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如今很多人的眼睛都盯着水。从2012年7月1日起,我国强制实施新的《生活饮用水卫生标准》,这个标准要求水质总体与世卫组织水质标准接轨。作为环保志愿者,南京两位市民——程渊和李春华,向全国32个城市的自来水厂邮  相似文献   

这是一个打火机的年代,从一块钱一只的廉价打.火机到几百元的ZIPPO。火柴风行的年代已渐行渐远,“90后”一代估计只能靠着想象来读完安徒生的《卖火柴的小女孩》。变脸后的艺术火柴,或是留存在众多人心中的火柴记忆,正在跟我们诉说火柴并未走远。  相似文献   

对于刚刚买了新房的程安民来说,房子的装修几乎让他耗尽了精力和财力。眼下,添置家电又让他头疼了。以前买空调还有节能惠民补贴,现在也取消了。程安民说,由于是城市户口,又没有旧家电,他既不能享受家电下乡又不能享受以旧换新政策,如今,他只能期望家电卖场自身的优惠活动了。  相似文献   

高峰 《绿色视野》2012,(10):41-42
北极是一片神秘的白色地带,人,烟稀少,是格陵兰海的蓝色水域连接了它和世界。自人类涉足这片区域以来,就未曾停止对它的探索。在这样的探险活动中,中国人的脚步也未曾停止。2012年夏天,中国科学家们踏上了第五次北极科考的征程。  相似文献   

Critics of industrial animal agriculture (also known as “factory” farming) have argued that its practices are cruel, inhumane, or otherwise degrading to animals. These arguments sometimes form the basis of a larger case for the complete abolition of animal agriculture, while others argue for more modest welfare-based reforms that allow for certain types of industrial farming. This paper defends industrial farming against the charge of cruelty. As upsetting as certain practices may seem, I argue that they need not be construed as cruel or inhumane. Any link between industrial farming and cruelty or inhumanity is contingent on certain cultural, behavioral, and psychological facts that are person-dependent. For many people working in animal agriculture, these facts do not obtain. To be sure, industrial animal agriculture has real moral hazards that must be carefully avoided, but all that this shows is that working with animals is not for everyone.  相似文献   

写博文的叫"博客",拍视频的叫"拍客",攻击电脑黑人的叫"黑客"……但如果你认为摆客就是摆地摊的,那就错了,因为不是每个摆地摊的都是摆客。百度词条这样形容这群人:摆客是高素质、自律、无害的、爱好摆摊这种销售形式,通过这种形式接触社会、并借此锻炼和表现自己的群体。摆客这个群体以白领和大学生为主体,不以摆地摊为谋生手段,遵守《中国摆客公约》,不会污染环境和阻碍交通,不会扰民,会提供售后服务。  相似文献   

The protection and sustainable management of forests make up one of the major challenges of the years to come. While deforestation is the main problem in the tropics and subtropics, the qualitative degradation of forest ecosystems is the focus of discussions in the temperate zones. From a sociopolitical point of view, the crucial question in this respect is how forestry professionals and forest owners can be prompted to take active measures to restore degraded forest stands. Based on the theory of social constructivism and the model of symbolic interactionism, this paper shows that a person's readiness to implement restoration measures, inter alia , depends on the urgency of the problem. However, it does not (only) hinge on the 'objective' degree of damage, but (also) on the subjective problem perception of the decision maker. The empirical survey indicates, furthermore, that these subjective perceptions are--among other things--determined by social interactions. On the basis of these findings, we can derive a number of practical recommendations not just for science and research scientists, but especially for persons and institutions working in (further) education and in the field of extension services.  相似文献   

<正>今年年初,媒体曝光新《水浒》剧组涉嫌破坏黄河湿地,相关执法部门决定对剧组下达停止拍摄通知。随后,新《水浒》剧组对外发表声明,就黄河湿地拍摄事件进行道  相似文献   

有机食品端上了普通市民的餐桌,金寨的农家土猪肉,皖北土产正宗干风羊,肥东的无公害蔬菜……来自安徽各地的“土”味食材共聚一堂,这就是记者在合肥金安大酒店的绿色餐饮美食节上发现的惊喜。  相似文献   

蓝楠 《绿色视野》2011,(10):47-51
【案情回放】 潘京乐,已经80多岁了,他被陕西华县称为皮影戏的活化石,皮影戏中不管你男的女的,戏剧里面多少人物,唱的也好对白也好,生旦净末丑都是他一个人唱。潘京乐的父亲原来也是演皮影戏的,后来就把演皮影的手艺传给了他。这么多年,潘京乐这(手指)一蜷就七八个小时,一天天下来,这两个指头就歪了。  相似文献   

Based on his theory of animalrights, Regan concludes that humans are morallyobligated to consume a vegetarian or vegandiet. When it was pointed out to him that evena vegan diet results in the loss of manyanimals of the field, he said that while thatmay be true, we are still obligated to consumea vegetarian/vegan diet because in total itwould cause the least harm to animals (LeastHarm Principle, or LHP) as compared to currentagriculture. But is that conclusion valid? Isit possible that some other agriculturalproduction alternatives may result in leastharm to animals? An examination of thisquestion shows that the LHP may actually bebetter served using food production systemsthat include both plant-based agriculture and aforage-ruminant-based agriculture as comparedto a strict plant-based (vegan) system. Perhapswe are morally obligated to consume a dietcontaining both plants and ruminant(particularly cattle) animal products.  相似文献   

