较BOT模式在设施的运营阶段具有突出优势,应用于医疗废物集中处置设施可以更有效地保证运营效率、节约财政支出、强化政府监管。同时,预期在医疗废物集中处置项目中推行DBO模式可能存在的阻碍,包括政府积极性不高、招商面临一定难度、实施过程的不确定因素较多等,并有针对性提出了在中小城市开展试点、发放环境基础设施建设债券、邻近区域多个项目捆绑招商等建议,以促进DBO模式在医疗废物集中处置设施中的应用。  相似文献   

为进一步探索宁夏地区餐厨废弃物管理模式,解决管理过程中存在的政策倾斜不足、产业链缺失、人才短缺等问题,在宁夏地区开展了餐厨废弃物产生现状及管理方式调研。以银川保绿特生物技术有限公司为例,讨论宁夏地区餐厨废弃物回收处置企业发展瓶颈,提出了建立健全长效机制、引导餐厨废弃物处置端口前移、引进全产业链回收利用项目及增加科研经费投入等方式,以改善宁夏地区餐厨废弃物收运、处置及资源化利用管理模式。  相似文献   

In China, the rapid development of the polyvinylchloride (PVC) industry will inevitably lead to various environmental problems. This paper studies the PVC metabolism further by (1) constructing dynamic models based on material flow analysis (MFA), (2) introducing calculation on detailed lifetime distribution of different types of products and recycling, and (3) obtaining the performances of waste emissions and accumulation as a function of raw material input and time. Based on system evolution theory and population development models, the developing trend of the PVC industry is studied, and annual consumptions in future years are predicted. The annual emission and accumulation after metabolism can be calculated by tracking the amount of raw material input, existing form and process flow for a single year (2003), as well as over a longer period (from 1958 to 2048) in China. Analysis indicates that over 0.6 billion tons of PVC waste will have accumulated in the environment by the end of 2050. In this scenario analysis, the effects of product structure, lifetime distribution, mechanical recycling, chemical recycling and incineration on waste output are all taken into consideration. The product metabolism process can be decelerated by changing these factors appropriately. However, mechanical recycling and chemical recycling are the most effective solutions.  相似文献   

DBO模式是PPP模式之一,在国家大力推进PPP模式之际,尝试开展DBO模式在污水处理行业的应用研究,分析污水处理行业发展趋势与问题,DBO模式在污水处理行业应用的适用领域与适用条件、优点,提出DBO模式在污水处理行业的推行路径,希望通过DBO模式解决污水处理行业的问题,促进行业健康发展。本文认为,城镇、乡镇与村庄生活污水处理、工业企业废水治理等领域具有项目设计与建设非标准化、项目需求明确、责任边界清晰、项目运营服务质量和成本容易监测等特点,应用DBO模式具有可行性。这些领域内的项目若有可靠的建设资金来源、稳定的运行费用保障机制、急于改善的区域水环境质量及严格的环保设施运行需求,适合采用DBO模式。DBO模式可以提高这些项目的建设质量和运营质量,节约成本,缩短建设周期,提高抗风险能力。同时,在行业层面,能够解决这些领域面临的项目设计不合理、建设质量不高、运行费用高、运行管理不善、闲置等诸多问题,可以促进先进实用技术和管理经验的应用,提高行业技术和运营管理水平的整体进步。因此,建议政府从开展实施试点、制定行业规范、加大宣传和推广、颁布政策文件等方面大力推进DBO模式在污水处理行业的应用。  相似文献   

Construction and demolition wastes (CDW) have increasingly serious problems in environmental, social, and economic realms. There is no coherent framework for utilization of these wastes which are disposed both legally and illegally. This harms the environment, contributes to the increase of energy consumption, and depletes finite landfills resources. The aim of this paper is to evaluate the impacts of two alternatives for the management of CDW, recycling and disposing. The evaluation is carried out through developing a dynamic model with aid STELLA software by conducting the following steps: (1) quantifying the total cost incurred to mitigate the impacts of CDW landfills and uncollected waste on the environment and human health; (2) quantifying the total avoided emissions and saved energy by recycling waste; (3) estimating total external cost saved by recycling waste and; (4) providing a decision support tool that helps in re-thinking about waste disposal. The proposed evaluation methodology allows activating the stringent regulations that restrict waste disposal and developing incentives to encourage constructors to recycle their wastes. The research findings show that recycling CDW leads to significant reductions in emissions, energy use, global warming potential (GWP), and conserves landfills space when compared to disposal of wastes in landfills. Furthermore, the cost of mitigating the impact of disposal is extremely high. Therefore, it is necessary to recycle construction and demolition wastes.  相似文献   

随着社会经济的快速发展、资源及原材料需求量的不断增加,以进口废物为原料进行加工利用的循环经济园区也随之蓬勃发展。循环经济产业园区建设过程中有投资巨大、资本回收周期长、投资主体众多的特点。在考虑经济效益的同时,也要统筹考虑社会效益和环境效益,因此选择何种投资建设模式来指导园区建设具有十分重大的意义。本文通过对国内三省的四个园区投资建设模式的调查研究,分析对比了不同投资建设模式的典型特征,总结概括了不同模式之间的优缺点,为同类园区的开发建设提供了有益参考。  相似文献   

