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经济学视角的自然灾害损失评估理论与方法评述   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
针对灾害损失研究中概念模糊以及间接损失评估的忽略,首先从灾害管理对损失评估的需求出发,根据灾害损失的特点从经济学视角对灾害损失进行了分类和界定,澄清了存量损失与流量损失、直接损失与间接损失、直接经济损失与间接经济损失、产出损失与福利损失等的内涵;进而,论述了灾害损失评估应遵循需求为导向和科学性的基本原则;最后,重点论述了间接损失中健康影响、自然资源及生态系统服务损失、间接经济损失等的价值评估方法。以期为认识自然灾害的社会经济影响,完善灾害损失评估理论和方法提供思路。同时,除了研究自然灾害的自然属性,灾害损失的社会属性研究对于推动灾害经济学学科的建立,以及提高我国灾害管理水平具有重要意义。  相似文献   

<正> 在马宗晋院士领导下,三部委灾害综合研究组(即原国家科委国家计委国家经贸委自然灾害综合研究组)通过多部门、多学科的联合调查和综合研究,在对我国自然灾害历史、现状和未来及灾害自然属性与社会属性全面研究的基础之上,不仅较全面地认识了我国自然灾害的特点和规律,而且提出了  相似文献   

城市自然灾害的社会因素及防治对策研究   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:4  
以社会、经济意义作标准,抑减自然灾害的重点应在城市、因而研究城市自然灾害的社会因素是当务之急.本文列出并分析了十大社会因素,它们是:1)城市地生态;2)城市的灾害文化背景;3)政策导向的正负效应;4)城市规划与建设;5)城市公共设施状况;6)人口和财富的集中程度;7)城市资源的开发利用;8)科技对城市减灾的贡献率;9)防灾减灾的误区;10)灾害应急.本文还认为以上十大因素对城市自然灾害的作用至少包括五个方面,它们是:1)诱发作用;2)放大作用;3)连接灾害链;4)承受灾害;5)抑减灾害.在以上基础上,本文提出了充分利用城市社会因素抗灾减灾的八条对策,即1)建立统一管理城市自然灾害工作的综合性政府机构势在必行;2)强化防灾减灾的背景工作;3)防灾减灾工作的立法;4)认清和摆正发展与灾害的关系;5)尊重科学、尊重知识,建立一套灾害顾问系统;6)建立一支快速救灾的专业队伍;7)加强保险事业与灾害研究和抑减工作的联系;8)城市间的协凋必须要有全局对策.  相似文献   

自然灾害是人类无法抗拒的,是人类社会面临的共同挑战。 而地震是对人类生存安全危害最大的自然灾害之一,在地震灾害的防御方面,减轻灾害必须统筹考虑社会、经济、政策、科学和工程等方面的手段和举措。  相似文献   

防灾减灾的基础研究及应用研究进展概况   总被引:4,自引:2,他引:4  
人类社会是在对自然灾害的不断斗争中得到发展。近代由于全球人口的迅速增长和城市化程度的提高,自然灾害的损失也在急剧增加。防灾减灾是减轻灾害损失、保障社会可持续发展的系统工程。当前灾害监测技术、灾害的形成和发展规律、灾情评估方法、灾害管理及灾害对社会经济的影响等方面的基础研究及应用研究已有了不小的进展。本文概括地介绍了这些进展,并指出了防灾减灾工作中存在的一些问题及对策  相似文献   

自然灾害损失评估指标体系的研究   总被引:85,自引:19,他引:85  
本文从自然灾害的社会属性和自然属性出发,对自然灾害损失评估的工作准则、评估指标和方法进行了探索.在自然灾害损失绝对值度量指标——灾度的基础上,进一步提出了标度自然灾害损失的相对量指标——灾损率的概念,并建立了灾损率的等级划分标准,同时还讨论了自然灾害损失的可比价值换算问题。灾度和灾损率概念的确立,使自然灾害对社会财富的损失程度有了较为科学的、定量化的等级描述.灾度和灾损率的概念应用于灾害强度描述、救灾投入、灾害保险、减灾工作评价等方面具有重要的意义。  相似文献   

自然灾害保险风险分析   总被引:7,自引:1,他引:7  
在考虑自然灾害的危险性、灾害的经济与社会易损性和风险区的工程防御能力的基础上,建立了自然灾害保险风险分析的数学模型。选择给人类社会造成重大损失的地震、地质灾害、洪水和台风等4种自然灾害作为灾害危险度评判的灾种,利用所建立的数学模型,对中国由然灾害保险风险进行了评判。并根据评判结果绘制了中国自然灾害保险风险区划图。  相似文献   

