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污泥干化焚烧联用系统最佳运行工况研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
污泥干化焚烧联用系统将污泥焚烧产生的能量用于污泥干化,可实现污泥处理的节能降耗。对于污泥干化焚烧联用系统的运行,进厂污泥负荷、初始含水率、热值、污泥干化目标含水率是最大的影响因素。为实现污泥干化焚烧联用系统的低能耗和安全稳定运行,结合国内某污泥干化焚烧处理工程,建立了污泥干化焚烧联用系统能量和物料平衡模型,在此基础上研究了变工况条件下污泥干化焚烧联用系统的运行模式,分析了运行负荷、污泥热值、进厂污泥含水率、入炉污泥含水率发生波动时,对污泥干化单元和污泥焚烧单元所产生的影响,并提出了对应的运行策略。  相似文献   

为了促进含油污泥资源化利用的工程化应用,提高回收油品质并减少二次污染,开发了含油污泥2级分离系统集成工艺,并选用典型的油泥样品在实验室条件下进行了工艺优化实验。结果表明,在高含固预处理一级分离中添加20%的煤油,可脱除粒径在15.1μm以上的固体颗粒。一级分离产物经7%微乳液化学调质后进行二级离心分离,得到的回收油中含水和固体颗粒重量比小于3%。该分离系统将应用于日处理100 t的油泥资源化处理集成技术示范工程。  相似文献   

利用溶胶-凝胶法合成了不同钛含量的MCM-41负载二氧化钛的催化剂(TiO2/MCM-41),采用红外光谱、扫描电镜、N2-吸附脱附和X-射线衍射对催化剂的结构进行了表征,并首次将其应用于含油污泥热解过程中,利用气质联用质谱仪对回收的油气品质进行了分析。结果表明,添加TiO2/MCM-41能将含油污泥热解油的回收率由76.04%提高到83.88%,热解温度降低21℃,还能改善热解油品质。  相似文献   

利用污泥热解-自源炭重整的方式获得高品质的燃气和油,为了实现更高的气、油转化率,在600℃的重整条件下,对比了污泥在450~600℃内不同热解温度下产生的热解挥发分利用自源炭催化重整后的气、油产量与特性,同时考察了自源炭生成方式的影响。研究结果表明,550℃下污泥热解产生的热解液产量最高,同时最容易被炭催化裂解,但是因积碳使得污泥转化为气、油的产率不高。600℃下热解产生的挥发分经过重整后获得最高的气体转化率与热值,但也存在积碳问题。与一步升温到600℃的热解炭相比,不同温度下的热解炭继续被加热到600℃所获得的分步热解炭更符合连续化操作要求,但其重整效果总体上不如前者好;而热解温度在450℃时例外,450℃的热解炭继续升温至600℃并重整450℃热解挥发分,能够获得最高的气、油产率并减少碳沉积。在实际情况下的热解-重整连续化操作中推荐热解温度为450℃以及重整温度为600℃,以获得高值产物并降低对热解装置的要求。  相似文献   

热解技术在有机固废能源化清洁利用方面具有巨大的应用潜力.通过对热解技术的工作原理、适用范围、工艺系统与设备等的阐述及其能量转化、产物分析,吸取国外成功经验,着重以污泥为例,论述了热解技术在有机固废处置及综合利用方面的优势,并建设性地提出了3种热解技术应用模式以及国产化应用热解技术的发展规划思路.  相似文献   

为研究污泥低温干化过程中的含硫气体释放和系统中硫的转化,以一条产线为例,检测讨论污泥干化全过程中硫含量、气体中含硫污染物浓度和气体冷凝水中硫化物浓度和分配情况。经测试发现,污泥低温干化过程中,干污泥中最终保留80%以上的硫元素并随着干污泥进入电厂煤棚,其余硫元素在干化过程中转化成气态、固态。检测发现,干燥过程中有硫化氢、甲硫醚、二硫化碳等气体逸出,并在工艺过程中发生归中反应,凝结出硫单质进入冷凝污水或附着在管道内壁上,硫单质为硫总量的12.5%;管道内壁上固体附着物质含硫量达到54%。研究结果为污泥低温干化过程提供元素硫的转化分布数据,对污泥干化系统设备维护保养、气体环保处置、含硫物质的回收处理具有积极意义。  相似文献   