Companies that proactively seek opportunities in greenhouse gas emissions trading an early market advantage. © 2000 Environmental Financial Products LLC. All rights reserved. Used with permission.  相似文献   

有石家庄市“母亲河”之称的滹沱河,大量黑色软泥状污染物附着在河床上,散发出强烈的刺鼻气味。藁城市当地人士指认称,这是“烘药渣”小作坊倾倒的药渣。《每日经济新闻》记者调查发现,藁城市东四公村、西四公村、北四公村存在多个“烘药渣”小作坊。而华药集团环保部部长陈平承认公司和个别药渣加工厂有合作关系。  相似文献   

Nipped in the Bud: Why Regional Scale Adaptive Management Is Not Blooming   总被引:4,自引:2,他引:4  
Adaptive management is an approach to managing natural resources that emphasizes learning from the implementation of policies and strategies. Adaptive management appears to offer a solution to the management gridlock caused by increasing complexity and uncertainty. The concept of adaptive management has been embraced by natural resource managers worldwide, but there are relatively few published examples of adaptive management in use. In this article, we explore two watershed management projects in southeastern Australia to better understand the potential of adaptive management in regional scale programs through qualitative, case study–based investigation. The program logic of one case implies the use of passive adaptive management, whereas the second case claims to be based on active adaptive management. Data were created using participant observation, semistructured interviews with individuals and groups, and document review. Using thematic content and metaphor analysis to explore the case data, we found that each case was successful as an implementation project. However, the use of both passive and active adaptive management was constrained by deeply entrenched social norms and institutional frameworks. We identified seven “imperatives” that guided the behavior of project stakeholders, and that have consequences for the use of adaptive management. Reference to recent evaluations of the Adaptive Management Areas of the Pacific Northwest of the United States suggests that some of these imperatives and their consequences have broad applicability. The implications of our findings are discussed, and suggestions for improving the outcomes of regional scale adaptive management are provided.  相似文献   

The article discusses agricultural practices in sub-Saharan Africa, especially in terms of maintaining soil fertility. It disagrees with alarmist tendencies in the current debate, exaggerating the state of soil impoverishment in the African region. Nor does it subscribe to the idea that the remedy lies primarily in a massive influx of chemical fertilisers, especially phosphorus.
Instead, the article advocates a more balanced approach, where soil nutrient replenishment, as an improvement in natural capital, is but one part of the investment African agriculture needs. To achieve sustainable rural livelihoods, other forms of capital are also required, such as physical capital, i.e. infrastructure (roads, means of communication); financial capital in the form of credit and savings schemes; and human- and social capital, especially improved access to information and knowledge for farmers as well as improved local organisation and empowerment.
The article reviews nine case studies, taken from different climate zones in the region and representing different soil conditions. All case studies were projects using the participatory learning and action research (PLAR) method, which is discussed in detail.  相似文献   

Assessments of Wetland Functions: What They Are and What They Are Not   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
/ Many methods have been developed over the last two decades to provide information about wetland functions, but there has been little discussion of the models and algorithms used. Methods for generating information about wetlands were analyzed to understand their similarities, differences, and the type of information provided. Methods can first be grouped by the type of information they provide-classifications, characterizations, ratings, assessments, and evaluations. Methods that characterize, rate, or assess wetlands may generate information using one of two conceptual approaches-logic and mechanistic. Most methods that generate a numeric assessment of performance or value of wetland functions rely on the mechanistic approach to constructing models. Rapid assessment methods based on mechanistic models, however, do not assess the rates or dynamics of ecological processes occurring in wetlands. Rather, they provide a clear and concise way of organizing our current, and often subjective, knowledge about wetland functions. This is one limitation of current methods that is often misunderstood both by wetland managers and the scientific community. The advantages and limitations of the assumptions and the computational elements inherent in these approaches are discussed to provide wetland managers and regulators a better understanding of the information they are using. KEY WORDS: Wetlands; Functions; Assessment; Models; Methods  相似文献   

Three causes have been identified for the spiraling cost of wildfire suppression in the United States: climate change, fuel accumulation from past wildfire suppression, and development in fire-prone areas. Because little is likely to be performed to halt the effects of climate on wildfire risk, and because fuel-management budgets cannot keep pace with fuel accumulation let alone reverse it, changing the behaviors of existing and potential homeowners in fire-prone areas is the most promising approach to decreasing the cost of suppressing wildfires in the wildland–urban interface and increasing the odds of homes surviving wildfire events. Wildfire education efforts encourage homeowners to manage their property to decrease wildfire risk. Such programs may be more effective with a better understanding of the factors related to homeowners’ decisions to undertake wildfire risk–reduction actions. In this study, we measured whether homeowners had implemented 12 wildfire risk–mitigation measures in 2 Colorado Front Range counties. We found that wildfire information received from local volunteer fire departments and county wildfire specialists, as well as talking with neighbors about wildfire, were positively associated with higher levels of mitigation. Firsthand experience in the form of preparing for or undertaking an evacuation was also associated with a higher level of mitigation. Finally, homeowners who perceived higher levels of wildfire risk on their property had undertaken higher levels of wildfire-risk mitigation on their property.  相似文献   

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