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利用2007年5月Lansat5 TM数据,运用单通道算法,基于全国遥感监测土地利用/覆盖分类体系,对贵州省猫跳河流域的地表特征参量进行了反演,得到不同土地利用类型下的典型地表特征参数值。在3种主要的土地利用类型中,林地的植被指数最高、地表温度最低,农田的植被指数最低而地表温度最高,草地介乎林地和农田之间。城镇建设用地主要表现为热岛效应,而水域则主要表现为地表温度(LST)和归一化植被指数(NDVI)的双低特征。进一步对二级土地利用类型的分析表明,由于结构、功能的不同,土地利用二级类在地表特征参量方面也表现出了有规律地变化。有助于深入认识不同土地利用类型的物理特征,可以丰富主要土地利用类型的影像分类的先验知识,有望将不同土地利用方式的生态环境效应研究推进一步  相似文献   

为了分析中国西南地区桂林喀斯特城市快速扩展所引发的地物覆盖变化对热环境的影响,利用改进METRIC模型和Landsat遥感数据反演喀斯特城市地表水热通量,并使用地面同步观测值进行验证,分析植被、建筑、水体、裸土、裸岩等地物覆盖率变化对地表水热通量的影响.结果 表明:地物覆盖率在取值中段存在对地表水热通量影响的显著范围,植被覆盖率在0.1~0.8、建筑覆盖率在0.2~0.8、裸土率和裸岩率在0.2~0.9的影响明显高于地物覆盖率极低和极高范围.在影响显著范围,植被覆盖率、水体覆盖率增加0.1,使得潜热通量分别升高4.0%~12.0%、2.0% ~ 5.0%,而显热通量分别降低5.0%~16.0%、3.0%~11.0%;建筑覆盖率、裸土率、裸岩率增加0.1,使得显热通量分别升高5.0% ~ 17.0%、3.0% ~ 11.0%、4.0%~ 14.0%,而潜热通量分别降低3.0%~9.0%、2.0% ~ 8.0%、4.0%~9.0%.植被覆盖率增加使得潜热通量升高、显热通量降低的效果明显高于水体覆盖率,建筑覆盖率增加使得显热通量升高、潜热通量降低的效果明显高于裸土率,略高于裸岩率.  相似文献   

基于MODIS数据的地表组分温度反演研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
组分温度的反演是当前定量遥感的一个难点。与众多的陆面温度遥感模型相比,成熟的组分温度遥感模型相对较少。通过对近地面热红外辐射能量的线性展开,建立了MODIS多波段植被、土壤组分温度反演模型。该模型将组分温度与地表温度定量联系起来,模型中所涉及到的参数充分考虑到研究区湿地环境的特点。在计算组分温度时,首先利用单窗算法得到的MODIS陆面温度反演模型计算地表温度,然后由所建立的组分温度模型计算植被、土壤温度。选用2005年10月31日的鄱阳湖地区MODIS数据试验,与实测的植被、土壤温度相比,反演的组分温度的误差在15~21℃;通过对模型参数的敏感性分析,表明该模型具有一定的稳定性。实践证明,该方法能够有效实现组分温度的分离,是一种组分温度反演的较好方法。  相似文献   

选择贵州陈旗流域内具有典型性的4种植被类型(林地、玉米地、灌丛和草地),采用地温计,Hobo压力式水位温度记录仪和手持红外热像仪(FLIR SC620)观测和分析温度垂向和空间日变化特征。结果表明:林地和灌丛垂向温度从冠层向地表明显降低,地表与冠层气温差异大;玉米地和草地的地表气温高于冠层,温度垂向特性与林地、灌丛不同;土壤平均温度及变幅,林地草地玉米地,以及林地灌丛;地表温度及变幅,林地玉米地草地,以及林地灌丛;冠层温度及变幅,林地和灌丛、林地和玉米地差异不大;林地对垂向气温调节能力大于灌丛;玉米地对气温调节能力弱与林地,强于草地;同时,平面空间上,温度差异显著,其空间温度的变幅随平均温度值的增大而增大。  相似文献   

