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生态缓冲带在统筹湖泊生态环境治理与修复方面具有重要作用。以面源污染阻控为目标,利用Phillips滞留模型,结合Sentinel-2卫星数据,对洪泽湖生态缓冲带边界进行划定,并通过景观生态风险评价比较未划定、固定和非固定宽度缓冲带对生态环境的贡献。结果表明:(1)洪泽湖生态缓冲带宽度集中分布在2~60 m,其占比为85.50%,且在该区间内分布较均匀。(2)参考《河湖生态缓冲带保护修复技术指南》,将湖滨带分为植被良好型、农田型、养殖塘型、村落型、城镇型和河口型6种类型,并分别提出57.62、34.05、32.79、40.18、38.99和22.99 m的优化生态缓冲带宽度值。(3)单一地表覆盖类型构建下,非固定宽度生态缓冲带对洪泽湖湖滨带生态风险具有降低作用,而固定宽度缓冲带的生态风险却有所提升。影响洪泽湖生态缓冲带缓冲效率的关键因子为坡度和土壤条件,因此地方政府划定缓冲带时应适当进行地形调整和土壤改良,优先考虑非固定宽度的缓冲带划定,并在确定固定宽度时及时进行生态风险评估。  相似文献   

河岸缓冲带对氮磷的截留转化及其生态恢复研究进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
河岸缓冲带是河岸生态系统的重要组成部分,对农业非点源污染物起到有效的截留转化作用。对河岸缓冲带的定义、生态结构特性和功能,河岸缓冲带对氮和磷的截留转化作用以及河岸缓冲带的生态修复现状进行了综合评述。结果表明:草地和森林类型河岸缓冲带均能有效地控制氮和磷向水体中迁移;河岸缓冲带的宽度、水文特征、土壤性质、季节变化以及人为活动等是影响其截留效率的因素;加强退化河岸缓冲带的恢复重建工程,可以保证河岸生态系统的健康。针对目前研究中的不足,提出今后的研究方向,认为应进行长期的大尺度的野外实践研究,并从生态学的角度出发,建立合理的河岸缓冲带健康指标,为退化河岸缓冲带恢复重建提供科学依据。  相似文献   

针对干热河谷具有光热资源丰富、气候干旱燥热、水热矛盾突出、植被覆盖率低、水土流失严重、生态环境强烈退化、植被恢复困难等特点,文章总结千热河谷植被恢复的技术体系,研究分析了植被恢复对生态系统的水保功能、环境功能、生物多样性等生态功能的影响,结果表明:植被恢复后,生态系统的土壤侵蚀程度明显下降,其中轻度退化土地减少了22.03%;中度退化土地减少了21.15%;强度退化土地减少了34.15%;植被恢复后,小流域的气候环境有较大的改善,气温下降、湿度提高,改变了该区域"干"、"热"的恶劣环境;对系统多样性的研究主要针对强度以上退化系统的人工生态林模式和自然禁封治理模式进行分析多样性与生态系统功能的关系,结合前期研究结果认为,自然禁封治理模式使系统具有生物多样性,有助于系统生态功能完善稳定,而银合欢(Leucaena leucocephal)人工林恢复模式,虽然物种多样性减少,但系统具备优化的生态功能.因此,就干热河谷强度、极强度退化生态系统而言,银合欢冲沟治理模式和自然禁封治理模式是较优化的模式.  相似文献   

中国南亚热带退化生态系统的恢复及其生态效应   总被引:34,自引:0,他引:34  
综述了南亚热带退化生态系统恢复的意义,地带的气候特征及退化生态因子恢复的主导生态因子,退化生态系统恢复与重建的步骤,并用实例说明南亚热带退化生态系统植被恢复的生态学效应和经济及社会效益。  相似文献   

