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Steel production is currently the largest industrial source of atmospheric CO2. As annual steel production continues to grow, the need for effective methods of reducing its carbon footprint increases correspondingly. The carbonation of the calcium-bearing phases in steel slag generated during basic oxygen furnace (BOF) steel production, in particular its major constituent, larnite {Ca2SiO4}, which is a structural analogue of olivine {(MgFe)2SiO4}, the main mineral subjected to natural carbonation in peridotites, offers the potential to offset some of these emissions. However, the controls on the nature and efficiency of steel slag carbonation are yet to be completely understood. Experiments were conducted exposing steel slag grains to a CO2-H2O mixture in both batch and flow-through reactors to investigate the impact of temperature, fluid flux, and reaction gradient on the dissolution and carbonation of steel slag. The results of these experiments show that dissolution and carbonation of BOF steel slag are more efficient in a flow-through reactor than in the batch reactors used in most previous studies. Moreover, they show that fluid flux needs to be optimized in addition to grain size, pressure, and temperature, in order to maximize the efficiency of carbonation. Based on these results, a two-stage reactor consisting of a high and a low fluid-flux chamber is proposed for CO2 sequestration by steel slag carbonation, allowing dissolution of the slag and precipitation of calcium carbonate to occur within a single flow-through system.  相似文献   

城市是能源消耗的中心,电气化可以整合城市能源结构,实现清洁能源高效利用,探究城市低碳路径下加速电气化的协同减排影响对实现城市减污降碳至关重要.基于长期能源替代规划模型(LEAP-DG),设置了基准情景、低碳情景和加速电气化情景等3类情景,评估电气化措施在不同电力结构下的减排潜力,量化重点部门的措施贡献,探讨广东省典型制造业城市东莞的协同减排效果.结果表明,电力结构优化促进了电气化措施的协同减排效果,低碳路径下加速电气化将进一步降低电力污染物排放强度,2050年,东莞市CO2、 NOx、 VOC和CO减排7.35×106、 1.28×104、 1.62×104和8.13×104 t, SO2和PM2.5消费侧减排量和生产侧增排量达到平衡.电气化渗透速率和电力结构优化协调发展是电气化措施实现减排效益的关键,工业和交通部门加速电气化将同时降低CO2和大气污染物排放,交通部门得益于燃油车和电动车的高...  相似文献   

张源  他旭鹏  覃述兵  郝佑民 《环境科学》2023,44(9):5308-5315
CO2捕集、利用与封存是碳中和技术体系的重要组成部分,混凝土在大规模吸收CO2方面具有巨大的发展潜力.为了掌握CO2泡沫混凝土的碳封存潜力,分析了CO2泡沫混凝土的固碳机制,建立了CO2泡沫混凝土固碳能力的数学模型,估算了CO2泡沫混凝土的固碳和储碳能力.结果表明,CO2泡沫混凝土碳封存能力的99%以上是由混凝土骨架的化学碳化方式完成的,而泡孔的储碳能力较弱;按照30%碳化率估算,我国每年生产的混凝土在全生命周期内的碳封存量平均为2.18亿t,超过大兴安岭林区森林1 a的碳汇;近5年,我国CO2泡沫混凝土的碳封存潜力为5.80亿t ·a-1,在煤电一体化矿区的固废和废气资源化利用方面具有很好的应用前景.CO2泡沫混凝土在凝固前的稳定性是下一步要重点解决的技术难题.  相似文献   

氮输入对沼泽湿地碳平衡的影响   总被引:14,自引:7,他引:7  
张丽华  宋长春  王德宣 《环境科学》2006,27(7):1257-1263
以小叶章沼泽化草甸为对象,利用静态箱-气相色谱法,在三江平原进行野外原位试验,研究氮输入对沼泽湿地碳平衡及其各分量的影响.氮素输入后,沼泽湿地生态系统总初级生产力提高,生物量增大,分别比对照处理增加了10%和26.8%.同时,CH4和生态系统呼吸CO2排放量提高,而生态系统CO2净交换(NEE)和净碳(CO2和CH4都转化成对应的碳)交换降低,CO2、CH4和NEE的季节变化动态未改变.2004年整个生长季氮输入处理的CO2和CH4排放量分别比对照处理升高了34%和145%,NEE和净碳交换分别降低了70%和81.6%,但整个生长季2个处理仍然表现为碳的净吸收.氮输入没有改变沼泽湿地碳“汇”的功能,只是减弱了其作为碳“汇”的功能.  相似文献   