提出了一种新型的含油污泥焚烧近零排放处理方式,即利用富氧燃烧技术焚烧含油污泥,油泥无需干化,并可以回收烟气中的CO_2直接用于油田驱油,可以实现CO_2的近零排放。以日焚烧200 t含油污泥为研究对象,构建了鼓泡床富氧燃烧含油污泥锅炉原则性热力系统,并分别从炉膛内密相区埋管、稀相区受热面和尾部对流受热面等方面进行了概念设计,根据鼓泡床锅炉的设计原则并结合富氧燃烧技术特点,设计了一台富氧燃烧含油污泥鼓泡床锅炉。详细介绍了鼓泡床焚烧锅炉的设计参数、结构布置,结果表明:鼓泡床富氧焚烧含油污泥系统的锅炉效率可达92.59%,富氧燃烧工况下炉膛内的换热量远远大于对流换热量。  相似文献   

热解是实现铝塑包装废物中有机物和金属铝分离的有效方法。利用外热式固定床反应系统对其进行热解实验,研究热解时物质与能量流向的变化趋势。结果表明:(1)铝塑包装废物最佳热解温度为723~773 K;(2)热解产生的可回收能量远大于反应所需能量,可以实现热解系统的自供热;(3)铝塑包装废物热解的净能源回收效率为62%~63%。  相似文献   

城市污泥桨叶式干化优化实验研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
桨叶式干化是一种高效的污泥干化处理技术,为了降低污泥含水率达到污泥减量减容效果,同时为后期的工程化应用提供依据和参考,实验采用倾斜盘式桨叶干燥机,以北京市污水处理厂污泥为研究对象,研究了不同滞留时间、污泥供给量、干燥机换热面积等因素对桨叶式干化处理后蒸发速度和污泥含水率的影响,并从处理效率以及与工程化应用数据对比分析等多方面考核,确定最佳工艺运行条件:使用0.5—0.8MPa的蒸气,蒸发速率达到14~21.8kg/(m^2·h)时,干化处理后污泥含水率〈40%。  相似文献   

城市生活污泥烧结制陶粒的两种工艺比较研究   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
通过试验比较了"湿法造粒-烧结"和"干化-烧结"2种利用城市生活污泥烧结制陶粒的工艺路线.分析了工艺路线、原料配比和烧结温度对污泥陶粒的产品强度、吸水率和密度等性能指标的影响,同时指出了沸石粉和粘土作为助熔剂的不同作用机理和作用温度.实验结果表明,污泥"干化-烧结"制陶粒更有优势.烧结陶粒不会造成二次污染.综合考虑产品性能与经济性,适宜的物料配比为干污泥50%、粉煤灰30%~40%、粘土10%~20%.  相似文献   

不同升温速率下城市污水污泥热解特性及动力学研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
利用差热-热重分析法和Coats-Redfern积分法,对杭州某污水处理厂污泥在不同升温速率下的热解特性及反应动力学特征进行研究。实验结果表明,热解温度从室温升至900℃时,污泥热解过程可分为4个失重阶段;升温速率对污泥热解转化率、挥发分析出温度以及最大失重率等热解特性参数都有显著影响。升温速率越高污泥最大失重率越大;而较低的升温速率延迟了污泥热解反应时间,导致污泥失重量相对较大。根据Coats-Redfern积分法计算结果,污泥在氮气氛围下的热解反应为二级反应模式。提高升温速率可显著增加污泥热解的表观活化能和频率因子。  相似文献   