青海湖流域主要生态环境问题及防治对策   总被引:6,自引:1,他引:6  
冯宗炜  冯兆忠 《生态环境》2004,13(4):467-469
分析了青海湖流域主要生态环境问题:湖水水面下降,水质恶化;草地退化日趋严重,“草原三害”面积不断增大。土地沙漠化面积不断扩大,水土流失严重;珍稀濒危野生动物濒临灭绝;渔业资源濒临枯竭。在此基础上,提出了五项防治对策:(1)提高广大干部群众的生态意识;(2)将“社会-经济-自然复合生态系统”概念引入到流域的治理中;(3)加强国家级自然保护区的建设;(4)大力发展林一草间作,增加植被覆盖度;(5)尽快组建“青海湖流域生态环境监测管理中心”。  相似文献   

城市湖泊生态恢复与景观设计   总被引:17,自引:0,他引:17  
按照从水生生态系统向陆地生态系统过渡的顺序,尝试提出了城市湖泊水生植被恢复与景观设计、湖滨带生态恢复与景观设计以及湖岸和连通沟渠生态恢复与景观设计的设计思路,并逐一进行分析。  相似文献   

河岸带生态学研究进展与展望   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
河岸带是河流—陆地生态系统之间进行物质、能量、信息交换的重要生态过渡区,具有独特的生态系统结构和服务功能,近年来成为国内外生态学和环境科学的研究热点之一。在阐述河岸带结构与功能基础上,分析了河岸带的影响因素与其退化机制,退化河岸带的生态恢复理论、基本原则、生态重建技术和发展方向。认为影响河岸带结构与功能的主要因素可归纳为水文与地貌过程、植被与人为干扰4个方面;识别影响河岸带生态系统的生物和物理作用过程及其退化成因是关键,指出了生态恢复应遵循的原则与宜采用的生态重建技术。在此基础上,提出河岸带生态恢复应在景观或流域尺度上借助“3S”技术和多学科协作从微观、中观和宏观不同层次开展研究,甄别生态退化的主导因素,采用植被重建与水文调控技术尽可能恢复与重建原有自然景观。从系统生态学与景观生态学的角度,提出河岸带生态学未来研究方向。建议今后应加强对河岸带生态系统结构、生态过程与功能及生态重建技术的研究成果进行系统整合,建立能够预测河岸带结构与功能动态的数量模型和评价体系,为实现河岸带重建与高效管理提供科学指导。  相似文献   

经济全球化背景下中国农业生态学面临的新问题与新任务   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
中国农业发展正呈现现代化、结构优化、产业化、标准化、信息化、生态良性化等发展趋势。在经济全球化背景下,中国加入WT0后,农业生态学也面临着新的问题和任务,主要包括:(1)农业结构调整中的生态学问题;(2)农业生物安全问题;(3)食物安全与生态农业建设问题;(4)农业资源与物种多样性保护问题;(5)农业生态管理与生态补偿问题;(6)农业与农村生态环境建设与生态恢复问题;(7)农业人口迁移与城市化过程中的生态学问题;(8)贫困地区的农业生态经济与可持续发展问题。  相似文献   

湖滨带生态系统恢复与重建的理论、技术及其应用   总被引:15,自引:0,他引:15  
从湖滨带的基本概念入手,简述了湖滨带生态系统恢复与重建的基本内涵、恢复与重建的目标、原则及对健康生态系统的判定方法。介绍了湖滨带生态系统恢复与重建的理论。文中还对湖滨带生态恢复与重建的过程进行了论述,对主要应用的技术进行了详细的对比分析。文章最后对未来技术研究的方向和思路进行了展望。  相似文献   