中国平板玻璃生产碳排放研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
平板玻璃行业是典型的高能耗、高排放行业,目前关于中国平板玻璃行业的碳排放问题还没有得到深入的研究.因此,本文调查了中国300余条主要的平板玻璃生产线,并在此基础上从范围1(工艺过程和化石燃料燃烧引起的直接排放)和范围2(净购入电力和热力在生产阶段引起的间接排放)评估了中国平板玻璃行业从2005年到2014年的CO_2排放情况.结果发现,中国平板玻璃行业CO_2排放量逐年增加,由2005年的2626.9×10~4t逐步上升到2015年的4620.5×10~4t.研究表明:能源消耗是平板玻璃行业碳排放的最主要来源,占比在80%左右,节能降耗是促进平板玻璃行业CO_2减排的主要途径;平板玻璃生产原料中碳酸盐的热分解是CO_2的主要来源之一,占总排放量的20%左右,控制平板玻璃配合料的气体率,在减少平板玻璃生产过程中的CO_2排放有很大潜力;推荐平板玻璃新建项目使用天然气并配备大型熔窑(日熔化量650 t以上)的浮法玻璃生产线,以减少CO_2排放.  相似文献   

魏军晓  耿元波  王松 《环境科学学报》2016,36(11):4234-4244
作为水泥生产大国和CO_2排放大户,中国水泥行业的CO_2排放在国际上受到越来越广泛的重视,然而不同的研究结果之间存在不同程度的差异.为了定量研究中国水泥碳排放测算的影响因素,对碳排放因子的测算、运营边界的界定及水泥熟料或水泥成品的产量这3个影响因素做了详细分析,并对碳排放因子的不确定度做了定量计算.结果发现,影响中国水泥碳排放测算的最主要因素是碳排放因子,而该因素又与生产工艺、燃料和熟料水泥比等密切相关.本研究结果比IPCC、EDGAR、CDIAC和WBCSD/CSI等研究结果均低,并且差异逐年显著,以水泥碳排放来自碳酸盐分解的部分为例,2000年相差约65 Mt,而2012年差值接近450 Mt.计算表明,中国水泥碳排放不确定度为12%~22%.因此,水泥碳排放测算的影响因素较多,在计算中国水泥碳排放量时不可照搬国外研究的参数.  相似文献   

京津冀区域生产和消费CO2排放的时空特点分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
汪浩  陈操操  潘涛  刘春兰  陈龙  孙莉 《环境科学》2014,35(9):3619-3631
区分消费和生产二氧化碳排放是对开放的经济区域进行排放责任划分的基础,日渐受到政策制定者的关注.利用经济投入产出-生命周期分析模型,对京津冀区域1997年、2002年和2007年的消费和生产二氧化碳排放时空特征及二氧化碳排放平衡进行分析.结果表明,京津冀区域消费和生产二氧化碳排放呈约4%的年均增长;贸易隐含二氧化碳排放比例为30%~83%,并以国内贸易隐含二氧化碳排放为主;河北的消费和生产二氧化碳排放占区域主导,增速和二氧化碳排放强度高于北京和天津;京津冀区域为二氧化碳排放净流入区域,存在部分排放责任转移;京津为二氧化碳排放净转入地区,冀为二氧化碳排放净转出地区;京津冀三地二氧化碳排放关键部门分布集中且相似度较高,可以考虑区域联合控制.其中,电力、蒸汽、热水生产和供应业和金属冶炼及压延加工业对二氧化碳排放的依赖性最大,承担较大的其他部门的二氧化碳排放责任.投入产出分析解析了地区生产和消费二氧化碳排放情况,有利于区域减排的精细化管理和制定相应对策,并促进区域减排合作.  相似文献   

