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采用NCTB测验对187名流水线作业工人测试,结果表明工人的情绪状态变得更焦虑、愤怒、抑郁、易疲劳。反映记忆力、感知/运动速度、心理运动稳定性、视反应速度对神经行为功能与劳动强度与工龄呈负相关。这与工人反映的头痛、头昏、多梦、记忆力下降等症状增多一致  相似文献   

重点对“安全驾驶适应性测验”的信度和效度进行了研究和检验。通过对310 名汽车驾驶员的答卷资料所处理结果表明:事故群驾驶员和非事故群驾驶员的心理品质差异主要表现在观察能力,判断能力,推断能力,辨别能力,思维的灵活性,注意的广度与稳定性,个性方面的安全驾驶态度,情绪的稳定性及是否过分自信等方面。另外,对年龄、文化程度、驾驶经验与事故率之间关系的考查表明,年龄与事故率之间的相关程度是十分显著的。说明该测验对于识别事故群驾驶员和非事故群驾驶员具有一定的区分性和预测性。  相似文献   

为分析驾驶员在高原公路环境下的应激反应能力,利用驾驶适应性检测仪器和辅助设备在现场试验中获得高原公路驾驶员的生理心理指标数据,研究其应激反应行为。测试结果表明:驾驶员的血压、心率与高原海拔、年龄、驾龄和连续驾驶时间显著相关。具体地说是,驾驶员的血压随着海拔上升及驾驶时间的延长出现下降,驾驶员的心率与年龄和驾龄成正相关。对驾驶适宜性检测的样本数据进行配对T检验发现,随着海拔升高,高原公路驾驶员的驾驶行为能力表现出选择反应迟缓,选择错误水平上升,应激反应能力减弱等特点。  相似文献   

为提高老龄化背景下道路交通的安全性,基于驾驶模拟试验数据,分析老年驾驶员的跟驰行为特征,并深入研究驾驶员跟驰行为的影响因素。选取车头间距、速度和反应时间作为驾驶员跟驰行为的表征指标,通过对比老年驾驶员与年轻驾驶员跟驰行为的差异,分析老年驾驶员的驾驶特征;进一步采用Pearson相关系数法研究跟驰行为与驾驶员年龄、驾驶负荷和驾驶偏好的关系。研究结果表明:相较于年轻驾驶员,老年驾驶员对前车紧急制动行为的反应时间较长,行驶速度的变化较大,且保持较大的车头间距。驾驶员的跟驰行为与年龄、驾驶负荷得分以及驾驶偏好显著相关。  相似文献   

人为因素已经成为导致交通事故发生的关键因素之一,而车辆追尾碰撞是公路上最常见、危害最大的一类事故.本文将驾驶员的心理细分为放松、谨慎和紧张三种状态,设计了状态切换规则以及不同状态下驾驶员的行为规则,建立了一种公路人因追尾事故的元胞自动机仿真模型.随后通过仿真实验研究了交通流参数以及驾驶员驾驶特性对追尾事故发生率的影响,仿真结果表明随着车辆最大允许速度和车辆密度的增加,追尾事故发生率显著上升;跟驰状态下驾驶员的反应延迟与差错率对事故率影响最大,而紧急情况下驾驶员的人为因素对事故率没有显著影响.研究结果对交通中人因事故发生机理研究及人因事故的预防有一定参考价值.  相似文献   

过境道路有着城市道路和公路的双重功能,其特定的功能导致交通事故频发,为了有效减少过境道路的交通事故,从时间分布、事故形态、事故原因、事故对象和驾驶员年龄分布等方面分析了过境道路的事故特性,并针对事故特性从路段和交叉口两方面提出过境道路事故预防对策。可为过境道路交通安全管理提供参考。  相似文献   

过境道路有着城市道路和公路的双重功能,其特定的功能导致交通事故频发,为了有效减少过境道路的交通事故,从时间分布、事故形态、事故原因、事故对象和驾驶员年龄分布等方面分析了过境道路的事故特性,并针对事故特性从路段和交叉口两方面提出过境道路事故预防对策。可为过境道路交通安全管理提供参考。  相似文献   

