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动态系统物元模型在综合水预报中的研究和应用   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
在研究物元分析理论的基础上,以不同时段的水体综合水质建立动态系统物元,动用综合评判模型对其进行综合水质评 定,并通过建立回归预警模型进行综合水质预报。在实例应用中取得了较满意的结果,论证了该方法的合理性和可行性。为环境质量预测提供了一种全新的思路和方法。  相似文献   

城市环境空气质量的多指标可拓综合评价法   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
将多指标可拓综合评价方法应用于城市环境空气质量评价。分析城市环境质量的影响因素,建立了环境空气质量评价的物元模型。将多污染物空气质量要素的目标评价归结为单目标决策,比较简明确切地反映出城市某区域环境空气质量的综合水平状况。  相似文献   

生态环境质量物元可拓评价及实例分析   总被引:15,自引:0,他引:15  
生态环境质量评价属于环境质量评价的重要方面。为了探索建立生态环境质量评价的方法,尝试运用物元可拓的方法来建立生态环境质量评价模型,并且通过用该方法对土壤生态环境质量评价实例验证物元可拓方法的可行性,得到该土壤生态环境质量评价等级值为3.73。从而为尚处在探索发展阶段的生态环境质量评价方法提供一种新思路。  相似文献   

基于熵权物元可拓模型的黑河中游生态环境脆弱性评价   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
针对黑河中游生态环境特点,基于PSR模型,选取9项能反映其生态环境脆弱性而彼此之间相互独立的评价指标体系,采用物元可拓理论和熵权法构建生态环境脆弱性的综合评判模型,对黑河中游各地区生态环境脆弱性进行了评价.结果表明:民乐县和甘州区整体生态环境脆弱性相对较轻,嘉峪关市中等,肃州区、高台县和临泽县较重,山丹县最严重;各地区对不同评价指标的敏感程度也各不相同.评价结果符合当地实际情况.  相似文献   

运用压力-状态-响应模型和层次分析法构建生态安全评价指标体系,综合运用GIS技术及模糊物元分析方法对南京市仙林新市区建设前后(2003和2007年)的生态安全状况进行评价。结果表明,2003—2007年,仙林生态安全状况主要向2个方向发展,生态安全和不安全区域面积均有所增加,占区域总面积比例分别由9.6%和12.9%增加至22.3%和15.0%。由于各区域发展模式不同,生态安全状况区域差异明显。具体表现为仙鹤片区与白象片区生态安全区域面积明显增加,占研究区总面积比例分别由2.6%和3.9%增加至10.1%和9.3%;麒麟片区生态安全状况以临界安全为主,部分片区由临界安全状态向较安全状态转化;青龙片区生态安全状况变化不大。  相似文献   

神经网络模型在辽河水质量评价中的应用   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
为准确的反映辽河水质量状况和发展趋势,在对辽河水质监测采样和实验分析的基础上,建立了水质评价的BP神经网络模型,应用该模型对辽河的水质现状进行了质量综合评价,4个监测断面的评价结果均在4~4.5之间,水污染情况较为严重。该评价结果与监测断面污染项目的超标情况分析的结论吻合,评价效果较好。  相似文献   

李学斌  马林  陈林  许冬梅  谢应忠 《生态环境》2010,19(9):2260-2264
草地枯落物是草地生态系统中生物组分枯死后所有有机物质的总称,是草地生态系统重要的组成部分,是除冠层外,大气与矿质土壤层、植物根系层进行物质与能量交换的另一介质,在生态学中起着不可替代的作用。随着西部大开发战略和退耕还林还草工程的实施,大型家畜等草食性动物退出草地生态系统后,枯落物成为草地生态系统物质和能量循环的重要调节枢纽。近年来,随着全球应对气候变化、节能减排和低碳经济所面临的压力,作为全球碳循环的重要组成部分,草地枯落物的研究被越来越多的学者所重视。文章在综述国内外大量文献的基础上,对草地枯落物的概念进行了比较分析,对其进行了准确定义;归纳出了尼龙网袋法、室内分解培养法、现量估算法和同位素法等多种草地枯落物分解方法,并就枯落物分解过程中经常采用的分解率概算模型、时间衰减模型、影响因子关系模型等进行了比较分析,总结出枯落物的分解是由淋溶、自然粉碎和代谢等3个主要作用,碎屑食物链、腐食食物链等2种不同的食物链共同组成的复杂过程。开展长期定位监测、形成统一的研究方法,探索枯落物分解过程中碳循环微观机理,以及影响因子之间的交互作用是未来草地枯落物研究工作的重点。  相似文献   