当前自然灾害研究逐渐由灾害管理向灾害风险减轻转变,社会资本理论的概念和理论框架被引入灾害研究领域,为灾害风险减轻研究提供了一个新视角,也为探索高效灾害管理提供了一个有效途径。已有社会资本研究中,大多关注于自然灾害管理单一阶段,对灾害管理各阶段的作用进行综合分析的较少。本文在回顾社会资本概念沿革的基础上,对国内外社会资本视角下自然灾害管理的研究进行了梳理,总结了社会资本在备灾、抗灾及灾后重建阶段的核心作用,并依照《仙台框架》提出的四个优先行动事项,对社会资本在未来减轻灾害风险中的研究趋势进行展望,以期为构建综合风险防范体系提供理论指导。从社会资本理论视角出发,探索其在新兴领域的应用,也为未来灾害研究提供了新思路与新视角。  相似文献   

郭跃 《灾害学》2008,23(2):87-91
自然灾害是自然与社会相互作用的产物,它具有自然和社会的双重属性。从社会属性上看,灾害是一个社会性事件,是人的生存能力所不能承受的自然或社会变故,是一种建立在自然现象基础之上的社会历史现象。按社会学的功能主义视角看,自然灾害的出现可以是社会系统内部功能紊乱失衡的结果,也可以是一种外部力量破坏原有社会结构的结果。按社会学的冲突论视角看,灾害是社会各阶层为争夺利益的冲突外延。灾害的结果、过程、成因以及与社会的关系都显现出明显的社会学特征。因此,运用社会学的理论和方法应该是我们认识自然灾害的本质属性,搞好防灾减灾工作的一种重要的科学思想和方法。  相似文献   

自然灾害等级划分及灾害分级管理研究   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:4  
冯志泽 《灾害学》1996,11(1):34-37
在论述了我国目前自然灾害等级划分和灾害分级管理的几种方法基础上,对自然灾害等级划分及灾害分级管理综合因素进行了分析认为:对自然灾害等级划分要统一评判指标─-以经济损失和人员伤亡为评判指标;建议在分级管理中采用灾害分级和灾损率两项指标;在灾害管理中建立科学的查灾、计灾、报交制度,加快灾害管理立法,走以法治灾之路.  相似文献   

《Environmental Hazards》2013,12(1):69-79
The development-disaster risk management agenda has been shaped over the last 25 years by development policies and practices that have isolated lesser developed countries' development agenda from dealing with risk to natural hazards, by intentional actions to create a theory and practice of disaster risk management alongside other cross-cutting issues, by attempting to nurture emergency management in the context of disaster risk management and by fostering competition for resources. Sovereign states, multilateral development banks and the international development community should collaborate in shifting paradigms to: consider all development actions as initiatives to reduce risk; separate emergency management policy and practice from disaster risk management; fold disaster risk management and climate change adaptation into development planning and lending processes so as to address risk to natural hazards; promote hazard, vulnerability and risk information as a public good; and insist on accountability and responsibility to natural hazard risk all along the development continuum.  相似文献   

地质灾害管理信息系统   总被引:7,自引:1,他引:6  
金晓媚  刘金韬 《灾害学》1999,14(2):78-81
在地质灾害普查、勘查、防治、社会经济状况、统计信息等资料的基础上,设计出为决策提供服务的地质灾害管理信息系统,以便对地质灾害进行科学管理  相似文献   

《Environmental Hazards》2013,12(2):87-102
Mountain risk management is currently facing a scientifically driven, normative paradigm change towards risk governance, where communication and participation take on key roles. On the local level, hazard zone planning is a risk management tool to balance land-use developments and hazard processes, such as debris flows, avalanches, rock fall, mass movements or flooding. In this contribution, communication among stakeholders professionally involved in hazard zone planning (internal communication) is analysed by participant observation. Here, the quality of internal communication is seen both as an indicator and as a prerequisite for transition processes from risk management to risk governance. This case study of communication in hazard zone planning in the Autonomous Province of South Tyrol points out pitfalls and challenges in an advanced, spatial planning scheme. Based on the concept of social learning, it is argued that the transition towards governance of mountain risks requires fundamental changes in the underlying normative models, objectives, organizational understandings, structures and qualifications of the administrative bodies. Proposals for change are provided.  相似文献   

