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Because of the recent growth in ground-level ozone and increased emission of volatile organic compounds (VOCs), VOC emission control has become a major concern in China. In response, emission caps to control VOC have been stipulated in recent policies, but few of them were constrained by the co-control target of PM2.5 and ozone, and discussed the factor that influence the emission cap formulation. Herein, we proposed a framework for quantification of VOC emission caps constrained by targets for PM2.5 and ozone via a new response surface modeling (RSM) technique, achieving 50% computational cost savings of the quantification. In the Pearl River Delta (PRD) region, the VOC emission caps constrained by air quality targets varied greatly with the NOx emission reduction level. If control measures in the surrounding areas of the PRD region were not considered, there could be two feasible strategies for VOC emission caps to meet air quality targets (160 µg/m3 for the maximum 8-hr-average 90th-percentile (MDA8-90%) ozone and 25 µg/m3 for the annual average of PM2.5): a moderate VOC emission cap with <20% NOx emission reductions or a notable VOC emission cap with >60% NOx emission reductions. If the ozone concentration target were reduced to 155 µg/m3, deep NOx emission reductions is the only feasible ozone control measure in PRD. Optimization of seasonal VOC emission caps based on the Monte Carlo simulation could allow us to gain higher ozone benefits or greater VOC emission reductions. If VOC emissions were further reduced in autumn, MDA8-90% ozone could be lowered by 0.3-1.5 µg/m3, equaling the ozone benefits of 10% VOC emission reduction measures. The method for VOC emission cap quantification and optimization proposed in this study could provide scientific guidance for coordinated control of regional PM2.5 and O3 pollution in China.  相似文献   

This article describes the development and application of a streamlined air control and response modeling system with a novel response surface modeling-linear coupled fitting method and a new module to provide streamlined model data for PM_(2.5) attainment assessment in China.This method is capable of significantly reducing the dimensions required to establish a response surface model,as well as capturing more realistic response of PM_(2.5) to emission changes with a limited number of model simulations.The newly developed module establishes a data link between the system and the Software for Model Attainment Test—Community Edition(SMAT-CE),and has the ability to rapidly provide model responses to emission control scenarios for SMAT-CE using a simple interface.The performance of this streamlined system is demonstrated through a case study of the Yangtze River Delta(YRD) in China.Our results show that this system is capable of reproducing the Community Multi-Scale Air Quality(CMAQ) model simulation results with maximum mean normalized error 3.5%.It is also demonstrated that primary emissions make a major contribution to ambient levels of PM_(2.5) in January and August(e.g.,more than50%contributed by primary emissions in Shanghai),and Shanghai needs to have regional emission control both locally and in its neighboring provinces to meet China's annual PM_(2.5)National Ambient Air Quality Standard.The streamlined system provides a real-time control/response assessment to identify the contributions of major emission sources to ambient PM_(2.5)(and potentially O_3 as well) and streamline air quality data for SMAT-CE to perform attainment assessments.  相似文献   

Due to the increasingly stringent standards, it is important to assess whether the proposed emission reduction will result in ambient concentrations that meet the standards. The Software for Model Attainment Test—Community Edition (SMAT-CE) is developed for demonstrating attainment of air quality standards of O3 and PM2.5. SMAT-CE improves computational efficiency and provides a number of advanced visualization and analytical functionalities on an integrated GIS platform. SMAT-CE incorporates historical measurements of air quality parameters and simulated air pollutant concentrations under a number of emission inventory scenarios to project the level of compliance to air quality standards in a targeted future year. An application case study of the software based on the U.S. National Ambient Air Quality Standards (NAAQS) shows that SMAT-CE is capable of demonstrating the air quality attainment of annual PM2.5 and 8-hour O3 for a proposed emission control policy.  相似文献   