为了明晰滇池湖滨土壤磷素分布状况,评估其淋失特征,对昆明市滇池南部湖滨缓冲带及农田Ⅰ(邻近缓冲带)和农田Ⅱ(离农田Ⅰ约1.5 km)剖面土壤理化性质、磷素分布特征及其与地下水关系进行研究。结果表明:湖滨缓冲带土壤有机碳和全氮含量均显著高于农田土壤,缓冲带土壤浅表地下水中COD和总磷含量也显著高于农田Ⅱ。湖滨缓冲带土壤0~40 cm土层全磷含量与农田土壤的差异不显著,但有效磷(Olsen-P)含量显著低于农田土壤。Ca-P是滇池湖滨土壤无机磷的主要组分,占无机磷总量的63%~69%。湖滨缓冲带土壤O-P含量及其占无机磷总量比例显著高于农田土壤,而Al-P和Fe-P含量及其占无机磷总量比例则显著低于农田土壤,表明缓冲带建设已经导致湖滨土壤无机磷组分及分布呈现明显分异。相关分析显示,湖滨浅表地下水埋深与其COD和总磷含量呈极显著负相关关系,同时表层(0~20 cm)土壤Olsen-P、Al-P和Fe-P含量与地下水总磷含量也存在显著或极显著负相关关系。这表明土壤表层是滇池湖滨区土壤磷素淋失的主要层次,而浅表地下水埋深是影响湖滨区土壤磷素淋失的重要因素之一。  相似文献   

退化滨水景观带植物群落生态修复技术研究进展   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
滨水带是重要的生态交错带,物质、养分和能量流动速率高,具有较高的生态、经济和美学价值。近年来,由于缺乏科学合理的生态规划意识,我国滨水带多被建成近直立人工护岸,加之自然、人为干扰力度的加强,滨水岸线生境破坏,生物群落丧失,滨水带退化,水岸生态环境日趋恶化。通过对滨水带生态景观功能分析,研究滨水带退化原因与机理,系统归纳了国内外退化滨水景观带植物群落生态修复相关技术的研究现状,深入探讨了生境恢复、生物廊道恢复、景观格局美化和水岸生态系统结构与功能优化等方面的研究内容,并提出今后滨水带生态修复技术研究方向,以及基于生态学、景观学、水力学、土力学、生物学、经济学等多学科背景的滨水景观带植物群落定量分析、配置方法。最后指出,滨水景观带植物群落生态修复技术研究需进一步分析我国水岸生态系统退化机理、细化滨水深槽-浅滩序列、量化滨水植被配置宽度与生物多样性关系、深化稳定化长效管理技术等,为我国退化滨水生态景观带植物群落生态修复集成技术的研究与实践提供参考,以全面有效的提高生态环境质量。  相似文献   

Research on lake eutrophication in China began in the early 1970s, and many lakes in China are now known to be in meso-eutrophic status. Lake eutrophication has been showing a rapidly increasing trend since 2000. Investigations show that the main reasons for lake eutrophication include a fragile lake background environment, excessive nutrient loading into lakes, excessive human activities, ecological degeneration, weak environmental protection awareness, and lax lake management. Major mechanisms resulting from lake eutrophication include nutrient recycling imbalance, major changes in water chemistry (pH, oxygen, and carbon), lake ecosystem imbalance, and algal prevalence in lakes. Some concepts for controlling eutrophication should be persistently proposed, including lake catchment control, combination of pollutant source control with ecological restoration, protection of three important aspects (terrestrial ecology, lake coast zone, and submerged plant), and combination of lake management with regulation. Measures to control lake eutrophication should include pollution source control (i.e., optimize industrial structural adjustments in the lake catchment, reduce nitrogen and phosphorus emission amounts, and control endogenous pollution) and lake ecological restoration (i.e. establish a zone-lake buffer region and lakeside zone, protect regional vegetation, utilize hydrophytes in renovation technology); countermeasures for lake management should include implementing water quality management, identifying environmental and lake water goals, legislating and formulating laws and regulations to protect lakes, strengthening publicity and the education of people, increasing public awareness through participation in systems and mechanic innovations, establishing lake region management institutions, and ensuring implementation of governance and management measures.  相似文献   

