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根据四川省2007年城市功能区声环境、城市区域声环境和道路交通声环境数据,阐明全省城市声环境质量现状,分析城市声源构成、各等级声覆盖率及其变化趋势.与国内一般情况相比,四川省城市声源构成具有社会生活噪声影响范围更最广,交通噪声影响范围较小等特点.四川省城市环境质量状况总体上处于较好水平,且有逐年下降趋势.同时,存在部分不同程度的噪声污染区,甚至存在一定程度的重度污染区.  相似文献   

城乡结合部庭院绿化对改善城市生态环境具有重要作用。以豫北城乡结合部为例,通过调查庭院绿化植物群落、种类数目,运用Margalef丰富度指数(R)、香农—威纳多样性指数(Shannon-Weiner index)(H)和Pielou均匀度指数(E)综合评价庭院植物的物种多样性。结果显示,研究区域庭院绿化以单一草本(46.2%)和灌—草复合型配置模式为主(30.4%),其多样性指数表现为灌—草复合型单一灌木型单一草本型乔—草复合型乔—灌复合型单一乔木型乔—灌—草复合型。村庄的植被物种多样性表现为:杨庄南李万史平陵村钦平陵村仇化庄,可见村庄植被物种多样性总体上与其到城市中心区距离呈逆相关,距离越远,城市化水平越低,物种多样性越高。  相似文献   

为了客观反映轨道交通建设对声环境的影响,以西安市城市轨道交通1号线为例,采用实测分析法研究轨道交通声源对周围声环境的影响。结果表明,所测声环境敏感点多为夜间超标,超标敏感点大都临近既有道路,主要受既有交通噪声的影响,而轨道交通设备引起的噪声增量仅为1.4~1.9 d B(A),对敏感点的影响较小;室内二次结构噪声监测结果显示其噪声实测值与背景值相差均小于0.5 d B(A),说明轨道交通的运行对室内二次结构噪声敏感点影响也较小。因此,轨道交通建设通过采取相应措施后对周围敏感目标的声环境影响是可控的,且轨道交通通过大量吸引客流将使地面交通噪声增量减少。总体上轨道交通地下线的建设对城市声环境的改善具有较大的促进作用。  相似文献   

为分析铁尾矿路用对道路沿线土壤环境质量影响的程度,对铁尾矿化学成分及有害物质进行测定,以秦巴山区的山地黄棕壤作为道路建设的耕土环境,把铁尾矿按70%~90%的推荐比例掺入,铁尾矿中的重金属按照最不利的全浸入式扩散进行分析,对黄棕壤中重金属含量超过限制要求的重金属进行安全修复,使铁尾矿道路沿线黄棕壤的重金属含量满足限制要求。结果表明:铁尾矿硫化物含量高达到2.89%,不满足配制混凝土的硫化物限量要求;铁尾矿路用的土壤中重金属Cr最大含量103.24 mg/kg、Cu最大含量116.4 mg/kg,国评标准污染等级均为Ⅱ级,其余重金属元素含量都在国家标准正常范围以内;高生物量的非超富集植物、细菌微生物、城市的污泥、工业粉煤灰(5%粉煤灰+50%尾矿砂+45%黄褐土)能够很好修复重金属Cr、Cu污染的土壤;含钙类物质的钝化剂处置重金属Cr、Cu污染效果好,腐殖酸、凹凸棒土、膨润土可以钝化土壤中的重金属Cu;高生物量非超富集植物、微生物钝化剂联合使用,具有更好的修复效果;当控制铁尾矿掺加比例不超过73%时,铁尾矿道路沿线的土壤重金属含量能够满足国家标准限值的要求。  相似文献   

针对城市电厂变压器的噪声污染,以北京太阳宫燃气热电冷联供工程中应用的变压器噪声控制为例,通过分析研究变压器声源不同的频谱特性,并根据厂界噪声控制目标计算声源的超标贡献量和设计降噪量,开发设计了变压器降噪隔吸声屏障,针对变压器的低频噪声,设计特殊的隔吸声结构,并成功应用于工程实践,取得了理想效果。  相似文献   