平寨水库是黔中水利枢纽唯一源头水库,其水环境质量直接影响包括安顺和贵阳在内的整个黔中地区的农业灌溉和城市居民饮水安全.为了深入分析平寨水库的水环境质量状况,于2018年1月、5月、8月和11月对平寨水库7个监测断面水样进行采集,测定TP、TN、NH_3-N、COD和DO等5个监测指标,基于分形维数权重建立水质评价模型,对平寨水库水环境质量状况进行综合评价,并与模糊综合评价法和综合污染指数法进行对比分析.结果表明,平寨水库TP、NH_3-N和DO浓度均达到Ⅱ类水质标准,TN和COD浓度均超过Ⅱ类水质标准,主要为Ⅳ类和Ⅴ类,是主要污染因子;TP、NH_3-N和COD浓度在春季最高,TN浓度在秋季最高,DO浓度在冬季最低.平寨水库全年水质类别主要为Ⅲ类和Ⅳ类,在28个监测序列中,水质达到水功能区划标准的仅21.43%;平寨和跨桥断面水质最差,扈家河断面水质相对最好;春、秋季水质最差,冬、夏季次之.分形插值模型不仅能评价水质状况,而且能对同等级水质状况的优劣进行排序,具有较高的分类精度;其评价结果更客观、有效,在水质综合评价中具有良好的适用性.  相似文献   

选择余氯为研究对象,以南方某市给水管网水质监测的数据为基础,使用线性回归和非线性神经网络(ANN)方法建立模型,找到了一种利用在线监测数据和人工监测数据实时预测管网余氯的方法。通过建立给水管网水质模型,可以由监测系统动态回传的数据来实时的预测下一天人工点的水质。模拟的结果显示ANN模型比线性回归模型有更好的预测能力,预测的平均相对误差:ANN模型为14.9%,线性回归模型为25.8%。使用ANN模型可以实现实时预测。  相似文献   

特定小流域水质模型的选择   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
王蕾  尹澄清 《环境化学》1993,12(5):387-393
根据特定小流域的水文特点和实际要求,建立一个流域综合水质模型,它由三个子模型支持,即:河流水质模型、水库富养营化模型和非点源污染模型。本工作对河流水质模型(QUAL2EU)加以改进,使之适应W河的具体情况,并在QUAL2EU增加了模拟COD、网箱养鱼和底泥泛起的功能。完成了作了水源地的水库地的水库富营养化模型,解决了流域内农业耕作、污水灌溉等造成的非点源污染随降雨径流进入水体过程的模拟和计算,使之  相似文献   

巢湖水体悬浮物含量与光谱反射率的关系   总被引:30,自引:0,他引:30  
利用高光谱地物光谱仪在巢湖进行了反射光谱测量和同步水质采样分析,在分析巢湖水体反射光谱特征的基础上,分别研究了悬浮物浓度与水体光谱反射率和光谱反射率的一阶微分之间的关系,结果表明在近红外波段范围,单波段反射率和一阶微分光谱反射率都与悬浮物的浓度有较好的相关性,而且利用微分光谱估算内陆水体悬浮物浓度有较大潜力。  相似文献   