随着全球气候变化和人类活动的不断加剧,导致生态、资源与环境问题日趋严重,区域空间格局变化与地表温度的研究已成为全球环境变化的热门和重点研究课题。采用2000年、2006年和2010年的TM遥感影像,结合GIS和RS技术研究南京市不同时期的时空分布特征、演变特征以及地表温度的变化。结果表明: 2000~2010年南京市城区建设用地面积增长幅度较大,而耕地面积却呈显著递减趋向,水体和草地面积基本保持稳定,林地面积略有增长。NDVI和MNDWI均与地表温度呈负相关,通过构建TVX空间观察南京城市化进程,发现植被覆盖度持续降低,地表温度急速上升,到2010年,所有土地利用类型的聚类点的转化轨迹趋于一点,变化向量幅度是:林地>草地>水体>耕地,研究结果表明林地和水域对城市地表热环境具有强大的缓解作用,在城市化进程中,要注重城市水域和林地的保护,同时要改善城市绿化、减少能耗和节制热源  相似文献   

城市规划中人口空间分布模拟方法研究   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
城市人口空间分布是影响社会经济活力、基础设施建设、公共服务配置以及城市交通、住宅、生态环境问题等方面的重要因素之一,是科学开展城市规划的基础与前提.传统的等值区域图法只能描述一个地区总体城市分布状况,难以准确反映城市内部人口的实际分布.本文通过综述国内外23篇研究成果,将城市人口分布空间模拟方法总结为城市人口密度模型、内插法空间分布模型、地理因子相关性模型(包括光谱估算法、土地利用密度法、居住单元估算法、夜间灯光强度估算法、硬化地表估算法)3大类7种,分析了它们各自的特点及改进措施.人口空间分布模拟在我国城市规划体系中有较大应用价值,重点讨论了在城镇体系规划、城市总体规划以及详细规划等不同规划层面人口空间分布适用模拟技术.最后指出为提高我国城市规划的科学性和预测精度,综合运用多种方法对城市人口空间分布进行估算模拟将成为该领域研究趋势,以期为城市规划管理提供技术参考.  相似文献   

土地利用/覆被变化(LUCC)对流域水文过程具有重要的长期影响作用。针对土地利用覆被变化对大型流域水文过程的影响程度,利用构建的长江流域分布式水文模型分析了土地利用变化情景下的水文效应特征。结果显示:分布式水文模型综合考虑了下垫面土壤、坡度、植被等特征,可以较好的反映降水发生后水分在不同土壤、植被和地形条组合件下,蒸散、地表和地下径流等组分的运移过程。根据不同土地覆被类型的径流成分差异,以及长江流域实际可供调节的土地利用方式,流域现有土地利用格局中农林地依然具有较大的转换空间。根据典型流域中预设的农林地转换情景下的径流效应看,各种情景虽然对流域径流总量变化影响较小,但对蒸散、地表径流和基流可以产生显著影响。其中,林地增加使基流最高提升超过15%,同时可使地表径流下降近5%,两者对蒸散的改变在1%左右,对径流总量变化幅度则只有0.7%左右。不同情景下的水文响应模式反映了未来土地利用调整的水文效应,因此可以基于不同的径流效应,开展有利于综合发挥流域持水能力的空间规划,提升林地所占比重。  相似文献   

城市地表污染物是城市降雨径流污染的主要来源,其累积和降雨冲刷过程分别是沉降-悬浮-再沉降以及悬浮-沉淀-再悬浮的动态过程。描述累积过程的模型主要有线性、指数、对数等形式,其中以指数及一些变形形式发展相对成熟并得到了广泛的应用。这些模型都将雨前干期天数(ADWP)作为主要的影响因子。而描述冲刷过程的模型主要基于一级反应动力学假设,这类模型已被人们广泛接受。为使冲刷模型更接近实际,人们进一步在其中引入了雨天排污因素,并取得较好的成效。虽然城市地表径流的研究取得了较大的进步,但是目前的模型基本属于经验型或基于大量监测数据的统计学模型,尚缺对污染物输移过程的机理性描述。因此,从城市地表污染物输移过程的机理出发,建立城市地表污染物累积和降雨冲刷过程的物理模型是今后城市降雨径流污染研究工作中一个亟待解决的问题.  相似文献   