China’s emission control for nonroad diesel mobile machinery (NDMM) must deal with a fast increase in stock as well as regulations that are two decades behind those for on-road vehicles.This study provides the first large-scale review and evaluation of China’s NDMM policies,along with emission measurements and an investigation on diesel fuel quality.The sulfur contents of the investigated diesel declined from 430 ppm (median value) in 2011 to6-8 ppm during the 2017-2018 period.The emission contr...  相似文献   

Designing effective control policy requires accurate quantification of the relationship between the ambient concentrations of O3and PM2.5and the emissions of their precursors.However,the challenge is that precursor reduction does not necessarily lead to decreases in the concentrations of O3and PM2.5,which are formed by multiple precursors under complex physical and chemical processes;this calls for the development of advanced model technologies to prov...  相似文献   

G20峰会期间杭州地区空气质量特征及气象条件分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
利用空气质量和气象要素的监测资料与再分析资料,分析了2016年G20峰会期间(2016年8月10日—9月20日)杭州及周边地区空气质量演变及区域特征,探讨了气象条件对G20峰会期间杭州空气质量的影响.结果表明:G20峰会管控期间,由于机动车排放大幅度降低,杭州NO_2浓度较管控前有所下降,对比周边城市降幅居于首位;而由于不利气象条件的影响,PM_(2.5)、PM_(10)、SO_2、CO和O_3浓度比管控前有不同程度的增长,但增幅相比周边城市较小,说明管控措施对杭州空气质量有一定的改善效果.9月7日管控措施结束后污染反弹现象明显.气象条件对杭州的空气质量有重要影响:在管控前,杭州晴热高温天气有利于O3的生成,偏东风相对洁净,污染传输较少;在管控期,杭州虽受到静稳天气和外来污染传输的影响,但得益于减排应急管控措施的有效实施,NO_2浓度下降幅度最大,其他污染物的增幅也较周边城市偏小;在管控后,气象条件不利于污染物的垂直扩散,受静稳天气和污染源恢复常态的影响,PM_(2.5)、PM_(10)、NO_2、SO_2和CO出现了整个研究时段的最大值,而台风"莫兰蒂"使得杭州PM_(2.5)、PM_(10)和O_3浓度出现了整个研究时段的最低值.  相似文献   

当前,我国面临着大气污染治理与碳减排的双重挑战,"减污降碳"成为了社会经济绿色转型的重要抓手.大气污染物和CO2排放清单是"减污降碳"工作的基础支撑,但已有研究存在着物种覆盖不全、源类体系不一、时间范围较窄等问题.基于统一的源分类体系与源排放表征技术,建立了河北省2013~2020年排放清单,据此分析了排放的总量趋势、结构演变、变化驱动、协同效益和区域分布.研究期内,河北省取得了社会经济发展与人为源排放控制的双赢,SO2排放在"大气十条"期间下降速度较快,VOCs和NH3排放在"蓝天保卫战"期间减排效果更好,NOx和PM2.5排放的下降速度相对稳定,CO2排放略有上升.燃煤治理有效削减了大气污染物和CO2排放,重点行业超低排放改造降低了SO2、NOx和PM2.5排放,但VOCs治理力度有待提升.电力源和民用源实现了大气污染物与CO2的协同减排,散煤治理从源头优化了能源结构,使得民用源具有更高的减排协同度.河北省"减污降碳"的重点区域为石家庄、唐山、邯郸、保定和廊坊.研究提出的方法与结论可为区域"减污降碳"工作提供技术借鉴与决策参考.  相似文献   