农光互补项目具有能源生产和粮食种植的双重价值,开展农业光伏电站的综合效益评估,有助于量化项目的实施效果,促进项目可持续发展。基于生态系统服务价值理论,本文构建了农业光伏电站的综合效益评估体系,并结合实地调查,以浙江乐清市某150兆瓦农光互补光伏发电项目为例进行了示范研究,分析了电站2018—2021年综合效益的构成和变化,比较了电站不同土地利用类型的生态系统服务差异,探讨了不同生态系统服务之间的协同与权衡关系。结果表明:(1)电站每年的经济效益在7534.11万~8417.06万元,电力效益上下波动,农业收益稳步增长;(2)随着项目的实施,电站的生态系统服务价值呈现“先减少后增加”的变化,总体增长量为435.31万元,单位面积生态价值从7.16万元/公顷提升至8.52万元/公顷,说明此农光互补模式对生态系统有积极影响;(3)由于光伏板下杂草区向水稻区的转变,电站的水源涵养和空气净化功能略微降低,土壤保持功能基本不变,而洪水调蓄和固碳释氧功能大幅增长;(4)光伏板的存在导致电站固碳和释氧功能的下降,而在光伏板下种植水稻改善了这一状况,并使电站的土壤保持和洪水调蓄功能发挥了较大作用;(5)...  相似文献   

基于经济—社会—生态三大维度构建高质量发展评价体系,测度分析了2001—2020年黄河流域高质量发展时空演化特征及驱动机制。结果表明:(1)经济—社会—生态分维度发展水平呈上升趋势且区域差异呈缩小趋势,空间上以中低水平类型为主,三大维度高质量发展存在明显错位现象;(2)高质量发展呈持续上升趋势,空间上以中低水平为主且均衡性逐步提高;协调发展水平有待增强,高协调区仅呈点状镶嵌分布于面状低水平区;关联集聚特征显著,由下游到上游呈圈层式热冷点集聚分布;(3)高质量发展空间分异呈等级化特征,与城市行政等级高低保持一致;呈集群化特征,城市群内城市优于其他城市;呈职能化特征,综合职能型城市发展相对较优;呈区位化特征,下游及沿河城市发展相对较优;(4)地理区位、经济技术、战略政策、历史文化等诸多方面因素及因子综合驱动高质量发展格局。  相似文献   

黄河流域生态系统服务变化的定量评估有利于考核流域生态综合治理效果。本研究构建了基于能值的生态系统服务价值核算方法体系,核算了黄河流域2000—2015年省级及地市级尺度生态系统服务价值变化及导致变化的原因。结果表明:(1)近15年,黄河流域生态状况有明显好转,除河南和山东外,增幅主要集中在黄河流域的中上游(7%~27%),增幅最大的为甘肃;(2)黄河流域的117个地级市(地区、自治州、盟)中,有77个地级市(地区、自治州、盟)生态系统服务价值有不同增幅(0.46%~210%);(3)黄河流域"源""过程""汇"区位不同保护重点不同,要根据其所提供生态服务的能力及改善情况动态制定分区分类保护策略;(4)近15年的林地面积增加对所提供的服务提升效果明显,湿地(湖泊、沼泽地)的减少变成黄河流域上、中、下游省份服务下降的最大驱动因素。本研究能够为黄河流域生态治理及城市绿色发展提供基础性依据。  相似文献   

矿产资源的开采虽然使资源型城市的社会经济迅猛发展,但也造成了环境污染和景观安全格局破坏。以资源型城市武安市为研究区,基于"源—汇"理论和最小阻力模型,确定武安市的"生态源"和"干扰源",构建综合阻力面,提取重要生态廊道,分析其景观安全格局状况。研究结果表明:(1)"生态源"集中分布在武安市西部自然保护区,中东部分布较少且连通性差;(2)矿产资源开采区的生态阻力值较大,交通建设对生态过程扩展起阻碍作用;(3)生态廊道网络布局特征明显,南、北氵名河连贯东西,南北方向因生产建设干扰强烈出现断层;(4)矿区周围生态用地破碎严重,应将生态规划与城市规划、矿区规划相结合,整体上保护资源型城市的景观生态安全格局。  相似文献   

