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在全面分析安徽省生态环境监测数据的基础上,总结了"十三五"时期安徽省生态环境质量变化特征和主要环境问题,提出相应的对策建议。结果表明:"十三五"期间,安徽省生态环境质量全面好转,2020年全省优良天数比例为82.9%,比"十二五"末上升2.0百分点。PM2.5平均质量浓度为39 μg/m3,比"十二五"末下降25.0%。地表水水质由轻度污染转为良好,全面消除劣Ⅴ类断面。酸雨污染持续减轻。但全省生态环境形势依旧严峻,PM2.5和O3复合型污染特征越发明显,部分河流、湖库污染依然存在,巢湖富营养化问题未得到根本解决,农村地下饮用水水源地及县域地表水水质达标率较低,局部区域存在土壤污染问题,地下水以Ⅳ类水质为主。生态环境质量现状与人民对美好生态环境的需求,社会经济发展与环境承载能力之间的矛盾仍然存在。生态环境污染治理已进入攻坚期,环境质量持续改善的难度加大。  相似文献   

以黑龙江省生态环境监测网监测结果为基础,总结归纳了"十三五"期间黑龙江省生态环境质量变化特征,并采用随机森林和GM(1,1)预测模型对"十四五"期间黑龙江省生态环境质量状况进行了预测。结果表明:"十三五"期间,黑龙江省环境空气、水环境和声环境质量全面好转。其中,环境空气主要污染物PM2.5、PM10、SO2、NO2和CO的年均质量浓度均呈现出明显下降的趋势,"哈大绥"重点区域PM10、SO2、NO2和CO年均质量浓度呈现下降趋势。地表水水质总体呈波动变化趋势,水质状况均为轻度污染。"十四五"期间,黑龙江省生态环境质量将处于稳中向好的趋势。环境空气主要污染物及地表水主要污染指标年均质量浓度均呈现明显的下降趋势,道路交通声环境质量也将得到进一步改善。  相似文献   

"十二五"以来中国先后颁布了一系列大气污染防治政策并实施相应的大气污染治理措施以提高环境空气质量。为研究西藏自治区"十二五"(2011-2015年)和"十三五"(2016 -2020年)时期环境空气质量变化状况,评估大气污染防治措施实施效果,笔者对2011-2020年西藏自治区7个城市(地区)主要大气污染物浓度和优良天数比例变化进行分析。结果表明:随着一系列大气污染防治措施的实施,西藏自治区环境空气质量显著提升,与"十二五"时期相比,"十三五"时期西藏自治区年平均优良天数比例由97.5%±2.0%提升至99.3%±0.4%,SO2、 NO2、 PM10、 PM2.5浓度年均值和CO 浓度第95百分位数均呈下降趋势,其中CO、PM10和PM2.5浓度下降幅度较大,O3日最大8h滑动平均值第90百分位数略有上升。西藏自治区环境空气质量与人口、经济发展程度呈负相关关系。受污染源排放、气象条件和区域传输等因素影响,西藏自治区O3浓度春、夏季较高,而其余污染物浓度冬季较高。  相似文献   

利用2016—2020年宁波市生态环境质量各要素监测结果,分析了“十三五”期间宁波市生态环境质量状况、变化趋势以及存在的主要问题。结果表明,“十三五”期间,宁波市生态环境质量总体向好。2020年中心城区环境空气质量优良天数比例比2016年提升了4.6个百分点;除臭氧外,各项污染物浓度均呈下降趋势;酸雨污染程度持续减轻。地表水总体水质由轻度污染转为良好,其中:2020年Ⅰ~Ⅲ类水质断面比例为86.3%,比2016年提升了37.5个百分点;劣Ⅴ类断面比例下降了3.8个百分点。集中式饮用水水源地、声环境、辐射环境等环境要素质量总体保持稳定。但环境空气质量、地表水环境质量后续改善难度较大,饮用水水源地存在较高的水华风险,生态安全屏障需要进一步巩固。  相似文献   