基于城市汽车年检中CO2的过程动态检测数据,对小型汽油客车CO2的排放因子和排放水平信息进行了挖掘,并与文献研究结果进行了对比.结果表明,从城市汽车年检数据中挖掘的CO2排放结果可以作为研究城市机动车碳排放的重要参考依据;合理有效地利用汽车年检数据可以为城市车辆尾气排放的精准分级管控、城市交通运输碳排放达峰的量化分析,以及城市交通源的污染物和CO2协同减排提供重要的数据支撑;从国Ⅰ到国Ⅴ不同排放阶段汽油车的常规污染物CO、NOx和HC的排放水平下降非常明显,而对应的CO2排放水平差异不大;CO2排放因子随累计行驶里程、车龄、基准质量和排量的变化关系反映出,如果需要削减城市汽车碳排放水平,应鼓励使用基准质量小或者排量小的车辆,淘汰高油耗高排放的老旧车辆,鼓励公共绿色出行而降低单车活动水平,增加纯电动车辆优化车队能源结构.  相似文献   

林婷  吴烨  何晓旖  张少君  郝吉明 《环境科学》2018,39(8):3946-3953
氢燃料电池车(FCV)具有运行阶段高能效和零排放的优点,近年来得到快速的商业化发展.氢能生产具有多种技术路径,不同路径的能源和环境效益存在显著差异.本研究采用生命周期评价方法,运用GREET模型对不同氢燃料路径下的FCV燃料周期(WTW)的化石能源消耗和CO_2排放进行了全面评价.选取了多种制氢路径作为评价对象,建立了中国本地化的FCV燃料生命周期数据库,在此基础上分析了FCV相对传统汽油车的WTW节能减排效益,并和混合动力车和纯电动车进行比较.结果表明,使用可再生电力和生物质等绿色能源制氢供应FCV能取得显著的WTW节能减排效益,可削减约90%的化石能耗和CO_2排放.在发展相对成熟的传统能源制氢路径中,以焦炉煤气制得氢气为原料的FCV,能产生显著的节能减排效益,其化石能耗低于混合动力车,CO_2排放低于混合动力车和纯电动车.结合对资源储备和技术成熟度的考虑,我国在发展氢能及FCV过程中,近期可考虑利用焦炉煤气等工业副产物制氢,并且规划中远期的绿色制氢技术发展.  相似文献   

作为我国经济最为发达的省份之一,广东省社会经济可持续发展面临CO2排放量增长的挑战.从多角度分析广东省CO2排放变化的社会经济影响因素,有助于其实现低碳发展.基于投入产出模型,从生产、需求和供应角度分析1987—2015年广东省CO2排放量的变化;此外,采用结构分解分析方法,从需求和供应角度量化广东省各种社会经济因素对CO2排放变化的相对贡献.结果表明:①与生产端相比,需求侧和供给侧的研究有助于识别不同的关键行业,如建筑业(需求侧)、金融和保险业(供给侧).②降低碳排放强度是减少广东省CO2排放的主要因素,而人均最终需求水平和人均初始投入增加是推动广东省CO2排放增加的主要因素.③生产结构、最终需求结构和初始投入结构变化导致CO2排放量略有增加,表明广东省具有较大的通过调整结构性因素减排CO2的潜力.综上,建议除了生产端CO2减排措施外,广东省还应采取需求侧和供给侧相关措施,如优化消费行为、产品分配行为和初始投入结构等.   相似文献   

Grassland re-seeding or land-use change requires ploughing, which may enhance carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions from soil. This study observed the short to intermediate-term (37 days) effects of ploughing on CO2 emissions from poorly drained grassland using automated soil respiration chambers. Immediately after ploughing, a brief peak in CO2 emissions from soil occurred with a maximum observed flux of 6.91 g CO2 m−2 h−1. Contradictory to other reported results, ecosystem respiration after ploughing was lower on the ploughed than on the grass site. After including estimates of photosynthesis in the analysis, ploughing led to significantly higher net CO2 emissions than from grassland. The main mechanism of C loss during ploughing was most likely due to a reduction in gross primary production rather than enhanced soil respiration.  相似文献   

