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阐述汽车内空气污染的现状及原因,归纳总结了一些治理污染的方法,并且针对车内污染问题,提出了对策。  相似文献   

近年来,随着我国经济建设和城市化进程的快速发展,作为我国国民经济发展的支柱产业———汽车工业也得到了迅猛发展。但汽车也带来了相应的污染。为了保障人们的身体安全,促进汽车工业的健康发展,国家环保总局已启动了《车内空气污染控制标准》的制订工作,将对车内空气中的有毒有害污染物规定限值。同时,在已启动的《机动车污染控制管理条例》中将对车内空气管理提出明确的要求,为下一步的管理工作提供技术和法规的保证。为了摸清我国汽车内环境污染现状,搜集汽车内环境污染数据,为制订汽车内环境污染控制标准提供可靠依据,中国科协工程学会…  相似文献   

正车内污染近日,一家专业汽车网站发布的"健康汽车"检测报告显示,有11款被检测车型内饰中的致癌物多环芳烃含量超标。一石激起千层浪,汽车车内空气污染问题成为关注焦点。我国于2012年3月开始正式实施《乘用车内空气质量评价指南》,明确规定了有关八种常见的车内挥发性有机物浓度的限值。但是,由于没有强制力量,该《指南》很难起到作用。微评在我国,消费者购买汽车往往更重视其配置和价格,忽略了车内的空气质量。但是,车  相似文献   

戈华清 《绿色视野》2009,(12):38-41
家住郑州市顺河路的訾先生几乎每天都要乘坐64路公交车,然而由于多种原因,部分64路公交车汽油泄漏现象严重,车厢内的空气被油气污染,其中有3辆车气味尤其难闻,导致坐64路车的乘客经常出现头晕、呕吐等现象,訾先生亦是如此。他认为公交车长期漏油所导致的车内空气污染不仅严重侵害了广大乘客的身体健康,而且严重影响了郑州市的城市窗口形象,也与郑州市创建全国卫生城市相背。  相似文献   

“春风得意马蹄疾”,遥想古人在阳春时节策马扬鞭是何等快慰之事。在现代社会,古人座下的宝马良驹早已经退出了历史舞台,就算你有“赤兔”“、的卢”想上路跑跑,交警也不答应,再说您应该交多少养路费啊!汽车——已经取代了传统的交通工具,成为人们日常生活中最常用的代步工具,随着生活水平的提高和汽车价格不断下降,家用汽车已经走入了寻常百姓家。时代变了,可人们的心情古今无不同,在春天里开车兜风、上班、郊游是许多有车家庭的选择,但是人们往往忽视一个问题,就是车内的空气污染会对人们的健康造成很大的影响,仔细想一下,就算是匹马,不给…  相似文献   

王琦 《绿色视野》2012,(11):1-1
<正>车内空气质量成为近期炙手可热的话题。在300名车主集体投诉奔驰汽车甲醛超标4倍事件后,某网站公布的一份"健康汽车检测报告"表明,11款主流车型可能存在致癌风险,这再次将车内空气质量问题推到了风口浪尖。与汽车尾气污染相比,车内空气质量更不容小觑。美国把室内和车内污染作为人类健康的五大危害之一。研究表明,人们在汽车内所接触到的化学物质比在家或  相似文献   

据中国装饰协会室内空气监测中心宋广生主任介绍,车内空气超标甲醛多是来自座椅沙发垫、车顶装饰等装饰材料,而苯则来自胶粘剂。此外,发动机产生的一氧化碳、汽油味,车用空调蒸发器长时间不清洗护理所产生的胺、烟碱等有害物质弥漫在车内狭小的空间里,也导致车内空气质量差。  相似文献   

一位美国权威专家2月20日说,全球气候变暖已是正在发生的事实,人们应该警惕气候变暖带来的公共卫生危机,特别是热浪和空气污染导致的疾病和大规模传染病等。  相似文献   

哈尔滨市空气污染问题分析与防治对策   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
受地理气候和产业结构(工业比重大)等不利因素的影响,哈尔滨市的空气污染呈煤烟型污染特征,从自然地理状况、经济结构以及空气污染发展变化轨迹等几个方面分析北方城市空气污染的原因和污染的特点,对今后北方城市的空气污染防治途径进行了预测,并提出了切实可行的防治对策。  相似文献   