驾驶员反应特性在沙漠环境中的表现   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
在沙漠等特殊环境下,驾驶员的反应特性水平是衡量驾驶员驾驶适宜性的重要指标.为了探索汽车驾驶员的反应特性在特殊环境中的表现特征,本文利用复杂(选择)反应检测仪对沙漠公路行车途中汽车驾驶员进行了实地测试,测试包括反应时间和误反应次数在内的反应特性,并根据获得的有效样本检测数据进行统计整理,对受测驾驶员反应能力总体情况及与驾驶员年龄、驾龄、持续行车时间、检测时的气温等因素之间的关系进行了重点分析.研究表明,受急躁心理影响,沙漠环境下的驾驶员反应速度明显高于平均水平,而误反应次数增多,沙漠公路受测驾驶员复杂反应时间和误反应次数平均值分别为0.74 s和2.91次.关联度分析表明,沙漠公路驾驶员的年龄、驾龄、驾车时间及测试温度等因素与反应时间和错误次数均具有较强的相关性.相对于其他几项因素,驾车时间对驾驶员反应特性的影响最为明显.  相似文献   

新产品新技术驾驶适性检测系统国内唯一专门研究事故及防范对策的安徽三联事故预防研究所研制开发的“驾驶适性检测系统”,最近在合肥市通过鉴定。该系统包括心理测试设备和软件设备,是驾驶员预防发生事故的最先进检测装置,国内尚无同类产品。经专家鉴定认为,三联研究...  相似文献   

构建驾驶员心理品质与道路交通事故之间的关联模型,以准确反映机动车驾驶员的心理品质和安全驾驶的关系。依据事故倾向性理论,采用对照研究方法,随机选取253名事故驾驶员和254名优秀驾驶员,用艾森克人格问卷(EPQ)和卡特尔16种人格因素问卷(16PF)进行调查。比较2组驾驶员群体的气质类型和人格特征,通过因子分析计算驾驶员心理品质的综合得分。将所有驾驶员系统聚类,建立参照模型,区分驾驶员的不同类型。结果表明,驾驶员的心理品质直接制约驾驶行为,事故驾驶员和优秀驾驶员之间在心理品质上有显著差异,事故倾向性驾驶员筛查有可操作性。  相似文献   

新驾驶员反应特性分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
新驾驶员是交通事故的频发人群,并与其驾驶反应特性有关。笔者对96名(男75名,女21名)新驾驶员(驾龄≤3年)的反应时进行测试,与一定样本量(83名)的对照组相应指标作比较,其结果表明:对于简单反应时间,由于信息复杂度低,受试组和对照组未能表现出显著差异;当加大信息复杂度时(3光复合刺激),两组间反应时差异较为显著(p<0.01),即新驾驶员的反应能力较对照组差;应当有针对性地对新驾驶员进行反应时训练以增加其驾车安全性。  相似文献   

Information resulting from the occurrence of accidents and near-accidents is the basis for most accident prevention efforts. However, such information may not normally be incorporated into local safety activities. A group to assist supervisors in their investigations of accidents and a procedure to prompt the reporting of near-accidents by employees were tested at one company as means of improving local safety activities. The accident investigation group was in operation in all departments and was associated with improved accident reporting and prevention activities as well as a reduction in accident severity. The near-accident reporting procedure was tested in one department and led to improved knowledge about risks, although no reductions in accident frequency and severity were shown. On the basis of these results, the company safety committee decided at the end of the first year to extend the mandate of the investigation group but not to continue with near-accident reporting. Follow-ups after 2 and 3 years indicated that improvements in prevention activities had been maintained and that accident severity had been further reduced.  相似文献   

大货车驾驶员交通心理与交通安全的研究   总被引:4,自引:4,他引:4  
笔者从交通心理学的角度,对大货车驾驶员在行驶过程中的心理状况、因攻击性驾驶行为、强烈的冒险动机的驱使、对道路期望心理的失衡及交通安全感偏差等不良心理因素而导致恶性交通事故进行分析。通过研究得出以下结论大货车驾驶员是一特殊的群体,应重视对该群体的教育、培训与管理,从而提高驾驶员的职业道德水平、性格品质、交通安全感及驾驶技能,以改善道路安全环境和交通安全状况、降低道路交通事故发生率。  相似文献   

This study investigates whether there is evidence of age-related accident risks among male assembly workers in the Swedish automobile industry. Age-related accident ratios (ARs) were measured for all accidents aggregated and for six accident types over a 10-year period, using five age categories and three time intervals. The results showed that regardless of accident type, ARs were generally higher among younger workers than older ones, though not for all accident types and time periods. ARs by (open) age cohorts increased over time in four accident situations out of six for assemblers aged 25–34 (35–44 in 1990–1991). Inequalities in risk exposure, labor-market factors, and early deselection from the occupation are emphasized as significant external factors in the age-related differences observed in ARs.  相似文献   