Burning animal wastes for the production of electricity is stimulated in the European Union because of the ‘climate neutrality’ of its life cycle. In doing so fossil fuel inputs in animal husbandry and the N2O and CH4 emissions associated with animal husbandry are neglected. Here types of relatively fossil fuel efficient animal husbandry in the European Union are analysed without neglecting such inputs and emissions. The burning of pig derived animal meal, a single-output process, was found to be associated with an emission of greenhouse gases equivalent to 33 × 102–44 × 102 g CO2/kilowatt-hour (kWh). In most cases, however, animal wastes can be viewed as outputs from a multi-output production process. If system expansion is not possible, one may allocate multi-output process emissions on the basis of financial value or on a physical basis. Allocating on the basis of energy content of outputs of animal husbandry the burning of manure from poultry, dairy cows and pigs was estimated to generate between 6.3 × 102 and 19.5 × 102 g CO2 equivalent per kWh. When allocating on the basis of financial value, burning manure in the Netherlands corresponds with net-sequestration, as the monetary value of manure is negative. For chicken manure a net sequestration was found of 2.5 × 102–3.9 × 102 g CO2 equivalent/kWh. Thus life cycle emissions of burning animal waste are extremely sensitive to the allocation principle favoured. One may extend the life cycle for instance by including indirect effects such as the substitution of carbon that is lost to agriculture due to burning animal wastes. Such an extension may well lead to a changed emission in terms of CO2 equivalent emitted per kWh.  相似文献   

Basic-oxygen furnace slag(BOF-slag) contains 35%CaO,a potential component for CO_2sequestration.In this study,slag-water-CO_2 reaction experiments were conducted with the longest reaction duration extending to 96 hr under high CO_2 pressures of 100-300 kg/cm2 to optimize BOF-slag carbonation conditions,to address carbonation mechanisms,and to evaluate the extents of V and Cr release from slag carbonation.The slag carbonation degree generally reached the maximum values after 24 hr slag-water-CO_2 reaction and was controlled by slag particle size and reaction temperature.The maximum carbonation degree of 71%was produced from the experiment using fine slag of0.5 mm under 100℃and a CO_2 pressure of 250 kg/cm~2 with a water/slag ratio of 5.Vanadium release from the slag to water was significantly enhanced(generally 2 orders) by slag carbonation.In contrast,slag carbonation did not promote chromium release until the reaction duration exceeded 24 hr.However,the water chromium content was generally at least an order lower than the vanadium concentration,which decreased when the reaction duration exceeded 24 hr.Therefore,long reaction durations of 48-96 hr are proposed to reduce environmental impacts while keeping high carbonation degrees.Mineral textures and water compositions indicated that Mg-wustite,in addition to CaO-containing minerals,can also be carbonated.Consequently,the conventional expression that only considered carbonation of the CaO-containing minerals undervalued the CO_2 sequestration capability of the BOF-slag by~20%.Therefore,the BOF-slag is a better CO_2 storage medium than that previously recognized.  相似文献   

Fossil fuel combustion and many industrial processes generate gaseous emissions that contain a number of toxic organic pollutants and carbon dioxide (CO2) which contribute to climate change and atmospheric pollution. There is a need for green and sustainable solutions to remove air pollutants, as opposed to conventional techniques which can be expensive, consume additional energy and generate further waste. We developed a novel integrated bioreactor combined with recyclable iron oxide nano/micro-particle adsorption interfaces, to remove CO2, and undesired organic air pollutants using natural particles, while generating oxygen. This semi-continuous bench-scale photo-bioreactor was shown to successfully clean up simulated emission streams of up to 45% CO2 with a conversion rate of approximately 4% CO2 per hour, generating a steady supply of oxygen (6 mmol/hr), while nanoparticles effectively remove several undesired organic by-products. We also showed algal waste of the bioreactor can be used for mercury remediation. We estimated the potential CO2 emissions that could be captured from our new method for three industrial cases in which, coal, oil and natural gas were used. With a 30% carbon capture system, the reduction of CO2 was estimated to decrease by about 420,000, 320,000 and 240,000 metric tonnes, respectively for a typical 500 MW power plant. The cost analysis we conducted showed potential to scale-up, and the entire system is recyclable and sustainable. We further discuss the implications of usage of this complete system, or as individual units, that could provide a hybrid option to existing industrial setups.  相似文献   