The water quality and eutrophication status of Taihu Lake in recent years are presented and the pollution trends are analyzed. It is shown that because of unreasonable industrial structures, pollution discharge per GDP is high within the Taihu basin, and the pollution discharge from point and non-point sources exceed the basin’s environmental carrying capacity. Especially, excessive pollutants containing nitrogen and phosphorus are being discharged. Moreover, eutrophication may also result from internal pollution sources such as the release of nutrient elements from sediment. All these factors have resulted in the water quality deterioration of Taihu Lake. To solve this environmental problem, possible control strategies are summarized, including the control of internal pollution sources and inflow-river pollution, ecological restoration and reconstruction of the degraded lakeside zone ecosystem, clean water diversion, dredging, and manual algae removal.  相似文献   

Land degradation is a global problem that seriously threatens human society. However, in China and elsewhere, ecological restoration still largely relies on a traditional approach that focuses only on ecological factors and ignores socioeconomic factors. To improve the effectiveness of ecological restoration and maximize its economic and ecological benefits, a more efficient approach is needed that provides support for policy development and land management and thereby promotes environmental conservation. We devised a framework for assessing the value of ecosystem services that remain after subtracting costs, such as the opportunity costs, costs of forest protection, and costs for the people who are affected by the program; that is, the net value of ecosystem services (NVES). To understand the difference between the value of a resource and the net value of the ecosystem service it provides, we used data on VES, timber sales, and afforestation costs from China's massive national afforestation programs to calculate the net value of forest ecosystem services in China. Accounting for the abovementioned costs revealed an NVES of ¥6.1 × 1012 for forests in 2014, which was 35.9% less than the value calculated without accounting for costs. As a result, the NVES associated with afforestation was 55.9% less than the NVES of natural forests. In some regions, NVES was negative because of the huge costs of human-made plantations, high evapotranspiration rates (thus, high water opportunity costs), and low forest survival rates. To maximize the ecological benefits of conservation, it is necessary to account for as many costs as possible so that management decisions can be based on NVES, thereby helping managers choose projects that maximize both economic and ecological benefits.  相似文献   

Marine protected areas (MPAs) are a commonly applied solution to coral reef degradation, yet coral reefs continue to decline worldwide. We argue that expanding the range of MPAs to include degraded reefs (DR‐MPA) could help reverse this trend. This approach requires new ecological criteria for MPA design, siting, and management. Rather than focusing solely on preserving healthy reefs, our approach focuses on the potential for biodiversity recovery and renewal of ecosystem services. The new criteria would help identify sites with the highest potential for recovery and the greatest resistance to future threats (e.g., increased temperature and acidification) and sites that contribute to MPA connectivity. The DR‐MPA approach is a compliment rather than a substitute for traditional MPA design approaches. We believe that the DR‐MPA approach can enhance the natural, or restoration‐assisted, recovery of DRs and their ecosystem services; increase total reef area available for protection; promote more resilient and better‐connected MPA networks; and improve conditions for human communities dependent on MPA ecosystem services.  相似文献   

Selection of areas for restoration should be based on cost‐effectiveness analysis to attain the maximum benefit with a limited budget and overcome the traditional ad hoc allocation of funds for restoration projects. Restoration projects need to be planned on the basis of ecological knowledge and economic and social constraints. We devised a novel approach for selecting cost‐effective areas for restoration on the basis of biodiversity and potential provision of 3 ecosystem services: carbon storage, water depuration, and coastal protection. We used Marxan, a spatial prioritization tool, to balance the provision of ecosystem services against the cost of restoration. We tested this approach in a mangrove ecosystem in the Caribbean. Our approach efficiently selected restoration areas that at low cost were compatible with biodiversity targets and that maximized the provision of one or more ecosystem services. Choosing areas for restoration of mangroves on the basis carbon storage potential, largely guaranteed the restoration of biodiversity and other ecosystem services. Selección de Áreas Rentables para la Restauración de Servicios Ambientales  相似文献   