利用热重分析法对印染、中药和废水处理厂3种典型工业废水污泥进行了热解动力学实验研究。结果表明,工业污泥是一种高挥发分、低固定碳和低热值的劣质燃料。经过消化处理的污泥灰分含量较高,挥发分含量变小。热解过程中有3个失重速率较高的阶段,以挥发分的析出为主。升温速率对热解的最终失重率有重要影响。升温速率增加,热解更剧烈,但最终失重率的变化趋势与污泥种类有关;为使热解效果更好,不同种类的污泥应选择不同的升温速率。不同种类的污泥具有不同的热解特性,印染污泥挥发分析出阶段有2次热解。中药污泥活化能最小,印染污泥挥发分第2次热解的活化能比第1次大幅增加。  相似文献   

Pyrolytic conversion of sewage sludge into biochar could be a sustainable management option for Mediterranean agricultural soils. The aim of this work is to evaluate the effects of biochar from sewage sludge pyrolysis on soil properties; heavy metals solubility and bioavailability in a Mediterranean agricultural soil and compared with those of raw sewage sludge. Biochar (B) was prepared by pyrolysis of selected sewage sludge (SL) at 500 °C. The pyrolysis process decreased the plant-available of Cu, Ni, Zn and Pb, the mobile forms of Cu, Ni, Zn, Cd and Pb and also the risk of leaching of Cu, Ni, Zn and Cd. A selected Mediterranean soil was amended with SL and B at two different rates in mass: 4% and 8%. The incubation experiment (200 d) was conducted in order to study carbon mineralization and trace metal solubility and bioavailability of these treatments. Both types of amendments increased soil respiration with respect to the control soil. The increase was lower in the case of B than when SL was directly added. Metals mobility was studied in soil after the incubation and it can be established that the risk of leaching of Cu, Ni and Zn were lower in the soil treated with biochar that in sewage sludge treatment. Biochar amended samples also reduced plant availability of Ni, Zn, Cd and Pb when compared to sewage sludge amended samples.  相似文献   

在化学反应设计中反应动力学是较重要的因素。为得到更合理的污泥热解动力学参数计算方法,利用热重分析仪,在氮气气氛下对罐底含油污泥的热解特性进行研究。根据热重实验数据,分别采用Coats-Redfern法、Kissinger法、FWO法和Popescu法计算污泥热解动力学参数,并获取罐底泥热解制油的主要阶段(第2阶段)的反应活化能E、频率因子A并分析各种方法反应机理。通过对比不同计算方法得到动力学参数及拟合曲线与实验曲线的相关性,确定了最佳罐底含油污泥热解动力学参数计算方法。研究表明,Popescu法得到罐底泥的热解过程符合Jander方程,活化能E为101.43 kJ/mol,与FWO法得到的91.20 kJ/mol相近,且预测曲线与实验曲线有较好的相关性(0.9816),说明Popescu法计算罐底泥热解动力学参数更合适。  相似文献   

Chao CG  Chiang HL  Chen CY 《Chemosphere》2002,49(4):431-437
The pyrolysis of hydrocarbon-rich sludge in an oxygen-free environment can provide useful liquefaction products and residues. When applied to sewage sludge, energy and time costs are the major factors that affect the operation. Therefore, it is important to understand how the process is affected by temperature. The pyrolysis kinetics of sludge from a petrochemical factory wastewater treatment plant was studied to reveal the effects of temperature on the reaction rate and the magnitude of deltaH and deltaS of the reaction barrier. Oven-dried sludge samples were pyrolyzed in an isothermal reactor under six different temperatures. The residues were weighed at frequent intervals within a total 30-min experiment period. Data analysis indicated that a first order reaction model could describe the pyrolysis kinetics, across all experimental temperature ranges. When transition state theory was applied, the results indicated that the major reaction barrier came from the entropy term of the activation free energy. Therefore, increasing the pyrolysis temperature to overcome the reaction barrier yielded no apparent improvement, but strategies that reduced the entropy should significantly improve the reaction.  相似文献   