以国家生态环境监测网监测结果为基础,总结归纳了"十三五"时期中国生态环境质量变化特征和主要环境问题。结果表明:"十三五"期间,全国生态环境质量全面好转,2020年环境空气优良天数比例比"十二五"末期上升5.8个百分点;地表水总体水质由轻度污染转为良好,Ⅰ~Ⅲ类水质断面比例上升17.4个百分点,劣V类断面比例下降9.0个百分点;酸雨污染程度减轻,海洋等环境要素质量稳中向好。但与此同时,后续改善难度加大,全国仍有40%地级及以上城市空气质量超标,4.8%的国土面积发生酸雨,辽河和海河流域仍是轻度污染,部分河流污染较重,地下水以IV类水质为主,农村饮用水源地和地表水水质均受到不同程度污染,近三分之一国土面积县域生态质量为较差和差。总体来看,当前生态环境质量与人民对美好生态环境的需求和美丽中国目标的实现还有较大差距。逐年上升的能源消费总量和不断增长的汽车保有量,增加了生态环境质量继续改善的压力。  相似文献   

重点对河北省辛集市"十三五"期间整体空气质量变化情况以及影响辛集市优良天数的2个重要参数O3和PM2.5的污染规律进行了分析。结果表明,辛集市"十三五"期间空气质量改善明显,优良天数整体增加,污染天数整体减少。O3浓度及其作为首要污染物出现的天数整体呈现上升趋势,对综合指数的贡献率逐年增加;O3污染高发期主要集中在4—9月,高值区域分布差距较大,但市区污染持续突出。PM2.5浓度逐年下降,以PM2.5为首要污染物的天数逐年减少;PM2.5浓度季节变化特征整体呈现"秋冬高、春夏低"的分布特点,空间分布呈"南北高、中间低"的污染特征。  相似文献   

“十一五”期间上海市金山区环境空气污染特征分析   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
对金山区2006-2010年环境空气质量监测数据进行统计分析和综合评价,找出"十一五"期间金山区环境空气中主要污染物变化规律及环境空气主要污染特征,并进行污染趋势分析,就环境空气中TSP和PM10以及SO2、NO2和酸雨之间的相关性进行了探讨,均具有显著相关性。  相似文献   

以2016-2020年河南省主要生态环境要素监测结果为研究对象,分析评价了河南省"十三五"期间生态环境质量状况、变化趋势和存在的主要问题等。结果表明:"十三五"期间,全省主要污染物排放总量大幅下降,生态环境质量稳中向好。与2016年相比,2020年全省环境空气优良天数比例上升6.2百分点;地表水环境质量逐渐由轻度污染变为良好状态,Ⅰ~Ⅲ类水质断面比例持续上升,比2016年上升22.7百分点,劣V类水质断面比例进一步下降,比2016年下降18.4百分点;降水、辐射环境质量等基本保持稳定;城市集中式饮用水源地、声环境、生态、农村环境等其他环境要素质量均有不同程度好转。但与此同时,河南省仍为全国大气污染较重的省份之一,空气质量改善幅度明显收窄;仍有部分河流污染较重或不能稳定达标,从全国范围看,Ⅰ~Ⅲ类断面比例属中下水平,水环境保护形势依然严峻。总体来看,河南省工业结构偏重、能源结构偏煤、运输结构不优等问题还未从根本上改变,区域性污染问题依然突出,生态环境质量改善还远未达到质变的效果,深入打好污染防治攻坚战仍需持续努力。  相似文献   

基于“十三五”期间成都市生态环境监测数据,分析了成都市生态环境质量状况及变化趋势,以及存在的主要问题,以期为“十四五”成都市生态环境保护与治理提供参考。结果表明:“十三五”期间,成都市生态环境质量持续改善,空气质量优良天数比例整体呈上升趋势,部分污染物年平均浓度均呈逐年下降趋势;酸雨pH变化幅度较小,但酸雨量减少,酸雨污染减轻;地表水水质明显好转,Ⅰ~Ⅲ类水质比例呈现波动上升趋势,劣Ⅴ类水质比例呈下降趋势,成都市级、县级饮用水水源地水质保持稳定;昼间区域声环境质量、昼间交通道路声环境质量均比较稳定;生态质量为良,农村环境质量、辐射环境质量状况总体良好。但也存在空气中细颗粒物和臭氧污染仍较重,部分地表水断面水质不能稳定达标,乡镇饮用水水源地水质未全部达标,交通噪声与生活噪声影响城市声环境质量等问题,给“十四五”期间成都市生态环境质量改善带来挑战。  相似文献   