为探究空气污染与气象条件的关系,以及基于气象条件的空气污染等级报方法,以开远市为例,利用相关性分析、数值统计预报方法及《空气污染扩散气象条件等级》标准进行了分析。结果表明:(1)开远空气污染具有“冬春高夏秋低”的鲜明特点,影响污染物主要有SO2、PM10、O3、PM2.5,其中O3为首要污染物;(2)影响开远市空气质量的气象条件主要有降水、相对湿度和风向。夏季降水的湿清除作用对改善当地空气质量有重要作用,尤其是在调节降低SO2、PM10、CO、PM2.5浓度中作用显著。相对湿度与空气质量呈负相关,影响开远市空气污染扩散的风向主要为南向风;(3)根据《空气污染扩散气象条件等级》标准建立的基于气象条件的空气污染等级预报方程,比数值统计预报方法建立的AQI逐步回归预报方程具有更好的适用性,预测AQI等级对比实测AQI预报等级正确率达79.4%,对开远市空气污染防治具有一定的科学指导意义。  相似文献   

当前发展环保产业需要重新认识的几个问题   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
本文就当前在社会主义市场经济体制下如何更好地加快环保产业的发展,提出了如下看法:目前环保产业应是以服务业为重点内容,以市场化、产业化为其发展方式的一个综合性新兴产业,要开展以企业为主体的经济活动,建立政府激励机制,改变以政府为主体的投资机制,并加强对环保设施运营的监督管理。  相似文献   

本文介绍了成都麻羊品种特征、体型结构、生产性能及其产区概况,讨论了保种选育的方向、指标和种群建设规模;提出了规划保种区、建立良种繁育体系、组建保种核心群、严格选种选配、科学饲养、合理培育、健全卫生防疫制度等配套技术措施,以及强化管理、加强协作、扶持发展专业户、搞好技术培训、合理利用等组织措施。  相似文献   

循环经济是以科学发展观为统领,以先进的科学技术为基础,以低消耗、低排放、高效率为特征的集约化、内涵式经济增长模式。为了促使我国走上循环经济发展之路,就必须建立循环经济科技支撑体系,即以政府为主导、企业为主体、社会化服务机构健全的循环经济科技创新体系和完善的循环经济科技政策体系、法律法规体系以及绿色文化与教育体系。  相似文献   

We draw attention to a number of key factors in the evaluation of major projects, such as smelters, which are highly capital- and energy-intensive as well as export-orientated. The practice of justifying such projects by upvaluing foreign exchange is considered, as is the cost of distortion. Export efficiency is introduced as the key criterion: the efficiency of some recent smelter proposals in Oceania was between 36 and 50 cents in the dollar. A correct power price is essential: hydropower (in contrast with hydroenergy) should be priced as a depletable resource.  相似文献   

With existing and proposed air-quality regulations, ecological disasters resulting from air emissions such as those observed at Copperhill, Tennessee, and Sudbury, Ontario, are unlikely. Current air-quality standards, however, may not protect ecosystems from subacute and chronic exposure to air emissions. The encouragement of the use of coal for energy production and the development of the fossil-fuel industries, including oil shales, tar sands, and coal liquification, point to an increase and spread of fossil-fuel emissions and the potential to influence a number of natural ecosystems. This paper reviews the reported responses of ecosystems to air-borne pollutants and discusses the use of animals as indicators of ecosystem responses to these pollutants. Animal species and populations can act as important indicators of biotic and abiotic responses of aquatic and terrestrial ecosystems. These responses can indicate long-term trends in ecosystem health and productivity, chemical cycling, genetics, and regulation. For short-term trends, fish and wildlife also serve as monitors of changes in community structure, signaling food-web contamination, as well as providing a measure of ecosystem vitality. Information is presented to show not only the importance of animals as indicators of ecosystem responses to air-quality degradation, but also their value as air-pollution indices, that is, as air-quality-related values (AQRV), required in current air-pollution regulation.  相似文献   