在美国,随着城市的扩大,每年要损失50万英亩林地,按林务局估算,照目前的趋势发展下去,在20年内,美国将有1600万英亩林地被移作它用。在乡村,美国现有8000万英亩林地被认为是环境上敏感的宜  相似文献   

自20世纪80年代以来,桂林漓江由于上游森林遭受破坏出现水生态环境快速恶化的趋势。地表热场的时空变化直接影响森林蒸散及水文效应。因此,对漓江上游1989~2006年5景TM/ETM+卫星图像,利用归一化植被指数反演植被覆盖度,利用单窗算法反演地表温度,提出归一化温度使不同时相地表热场具有可比性,分析植被覆盖度时空变化对地表热场的影响。结果表明,在空间上,地表温度随植被覆盖度的增加而降低,在植被覆盖度很高或很低时,这种影响相对变弱;在时间上,漓江上游1989~2000年植被中、高度覆盖面积从96.1%逐年下降到65.9%,导致归一化地表温度数值较高的像元比例相应增加;2000~2006年植被中、高度覆盖面积逐渐恢复上升到90.8%,但仍略低于1989年,使得归一化地表温度数值较高的像元比例相应减少。植被覆盖可以有效地降低漓江上游地表温度  相似文献   

长江上游防护林健康评价对提高防护林生态服务功能有着重要作用。基于“压力 状态 响应”分析框架,选取20项指标建立了长江上游防护林健康评价指标体系,并利用熵技术修正层次分析法确定评价指标体系的权重;运用等级赋分法对评价指标无量钢化,使不同区域的防护林健康评价结果具有可比性。利用健康指数法对官司河流域的主要防护林群落马尾松林、柏树林、栎树林、松柏混交林、桤柏混交林健康水平进行定量化研究。评价结果表明:官司河流域防护林综合健康指数为46.95,各种类型防护林健康指数从高到低依次为:栎树林(55.43)>桤柏混交林(52.54)>松柏混交林(50.84)>柏树林(49.68)>马尾松林(38.92)。研究结果对于长江上游防护林的空间配置与结构优化有一定的参考价值。  相似文献   

在综合国内若干城市生态系统服务功能价值研究实例的基础上,构建了中国城市森林生态系统服务功能价值转移数据库和相应的Meta回归分析模型,对价值转移评估的影响因素进行了全面探讨,并对该模型的样本外价值转移的有效性进行了检验.研究结果表明:(1)中国城市森林生态系统服务功能的平均价值为5.868 万元/hm2·a,按照价值高低排序依次为:涵养水源>固碳释氧>保育土壤>生物多样性保护>净化大气环境>森林游憩>积累营养物质,且总体呈现出西部地区>东部地区>中部地区的区位分布特征;(2)城市森林生态系统服务功能的评估方法、类型因素,城市的区位、人口、经济因素和研究区面积因素都是影响城市森林生态系统服务功能价值变化的主要因素;(3)所构建的Meta价值转移模型的样本外价值转移的平均转移误差为18.54%,用于研究样本外价值转移估计的有效性较好.  相似文献   

Specific features of root system formation in the main forest-forming species have been studied under conditions of natural regeneration or planting on large cinder dumps of district heat and power plants in the Middle Urals. Prospects for using these species for biological (forest) recultivation of cinder dumps are evaluated.  相似文献   

安徽省森林生态承载力及其重心迁移研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
以安徽省72个区县为研究样本,基于PSR(Pressure-State-Response)模型,运用熵权法与专家法确定综合权重,根据综合指数法计算森林生态承载力指数,并对2001~2016年安徽省森林生态承载力进行时空分析,同时在GIS技术支持下对安徽省县域森林生态承载力重心轨迹的演变规律进行研究.结果表明:安徽省森林生态承载力状况整体上得到了很大改善,全省大部分区县处于可载等级;政府林业投资强度、天然林保护面积占比、退耕还林面积占比、林分结构等指标权重较大;省内森林生态承载力水平分布不均衡,超载地区主要分布在皖北平原地区,可载地区则大多分布在皖西南山区;森林生态承载力重心在2001~2006年从西北向东南方向迁移,2006~2009年从东南向东北方向迁移,2009~2016再次向东南方向迁移,且迁移的速度明显加快.  相似文献   