利用2013-2017年京津冀区域13个城市PM2.5监测数据,综合探讨了该区域PM2.5浓度的时空变化特征。结果表明:京津冀区域PM2.5污染整体较重,但治理成效显著,2013-2017年区域PM2.5年均质量浓度分别为106、93、77、71、64 μg/m3,完成《大气污染防治行动计划》PM2.5浓度下降25%左右的目标;13个城市PM2.5浓度各百分位数总体呈现下降趋势,且随百分位数增大而下降速率加大,PM2.5年均质量浓度平均每年下降10.6 μg/m3,污染严重的太行山沿线城市邢台、石家庄、邯郸3个城市平均每年分别下降20.3、16.1、13.9 μg/m3;京津冀区域PM2.5重度污染天数比例分别为19.9%、16.6%、9.5%、9.0%、7.0%,呈下降趋势。2013-2017年京津冀区域PM2.5平均质量浓度与非重度污染天相比升高19 μg/m3,PM2.5重度污染天平均质量浓度较非重度污染天时高244.4%。  相似文献   

An important research area in life sciences is devoted to modeling, prediction, and dynamics of gene-expression patterns. As clearly understood in these days, this enterprise cannot become satisfactory without acknowledging the role of the environment. To a representation of past, present, and most likely future states, we also encounter measurement errors and uncertainties. This paper surveys and improves recent advances in understanding the foundations and interdisciplinary implications of the newly introduced gene–environment networks, and it integrates the important theme of carbon dioxide emission reduction into the networks and dynamics. We also introduce some operational and managerial issues of practical working and decision making, expressed in terms of sliding windows, quadrants (modules) of parametric effects, and navigating (controlling) between such effects and directing them. Given data from DNA microarray experiments and environmental records, we extract nonlinear ordinary differential equations that contain parameters that have to be determined. For this, we employ modern (Chebychevian) approximation and (generalized semi-infinite) optimization. After this is provided, time- discretized dynamical systems are studied. A combinatorial algorithm with polyhedra sequences allows to detect the region of parametric stability. Finally, we analyze the topological landscape of gene–environment networks with its structural (in)stability. By embedding as a module and investigating CO2 emission control and figuring out game theoretical aspects, we conclude. This pioneering work is theoretically elaborated, practically devoted to health care, medicine, education, living conditions, and environmental protection, and it invites the readers to future research.   相似文献   

The aim of the study was to determine the extent of heavy metal pollution in the vicinity of a lead battery manufacturing plant in the Czech Republic, both in the general environment and within homes. Topsoils (0–5 cm) were sampled from 100 sites along 4 transects which crossed the battery factory, the town centre and outlying rural areas. Housedust samples were collected from 15 plant-workers' homes and 15 non plant-workers' homes located at various distances from the factory. Samples were analysed for levels of Pb, Zn, Cd, Cu, As and Sb, using ICP-AES. Soil concentrations of Pb, Cd, As and Sb peaked at the perimeter fence of the battery factory with Pb levels of up to 12 650 g g> -1. Concentrations of these metals decreased exponentially within 500 m of the plant. Whilst the battery factory does appear to be a source of all the metals with the exception of Zn, emissions do not appear to be transported to any great extent over distances of more than 0.5 km. Topsoil and housedust concentrations of Pb, Zn, Cd, Cu, As and Sb in the general Mlada Boleslav area do not appear to be significantly different from those recorded in a large scale survey of urban soils in the United Kingdom. A comparison of housedust Pb concentrations in homes of plant workers and non-plant workers suggests that there may be a small input of Pb into the home environment by battery plant employees.  相似文献   

The San Francisco Estuary Regional Monitoring Program for Trace Substances (RMP) began in 1993 and is sponsored by 74 local, state, and federal agencies and companies through their discharge or Bay use permits. The RMP monitors water, sediment, toxicity, and bivalve bioaccumulation at 25 sites in the Bay that are considered to represent "background" conditions. Several major environmental issues have been identified by the RMP. Polychlorinated biphenyls and mercury were often above water quality guidelines, and often occurred in fish tissues above U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (U.S. EPA) screening values. Concentrations do not appear to be decreasing, suggesting continuing inputs. Episodes of aquatic toxicity often occurred following runoff events that transport contaminants into the Bay from urbanized and agricultural portions of the watershed. Sediment toxicity occurred throughout the Bay, and has been correlated with concentrations of specific contaminants (chlordanes, polynuclear aromatic hydrocarbons) at some locations; mixtures of contaminants were probably also important. Since the RMP does not monitor all ecosystem components, assessments of the overall condition of the Bay cannot be made. However, in terms of contamination, the RMP samples suggest that the South Bay, and North Bay sites are moderately contaminated.  相似文献   

