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生态系统服务以长期服务流的形式出现,它只有小部分能进入市场被买卖。生态补偿是近年来生态环境管理领域新发展起来的方向和热点,但其实际应用引起了一些环境伦理问题。在介绍生态系统服务的经济学发展历史之后,分析了生态补偿中的环境伦理问题,探讨了环境伦理和生态系统服务之间存在的关系,以及人类从自然资源和生态补偿中受益的权利,对环境伦理和生态系统服务的未来提出了一些看法,得出支撑任何生态系统的支付方案之间的相互作用将有助于解决环境伦理问题,有助于传统经济增长和自然环境保护两者的兼容。  相似文献   

将生态经济学、资源环境经济学等理论进行融合,并结合耕地作为自然—经济—社会复合生态系统的特殊性和作为资源分布的差异性,提出耕地保护外部性的内部化是耕地保护经济补偿的核心问题和环境经济学的基础,公共物品属性是耕地保护经济补偿政策途径选择的公共经济学基础,生态系统服务及其价值(效益)理论是确定耕地保护经济补偿标准的价值基础和理论依据,城乡与区域统筹发展是耕地保护区内和区际经济补偿体系构建的依据和目标,从而为耕地保护经济补偿机制研究提供理论支撑.  相似文献   

生态补偿标准的科学确定是建立生态补偿机制的关键。在简要说明生态补偿标准核算方法的基础上,结合石羊河流域实践与存在的问题,选取生态服务价值、机会成本和支付意愿三种补偿标准进行比较,确定石羊河流域生态补偿标准。结果表明:以WTP为参照确定补偿标准,实施补偿的投入最少,但对生态系统服务的整体性与系统性考虑较少;以ESV为参照确定补偿标准,一定程度上改善了居民对生态系统服务的认识,但对居民切身利益考虑较少,生态补偿的效益有待分析;机会成本则将生态补偿实践与家庭或个人的生产实践联系到一起,居民可接受弥补其因生态补偿实践中的实际损失,生态补偿实践效率得到保障。  相似文献   

生态补偿是生态经济学领域的一个研究热点,研究者、决策者和实践者都将生态补偿视为应对生态系统退化的有效政策工具。围绕生态补偿的定义、补偿客体、生态补偿主体、补偿标准和方式,学术界进行了大量研究,形成了市场交易、生态经济、税收补贴和社会制度等多种生态补偿理论框架。但是,由于这些理论存在不同程度的缺陷,在实践中难以避免挤出效应、外溢效应、交易费用高等问题,也不利于协调效率、效益和公平之间的关系。构建具有普遍适用性和可操作性的生态补偿理论框架,需要研究如何将生态服务纳入经济学的总供给和总需求分析模型,提出简便易行的生态服务价值综合评估方法,统一生态服务价值与经济领域价值计量的基础,从生态、经济和社会的综合维度研究针对不同生态服务补偿机制的有效尺度。  相似文献   

土地利用变化对浙江生态系统服务价值的影响   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
生态系统服务功能价值理论可定量估算各类生态系统为人类提供服务的经济价值.土地是一切陆地生态系统的载体,在人类改造和利用自然的过程中不可避免地要影响各类生态系统的状况,进而影响到它们为人类提供的服务与功能.以浙江省1990年、1995年、1999年和2002年的土地利用类型数据为依据,结合浙江省的具体情况对生态价值计算方法进行修正,估算了该省生态服务价值的动态变化环境效益.结果表明,浙江省的生态服务价值经历了一个先缓慢上升后迅速下降的过程,其中水分调节和水分供应项变化的幅度大,而且不同土地类型发挥了不同的效应.  相似文献   

基于成本分析的西部生态补偿法律机制研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
建立和实施西部生态补偿机制,是加强西部生态建设和强化西部生态功能专业化服务的必由之路。生态系统服务补偿理论和自然资本理论为我们分析西部生态补偿提供了新的分析范式,西部生态补偿包括国家补偿、区域和流域补偿、自力补偿三个层次。其内部的成本关系包括生态服务利用成本关系、跨区域资源调配成本关系、生态工程实施成本关系、内部补偿成本关系等,基于成本分析基础上的三层次补偿关系协同发展是完善西部生态补偿法律机制的基本内容。  相似文献   