Air quality and related health effects are not only affected by policies directly addressed at air pollution but also by other environmental strategies such as climate mitigation. This study addresses how different climate policy pathways indirectly bear upon air pollution in terms of improved human health in Europe. To this end, we put in perspective mitigation costs and monetised health benefits of reducing PM2.5 (particles less than 2.5 μm in diameter) and ozone concentrations.Air quality in Europe and related health impacts were assessed using a comprehensive modelling chain, based on global and regional climate and chemistry-transport models together with a health impact assessment tool. This allows capturing both the impact of climate policy on emissions of air pollutants and the geophysical impact of climate change on air quality.Results are presented for projections at the 2050 horizon, for a set of consistent air pollution and climate policy scenarios, combined with population data from the UN's World Population Prospects, and are expressed in terms of morbidity and mortality impacts of PM2.5 and ozone pollution and their monetised damage equivalent.The analysis shows that enforcement of current European air quality policies would effectively reduce health impacts from PM2.5 in Europe even in the absence of climate policies (life years lost from the exposure to PM2.5 decrease by 78% between 2005 and 2050 in the reference scenario), while impacts for ozone depend on the ambition level of international climate policies. A move towards stringent climate policies on a global scale, in addition to limiting global warming, creates co-benefits in terms of reduced health impacts (68% decrease in life years lost from the exposure to PM2.5 and 85% decrease in premature deaths from ozone in 2050 in the mitigation scenario relative to the reference scenario) and air pollution cost savings (77%) in Europe. These co-benefits are found to offset at least 85% of the additional cost of climate policy in this region.  相似文献   

研究了河北省1990—2015年PM_(2.5)的排放总量及各个产业部门的排放量分布,并应用LMDI模型对五大部门PM_(2.5)排放变化的驱动因素进行了较全面的分解分析,以找出每个部门中PM_(2.5)排放变化的关键驱动因素.同时,通过对原始数据的整理分析和模型计算,结果发现:①工业、生活消费、农业部门是河北省PM_(2.5)排放的三大来源.其中,工业部门是PM_(2.5)排放的最主要贡献部门,占PM_(2.5)总排放量的70%;生活消费部门的贡献位居第二,占比约24%.②对于生产端,经济规模总量扩张是PM_(2.5)排放量增加的最主要原因;能源利用效率的提高和污染治理工艺水平的改进使得各部门的排放强度减弱,明显缓解了PM_(2.5)的排放增长,部门经济结构的优化也可带来明显的减排效应.③对于消费端,人均收入的提高促进了PM_(2.5)排放的增加,倡导绿色消费模式可以有效减缓PM_(2.5)排放.根据以上结论,本研究通过找到各部门存在的问题,为河北省大气污染治理提供参考和借鉴.  相似文献   

2015年12月北京市空气重污染过程分析及污染源排放变化   总被引:13,自引:8,他引:5  
2015年12月,北京市及周边地区连续多次出现重污染天气.在此期间,北京市空气重污染应急指挥部两次发布红色预警.为厘清该月重污染的发生过程、生消变化,测算了应急措施下的污染源排放变化情况,并采用数值模拟和地面观测相结合的分析方法,对重污染的形成原因进行初步分析,同时对应急措施的环境效果进行评估.结果表明:1虽然2015年12月北京市主要大气污染物排放量较去年同期有所下降,但排放强度仍然较大,是重污染过程的内因;气象扩散条件不利是重要的外因,地面风速弱,大气稳定度高,相对湿度高,边界层高度降低,源排放及气象因素共同导致了此轮重污染过程.2红色预警应急措施可实现污染物日排放强度减少36%左右,PM2.5浓度下降11%~21%,预警的应急措施不能扭转重污染的态势,但对于缓解PM2.5污染加重趋势有明显的效果.3在重污染天气下,污染物仍在大气中累积,应急措施最明显的效果发生在实施后的48~72 h后,因此建议在PM2.5浓度快速上升前36~48 h实施减排措施,从而对空气质量预报准确性提出更高的要求.  相似文献   