城市道路两侧土壤重金属分布特征及生态风险评价   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
通过采集吕梁市G209线公路两侧土壤,研究土壤中锌、铜、镍、铅4种重金属的分布特征,并采用单因子污染指数法和内梅罗综合指数法进行生态风险评价。结果表明:采样点距离公路直线距离越大,土壤中重金属含量越低,且主要富集在0~20m可耕层,表现出明显的垂直递减规律。土壤重金属污染程度为:Pb(中度污染)>Cu(轻微污染)>Ni(轻微污染)>Zn(未污染),生态风险评价等级为Ⅴ,属于重污染。汽车尾气的排放是主要污染来源,对于农业用地,农药、化肥的施用也是主要污染源。  相似文献   

The purpose of this study is to evaluate the methods of reducing elevated-road traffic-noise levels in rural residential areas by controlling the relative locations and morphological parameters and to investigate the effect of noise barriers on noise attenuation along elevated roads and building facades in villages. This study selected six morphological parameters and used noise-mapping techniques to estimate the noise attenuation in 60 village sites. The results indicate that ‘quiet areas’ increase by approximately 10% for each additional 100 m increase in the distance between the elevated road and the village. The best strategy for noise reduction is keeping the elevated road 1,000 m away from the village and raising the road height to 20 m. The building façade conditions only affect the traffic noise level attenuation when the buildings are within 100 m of the elevated road. It was found that the cost-effective length of the road noise barrier is 600 m on both sides of the village parallel to the road. The results highlight the importance of using morphology to improve the traffic noise resistance of villages. The landscape shape indices of buildings and roads are the most important parameters that affect the traffic noise attenuation of elevated roads.  相似文献   

This paper attempts to measure, in a cost-benefit analysis, a stricter noise abatement programme for noise originating from roads in Israel. Using the hedonic price method for three large cities and rural area transactions, a benefit from noise reduction was found. In order to perform a social cost-benefit analysis, a measure of benefit has been derived for 1 km of road and has been compared with the cost of noise reduction under different types of road structure. The results indicate that even though benefits have largely increased when compared to past decades (e.g. 1.2% of an average urban property value per 1 decibel reduction), the decision to insulate a given road is dependent on location and road structure. This raises the normative question of a national vs. regional standard that decision makers should be aware of and such studies could be of help in this respect.  相似文献   

根据大庆油田主要交通干线噪声的监测结果与机动车流量、重车率、机动车运行速度及道路宽度等因素进行相关分析,找出了影响交通噪声的主要因素。回归分析表明:交通噪声与上述4个参数均呈正相关,其中机动车流量、道路宽度对交通噪声的影响较小,机动车运行速度对交通噪声的影响较大,对交通噪声影响最大的是重车率。根据分析结果,提出了交通噪声预测模式及控制交通噪声的建议。  相似文献   

伊宁市市区道路交通噪声污染状况调查及防治对策   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
根据伊宁市市区道路交通噪声的污染状况的调查,分析了产生交通噪声污染的原因,提出防治交通噪声污染的对策。  相似文献   

通过对大连市金州区城市交通噪声污染状况进行调查、监测,发现城市交通噪声污染状况不容忽视,提出了扩建城市环城公路、拓展和平整路面、噪声技术治理以及加强城市交通管理等城市交通噪声综合防治的对策。  相似文献   