Water samples were collected on a fortnightly basis in the lagoon of S. Gilla (Sardinia, Mediterranean Sea) in order to study seasonal nutritional fluctuations of particulate organic matter. the lagoon is characterized by high quantities of suspended matter throughout the year. Thermohaline conditions had no effect on particulate matter quantity and composition, but the quantity as well as quality of suspended particles was drastically affected by the wind, the major effecter of sediment resuspension. As a result of sediment resuspension, seston was always richer in inorganic fraction. However, throughout the year of investigation, most particulate organic carbon was quite appealing for filter feeding communities, although the best POM quality was available during phytoplankton blooming. the phytoplankton pool of suspended matter was just a small fraction of the bulk, accounting for only 13% on average of particulate organic carbon. in terms of energy available in the seston, the highest amount was stored in organic matter heterotrophic fraction, whilst the smallest was to be found in living phytoplankton.  相似文献   

The water supply network (WSN) system is a critical element of civil infrastructure systems. Its complexity of operation and high number of components mean that all parts of the system cannot be simply assessed. Earthquakes are the most serious natural hazard to a WSN, and seismic risk assessment is essential to identify its vulnerability to different stages of damage and ensure the system safety. In this paper, using a WSN located in the airport area of Tianjin in northern China as a case study, a quantitative vulnerability assessment method was used to assess the damage that the water supply pipelines would suffer in an earthquake, and the finite element software ABAQUS and fuzzy mathematic theory were adopted to construct the assessment method. ABAQUS was applied to simulate the seismic damage to pipe segments and components of the WSN. Membership functions based on fuzzy theory were established to calculate the membership of the components in the system. However, to consider the vulnerability of the whole system, fuzzy cluster analysis was used to distinguish the importance of pipe segments and components. Finally, the vulnerability was quantified by these functions. The proposed methodology aims to assess the performance of WSNs based on pipe vulnerabilities that are simulated and calculated by the model and the mathematical method based on data of damage. In this study, a whole seismic vulnerability assessment method for a WSN was built, and these analyses are expected to provide necessary information for a mitigation plan in an earthquake disaster.  相似文献   

Surface sediments were collected from the shore and lagoons of Kavaratti, Kadamat Agatti and Pitti islands of Lakshadweep Archipelago during May 2015 and analysed for biochemical composition and quality of organic matter. The biochemical composition of sedimentary organic matter from the entire study area was characterised by the dominance of carbohydrates (CHO) followed by proteins (PRT) and finally lipids (LPD). PRT:CHO ratios were less than 1 and indicated the presence of aged organic matter in the islands. The poor nutritional quality of sediments to support benthic fauna was evident from the values of LPD:CHO ratios. The refractory nature of sediments and less availability of food to benthic source was supported by BPC:TOC ratios. Based on estimated ratios and biopolymeric carbon values, the trophic status of the study area was categorised as oligotrophic.  相似文献   

The actual harmful effects of industrial wastewater can not be reflected by the conventional water quality index. Therefore, the change in dissolved organic matter and the genetic toxicity of petrochemical wastewater were observed in the current study by examining the wastewater treatment plant of a large petrochemical enterprise in Northwest China. Using XAD-8, MSC, and DA-7 resins, the wastewater was separated into six fractions, namely, hydrophobic acid (HOA), hydrophobic neutral (HOB), hydrophobic alkaline, hydrophilic acid, hydrophilic alkaline, and hydrophilic neutral. Umu-test was used to detect the genetic toxicity of the wastewater samples, and fluorescence spectra were also obtained to examine genetic toxic substances. The results show that wastewater treatment facilities can effectively reduce the concentration of organic matter in petrochemical wastewater (p<0.05). However, the mixing of aniline wastewater can increase the amount of organic carbon (p<0.05) and can overload facilities. This finding shows that the mixed collection and joint treatment of different types of petrochemical wastewater can affect the water quality of the effluent. Particularly, hydrophobic substances can be difficult to remove and account for a relatively large proportion of the effluent. The mixture of aniline wastewater can increase the genetic toxicity of the effluent (p<0.05), and biologic treatment can not effectively decrease the toxicity. Most of the genetic toxicology may exist in the HOA and HOB fractions. Fluorescence spectroscopy also confirms this result, and tryptophan-like substances may play an important role in genetic toxicity.  相似文献   

