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一、大型活动安保风险评估概述 我国<大型群众性活动安全管理条例>规定.面向社会公众举办的每场次预计参加人数在1000人以上的体育比赛活动,演唱会、音乐会等文艺演出活动,展览、展销等活动,游园、灯会、庙会、花会、焰火晚会等活动,人才招聘会、现场开奖的彩票销售等活动即为大型活动.  相似文献   

中国的GDP连续多年均保持了8%的高位增长,却鲜有人知道每年因公共安全问题造成的GDP损失高达6%,这些问题每年夺去了20多万人的宝贵生命.其中火灾是危害最持久、最惨烈的灾害之一.我国每年因火灾死伤的人数都在几千人.据公安部统计,2003年共发生火灾254811起,死亡2497人,伤3098人.这伤亡的几千人中,占大多数都是由于群死群伤造成的.另据统计,20世纪全世界一次性火灾死亡超过100人的大火26起,其中我国就占3起,烧死1250人,可见我国火灾群死群伤形势之严势,已成为当今必须认真研究和寻求预防措施的新课题.  相似文献   

也许是巧合,戏剧性的一幕在30年后的今天发生了.2月22日,美国总统布什在清华大学演讲后,在乘坐自带的卡迪拉克豪华轿车前往中南海与江泽民共享午餐的路上,自家的专车却意外爆胎,布什不得不走出车子,步行到备用的豪华轿车中,车队行程不得不耽搁了几分钟.而那辆"受伤"的名牌轿车则在车队末尾蹒跚而行.  相似文献   

梅芯是个标准的白领丽人,她有一份很舒适而又薪水颇丰的工作.每天的任务就是处理公司来往的资料文件及安排董事长的会谈事务.她的老公是同一公司另一部门的负责人.两人本是大学同学,一起来到了这家外企公司,经过几年的奋斗,老公成了部门主管.两人虽处在两个不同的部门,但梅芯到董事长办公室都要经过老公的部门.  相似文献   

<正>对于普通公众,了解化学常识,掌握遭遇化学品爆炸(泄漏)时基本的自救技能,也成为迫切之需。《新京报》记者连线北京市疾控中心职业卫生所副主任医师林英及一位正在北京待命准备前往天津现场的感染防护专家,告诉大家在"遭遇化学品爆炸(泄漏)事故时,我们该如何自救?"自救5招1面对冲击波怎么办?伏地寻找遮挡物躲避冲击波伤害通过现场亲历者拍下的视频,我们看到了爆炸的惨烈,同时也发现,这些拍摄者在拍摄过程中可能遭受到了  相似文献   

中小学生安全问题,近些年来一直是个沉重的话题.报刊杂志、广播电台时有中小学生安全事故的报道:火灾、溺水、交通事故、食物中毒、房屋倒塌、因玩耍打闹致伤、因楼道拥挤踩压致死等事故时有发生,时刻威胁着青少年的健康成长.  相似文献   

<正>鸡肉。如果在晚上摄入大量鸡肉或其他蛋白质,你的睡眠质量可能会降低。当你入睡时,消化系统的运动速度会减慢50%,而蛋白质会让消化系统的运动速度更慢。这样你的身体器官会更关注消化系统,而不是睡眠。所以晚餐应搭配蛋白质和碳水化合物一起吃,平衡睡眠质量。汉堡。这种食物对睡眠极为不利。脂肪会刺激胃产生过多酸性物质,造成胃酸回流进食道,还可能伤害心脏。此外,这种油腻的食物不但会软化食道下括约肌,导  相似文献   

4月22日,由中国安全防范产品行业协会和上海市科学技术协会联合举办的"上海世博与城市监控"安全论坛在沪召开.上海市政协副主席、世博局副局长周汉民、公安部科技委主任李润森、中安协理事长柳晓川、上海市公安局局长张学兵、上海市科技委党委书记陈克宏、上海市综治委办公室副主任乐伟中、公安部科技局三处处长李明甫等领导以及安防(中国)科技有限公司等众多企业代表共100余人参加了会议.  相似文献   

在预防事故工作中,有些事情看起来微不足道,实际上非同小可,有的小事捅出大娄子,懊悔不已;有的无视安全,酿成大祸;有的违章操作,命丧黄泉.俗话说:"沙粒虽小伤人眼,小雨久下会成灾."小过错与大祸端没有不可逾越的屏障,事物量变到一定程度就会引起质变,小过错不可小视.2004年12月20日河北省沙河市"11·20"铁矿火灾事故,造成数十人死亡,矿井发生火灾的原因查明为主井盲井电缆内燃引发坑木燃烧.  相似文献   

1997年1月8日夜,在巴基斯坦东北部的拉合尔市郊,乌拉姆·吉拉尼驾驶着他那辆旧卡车行驶在莫古尔拉普区那坑洼不平的路上.车上拉的是纺织厂漂白牛仔布用的30多罐氯气,但是乌拉姆却并不知道氯气是什么东西,在运货途中又去看了一位朋友,只能抄近道将氯气运到目的地了.突然间,这辆车的后轮又卡进了路边的地沟里,乌拉姆急忙前后猛打方向盘,车上的钢瓶被震得叮当乱响.货车上的钢瓶中有几只安全系数不合格,在相互碰撞中氯气便发生了泄漏.乌拉姆被氯气怪味吓坏了,趁着夜深人静溜之大吉.  相似文献   