Pyrolytic conversion of sewage sludge into biochar could be a sustainable management option for Mediterranean agricultural soils. The aim of this work is to evaluate the effects of biochar from sewage sludge pyrolysis on soil properties; heavy metals solubility and bioavailability in a Mediterranean agricultural soil and compared with those of raw sewage sludge. Biochar (B) was prepared by pyrolysis of selected sewage sludge (SL) at 500 °C. The pyrolysis process decreased the plant-available of Cu, Ni, Zn and Pb, the mobile forms of Cu, Ni, Zn, Cd and Pb and also the risk of leaching of Cu, Ni, Zn and Cd. A selected Mediterranean soil was amended with SL and B at two different rates in mass: 4% and 8%. The incubation experiment (200 d) was conducted in order to study carbon mineralization and trace metal solubility and bioavailability of these treatments. Both types of amendments increased soil respiration with respect to the control soil. The increase was lower in the case of B than when SL was directly added. Metals mobility was studied in soil after the incubation and it can be established that the risk of leaching of Cu, Ni and Zn were lower in the soil treated with biochar that in sewage sludge treatment. Biochar amended samples also reduced plant availability of Ni, Zn, Cd and Pb when compared to sewage sludge amended samples.  相似文献   

针对目前污水厂污泥传统处理方法存在的不足与弊端 ,提出污泥资源化利用技术是今后污泥最终处置的根本方式 ,并就目前研究的污泥热解制油技术、制取燃料技术、堆肥土地利用技术和热解制取吸附剂技术等主要的资源化利用技术进行了综述。  相似文献   

Pyrolytic characteristics of sewage sludge   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
In this study, a number of different sewage sludge including sludge samples from industrial and hospital wastewater treatment plants were characterized for pyrolysis behavior by means of thermogravimetric analysis up to 800 degrees C. According to the thermogravimetric results, five different types of mass loss behaviors were observed depending on the nature of the sludge used. Typical main decomposition steps occurred between 250 and 550 degrees C although some still decomposed at higher temperatures. The first group (Types I, II and III) was identified by main decomposition at approximately 300 degrees C and possible second reaction at higher temperature. Differences in the behavior may be due to different components in the sludge both quantitatively and qualitatively. The second group (Types IV and V), which rarely found, has unusual properties. DTG peaks were found at 293, 388 and 481 degrees C for Type IV and 255 and 397 degrees C for Type V. Kinetics of sludge decomposition can be described by either pseudo single or multicomponent overall models (PSOM or PMOM). The activation energy of the first reaction, corresponding to the main pyrolysis typically at 300 degrees C, was rather constant (between 68 and 77 kJ mol(-1)) while those of second and third reactions were varied in the range of 85-185 kJ mol(-1). The typical order of pyrolysis reaction was in the range of 1.1-2.1. The pyrolysis gases were composed of both saturated and unsaturated light hydrocarbons, carbon dioxide, ethanol and chloromethane. Most products, however, evolve at a quite similar temperature regardless of the sludge type.  相似文献   

This paper assesses the feasibility of producing syngas from sewage sludge via two pyrolysis processes: microwave-induced pyrolysis (MWP) and conventional pyrolysis (CP). The changes in the composition of the produced gas as a function of the pyrolysis treatment and the initial moisture content of the sludge were evaluated. It was found that MWP produced a gas with a higher concentration of syngas than CP, reaching values of up to 94vol%. Moreover, this gas showed a CO2 and CH4 concentration around 50% and 70%, respectively, lower than that obtained in the gas from CP. With respect to the effect of moisture on gas composition, this was more pronounced in CP than in MWP. Thus, the presence of moisture increases the concentration of H2 and CO2 and decreases that of CO, especially when CP was used. In order to elucidate the behaviour of CO2 during the pyrolysis, the CO2 gasification kinetics of the char obtained from the pyrolysis were investigated. It was established that in microwave heating the gasification reaction is much more favoured than in conventional heating. Therefore, the low concentration of CO2 and the high concentration of CO in the microwave pyrolysis gas could be due to the self-gasification of the residue by the CO2 produced during the devolatilization of the sewage sludge in the pyrolysis process.  相似文献   

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