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葫芦岛市水土流失防控体系建设研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
分析了葫芦岛市水土流失现状及水土保持方面存在的问题,提出水土流失防控体系建设策略。建议采取水土流失分区治理、工程措施、林业措施、管理措施等建设葫芦岛市水土流失防控体系。  相似文献   

大通河石头峡水电站建设与鱼类保护   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
胡红云 《青海环境》2008,18(3):113-116
文章依据门源县石头峡水电站工程环境影响评价成果,论述分析了石头峡水电站建设可能对鱼类产生的影响,针对不利影响重点提出了减缓阻隔效应、栖息地保护、鱼类增殖、鱼政管理及鱼类监测等相应措施。  相似文献   

随着数字时代的到来,传统的城市规划、建设、管理与服务方式暴露出许多问题。在分析青岛城市系统信息化建设的基础上,提出了青岛“城市数字化工程”建设的目标、总体逻辑结构、数据库设计及其应用系统的开发研究等一系列问题,以期为青岛“城市数字化工程”建设提供决策支持。  相似文献   

生态环境重大工程是实施国家中长期规划、具有中国特色的一项制度安排。本研究通过梳理我国重大生态环境工程项目管理现状,包括制度建设、工程标准体系建设、绩效管理体系建设等,结合“十四五”生态环境保护形势和任务要求,分析当前我国在生态环境工程项目管理体系建设上存在的主要问题。在此基础上,构建出我国重大生态环境项目组织管理的框架和路线图,提出“十四五”加强和提升我国重大生态环境保护项目全过程管理的对策与建议。  相似文献   

介绍了云南省农村清洁工程标准化建设的基本做法,提出了农村清洁工程标准化建设8种模式,为农村清洁工程的标准化建设工作提供思路。  相似文献   

油气管道建设项目变更类型和环境影响分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
通过梳理分析近年来油气管道重大项目案例,从环评角度将管道项目变更类型分为建设规模、建设地点、生产工艺、环保措施以及涉及环境敏感区等5个大类;结合环评管理重大变动清单,分析提出油气管道项目各类重大变动的环境影响评价重点。建议加强工程变更的事前和事中管理,尽量避免或减少环评重大变动,避免变更工程未批先建,同时适当拓展竣工环保验收调查工作深度,妥善解决环评非重大变动管理问题。  相似文献   

孙志祥  何林 《四川环境》2004,23(6):122-123
田湾河流域梯级水电站是四川省人民政府列为2004年全面开工的重点建设项目。作为项目建设业主的四川川投田湾河开发有限责任公司根据工程所处的特殊地理位置,采取了适合流域梯级水电站建设的环境保护管理模式,在国内水电建设中第一次把对环境保护与工程“三控制”并重,常抓不懈。在工程规划、设计、施工管理中,均充分考虑维护生态平衡与环境保护的需要,采取了一系列有效的工程措施,树立了建环保生态电站的管理意识和建设目标,在工程建设中收到良好的效果。  相似文献   

丁义志 《四川环境》2010,29(4):91-94
根据安康中心城市两个饮用水水源地环境现状调查和水质监测结果,按照国家《地表水环境质量标准》(GB3838-2002),采用比照法进行了环境质量现状评价。同时,针对目前水源地存在的环境问题,提出了法律法规和制度保护措施、组织保障措施、各级水源保护区的工程治理措施,以及相应的生态修复与建设重点工程和管理能力建设重点工程等,对于改善水源地生态环境系统,有效地保证安康市生活饮用水质量和促进区域水资源可持续利用具有一定的指导作用。  相似文献   

以秦皇岛市经济技术开发区为研究样区,基于ADMS-LP计算了秦皇岛经济技术开发区的大气环境容量,并从工程减排、管理减排和结构减排三个方面提出了总量控制措施,以期为在城市规划中确定合理的建设用地布局以及工业企业类型提供依据。  相似文献   

铁路建设单位加强水土保持工作管理能够有效减少水土流失及其危害,实现工程沿线生态环境的有效保护。从铁路建设单位水土保持工作管理角度入手,通过划定合理的水土保持工作管理原则,分析铁路工程建设不同阶段水土保持管理的重点工作及过程控制措施,探讨了以全过程、标准化、精细化管理为基础的水土保持工作管理方向,切实促进建设单位提高各项水土保持工作管理的质量和效能。  相似文献   