近年来随着经济社会的高速发展,我国的空气污染问题日渐突出.管控污染源以减少污染物排放是改善空气质量的主要手段,且其效率如何会极大地影响空气质量的改善效果.但通常情况下,单一减排手段的实施对空气质量的改善的实际贡献往往在短时间内较难做出客观评价.本研究借助新冠疫情期间以道路移动源为主的各类污染源排放短期内大量下降的机会,通过疫情管控措施实施前后交通条件和空气质量的对比,分析道路移动源减排对空气质量改善的短期影响.结果表明,实施管控措施后,城市范围内道路交通条件明显改善,拥堵路段基本消失.受此影响,各类主要污染物浓度出现不同程度的下降,其中,受道路移动源贡献较大的NO2浓度下降比例达40%~60%,PM2.5因受气象条件影响较大而下降幅度较小.结合实时的交通数据估算其相应的尾气排放结果表明,疫情期间道路移动源排放的NOx、HC、CO分别下降59.7%、59.9%和58.8%.本研究对于分析短时间内急速减排等应急措施对环境改善的效果,以及削减污染物排放对空气质量改善的潜力有重要的实际参考价值.  相似文献   

The mass concentration and major chemical components of fine particulate matter were measured before, during and after Beijing''s massive parade commemorating 70th anniversary of the Chinese Victory in World War II on September 3, 2015. Regional emission inventory, positive matrix factorization (PMF), observations from space and backward air mass trajectories were jointly applied to identify the major pollution sources and their temporal and spatial variations. The contributions of emissions, their variations and the meteorological conditions related to the “parade blue” phenomenon in Beijing and its surrounding areas were investigated in detail. The main cause of the decreased PM2.5 mass concentration was attributed to the absolute reduction in emissions of primary air pollutants. The chemical composition of PM2.5 varied significantly before, during and after the parade. Fugitive dust particles were well controlled, the secondary formation of PM2.5 was reduced along with the controlled gaseous precursors'' emissions from vehicles and industrial sources during the temporary intensified control period. During the parade period, the SO2 and NO2 column concentrations in Beijing and the surrounding areas decreased sharply, indicating that the coordinated reduction in primary emissions from the surrounding areas of Beijing played an important role in lowering the ambient concentration of SO2 and NO2 and accordingly lowered PM2.5 and improved the regional air quality. A comparison of the temperature, humidity, and wind speed and direction during the same periods in 2014 and 2015 showed that the meteorological conditions positively influenced the achievement of “parade blue”.  相似文献   

近年来,我国大气污染格局发生了深刻变化,PM2.5与臭氧(O3)成为影响我国城市和区域空气质量的主要空气污染物,二者协同控制已成为我国空气质量改善的焦点和打赢蓝天保卫战的关键.PM2.5与臭氧之间具有复杂的关联性,使得二者的协同控制具有复杂性与艰巨性.分析了PM2.5与臭氧成因的关联性及其相互影响,阐明了PM2.5与臭氧污染协同控制所涉及的重要科学问题,并在此基础上研究了目前我国PM2.5与臭氧的污染形势及二者的关联性,梳理了我国自2013年以来在PM2.5与臭氧污染控制中已采取的重要举措,论述了目前我国PM2.5与臭氧协同控制在科学与管理上所面临的挑战.结合对国外成功经验的分析,提出推进我国PM2.5与臭氧污染协同控制工作的相关建议:①加快监测能力建设,完善管理体系;②强化科技支撑,提高PM2.5与臭氧污染控制精准性;③加快构建VOCs与NOx治理技术体系;④加大VOCs与NOx的协同减排力度,保障减排方案落实到位.   相似文献   

采用北京市环境监测中心35个站点的PM2.5监测数据及MODIS Terra的大气气溶胶光学厚度L3 C051产品数据,分季度建立北京市PM2.5历史浓度遥感估算模型.结合北京大气污染物(PM10、PM2.5、SO2、NO2)年均浓度数据,对北京市2001—2012年间用于工业废气污染治理投资累计额进行了效能分析.研究表明,北京市工业废气污染治理投资对于改善大气PM10、SO2、NO2均有显著贡献,但其对于大气PM2.5污染的治理效果并不明显.可能原因包括PM2.5排放源的复杂性、相关治理措施对PM2.5的针对性、经济增长导致的区域PM2.5源排放持续增长及区域外排放的持续影响等.因此,需要采取专门的有针对性的治理措施,建立健全大气污染治理技术和激励机制,控制工业燃煤及城市交通排放,削减本地及周边源排放,以有效改善北京地区大气PM2.5污染状况.  相似文献   