厌氧条件下砂壤水稻土N2、N2O、NO、CO2和CH4排放特征   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
了解厌氧条件土壤反硝化气体(N2、N2O和NO)、CO2和CH4排放特征,是认识反硝化过程机制的基础,并有助于制定合理的温室气体减排措施.定量反硝化产物组成,可为氮转化过程模型研发制定正确的关键过程参数选取方法或参数化方案.本研究选取质地相同(砂壤土)的两个水稻土为研究对象,通过添加KNO3和葡萄糖的混合溶液,将培养土壤的初始NO-3和DOC含量分别调节到50 mg·kg-1和300 mg·kg-1,采用氦环境培养-气体及碳氮底物直接同步测定方法,研究完全厌氧条件下土壤N2、N2O、NO、CO2和CH4的排放特征,并获得反硝化气态产物中各组分的比率.结果表明,在整个培养过程中,两个供试土壤的N2、N2O和NO累积排放量分别为6~8、20和15~18 mg·kg-1,这些气体排放量测定结果可回收土壤NO-3变化量的95%~98%,反硝化气态产物以N2O和NO为主,其中3种组分的比率分别为15%~19%(N2)、47%~49%(N2O)和34%~36%(NO);但反硝化气体产物组成的逐日动态均显现为从以NO为主逐渐过渡到以N2O为主,最后才发展到以N2为主.以上结果说明,反硝化气体产物组成是随反硝化进程而变化的,在以气体产物组成比率作为关键参数计算各种反硝化气体产生率或排放率的模型中,很有必要重视这一点.  相似文献   

基于STIRPAT模型的中国旅游业碳排放影响因素分析   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
采用"自下而上"的CO_2排放计算方法,对1995—2014年中国各区域旅游业CO_2排放量进行测算,从动态视角分析各区域旅游业CO_2排放总量及旅游接待人次、人均旅游收入、旅游业CO_2排放强度和旅游交通CO_2排放占比等影响因素的变化趋势特征,并基于STIRPAT模型对旅游业CO_2排放的主要影响因素进行定量分析.结果显示:各区域旅游业CO_2排放总量均呈逐年上升的趋势,且不同区域各影响因素的作用存在显著差异;其中,人均旅游收入对中国旅游业碳减排压力的弹性变化区间最小,仅从0.156变化到0.287,旅游交通CO_2排放占比的弹性变化区间最大,其CO_2排放占比每提高1%,东部地区旅游业CO_2排放总量将提高0.239%,而中部地区仅提高0.013%;旅游业CO_2排放强度是抑制碳排放的关键因素;研究期内,分析结果不支持倒"U"型环境Kuznets曲线的观点.最后,根据上述结论提出差异化的区域碳减排调控对策.  相似文献   

孙秀锋  施开放  吴健平 《环境科学》2018,39(6):2971-2981
碳排放具有明显的时间和空间分布特征,研究区域碳排放时空格局动态特征可为制定合理的碳减排政策和措施提供重要的依据.本文以重庆为例,基于其38个区县的碳排放数据,利用空间统计、空间自相关和位序-规模法则探讨了其县级尺度碳排放的区域差异和空间格局演变特征.结果表明,重庆市各区县都经历了快速的碳排放增长过程,但碳排放的二元空间分布结构并没有改变;重庆市县级尺度碳排放全局Moran's I指数呈现出波浪式的降低趋势,主城区区县在中心相互辐射,形成一个碳排放HH中心;位序-规模法则分析结果则表明重庆市县级尺度碳排放基本属于首位型分布,1997~2012年区县碳排放规模分布趋于分散的力量均大于趋于集中的力量;1997和2012年,第二产业比例和城市化率成为影响重庆市碳排放的最重要的因素,人口与碳排放的相关关系却并不显著.  相似文献   