设施土壤pH值与有机质演变特征研究   总被引:19,自引:0,他引:19  
邓玉龙  张乃明 《生态环境》2006,15(2):367-370
设施土壤的pH、有机质与土壤环境质量及设施栽培作物生产水平密切相关。文章对云南不同区域、不同大棚种植年限、不同轮作制度的设施土壤pH与有机质的演变特征进行研究,结果表明:大棚种植年限长的地区,土壤pH、有机质变化明显;随着大棚种植年限的增长,土壤pH呈下降趋势,有机质含量则呈上升趋势;随着土壤层次的加深,大棚土壤pH逐渐升高,而有机质则逐渐降低;不同轮作方式,花-菜轮作比菜-菜轮作有利于增加有机肥对设施土壤pH的缓冲性。  相似文献   

A mechanistic semi-empirical carbon cycle model of the La Grande reservoir complex in northern Quebec, Canada was conceived in order to investigate the climate impact of such a large alteration of the continental water cycle. The model includes inputs from the drainage basin, organic matter release from flooded soils, CO2 emissions across the water-atmosphere interface and sedimentation. Most input data stems from previous research by our group on those ecosystems. The model includes the seven reservoirs of the La Grande complex and was run for periods of 50 and 100 years. Terrigeneous dissolved, particulate and suspended soil carbon fluxes and concentrations were computed. Over 100 years, 31.3 × 1012 g C are released from flooded soils, equivalent to 28-29% of inputs from the drainage basin. 40-74% of dissolved organic carbon is mineralized. CO2 fluxes over 100 years are 50.5-79.8 × 1012 g C, 46.4-67.9 × 1012 g C more than in the absence of reservoirs. The increase in mineralization of organic matter and in CO2 emissions is a result of the increase in cumulated water residence time due to the creation of the reservoirs. Changes in other carbon sinks and sources likely offset a part of this additional carbon flux to the atmosphere. In the first years following flooding of the reservoir, organic carbon release from flooded soils exceeds CO2 emissions, implying the downstream export of large quantities of eroded soil organic carbon. After this initial period, CO2 emissions are fuelled by organic carbon originating from the drainage basin.  相似文献   

蔬菜施不同肥料对产量和土壤肥力的贡献   总被引:8,自引:2,他引:8  
为控制施肥对蔬菜和土壤的负面影响,充分利用施肥对土壤肥力的保护功能,探讨蔬菜合理的有机肥施用量,在不同质地土壤上,田间试验小白菜、苦瓜、豇豆三种蔬菜施不同量有机肥,收获时测定其产量、品质及试验前后的土壤有机质质量分数。结果表明,(1)在施适量无机NPK的条件下,每造蔬菜的有机肥(禽畜粪便,下同)施用量,砂土上小白菜为4500kg/hm^2、苦瓜和豇豆为3000kg/hm^2;在壤土上,小白菜和苦瓜均宜施3000kg/hm^2,豇豆则宜施4500kg/hm^2;在粘土上,小白菜每造只宜施1500~3000kg/hm^2的有机肥。(2)有机肥必须与无机肥合理配合施用,才能获得最佳的产量和品质效果。(3)施有机肥3000-4500kg/hm^2 适量无机肥可使土壤有机质水平保持在种植蔬菜前的质量分数水平,该施肥量和方式不仅可使蔬菜高产、优质,还有利于保护土壤肥力。(4)对蔬菜产量的贡献,有机肥和化肥配合施用的处理对蔬菜产量的贡献最大,来自土壤的效应由小到大依次为有机肥和化肥配合施用→化肥→有机肥,进一步反映合理施肥有利于保护土壤肥力。  相似文献   

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