PM2.5在线监测技术概述   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
针对PM2.5颗粒物监测技术和PM2.5的监测网络的建设,重点介绍了美国多年来对PM2.5的监测状况,以及采用的Beta射线法、Beta射线光浊度法、微量振荡天平法等监测技术的方法和原理;指出综合国内外多年的监测经验,PM2.5的在线监测需要经过大量手工经典方法数据作为比对和校验,才能给出有效而高质量的PM2.5监测数据。  相似文献   

PM2.5污染危害分析及防控措施研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
本文论述了PM2.5对环境的危害,在剖析PM2.5组成与来源的基础上,提出防控PM2.5的政策与技术方面的建议,以期为今后PM2.5的防控工作提供理论基础。  相似文献   

The goal of this paper is to find methodologies for removing a selection of impurities (H2O, O2, Ar, N2, SOx and NOx) from CO2 present in the flue gas of two oxy-combustion power plants fired with either natural gas (467 MW) or pulverized fuel (596 MW). The resulting purified stream, containing mainly CO2, is assumed to be stored in an aquifer or utilized for enhanced oil recovery (EOR) purposes. Focus has been given to power cycle efficiency i.e.: work and heat requirements for the purification process, CO2 purity and recovery factor (kg of CO2 that is sent to storage per kg of CO2 in the flue gas). Two different methodologies (here called Case I and Case II) for flue gas purification have been developed, both based on phase separation using simple flash units (Case I) or a distillation column (Case II). In both cases purified flue gas is liquefied and its pressure brought to 110 atm prior to storage.Case I: A simple flue gas separation takes place by means of two flash units integrated in the CO2 compression process. Heat in the process is removed by evaporating the purified liquid CO2 streams coming out from both flashes. Case I shows a good performance when dealing with flue gases with low concentration of impurities. CO2 fraction after purification is over 96% with a CO2 recovery factor of 96.2% for the NG-fired flue gas and 88.1% for the PF-fired flue gas. Impurities removal together with flue gas compression and liquefaction reduces power plant output of 4.8% for the NG-fired flue gas and 11.6% for the PF-fired flue gas. The total amount of work requirement per kg stored CO2 is 453 kJ for the NG-fired flue gas and 586 kJ for the PF-fired flue gas.Case II: Impurities are removed from the flue gas in a distillation column. Two refrigeration loops (ethane and propane) have been used in order to partially liquefy the flue gas and for heat removal from a partial condenser. Case II can remove higher amounts of impurities than Case I. CO2 purity prior to storage is over 99%; CO2 recovery factor is somewhat lower than in Case I: 95.4% for the NG-fired flue gas and 86.9% for the PF-fired flue gas, reduction in the power plant output is similar to Case I.Due to the lower CO2 recovery factor the total amount of work per kg stored CO2 is somewhat higher for Case II: 457 kJ for the NG-fired flue gas and 603 kJ for the PF-fired flue gas.  相似文献   

论新形势下如何做好建设项目环境管理工作   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文根据作者多年从事建设项目环境管理工作的经验体会,分析了当前建设项目环境管理工作面临的形势,论述了做好建设项目环境管理工作应着重把握的几个问题  相似文献   

In the carbon capture and storage (CCS) chain, transport and storage set different requirements for the composition of the gas stream mainly containing carbon dioxide (CO2). Currently, there is a lack of standards to define the required quality for CO2 pipelines. This study investigates and recommends likely maximum allowable concentrations of impurities in the CO2 for safe transportation in pipelines. The focus is on CO2 streams from pre-combustion processes. Among the issues addressed are safety and toxicity limits, compression work, hydrate formation, corrosion and free water formation, including the cross-effect of H2S and H2O and of H2O and CH4.  相似文献   

Abstract: Efficient water resource management is one of the most important policy issues facing agriculture in Hawaii in the years ahead. Soil water sensors, multisensor capacitance probes (MCP), have been successfully used for different water management projects. These MCPs monitor water content at multiple depths and at various locations in real-time. The objectives of this study were to determine the effect of water content on field soil bulk density of Wahiawa silty clay tropical soil; measure field saturated hydraulic conductivity of this tropical soil: calibrate MCP system for this soil: and monitor and evaluate real-time soil water content variations under a tomato crop using the calibrated MCP system. Sensor calibration was conducted under laboratory conditions. Soil bulk density at different water contents and saturated hydraulic conductivity were measured on the field. Bulk density increased with increasing water content: there was a 30 percent bulk density increase as a result of 0.25 cm3 cm-3 water content variation. Compared with the manufacturer's calibration, site specific laboratory calibration of MCP gave a more accurate determination of soil water. Field determined saturated hydraulic conductivity was higher than laboratory determined values reported in the literature for the same soil type. Real-time soil water content monitoring within the root zone showed substantial variations due to water input (irrigation and rainfall) and water output (evapotranspiration and deep percolations). However, water content variations were much further reduced in the soil layer below the root zone.  相似文献   