Tropical peatlands in the Peruvian Amazon exhibit high densities of Mauritia flexuosa palms, which are often cut instead of being climbed for collecting their fruits. This is an important type of forest degradation in the region that could lead to changes in the structure and composition of the forest, quality and quantity of inputs to the peat, soil properties, and greenhouse gas (GHG) fluxes. We studied peat and litterfall characteristics along a forest degradation gradient that included an intact site, a moderately degraded site, and a heavily degraded site. To understand underlying factors driving GHG emissions, we examined the response of in vitro soil microbial GHG emissions to soil moisture variation, and we tested the potential of pneumatophores to conduct GHGs in situ. The soil phosphorus and carbon content and carbon-to-nitrogen ratio as well as the litterfall nitrogen content and carbon-to-nitrogen ratio were significantly affected by forest degradation. Soils from the degraded sites consistently produced more carbon dioxide (CO2) than soils from the intact site during in vitro incubations. The response of CO2 production to changes in water-filled pore space (WFPS) followed a cubic polynomial relationship with maxima at 60–70% at the three sites. Methane (CH4) was produced in limited amounts and exclusively under water-saturated conditions. There was no significant response of nitrous oxide (N2O) emissions to WFPS variation. Lastly, the density of pneumatophore decreased drastically as the result of forest degradation and was positively correlated to in situ CH4 emissions. We conclude that recurrent M. flexuosa harvesting could result in a significant increase of in situ CO2 fluxes and a simultaneous decrease in CH4 emissions via pneumatophores. These changes might alter long-term carbon and GHG balances of the peat, and the role of these ecosystems for climate change mitigation, which stresses the need for their protection.


陶宝先 《环境科学研究》2017,30(12):1927-1933
为研究我国北方典型设施菜地的土壤CO2排放特征及其影响因素,通过原位监测手段,研究山东省寿光市农田转变为不同种植年限(6、12 a)设施菜地及设施菜地荒废12 a后土壤CO2排放规律及影响因素.结果表明:①种植6 a设施菜地较农田具有较高的土壤CO2排放量,可能是由于设施菜地种植过程中大量施加有机肥造成的,并且设施菜地土壤温度及含水率较高,增加了土壤蔗糖酶活性,加剧土壤CO2排放.②当种植年限超过10 a,设施菜地施肥量减少,降低了土壤微生物可利用底物的供应.因此,种植12 a设施菜地土壤CO2排放量降至农田水平.③种植6 a设施菜地土壤的w(DOC)(DOC表示水溶性有机碳)比农田较高.④土壤CO2排放年内分配不均匀,表现为农田及荒废设施菜地土壤CO2排放主要集中在5—8月,其排放量占全年的75.09%、87.02%,峰值出现在7月.种植6 a设施菜地土壤CO2排放主要集中在5—8月和11月—翌年2月,两阶段排放量分别占全年的48.48%、42.34%,峰值分别出现在7月、12月.研究显示,农田转变为设施菜地短期(种植6 a)内可显著促进土壤CO2排放及DOC的输出,但随着种植年限延长至12 a,土壤CO2排放降至农田水平.   相似文献   

This article looks at the ability of Global Warming Potentials (GWPs) towork as indicators of equivalence for temperature development and damagecosts. We look at two abatement scenarios that are equivalent when using100-year GWPs: one scenario reduces short-lived gases, mainly methane(CH4); the other scenario reduces carbon dioxide (CO2).Despite their equivalence in terms of CO2 equivalents, the scenariosdo not result in equal rates or levels of temperature change. The disparitiescontinue as we move further down the chain of causality toward damagecosts, measured either in terms of rate of climate change or level of climatechange. Compared to the CH4 mitigation scenario, the CO2mitigation scenario gives present value costs 1.3 and 1.5 times higher forlevel- and rate-dependent damage costs, respectively, assuming a discountrate of 3%. We also test the GWPs for other time horizons and theconclusions remain the same; using GWP as an index to reflect equivalentclimate effects and damage costs from emissions is questionable.  相似文献   

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