明晰生态补偿的价值目标,既是健全我国生态补偿政策体系、体现公共政策属性的关键,也是调动各方生态保护积极性、提升自然生态系统稳定性与生态产品供给能力的现实需要。本文首先评述了关于生态补偿价值目标的研究进展,认为国内对该领域的研究比较欠缺,亟须补充;其次对于国际上生态补偿的价值目标选择,从维护和提升生态系统服务功能、农民减贫脱贫、推动城乡生态公正以及提高农民生态参与意识等四个方面进行了介绍。反思国内生态补偿价值目标的问题,本文提出生态补偿机制完善与价值目标导向:①以“绿水青山就是金山银山”理念面向多元价值目标构建生态补偿机制;②通过生态补偿机制建设提升生态系统服务功能;③通过生态补偿机制接续推进全面脱贫与乡村振兴的有效衔接;④通过生态补偿机制建设促进城乡生态公正;⑤加强生态补偿政策宣传激发公民生态意识。  相似文献   

生态系统服务价值非货币量核算:理论框架与方法学   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0       下载免费PDF全文
1997年两个开创性的著作,即Gretchen Daily主编的Nature’s Services:Societal Dependence on Natural Ecosystems一书及同年Robert Costanza在Nature上发表的The Value of the World’s Ecosystem Services and Natural Capital,引发了关于生态资本和生态系统服务、政策等研究的热潮。中国近几年来也将生态文明建设提到了前所未有的高度,并提出了一系列以生态系统服务价值核算为前提的制度和措施。基于此,本研究首先综述了现有生态系统服务分类体系及其存在的不足,剖析了现有核算生态系统服务价值的两类方法,即货币量方法和非货币量方法的核心差异点与可能的融合点,构建了基于能值分析方法和融合货币量核算方法的非货币量生态系统服务功能的新的核算框架,包括:(1)重新分类了生态系统服务价值,即直接价值(增加NPP、固碳释氧、增加土壤、补给地下水/涵养水源、提供水源水电和农产品等)、间接价值(净化大气、水、土壤、人畜排泄物和减少水土流失/侵蚀等)和存在价值(调节气候、调蓄水量、调节径流、旅游休闲、文化教育、维持生物多样性等)三大类;(2)确立了各类生态系统服务价值的核算方法体系;(3)厘清了核算中的加和原则等,以避免重复计算。该理论和方法学是解决现有生态系统服务价值核算方法不足的尝试和完整的方法论构建。  相似文献   

当前学术界对于GEP的概念内涵和核算方法仍在探索之中,而地方实践已然走在理论研究之前。GEP核算是生态服务价值的货币化评价,主要是为了科学认识生态系统服务的潜在价值,不等同于生态服务价值的市场显现;核算的出发点是为了更好保护自然资本,而非生态产品价值转化。GEP核算通过货币化评价生态服务价值,将自然资本保护更好地纳入经济社会发展决策,为完善生态补偿机制、进行生态文明绩效考核、引导人造资本和人力资本进入生态产业化提供重要参考依据。GEP和GDP都是流量,将GEP直接转化为GDP在逻辑上不成立。如何使GEP核算更好地服务于生态产品价值实现,需要在理论上厘清逻辑关联,在实践中明晰政策边界。  相似文献   

相对于自然生态保护其他方面,江河断流、湖泊湿地萎缩、水源涵养功能退化、水土流失加剧等流域污染问题,水资源保护存在的“上游投入、下游得利”不合理现象,不断加剧水资源质量的衰减和水体环境的恶化。本文以维持流域生态系统平衡及生态服务功能,调整流域相关利益方生态及其经济利益分配关系为依据,根据流域面临的生态保护、污染治理和水资源合理利用等问题特点,以大伙房水库上游地区为例,构建以生态系统服务功能价值和机会成本理论为基础的生态补偿标准估算模型,对流域生态补偿资金进行分配,探索建立不同类型、各有侧重、因地制宜的生态补偿标准,在试点和实践中调整完善,为国家建立流域生态补偿机制和政策提供模式和经验。  相似文献   

The strategic importance of ecosystem service valuation as an operational basis for policy decisions on natural restoration has been increasingly recognized in order to align the provision of ecosystem services with the expectation of human society. The contingent valuation method (CVM) is widely used to quantify various ecosystem services. However, two areas of concern arise: (1) whether people value specific functional ecosystem services and overlook some intrinsic aspects of natural restoration, and (2) whether people understand the temporal dimension of ecosystem services and payment schedules given in the contingent scenarios. Using a peri-urban riparian meadow restoration project in Flanders, Belgium as a case, we explored the impacts of residents’ perceived importance of various ecosystem services and stated financial constraints on their willingness-to-pay for the proposed restoration project employing the CVM. The results indicated that people tended to value all the benefits of riparian ecosystem restoration concurrently, although they accorded different importances to each individual category of ecosystem services. A longer payment scheme can help the respondents to think more about the flow of ecosystem services into future generations. A weak temporal embedding effect can be detected, which might be attributed to respondents’ concern about current financial constraints, rather than financial bindings associated with their income and perceived future financial constraints. This demonstrates the multidimensionality of respondents’ financial concerns in CV. This study sheds light on refining future CV studies, especially with regard to public expectation of ecosystem services and the temporal dimension of ecosystem services and payment schedules.  相似文献   