土壤是经济社会可持续发展的物质基础,关系人民群众身体健康,关系美丽中国建设,保护好土壤环境是推进生态文明建设和维护国家生态安全的重要内容。本文系统梳理了20世纪80年代以来中国土壤环境管理政策发展历程,并将其划分为土壤环境基础调查、农用地土壤污染治理、土壤污染状况调查和试点示范、土壤污染风险管控四个阶段,提出了当前基于风险管控的土壤环境管理总体思路,以及土壤污染预防和保护、农用地分类管理、建设用地准入管理等主要制度具体要求。立足土壤污染防治实际和生态环境保护新形势、新要求,分析今后一段时期中国土壤环境管理的发展趋势,并从制度标准完善、分级分类分区差异化防控、风险协同管控、技术创新等方面提出完善对策与建议。  相似文献   

CO2 capture and geological storage (CCS) is considered as a viable option to mitigate greenhouse gas emissions during the transition phase towards the use of clean and renewable energy. This paper concentrates on the transport of CO2 between source (CO2 capture at plants) and sink (geological storage reservoirs). In the cost estimation of CO2 transport, the pipeline diameter plays an important role. In this respect, the paper reviews equations that were used in several reports on CO2 pipeline transport. As some parameters are not taken into account in these equations, alternative formulas are proposed which calculate the proper inner diameter size based on flow rate, pressure drop per unit length, CO2 density, CO2 viscosity, pipeline material roughness and topographic height differences (the Darcy–Weisbach solution) and, in addition, on the amount and type of bends (the Manning solution). Comparison between calculated diameters using the reviewed and the proposed equations demonstrate the important influence of elevation difference (which is not considered in the reviewed equations) and pipeline material roughness-related factor on the calculated diameter. Concerning the latter, it is suggested that a Darcy–Weisbach roughness height of 0.045 mm better corresponds to a Manning factor of 0.009 than higher Manning values previously proposed in literature. Comparison with the actual diameter of the Weyburn pipeline confirms the accuracy of the proposed equations. Comparison with other existing CO2 pipelines (without pressure information) indicate that the pipelines are designed for lower pressure gradients than 25 Pa/m or for (future) higher flow rates. The proposed Manning equation is implemented in an economic least-cost route planner in order to obtain the best economic solution for pipeline trajectory and corresponding diameter.  相似文献   

生态环境大数据建设的思考   总被引:7,自引:6,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
我国生态环境大数据建设前景广阔,挑战重重,在数据共享、数据开放、应用创新、技术落地等方面存在不同程度的困难.本文通过分析大数据的发展和特征,阐释了生态环境大数据建设的重要性和紧迫性,梳理了开展生态环境大数据建设的难点及其产生原因,提出了当前形势下开展生态环境大数据建设的思路和建议,包括树立全局性的生态环境大数据发展观,推动环保业务全流程数据管理,形成生态环境大数据的数据体系,以大数据为核心构建环境管理新业态、以创新精神做好大数据应用等.  相似文献   

The paper presents a methodology for CO2 chain analysis with particular focus on the impact of technology development on the total system economy. The methodology includes the whole CO2 chain; CO2 source, CO2 capture, transport and storage in aquifers or in oil reservoirs for enhanced oil recovery. It aims at supporting the identification of feasible solutions and assisting the selection of the most cost-effective options for carbon capture and storage. To demonstrate the applicability of the methodology a case study has been carried out to illustrate the possible impact of technology improvements and market development. The case study confirms that the CO2-quota price to a large extent influence the project economy and dominates over potential technology improvements. To be economic feasible, the studied chains injecting the CO2 in oil reservoirs for increased oil production require a CO2-quota price in the range of 20–27 €/tonne CO2, depending on the technology breakthrough. For the chains based on CO2 storage in saline aquifers, the corresponding CO2-quota price varies up to about 40 €/tonne CO2.  相似文献   

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