Improved laws, enhanced enforcement, and public awareness brought about by citizens' concern, during the 1980s led to dramatic declines in drinking and driving in the industrialized world. The declines included about 50% in Great Britain, 28% in The Netherlands, 28% in Canada, 32% in Australia, 39% in France, 37% in Germany, and 26% in the United States. Some of these declines may be due in part to lifestyle changes, demographic shifts, and economic conditions. In most countries the declines reversed in the early 1990s and drinking and driving began to increase. By the middle of that decade the increases stabilized and the rates of drinking and driving again began to decline. These decreases were much less dramatic than those in the 1980s. Approaching the end of the 1990s and early in the new century, the record has been mixed. Some countries (France and Germany (until 2002)) continued to reduce drinking and driving while in other countries (Canada, the Netherlands, Great Britain, and the United States), there was stagnation and in some cases small increases or even large increase as was the case in Sweden. Complacency and attention to other issues in recent years have been difficult to overcome in some countries. Harmonization of traffic safety laws in the European Union has strengthened laws in some countries but threatens existing strong policies in others. It may be that the major gains have already been made and that additional progress will require a much greater level of scientific knowledge, use of new and emerging technologies, and political and social commitment to put in place proven countermeasures.  相似文献   

为了解城市道路积尘PM 2.5中碳组分春秋季节差异,利用样方法采集石家庄市4种不同类型道路积尘PM 2.5样品,测定有机碳(OC)和元素碳(EC)浓度并分析。结果表明:OC,EC在积尘PM 2.5中平均浓度春季为86.77,12.11 mg/g,秋季为119.70,9.44 mg/g,秋季OC浓度大于春季,EC相反;OC/EC为6.4~7.9(春季)和11.36~17.49(秋季),存在严重的二次污染,秋季明显高于春季。与国内不同地区对比发现,石家庄市道路积尘中碳质颗粒物污染严重。主成分分析发现春季积尘中的碳主要来自于汽油车与柴油车尾气排放、道路降尘的沉积,而秋季则增加了生物质燃烧、燃煤排放的影响。  相似文献   

本文就思想认识、安全投入、安全法制建设等方面,详实地论述了工会组织在企业安全生产、劳动保护监督检查中的地位、作用及历史赋予的职责。  相似文献   

In 1990 the Scientific Committee on Occupational Health Nursing (SCOHN) of the International Commission on Occupational Health (ICOH) carried out a survey on the education of occupational health nurses (OHN) in various countries. A questionnaire with 23 questions was mailed to 50 countries.Replies were received form altogether 37 countries (74%). The length of the general nursing education varies from two to five years, being three years in 21 countries. In two European countries it is less than three years.Some special training in occupational health is included in the general nursing education in 14 countries. However, the length of this training varies considerably. The special training is the longest in Denmark, Finland and Norway.According to the answers, special postgraduate courses are organized in 21 countries. Training in occupational health is also included in the public health nursing education of 12 countries.University level programs on occupational health nursing are available in eight countries. Joint education on occupational health at university level has been organized for various professionals in 13 countries. The length of this education varies greatly from some months to several years. In four countries the length of this joint education is one academic year.General nursing education is the basic requirement for occupational health nurses in most of the countries surveyed. However, training in occupational health is not included in this education in most of the countries. Special postgraduate courses in occupational health are organized in 21 countries to OHNs who are employed in Occupational Health Services. There is an urgent need to develop the education of OHNs in most countries surveyed.  相似文献   

This paper aims at presenting the evolution of process safety in Spain from various points of view. In first place, a study of the accidents occurred in this country in the process industry and in the transportation of chemical substances is presented. After this, the starting point of the process safety research in Spain and its evolution during the years are explained. The importance of this topic has also been reflected in the chemical engineering studies in some Spanish universities. Therefore, the current status of the studies on process safety in Spain is analyzed in this paper. A section has also been devoted to the process safety in the Spanish industry. An analysis of the related legislation and its implementation in the Spanish process industry is also presented in this paper. Finally, the professional career of Prof. Joaquim Casal, the pioneer in Spain in process safety and risk assessment, is summarized.  相似文献   

北京沙尘天气与源地气象条件的关系   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
本介绍了影响北京地区沙尘天气的沙尘源地,沙尘暴发生的条件和传输路径,分析了沙尘暴源地的气候要素特征及其对北京地区沙尘天气的影响,说明了北京沙尘天气发生和加剧的原因,影响北京地区沙尘天气的境外源地主要位于哈萨克斯坦,俄罗斯以及蒙古国境内,境内源地主要位于内蒙古和新疆,以及甘肃和青海的部分地区,沙尘天气发生必须具备三个条件:沙源,大风,气流辐合(垂直对流),有沙源不一定起沙,但无沙源一定不起沙,沙尘暴源地的气候特征主要表现为冬季寒冷,夏季炎热,全年降水稀水,影响北京的沙尘传输路径,最主要的有两条,即西路传输和北路传输,北京沙尘天气与沙尘暴源地的春季降水比较结果表明,北京地区沙尘暴和浮尘天气发生次数与沙尘源区春季大气降水量有比较显的负相关关系,北京扬沙天气的发生与沙源区冬春季降水量相关关系不显,说明北京扬沙天气起因与源区降水没有明显的关系,北京扬沙天气主要受本地的自然条件和人为活动的影响。  相似文献   