跨境流域生态补偿机制的构建,是实现"一带一路"倡议目标的重要基础,有助于化解资源冲突、协调区域发展、增进利益协同,进而增强政治互信,加快经济融合,提升文化包容,推进命运共同体构建。本文基于对西方国家跨境流域生态补偿研究与实践的梳理,总结归纳出西方跨境流域生态补偿中强调流域生态系统分析、注重不同付费原则相互配搭、重视双/多边协商、建立多层次综合管理体系等经验。在此基础上,针对现阶段中国跨境流域生态补偿所面临的挑战,提出加强跨境协商合作平台建设、重视对跨境流域生态系统研究以及构建多层次协同管理体系等应对措施。  相似文献   

大气资源是一类重要的"非实物态"自然资源资产。优质大气资源具有重要的生态系统服务价值,对人类生存发展起着至关重要的作用。目前,深圳市已将大气资源纳入自然资源资产负债表账户,但其生态系统服务价值尚未有系统性的量化核算方法,给自然资源资源资产负债表填报及领导干部离任审计等工作带来极大困难。本文在分析2015年深圳市大气环境质量现状的基础上,分别采用条件价值法、治理成本法及健康损害法对三类不同AQI等级的深圳市大气资源价值进行了初步核算,从而构建了大气环境质量价值核算体系。该体系可为深圳市大气资源资产负债表填制及领导干部离任审计提供技术支撑,同时为大气资源质量改善和治理提供管理依据,也为其他地区大气资源价值核算提供技术参考。  相似文献   

Forest Ecosystem Services and Eco-Compensation Mechanisms in China   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Forests are a major terrestrial ecosystem providing multiple ecosystem services. However, the importance of forests is frequently underestimated from an economic perspective because of the externalities and public good properties of these services. Forest eco-compensation is a transfer mechanism that serves to internalize the externalities of forest ecosystem services by compensating individuals or companies for the losses or costs resulting from the provision of these services. China’s current forest eco-compensation system is centered mainly on noncommercial forest. The primary measures associated with ecosystem services are (1) a charge on destructive activities, such as indiscriminate logging, and (2) compensation for individual or local activities and investments in forest conservation. The Compensation Fund System for Forest Ecological Benefits was first listed in the Forest Law of the People’s Republic of China in 1998. In 2004, the Central Government Financial Compensation Fund, an important source for the Compensation Fund for Forest Ecological Benefits, was formally established. To improve the forest eco-compensation system, it is crucial to design and establish compensation criteria for noncommercial forests. These criteria should take both theoretical and practical concerns into account, and they should be based on the quantitative valuation of ecosystem services. Although some initial headway has been made on this task, the implementation of an effective forest eco-compensation system in China still has deficiencies and still faces problems. Implementing classification-based and dynamic management for key noncommercial forests and establishing an eco-compensation mechanism with multiple funding sources in the market economy are the key measures needed to conquer these problems and improve the forest eco-compensation system and China’s forestry development in sequence.  相似文献   

邓林  杨海真 《四川环境》2010,29(2):89-94
自然生态系统提供人类需要的各种服务,有广泛的使用价值,其中生态服务功能,即无形资产的价值最为重要。本文对新龙县环境的特殊性进行了分析,根据影响生态价值的相关因素,计算了新龙县天然林和天然草地的生态服务功能平均价值,并进一步计算出新龙县1999~2003年受到保护和管理的天然林和天然草地的生态服务功能价值。结果显示,新龙县天然林的生态服务功能平均价值为11837元/hm2,草地为7915元/hm2,1999~2003年,新龙县生态服务功能价值增加值占调整后GDP的比重高达65%~85%。但这部分价值长期未得到统计和合理的补偿,为实现流域环境和经济的可持续发展,建议建立国家、地方、区域、行业多层次的补偿系统,同时逐步完善市场机制。  相似文献   