基于车载机器视觉的汽车安全技术   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
在描述汽车驾驶操作过程基础上,根据信息获取范围将汽车安全辅助驾驶的机器视觉分为外部信息的机器视觉与内部信息的机器视觉技术,包括视觉增强、视野扩展、道路环境理解、视线跟踪与驾驶疲劳监测;逐个阐述其作用机理,综述其国内外研究现状,并归纳出研究重点;分析了汽车安全辅助驾驶系统中机器视觉技术当前研究不足。笔者认为,低能见度驾驶员视觉增强方法、道路环境理解信息融合以及驾驶疲劳检测等技术需进一步开展研究。  相似文献   

基于贝叶斯网的交通事故机理分析   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
针对道路交通事故的形成机理进行定性、定量研究,根据我国道路交通事故记录数据特征,应用贝叶斯网对事故发生概率进行定量分析.引入"驾驶员紧张度"和"道路线形合理度"两个隐节点,建立了事故分析的贝叶斯网多层隐类模型,采用最大似然估计方法确定了模型的边缘概率和条件概率.将贝叶斯网模型应用于国道104二级公路(K1310+000~K1330+000)的事故分析中,运用贝叶斯网分析软件包Netica对其历史事故记录数据进行分析.结果表明: 贝叶斯网不仅可以定量计算某种道路交通状态下的事故发生概率,而且可以找出影响事故概率的关键原因和最不利状态组合(事故概率最大时的道路交通状态).  相似文献   

This paper reviews European trends regarding young drivers' accident risk and the effects of countermeasures. Young driver risk differs between countries, and has improved in the last decade, probably as a result of general improvements in road safety levels. Young male drivers' relative risk is rising, indicating that current policies are less effective for males than for females. Further research is needed to understand the causes of this development. In Europe, most countries are moving toward multiphase licensing systems, including elements like accompanied driving, protective measures, and probation periods. European evaluation studies show mixed results regarding these elements, pointing to a need for more research into the effective components.  相似文献   

PROBLEM: The driver celeration behavior theory predicts that celerations are associated with incidents for which the driver has some responsibility in causing, but not other incidents. METHOD: The hypothesis was tested in 25 samples of repeated measurements of bus drivers' celeration behavior against their incidents for two years. RESULTS: The results confirmed the prediction; in 18 samples, the correlation for culpable incidents only was higher than for all incidents, despite the higher means of the latter. Non-culpable incidents had correlations close to zero with celeration. DISCUSSION: It was pointed out that most individual crash prediction studies have not made this differentiation, and thus probably yielded underestimates of the associations sought, although the effect is not strong, due to non-culpable accident involvements being few (less than a third of the total). The methods for correct identification of culpable incident involvements were discussed.  相似文献   

Objectives: This research aims to identify and analyze the factors affecting accident severity through a macroscopic analysis, with a focus on the comparison between inside and outside urban areas. Disaggregate road accident data for Greece for the year 2008 were used. Methods: Two models were developed, one for inside and one for outside urban areas. Because the dependent variable had 2 categories, killed/severely injured (KSI) and slightly injured (SI), the binary logistic regression analysis was selected. Furthermore, this research aims to estimate the probability of fatality/severe injury versus slight injury as well as to calculate the odds ratios (relative probabilities) for various road accident configurations. The Hosmer and Lemeshow statistic and other diagnostic tests were conducted in order to assess the goodness-of-fit of the model. Results: From the application of the models, it appears that inside urban areas 3 types of collisions (sideswipe, rear-end, with fixed object/parked car), as well as involvement of motorcycles, bicycles, buses, 2 age groups (18-30 and older than 60?years old), time of accident, and location of the accident, seem to affect accident severity. Outside urban areas, 4 types of collisions (head-on, rear-end, side, sideswipe), weather conditions, time of accident, one age group (older than 60?years old), and involvement of motorcycles and buses were found to be significant. Conclusions: Factors affecting road accident severity only inside urban areas include young driver age, bicycles, intersections, and collision with fixed objects, whereas factors affecting severity only outside urban areas are weather conditions and head-on and side collisions, demonstrating the particular road users and traffic situations that should be focused on for road safety interventions for the 2 different types of networks (inside and outside urban areas). The methodology and the results of this research may provide a promising tool to prioritize programs and measures to improve road safety in Greece and worldwide.  相似文献   

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