Floor slipperiness is a critical issue in slip and fall incidents which are a major source of occupational injuries. The objectives of the current study were to investigate if the protocols used in a field study conducted in Taiwan could be used in similar environments in the USA and whether consistent results could be obtained. Protocols used in the field study to investigate floor slipperiness in western-style fast-food restaurants in Taiwan included both objective and subjective measurements. Using the same methods as in Taiwan, friction was measured on tiles in six major working areas of 10 fast-food kitchens in the USA as an objective measurement of slipperiness, while the subjective measurement was employees’ ratings of floor slipperiness over the same areas. The Pearson’s and Spearman’s correlation coefficients in the USA between the averaged friction coefficients and subjective ratings for all 60 evaluated areas across 10 restaurants were 0.33 (p = 0.01) and 0.36 (p = 0.005), respectively, which were lower than the correlations of 0.49 and 0.45, respectively, obtained in Taiwan. Cultural differences, the amount of water on the floors in the sink areas and the existence of a slip resistant shoe program in one country might be contributors to the lower correlation coefficients in the USA. However, the current study confirmed the results obtained in Taiwan that average friction coefficient and perception values are in fair agreement, suggesting that both might be reasonably good indicators of slipperiness.  相似文献   

Researchers have neglected dynamic effects of proactive behavior on occupational well‐being. We investigated effects of change in personal initiative over 6 months on changes in emotional engagement and exhaustion over the following 6 months. On the basis of the control‐process theory on affect, we hypothesized that changes in positive and negative moods mediate these effects conditional upon employees' level of perceived organizational support. On the basis of action regulation theory, we assumed that change in job autonomy also acts as a mediator. Data came from 297 employees who responded to 3 surveys separated by 6‐month intervals. Results of latent change score modeling showed that change in personal initiative negatively predicted change in positive mood and, when perceived organizational support was low, positively predicted change in negative mood. In addition, change in personal initiative positively predicted change in job autonomy. Change in personal initiative had negative indirect effects on change in emotional engagement, and positive indirect effects on change in emotional exhaustion through changes in positive and negative moods (but not through change in job autonomy). A reverse causal model did not yield significant indirect effects. Overall, these findings suggest that an increase in proactive behavior can have detrimental effects on occupational well‐being.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVES: To determine whether the substantial short-term declines in drivers' use of hand-held phones achieved in the District of Columbia (DC) were sustained 1 year after a ban. METHODS: Drivers' daytime hand-held cell phone use was observed in DC and nearby areas of Virginia and Maryland, states without bans. Observations were conducted several months before the ban, shortly after, and 1 year later. The number of vehicles observed in all three surveys combined was 51,945 in DC, 36,796 in Maryland, and 43,033 in Virginia. RESULTS: The rate of talking on hand-held phones declined significantly from 6.1 percent before the law to 3.5 percent shortly after; when measured 1 year later, use was 4.0 percent, still significantly lower than baseline. Based on increases in rates of talking on hand-held phones in Maryland and Virginia, longer-term phone use in DC was estimated to be 53 percent lower than would have been expected without the ban. Declines in DC were identified for drivers of vehicles registered in all three jurisdictions. CONCLUSIONS: In DC, there was an initial decline of about 50 percent in drivers talking on hand-held cell phones following a ban, and this decline was sustained about 1 year later. After a similar ban in New York, there was an initial decline in phone use comparable with the initial decline in DC, but the decline a year after the New York ban took full effect was only about 21 percent and not statistically significant. The potential difference in sustained effectiveness for the DC ban may reflect tougher enforcement in DC. Even if full compliance with hand-held phone bans can be achieved, the risks from drivers' use of hands-free phones will remain.  相似文献   

张悦  刘艳  杨春丽 《安全》2019,40(8):22-27
为研究污水井中气体分布规律和影响因素,以北京市某区部分沟段污水井为研究对象,根据不同污水来源将沟段分为餐饮区、住宅区和商业区。在不同季节现场检测了不同分区污水井内氧气、二氧化碳、硫化氢等气体浓度,得出了气体分布规律和影响因素。研究结果表明,污水沟段内氧气、二氧化碳和硫化氢的分布情况受污水来源和季节影响;污水井内氧气和二氧化碳分布具有季节差异,夏季和秋季氧气含量较低,二氧化碳含量较高,春季和冬季氧气含量较高,二氧化碳含量较低;大部分污水沟段硫化氢含量超标,相对春、夏、秋3个季节,冬季硫化氢含量较低;相对商业区和住宅区,餐饮区污水井硫化氢含量超标最严重。  相似文献   

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