A migratory population of 78 pairs of Osprey (Pandion haliaetus) nesting along the Willamette River in westernOregon was studied in 1993. The study was designed to determinecontaminant concentrations in eggs, contaminant concentrationsin fish species predominant in the Ospreys diet, andBiomagnification Factors (BMFs) of contaminants from fish specieseaten to Osprey eggs. Ten Osprey eggs and 25 composite samplesof fish (3 species) were used to evaluate organochlorine (OC)pesticides, polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs), polychlorinateddibenzo-p-dioxins (PCDDs), and polychlorinated dibenzofurans(PCDFs). Mercury was also analyzed in fish. Geometric meanresidues in Osprey eggs were judged low, e.g., DDE 2.3 g g-1 wet weight (ww), PCBs 0.69 g g-1, 2,3,7,8-TCDD 2.3 ng kg-1, and generally well below known threshold values for adverse effects on productivity, and the population was increasing. Osprey egg residue data presentedby River Mile (RM) are discussed, e.g., higher PCDDs were generally found immediately downstream of paper mills and eggsfrom the Willamette River had significantly elevated PCBs and PCDDs compared to reference eggs collected nearby in the CascadeMountains. Prey remains at nest sites indicated that the Largescale Sucker (Catostomus macrocheilus) and NorthernPikeminnow (Ptychocheilus oregonensis) accounted for an estimated 90.1% of the biomass in the Osprey diet, and composite samples of these two species were collected from different sampling sites throughout the study area for contaminant analyses. With the large percentage of the fishbiomass in the Osprey diet sampled for contaminants (and fisheaten by Ospreys similar in size to those chemically analyzed),and fish contaminant concentrations weighted by biomass intake, a mean BMF was estimated from fish to Osprey eggs for the largeseries of contaminants. BMFs ranged from no biomagnification(0.42) for 2,3,7,8-TCDF to 174 for OCDD. Our findings for themigratory Osprey were compared to BMFs for the resident HerringGull (Larus argentatus), and differences are discussed. Webelieve a BMF approach provides some basic understanding ofrelationships between contaminant burdens in prey species offish-eating birds and contaminants incorporated into their eggs,and may prove useful in understanding sources of contaminants inmigratory species although additional studies are needed.  相似文献   

The draft of the German guideline to calculate automobile exhaust dispersion is explained. It contains a two-stage-system: For first quick estimates the guideline contains the simple models MLuS and STREET. In case these models are not applicable or their results shows concentration levels close to the air quality standards, the more complex models PROKAS_V and MISKAM are recommended. PROKAS_V is a Gaussian plume model, MISKAM is a 3-dimensional microscale non hydrostatic flow model for built-up areas with an Eulerian dispersion model. The guideline comprises cases in rural areas without or with few adjacent buildings as well as urban areas with buildings near the roads. The contribution gives information about the models, typical results and some of the problems showing up presently.  相似文献   

Material Disposal Area G is the primary low-levelradioactive waste disposal site at Los Alamos NationalLaboratory, New Mexico, and is adjacent to Pueblo of SanIldefonso lands. Pueblo residents and Los Alamos scientists areconcerned about radiological doses resulting from uptake of AreaG radionuclides by mule deer (Odocoileus hemionus) andRocky Mountain elk (Cervus elaphus), then consumption ofdeer and elk meat by humans. Tissue samples were collected fromdeer and elk accidentally killed near Area G and were analyzedfor 3H, 90Sr, total U, 238Pu, 239, 240Pu,241Am, and 137Cs. These data were used to estimatehuman doses based on meat consumption of 23 kg y-1. Humandoses were also modeled using RESRAD, and dose rates to deer andelk were estimated with a screening model. Dose estimates tohumans from tissue consumption were 2.9 × 10-3 mSv y-1and 1.6 × 10-3 mSv y-1 from deer and elk, respectively,and RESRAD dose estimates were of the same order of magnitude. Estimated dose rates to deer and elk were 2.1 × 10-4 mGyd-1 and 4.7 × 10-4 mGy d-1, respectively. Allestimated doses were significantly less than established exposurelimits or guidelines.  相似文献   