Human well-being is intricately connected to ecosystem services. A keystone contribution to the ecosystem service literature has been the Millennium Ecosystem Assessment, MA, (Ecosystems and human well-being: a framework for assessment, Island Press, Washington, DC; 2003, 2005). Much of the work on ecosystem services to date has focused on the assessment and classification of environmental functions. The need for inclusion of community perspectives in ecosystem assessments has been widely recognized in order to better understand the distribution of impacts and benefits resulting from natural resource use. Communities can offer a direct route to understanding the complex relationships between ecosystems and human well-being and how environmental management affects their livelihoods. Photovoice has been made popular as a tool for participatory needs assessment but it has had limited use in ecosystem assessments to date. The purpose of this paper is twofold: (1) to present the results of a community-level assessment of environmental services in a watershed dominated by pineapple monoculture in Costa Rica; and (2) to evaluate the strengths and the limitations of photovoice as a tool for mapping the relationship between ecosystems and people. I argue that photovoice is an underutilized methodology that has the potential to complement biophysical ecosystem service assessments in the context of impoverished and resource-dependent communities, particularly, since assessing ecosystem services and acting upon that information requires integrating the knowledges of diverse stakeholders, recognizing power imbalances, and grappling with the complexity of social-ecological systems. Processes such as photovoice have the potential to catalyze community self-organization, which is a critical component for empowerment.  相似文献   

Eco-compensation is a multi-disciplinary topic. There is no consensus on the issue of river eco-compensation across districts. Although policies regarding river eco-compensation have been issued in China since 2008, due to the high cost, eco-compensation has not been well implemented in the Taihu pilot region. Therefore, a simplified method based solely on water quality (both water quality and water volume included in the Taihu method) was proposed for North Jiangsu province (NJP). However, the formula was flawed and it led to payments being too low. Three problems need to be solved: (1) how to specify the eco-compensation areas; (2) how to test a reasonable eco-compensation model and (3) how to determine the compensation criterion. Solving these issues is already a priority. In this paper, three potential solutions surrounding eco-compensation are discussed: (1) three principles for selecting the representative eco-compensation areas are suggested; (2) the compensation calculation method based on contaminant flux above the ultra standard is revised and (3) a compensation criterion model based on the treatment costs of sewage is proposed. In the NJP case in 2009, the average eco-compensation criterion for chemical oxygen demand (COD) is 2,000 Chinese Yuan (CNY) per ton and ammonia nitrogen (NH4–N) and total phosphorus (TP) are 8,000 CNY and 80,000 CNY per ton, respectively. Five districts needed to be compensated. The payments in the revised scheme were 4.15–586 million CNY, which were 16–48 times greater than that in the draft method. The new method can provide an important template for managers when drafting river eco-compensation schemes.  相似文献   

We intend to estimate the value of ecosystem services in the U.S. State of New Jersey using spatially explicit benefit transfer. The aggregated net rent, a conservative underestimate for the total economic value of the state’s natural environment, ranged from 11.6 to11.6 to 19.6 billion/year, conditional on how inclusive we were in selecting the primary studies used to calculate the central tendency values to transfer. In addition to calculating the range, mean, and standard deviation for each of 12 ecosystem services for 11 Land Use/Land Cover (LULC) types, we also conduct a gap analysis of how well ecosystem service values are represented in the literature. We then map these values by assuming a mean value for each LULC and apply this to spatial data. As to sensitivity analysis, we calculate the net present value of New Jersey’s natural environment utilizing three different methods of discounting. These research results provide a useful, albeit imperfect, basis for assessing the value of ecosystem services and natural capital, and their comparison with the value of conventional human and built capitals.  相似文献   

通过对洱海湿地的调查,应用资源经济学和生态经济学的理论和方法对洱海湿地的生态服务功能价值进行了货币化评估,得出洱海湿地生态系统价值总量丰富、保护价值意义巨大.  相似文献   

王凯 《中国环境管理》2019,11(4):99-104
自然资源的科学管理与永续利用,不仅关系到多个产业部门的发展,还是习近平生态文明思想的重点关注问题。生态文明建设背景下的自然资源治理,应满足并促进多元主体参与下的不同利益诉求与协同发展。经济发展新形势下资源约束愈发显著,产业供给端的自然资源治理问题是可持续发展的关键要素。本研究结合两山论,通过对自然资源治理与人类活动发展间的内在关系进行分析,指出坚守两条底线的贵州实践是两山论持续深化生态文明建设的理论演进与验证。进而结合利益相关方的需求满足,梳理三者间联系与特性,以其核心理念为主线,围绕"生态系统服务、生态系统保护、区域经济发展"的目标功能实现,构建一种多元主体下的自然资源治理体系,并分析其约束条件与运行模式,以区域实践探析其目标功能实现与重要理论延展。最后提出应在产业发展与多方参与层面上统一思想认识,有利于新型治理途径的构建与探索。  相似文献   

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