The Yangtze River Delta (YRD) region is one of the most prosperous and densely populated regions in China and is facing tremendous pressure to mitigate vehicle emissions and improve air quality. Our assessment has revealed that mitigating vehicle emissions of NOx would be more difficult than reducing the emissions of other major vehicular pollutants (e.g., CO, HC and PM2.5) in the YRD region. Even in Shanghai, where the emission control implemented are more stringent than in Jiangsu and Zhejiang, we observed little to no reduction in NOx emissions from 2000 to 2010. Emission–reduction targets for HC, NOx and PM2.5 are determined using a response surface modeling tool for better air quality. We design city-specific emission control strategies for three vehicle-populated cities in the YRD region: Shanghai and Nanjing and Wuxi in Jiangsu. Our results indicate that even if stringent emission control consisting of the Euro 6/VI standards, the limitation of vehicle population and usage, and the scrappage of older vehicles is applied, Nanjing and Wuxi will not be able to meet the NOx emissions target by 2020. Therefore, additional control measures are proposed for Nanjing and Wuxi to further mitigate NOx emissions from heavy-duty diesel vehicles.  相似文献   

魏煜  徐起翔  赵金帅  张瑞芹 《环境科学》2021,42(9):4126-4139
全国各地为了减少新冠疫情对社会和人民生活的影响,采取了必要的防疫防控措施,这些措施对空气质量的变化产生了重要的影响,此外空气质量的变化与气象条件也存在很大的关系.通过对河南省疫情前(1月1~26日)和疫情管控期(1月27日~2月29日)这两阶段的空气质量分析对比发现,整个河南省除了O3浓度上升了69.64%外,PM2.5、PM10、SO2、CO和NO2分别降低了36.89%、34.18%、19.43%、29.85%和58.51%;通过机器学习算法中的长短期记忆型网络(LSTM)模拟显示,气象条件引起污染物浓度的降幅大部分在15%~30%之间;人为排放减少引起的污染物浓度的降幅大部分在6%~40%之间.O3在疫情期间上升过程中,气象条件和人为排放两种因素分别占了34.84%和34.81%.结果表明,疫情管控期间,河南省空气质量总体上有所改善,但是也有重污染发生,其中O3的浓度对于疫情管控减排的影响不明显,呈负相关,需要进一步探索引起臭氧浓度上升的原因,以此帮助政府合理控制臭氧等前体污染物的减排比例.  相似文献   

Over the past decade, the emission standards and fuel standards in Beijing have been upgraded twice, and the vehicle structure has been improved by accelerating the elimination of 2.95 million old vehicles. Through the formulation and implementation of these policies, the emissions of carbon monoxide (CO), volatile organic compounds (VOCs), nitrogen oxides (NOx), and fine particulate matter (PM2.5) in 2019 were 147.9, 25.3, 43.4, and 0.91 kton in Beijing, respectively. The emission factor method was adopted to better understand the emissions characteristics of primary air pollutants from combustion engine vehicles and to improve pollution control. In combination with the air quality improvement goals and the status of social and economic development during the 14th Five-Year Plan period in Beijing, different vehicle pollution control scenarios were established, and emissions reductions were projected. The results show that the emissions of four air pollutants (CO, VOCs, NOx, and PM2.5) from vehicles in Beijing decreased by an average of 68% in 2019, compared to their levels in 2009. The contribution of NOx emissions from diesel vehicles increased from 35% in 2009 to 56% in 2019, which indicated that clean and energy-saving diesel vehicle fleets should be further improved. Electric vehicle adoption could be an important measure to reduce pollutant emissions. With the further upgrading of vehicle structure and the adoption of electric vehicles, it is expected that the total emissions of the four vehicle pollutants can be reduced by 20%-41% by the end of the 14th Five-Year Plan period.  相似文献   