The population counts of hydrocarbon-utilising yeasts weremonitored at six sampling stations in the Benin City municipalarea over a four-week period. Although the population countswere relatively constant in each locality, the highest countsoccurred in areas heavily polluted by domestic and industrialeffluents. A total of thirty-five hydrocarbon-degrading yeastswere isolated from soil at the sampling stations usingn-hexadecane as sole carbon source. The isolates were identifiedas belonging to the genera Candida (27 strains), Endomycopsis (4 strains). All the organisms grew on long-chainn-alkane, kerosene, diesel oil and crude oil but failed to growon short-chain n-alkane, aromatic and alicyclic hydrocarbons.Measurement of growth attributes of the isolates usingn-hexadecane, diesel oil and crude oil as substrates showed thatthe Candida species were better utilizers of hydrocarbonsubstrates relative to Endomycopsis and Schizosaccharomyces species.  相似文献   

In this article a comprehensive approach for the evaluation of possible health effects in an environmental impact assessment (EIA) is described, illustrated with the example of Amsterdam Airport Schiphol. Unlike many EIAs, we estimated quantitatively the impact of aircraft-related pollution in terms of the number of affected people for aircraft noise annoyance, odour annoyance and hypertension. In addition, an analysis of health registry data on cardiovascular and respiratory diseases and a short survey on annoyance and risk perception were carried out. The scope of a health impact assessment depends on the situation, available knowledge and data, concern in the population about the impact and the number of people concerned. It is important to pay attention to the perception of risks and concerns from all parties involved. Moreover, the results demonstrate that far more people outside the area for which standards apply were affected than inside.  相似文献   

The San Francisco Bay estuary isused by over one million shorebirds during springmigration and is home to several hundred thousandduring the winter. Most shorebird use occurs in thesouthern reach of the estuary (South Bay). Thereduced water circulation and discharge fromindustrial sources in the South Bay are responsiblefor the highest levels of some trace elements in theestuary. Wintering shorebirds have been found to havestrong site fidelity to areas as small as a fewkilometers in the South Bay, which may increase theirexposure to contaminants near local point sources. Inaddition, different shorebird species foraging at thesame site have been shown to have differentcontaminant burdens. Thus, our objectives were totest whether contaminant burdens differed by species,or whether contaminant burdens differed in shorebirdscollected at adjacent sites. We examined thecontaminant profiles of two species of shorebirds,long-billed dowitchers (Limnodromus scolopaceus)and western sandpipers (Calidris mauri) thatforage together at two sites, Hayward and Newark,separated by 8 km in the South Bay. We usedmultivariate analysis of variance tests to compare thecomposition of 14 elemental analytes in their livertissues and estimated their molar ratios of Hg and Se. Composite samples were used for contaminant analysesbecause of the small body size of the shorebirds. Seven elemental analytes (Ag, Ba, Be, Cr, Ni, Pb, V)were below detection limits in a majority of thesamples so statistical analyses were precluded. Inthe measurable analytes (As, Cd, Cu, Hg, Mn, Se, Zn),we found no significant intra-site differences ofcontaminant profiles for the two species. We pooledthe samples to examine inter-site differences andfound significant differences in contaminant profilesbetween shorebirds at the neighboring sites (P = 0.03). Shorebirds at Newark had higher (P < 0.05) concentrations of As, Cd, and Se than those at Hayward. Dowitchers at Newark had concentrations of Hg and Se which were highly correlated (P < 0.003) in a mean molar ratio of 1:19, similar tothat reported in other birds. In the larger dowitcherspecies, we also examined exposure to 20organochlorine compounds. Organic analyses showedthat the dowitchers had been exposed to DDE, PCBs,dieldrin and trans-nonachlor, but with no significantdifferences in concentrations between Hayward andNewark (P > 0.05).  相似文献   

用火焰原子吸收光谱法测定了苏州开发区26种蔬菜中的铜、锌、铁、锰和镍的含量。蔬菜样品用硝酸高氯酸混合酸进行消解。4次测定值的相对标准差<5%,加标回收率在92%~107%之间。26种蔬菜中铜、锌、铁、锰、镍的含量基本均在世贸组织规定的范围内。  相似文献   

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