Many mega cities in developing countries are exposed to the sources of natural catastrophes, particularly seismic activity. A high level of seismic hazard in some of these places, coupled with a relatively high degree of vulnerability within the built environment, can result in dire human and economic consequences. This paper contains examples of such potentially disruptive factors in relation to Tehran, Iran. It presents preliminary seismic loss estimates for residential buildings in a pilot area of northern Tehran. The paper briefly investigates the effectiveness of risk management measures and loss compensation mechanisms before assessing the feasibility of an insurance‐based risk transfer instrument for managing potential seismic losses among residential buildings in Tehran. It goes on to suggest how probabilistic catastrophe loss modelling can help local insurers to manage their portfolios and facilitate risk sharing among insurance companies and households. Finally, the paper addresses the question of how catastrophe loss modelling can help to strengthen the penetration of property insurance in developing countries.  相似文献   

洪水风险管理研究进展与中国洪水风险管理模式初步探讨   总被引:14,自引:3,他引:14  
在对国内外洪水风险管理研究领域的主要文献进行综述的基础上,针对中国目前防洪减灾的具体情况,提出了分别从家户与企业、保险公司、政府与社会三个不同层面和利益主体加强洪水管理的思路,并进一步探讨了适合中国国情的洪水风险管理模式。  相似文献   

长期以来,海洋灾害一直是困扰着海域及海岸带社会经济发展的一大障碍.中国是深受海洋灾害影响的国家之一.为此,从灾害系统论的角度,分析了1990年以来中国海洋灾害系统的风险特征.研究表明,中国在过去的15年中,工程性防灾减灾措施已经使海洋灾害灾情得到了一定的控制,但由于中国海域海事活动不断增多、海岸带经济密度快速提高,大大增加了海域及海岸带承灾体对海洋灾害风险的暴露,又由于海岸带及近海海域污染加重,海洋生物灾害发生的可能性增大,使中国海域面临的灾害风险趋于上升.此外,还讨论了中国海洋灾害综合风险管理的体系,提出从海洋灾害系统角度,加强海洋灾害综合风险管理能力的建设,以促进海洋及海岸带地区由政府、企业、社区共同组成的综合减灾范式的建立.  相似文献   

Of all natural disasters, flooding causes the greatest amount of economic and social damage. The United States' Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) uses a number of hazard mitigation grant programmes for flood victims, including mitigation offers to relocate permanently repetitive flood loss victims. This study examines factors that help to explain the degree of difficulty repetitive flood loss victims experience when they make decisions about relocating permanently after multiple flood losses. Data are drawn from interviews with FEMA officials and a survey of flood victims from eight repetitive flooding sites. The qualitative and quantitative results show the importance of rational choices by flood victims in their mitigation decisions, as they relate to financial variables, perceptions of future risk, attachments to home and community, and the relationships between repetitive flood loss victims and the local flood management officials who help them. The results offer evidence to suggest the value of a more community-system approach to FEMA relocation practices.  相似文献   

吉林省城市干旱缺水风险评价体系与模型研究   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
以吉林省地级城市为研究对象,从造成城市干旱缺水的致灾因子危险性,承灾体的暴露性、脆弱性和防旱抗旱能力四个方面着手,利用自然灾害指数法、加权综合评价法和层次分析法,建立了城市干旱缺水风险评价模型,引用城市干旱缺水风险指数(UDRI),对城市干旱缺水风险程度进行了评价,并借助GIS技术绘制了吉林省城市干旱缺水风险分布图,以期为实现吉林省水资源可持续利用、保障区域经济可持续发展和老工业基地改造战略实施提供科学依据.  相似文献   

The present context of escalating environmental risks places increased pressure and importance on our technical ability to predict and mitigate the potential consequences and occurrence of major natural hazards such as bushfire (or ‘wildfire’). Over the past decade, bushfire prediction in Australia, as in many other fire-prone countries, has increasingly come to involve both trained fire behaviour analysts and complex computer-based two-dimensional bushfire simulation models. During this transitional moment in bushfire management, there is a clear need to better understand the ways in which such predictive technologies and practitioners influence how we anticipate, encounter and manage this natural hazard and its effects. In this paper, the authors seek to prepare the ground for studies of the social dimensions of bushfire prediction by investigating how simulators and predictive practitioners have been mobilised and represented in Australia to date. The paper concludes by posing several questions that bushfire practitioners, policy-makers and researchers alike in Australia and elsewhere will need to address as our flammable future emerges.  相似文献   

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