There is currently a lack of access to affordable sanitation in urban areas of Sub-Saharan Africa. This study evaluated the potential for resource recovery from innovative faecal sludge treatment processes to generate a profit that could help sustain the sanitation service chain. A total of 242 interviews were conducted in Accra, Ghana; Dakar, Senegal; and Kampala, Uganda to compare markets in different cultural and regional contexts. Products identified to have potential market value include dry sludge as a fuel for combustion, biogas from anaerobic digestion, protein derived from sludge processing as animal feed, sludge as a component in building materials, and sludge as a soil conditioner. The market demand and potential revenue varied from city to city based on factors such as sludge characteristics, existing markets, local and regional industrial sectors, subsidies, and locally available materials. Use as a soil conditioner, which has been the most common end use of treated sludge, was not as profitable as other end uses. These findings should help policy and decision makers of sanitation service provision to design financially viable management systems based on resource recovery options.  相似文献   

通过国内外油田含油污泥处理和综合利用的调研,确定了黑龙江省油田含油污泥的处理和综合利用途径主要有填埋处理、农用、垫井场和通井路、公路路基土方。DB23/T 1413-2010《油田含油污泥综合利用污染控制标准》最终将油田含油污泥中的石油类等11项指标,作为油田含油污泥用于垫井场和通井路或农用综合利用的污染控制指标。  相似文献   


This paper revisits the development of Toronto and Brussels’ local food policies by analysing reflexivity and co-learning as important dimensions within a Hybrid Governance Approach (HGA); it approaches the interaction between four forms of governance (bottom-up, networked, state, market-led) and the tensions between them as hybrid dynamics. Within this approach, reflexivity refers to the positionality of agents, i.e. to the ways local food actors embody as well as reflect on and reconsider their principles and practices through time. Closely related to reflexivity, co-learning involves agential interactions to co-construct enabling food policy delivery systems. The HGA is mobilised to understand the ways in which reflexive capacities, as well as co-learning, take place in the two cases and how they lay the basis of particular modes of (de)institutionalisation. Learning from the two cases’ trajectories, this paper highlights: (a) the role of key governance tensions as triggers as well as breeding grounds for reflexivity and co-learning outcomes; (b) the challenges of food movement actors to surmount or valorise key tensions in order to build accountable modes of food policy delivery through time; (c) the struggles to build legitimacy and accountability in local food movements through the development of bottom-linked organisations and governance modes.  相似文献   

Pest control operations andexperimentation on sentient animals such as thebrushtail possum can cause unnecessary andavoidable suffering in the animal subjects.Minimizing animal suffering is an animalwelfare goal and can be used as a guide in thedesign and execution of animal experimentationand pest control operations.The public has little sympathy for the possum,which can cause widespread environmentaldamage, but does believe that control should beas painless as possible. Trapping and poisoningprovide only short-term solutions to the possumproblem and often involve methods that causesuffering. Intrusive experiments connected withthese methods of control and published in thelast 6 years are reviewed. Many of theexperiments do not attain the welfare standardsrequired by members of the public.Possums also act as vectors for bovinetuberculosis. While this is not as important inthe minds of the public as environmentaldegradation, as long as people wish to continueraising cattle, this disease needs to becontrolled.Immunocontraception is a humane means ofcontrolling possums with wide publicacceptance. The use of vaccines for cows and/orpossums would also cause far less sufferingthan present eradication operations. Researchinto these methods does require some intrusiveexperimentation. This can be reduced if liveanimals are not used for secondary antibodyharvesting, if adequate analgesia is provided,and if potential vaccines or contraceptives aretested under conditions that would beexperienced in the field.  相似文献   

岳喜云 《四川环境》2009,28(3):11-13
本文采用改进的BCR三步连续提取法对河北某食道癌高发地土壤中钙、镁进行了形态分析及提取序列的研究。实验表明:该地区土壤中镁主要以残渣态形式存在(占总量的83.66%-88.36%),钙则受提取序列的影响很大,在第一提取序列中,以酸溶态为主(74.11%-83.38%);第二提取序列中,以有机物结合态为主(78.12%-97.17%);第三、四提取序列中,以氧化物结合态为主(87.49%-103%)。提取剂的加入顺序明显影响到钙的各个形态的真实含量。  相似文献   

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