In this paper, the implementation of effective waste management practices in construction projects and sites is analyzed, using data from a survey answered by 74 Spanish construction companies based in Catalonia. Most commonly implemented practices were found to be on-site cleanliness and order, correct storage of raw materials, and prioritization of the nearest authorized waste managers. The least widespread practices were the use of a mobile crusher on site, the creation of individualized drawings for each construction site, and the dissemination of the contents of the waste management plan to all workers, to help them to meet its requirements. Waste regulations for construction and demolition, and the corresponding construction waste management facilities, were designed before the recession in the Spanish construction sector. Current waste generation rates are still below predicted levels, and the infrastructure was designed for five times more waste generation. Even so, the percentage of reused and recycled waste currently amounts to 43%. Survey respondents highlighted various instruments and measures that would make the management of construction and demolition waste more sustainable. Most of the opportunities identified by construction firms are within the scope of government and related to a combined system of bonus and penalties and the establishment of environmental awareness and training programmes for all the stakeholders. Within the scope of authorized waste managers, firms suggested improvements such as the standardization of fees, a reduction of the time until the issue of waste management certificates, a higher number of inspections, and a change in the current model of a few large construction waste management facilities. This research is useful to better understand the current status of construction and demolition waste management in construction projects and sites. Thus, the results of this research will guide policy makers and relevant stakeholders such as contractors, clients, architects and engineers to achieve the EU target of recovering 70% of construction and demolition waste in 2020. In this sense, reliable information can help governments and professional associations to set future C&D waste management regulations, training programmes and dissemination tools, inspections, etc.  相似文献   

Office building retrofit is a sector being highlighted in Australia because of the mature office building market characterised by a large proportion of ageing properties. The increasing number of office building retrofit projects strengthens the need for waste management. Retrofit projects possess unique characteristics in comparison to traditional demolition and new builds such as partial operation of buildings, constrained site spaces and limited access to as-build information. Waste management activities in retrofit projects can be influenced by issues that are different from traditional construction and demolition projects. However, previous research on building retrofit projects has not provided an understanding of the critical issues affecting waste management.This research identifies the critical factors which influence the management of waste in office building retrofit projects through a literature study and a questionnaire survey to industry practitioners. Statistical analysis on a range of potential waste issues reveals the critical factors, as agreed upon by survey respondents in consideration of their different professional responsibilities and work natures. The factors are grouped into five dimensions, comprising industry culture, organisational support and incentive, existing building information, design, and project delivery process. The discussions of the dimensions indicate that the waste management factors of office building retrofit projects are further intensified compared to those for general demolition and construction because retrofit projects involve existing buildings which are partially operating with constrained work space and limited building information. Recommendations for improving waste management in office building retrofit projects are generalised such as waste planning, auditing and assessment in the planning and designing stage, collaboration and coordination of various stakeholders and different specialists, optimised building surveying and BIM technologies for waste analysis, and new design strategies for waste prevention.  相似文献   

The European Union Landfill Directive calls on member states to reduce the amount of biodegradable municipal solid waste disposed of to landfill. In addition, national waste strategies will require the constituent parts of the United Kingdom to achieve increased household waste recycling and recovery rates. Both these measures will require the development of the infrastructure to support national high-intensity recycling and composting schemes and the construction of at least 35 new municipal waste to energy incinerators. Before plans can be developed for meeting the targets several areas relating to municipal solid waste need to be clarified. Depending on the definition of municipal solid waste, its composition and likely future growth rates the number of incinerators required could be up to 170.  相似文献   

Recycling of construction material helps save the limited landfill space. Among various types of materials, concrete waste accounts of about 50% of the total waste generation. Current off-site practices for ready mixed concrete batching plant generate a significant quantity of fresh concrete waste through over-order from construction sites. The use of concrete reclaimer is one of the methods to reclaim these concrete wastes, which separates coarse aggregate, sand and cement from fresh concrete. Although there are some concrete producers in Hong Kong providing concrete reclaimers in their plants, they are only used to flush and dilute the cement slurry from the concrete, which will still be ultimately send all to dumping areas. The reluctance of most concrete producers in reclaiming aggregate from the concrete waste is due to its high cost of treatment and lack of space around the plant. Therefore, this paper puts forth a scheme of economical considerations in recycling over-ordered concrete by concrete reclaimer. A comparative study on costs and benefits between the current practices and the proposed recycling plan is examined. The study shows that the costs of the current practices in dumping over-ordered fresh concrete waste to landfill areas are double that of the proposed aggregate recycling plan. Therefore, the adoption of concrete reclaimer in recycling the over-ordered fresh concrete can provide a cost-effective method for the construction industry and help saving the environment.  相似文献   

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