几种植物对潜流型湖滨湿地中氮磷的处理效果比较   总被引:6,自引:3,他引:6  
徐进  张奇  王世和  高海鹰 《生态环境》2006,15(5):936-940
湖滨带是连接湖泊水域生态系统与陆地生态系统的一个功能过渡区,是湖泊的最后一道保护屏障。在河流的入湖口建造湖滨湿地,可有效净化入湖水中携带的部分有机污染物、营养盐等。湿地净化污染物的机理极为复杂,其中植被起着重要的作用。选择适当的植物是构建湿地系统的关键。以云南省抚仙湖北岸的湖滨湿地——马料河潜流型湿地为研究对象,探讨了美人蕉(Cannaindica),菖蒲(AcoruscalamusLinn),伞竹(Cyperusalternifolius),香蒲(Typhaelatifolia)四种不同植被系统的潜流型湖滨湿地去除污水中营养盐的效果,为抚仙湖湖滨带人工湿地的合理优化选择植物提供一定的依据。结果表明,四种植被系统的潜流湿地对总氮和总磷均有一定的去除效果。但是由于湿地长期运行而疏于管理,植物没有定期收割翻新,四种植物的氮磷去除率差别不太大,去除效果均不太佳。其中,美人蕉对总氮和总磷的去除效果较好,其去除率分别是30.4%,19.13%,其次为香蒲和伞竹,效果较差的是菖蒲。并且实验表明,暴雨对四种植物湿地氮的去除效果有很大的影响。连续几天的暴雨情况下,四种植物系统氮的去除率都很低。  相似文献   

Current Normative Concepts in Conservation   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
A plethora of normative conservation concepts have recently emerged, most of which are ill-defined: biological diversity, biological integrity, ecological restoration, ecological services, ecological rehabilitation, ecological sustainability, sustainable development, ecosystem health, ecosystem management, adaptive management, and keystone species are salient among them. These normative concepts can be organized and interpreted by reference to two new schools of conservation philosophy, compositionalism and functionalism. The former comprehends nature primarily by means of evolutionary ecology and considers Homo sapiens separate from nature. The latter comprehends nature primarily by means of ecosystem ecology and considers Homo sapiens a part of nature. Biological diversity, biological integrity, and ecological restoration belong primarily in the compositionalist glossary; the rest belong primarily in the functionalist glossary. The former set are more appropriate norms for reserves, the latter for areas that are humanly inhabited and exploited. In contrast to the older schools of conservation philosophy, preservationism and resourcism, compositionalism and functionalism are complementary, not competitive and mutually exclusive. As the historically divergent ecological sciences—evolutionary ecology and ecosystem ecology—are increasingly synthesized, a more unified philosophy of conservation can be envisioned.  相似文献   

Using geographic information systems (GIS) and spatial analysis techniques, we developed a landscape design to maintain old-growth forest remnants and integrate commodity production in the surrounding second-growth matrix. The 4500-ha forest landscape in northern Wisconsin contains scattered patches of old-growth eastern hemlock ( Tsuga canadensis ) and northern hardwoods, predominately sugar maple ( Acer saccharum ). The design incorporates an old-growth restoration zone surrounding old-growth patches to buffer and enhance forest-interior habitat and link nearby old-growth remnants. This addition restores aspects of landscape patch size and structure and ecosystem juxtaposition that characterize a nearby, large, and contiguous natural old-growth landscape. A larger secondary zone is delineated for uneven-aged forest management. This zone provides a matrix structurally similar to the old-growth patches but also accommodates harvesting. A larger outer zone is retained primarily in even-aged forest of aspen ( Populus tremuloides ) and paper birch ( Betula papyrifera ), but traditional clearcutting practices are modified to partial cutting and mixed-species rotations. This design meets limited goals of biodiversity enhancement and integrated commodity production in a landscape that will remain largely harvested. The landscape design is therefore improved not only by buffers and corridors provided to old-growth ecosystems, but by modifying the management of the majority commodity lands matrix as well.  相似文献   

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