In most of the world's building material industries, the control of flue gas pollutants mainly focuses on a single pollutant. However, given the large capacity and high contribution of China's building materials industry to global air pollution, the need to develop multi-pollutant emission reduction technology is urgent. Recently, China has focused on reducing the emissions of flue gas pollutants in the building materials industry, established many key research and development projects, and gradually implemented more stringent pollutant emission limits. This project focuses on the most recent advances in flue gas emission control technology in China's building materials industry, including denitration, dust removal, desulfurization, synergistic multi-pollutant emission reduction, and the construction of pilot research and demonstration projects for pollutant removal in several building material industries. On this basis, revised pollutant limits in flue gas emitted in China's building material industry are proposed.  相似文献   

Mineral particles or particulate matters(PMs) emitted during agricultural activities are major recurring sources of atmospheric aerosol loading.However,precise PM inventory from agricultural tillage and harvest in agricultural regions is challenged by infrequent local emission factor(EF) measurements.To understand PM emissions from these practices in northeastern China,we measured EFs of PM_(10) and PM_(2.5) from three field operations(i.e.,tilling,planting and harvesting) in major crop production(i.e.,corn and soybean),using portable real-time PM analyzers and weather station data.County-level PM_(10) and PM_(2.5) emissions from agricultural tillage and harvest were estimated,based on local EFs,crop areas and crop calendars.The EFs averaged(107 ± 27),(17 ± 5) and 26 mg/m~2 for field tilling,planting and harvesting under relatively dry conditions(i.e.,soil moisture 15%),respectively.The EFs of PM from field tillage and planting operations were negatively affected by topsoil moisture.The magnitude of PM_(10) and PM_(2.5) emissions from these three activities were estimated to be 35.1 and 9.8 kilotons/yr in northeastern China,respectively,of which Heilongjiang Province accounted for approximately45%.Spatiotemporal distribution showed that most PM_(10) emission occurred in April,May and October and were concentrated in the central regions of the northeastern plain,which is dominated by dryland crops.Further work is needed to estimate the contribution of agricultural dust emissions to regional air quality in northeastern China.  相似文献   

城市尺度高分辨率人为源大气污染物排放清单是城市空气质量预报预警、污染成因分析和减排措施制定的重要基础数据,目前我国西部地区城市尺度的人为源排放清单研究仍然相对薄弱,能对接于空气质量模式的排放清单更为缺乏.本文整合已发表的清单文献,建立了可对接于空气质量模式的2016年兰州市城市尺度的人为源清单模型(HEI-LZ16),将之应用于WRF-Chem模式,评估HEI-LZ16的准确性和适用性.结果表明:兰州市2016年人为源排放的SO2、NOx、CO、NH3、VOCs、PM10、PM2.5、BC和OC总量分别为25642、53998、319003、10475、35289、49250、19822、2476和1482 t·a-1.在模拟时间内,HEI-LZ16相比于MEIC,O3和PM2.5的NME值分别减小了140.2%和28.8%,HEI-LZ16更加准确适用.分析了HEI-LZ16情景下模拟的PM2.5和O3时空分布,兰州市臭氧MDA8呈现冬春季城区低而郊区高,夏秋季河谷城区西部及其下风向地区高的分布特征,夏秋季高浓度区的分布受偏东风和光化学反应的共同影响,冬季城区O3浓度受NOx排放的抑制作用浓度反而降低.PM2.5浓度的高值区主要集中在黄河河谷盆地,本研究表明沿白银—兰州黄河河谷盆地走向的西侧存在一个污染物传输通道,其对兰州市环境空气质量具有较大的影响.  相似文献   

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