This Φ Ψ study of environmental equity uses secondary quantitative data to analyze socioeconomic disparities in environmental conditions in the Rijnmond region of the Netherlands. The disparities of selected environmental indicators—exposure to traffic noise (road, rail, and air), NO2, external safety risks, and the availability of public green space—are analyzed both separately and in combination. Not only exposures to environmental burdens (“bads”) were investigated, but also access to environmental benefits (“goods”). Additionally, we held interviews and reviewed documents to grasp the mechanisms underlying the environmental equity situation, with an emphasis on the role of public policy. Environmental equity is not a priority in public policy for the greater Rotterdam region known as the Rijnmond region, yet environmental standards have been established to provide a minimum environmental quality to all local residents. In general, environmental quality has improved in this region, and the accumulation of negative environmental outcomes (“bads”) has been limited. However, environmental standards for road traffic noise and NO2 are being exceeded, probably because of the pressure on space and the traffic intensity. We found an association of environmental “bads” with income for rail traffic noise and availability of public green space. In the absence of regulation, positive environmental outcomes (“goods”) are mainly left up to market forces. Consequently, higher-income groups generally have more access to environmental “goods” than lower-income groups.  相似文献   

Traffic mortality and the role of minor roads   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Roads have large impacts on wildlife, as they form one of the principal causes of mortality, and disturbance and fragmentation of habitat. These impacts are mainly studied and mitigated on major roads. It is, however, a widespread misconception that most animals are killed on major roads. In this paper, we argue that minor roads have a larger impact on wildlife with respect to habitat destruction, noise load and traffic mortality. We use data on traffic related deaths in badgers (Meles meles) in The Netherlands to illustrate that traffic mortality is higher on minor roads. We ask for a more extensive investigation of the environmental impacts of minor roads. Moreover, we argue that the success of mitigation on roads drastically increases when both major and minor roads are integrated in the planning of traffic flows. Therefore, we propose a strategy based on the concept of a "traffic-calmed area". Traffic-calmed areas create opportunities for wildlife by decreasing limitations for animal movement. We ask for further studies to estimate what size traffic-calmed areas should be to maintain minimum viable animal populations.  相似文献   

Roads function as prime habitats and corridors for invasive plant species. Yet despite the diversity of road types, there is little research on the influence of these types on the spread of invaders. Common ragweed (Ambrosia artemisiifolia), a plant producing large amounts of allergenic pollen, was selected as a species model for examining the impact of road type on the spread of invasive plants. We examined this relationship in an agricultural region of Quebec, Canada. We mapped plant distribution along different road types, and constructed a model of species presence. Common ragweed was found in almost all sampling sites located along regional (97%) and local paved (81%) roads. However, verges of unpaved local roads were rarely (13%) colonized by the plant. A model (53% of variance explained), constructed with only four variables (paved regional roads, paved local roads, recently mown road verges, forest cover), correctly predicted (success rate: 89%) the spatial distribution of common ragweed. Results support the hypothesis that attributes associated with paved roads strongly favour the spread of an opportunistic invasive plant species. Specifically, larger verges and greater disturbance associated with higher traffic volume create propitious conditions for common ragweed. To date, emphasis has been placed on controlling the plant in agricultural fields, even though roadsides are probably a much larger seed source. Strategies for controlling the weed along roads have only focused on major highways, even though the considerable populations along local roads also contribute to the production of pollen. Management prioritizations developed to control common ragweed are thus questionable.  相似文献   

基于BP模型对城市交通噪声的数据处理和预测   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
城市交通噪声的预测和评价技术是城市交通可持续发展的重要研究内容,直接为城市交通规划中环境容量分析和环境影响评价服务。本文通过实测的大量数据,运用神经网络中的BP模型及其算法建立车辆数、道路宽度和交通噪声之间的关系,对城市道路交通噪声数据进行处理和预测。  相似文献   

赵秋月 《四川环境》2007,26(1):100-102
噪声地图是由道路交通噪声、铁路噪声、工业噪声和机场噪声等对城市地图上每个接收点的叠加噪声值拟合图像绘制而成。它为城市规划、城市环境噪声管理提供了依据,也是检验噪声污染防治技术措施和规划控制措施有效性的重要手段。随着信息化程度的日益提高,应该加强GIS等具有空间分析功能的技术系统与噪声预测模型的结合,建立符合我国实际情况的通用模型,使噪声地图发挥更准确的决策作用。  相似文献   

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