Maintaining the provision of multiple forest ecosystem services requires to take into consideration forest sensitivity and adaptability to a changing environment. In this context, dynamic models are indispensable to assess the combined effects of management and climate change on forest dynamics. We evaluated the importance of implementing different approaches for simulating forest management in the climate-sensitive gap model ForClim and compared its outputs with forest inventory data at multiple sites across the European Alps. The model was then used to study forest dynamics in representative silver fir–European beech stands in the Dinaric Mountains (Slovenia) under current management and different climate scenarios. On average, ForClim accurately predicted the development of basal area and stem numbers, but the type of harvesting algorithm used and the information for stand initialization are key elements that must be defined carefully. Empirical harvesting functions that rigorously impose the number and size of stems to remove fail to reproduce stand dynamics when growth is just slightly under- or overestimated, and thus should be substituted by analytical thinning algorithms that are based on stochastic distribution functions. Long-term simulations revealed that both management and climate change negatively impact conifer growth and regeneration. Under current climate, most of the simulated stands were dominated by European beech at the end of the simulation (i.e., 2150 AD), due to the decline of silver fir and Norway spruce caused mainly by harvesting. This trend was amplified under climate change as growth of European beech was favored by higher temperatures, in contrast to drought-induced growth reductions in both conifers. This forest development scenario is highly undesired by local managers who aim at preserving conifers with high economic value. Overall, our results suggest that maintaining a considerable share of conifers in these forests may not be feasible under climate change, especially at lower elevations where foresters should consider alternative management strategies.  相似文献   

江西庐山自然保护区主要森林植被水土保持功能评价   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
随着环境压力的与日俱增以及森林过度采伐带来的生态危机的加剧,森林生态系统控制水土流失与涵养水源功能的量化及机理研究已成为各国生态学家、林学家、水土保持学家共同关注的课题。以江西庐山自然保护区的6种主要森林植被为研究对象,基于野外调查和室内实验获取的相关数据,采用层次分析法,选取郁闭度、丰富度指数、土壤容重、毛管孔隙度、土壤稳渗速率、枯落物储量、枯落物分解强度、海拔、坡度等15个指标构建多层次多指标的水土保持功能评价体系,根据层次总排序结果,分别计算出各指标的权重,并利用线型评分函数求出各森林植被类型水土保持功能的综合评价值,即6种主要森林植被类型水土保持功能排序为:常绿阔叶林玉山竹林常绿-落叶阔叶混交林落叶阔叶林黄山松林马尾松林。  相似文献   

Understanding forest changes and its trajectory is important to develop policy options and future scenarios for climate analysis. This research is conducted to gain insights on secondary forests change using Mississippi, USA, as a case study. We investigate the spatial patterns and temporal dynamics of secondary forests at high resolution and examine the forces driving their changes. An extensive literature review is conducted to refine the conceptual framework of forest changes and identify the underlying key factors. Forest changes are quantified at high spatial (30-m) and temporal (biennial) resolutions, using time series remotely sensed data between 1984 and 2007. A number of geospatial and socioeconomic data were compiled to analyze the spatial variations of forest disturbances and their linkages to various socioeconomic, political, and biogeophysical factors. The results show that the secondary forests are highly dynamic and variable. Disturbances and regeneration occur continuously everywhere in a systematic and coordinated fashion. This pattern prevents an extensive disturbance and increases total forest cover. Market conditions (i.e., timber price) are the key predictor of the level and overall trend of forest disturbances. However, spatial patterns of forest dynamics cannot be explained by location-specific biophysical, socioeconomic, and policy factors identified in the literature. They can best be described by the ecological characteristics of the forests (i.e., the forest type and age distribution), which have a clear economic linkage. The research shows that regenerated forests frequently experience loss and gain of their extent, and their ecological characteristics change drastically on a short-term basis. These results point out challenges and opportunities in forest management and policy with regard to reforestation.  相似文献   

Numerous analyses of the possible impacts of future climatic changes on tree species composition have been published for both lowland and high-elevation forests. Most of these studies were based on the application of forest "gap" models, and the vast majority of them considered only changes in the average of climatic parameters over time. In this study, we use a unique data set on reconstructed past climatic variations to analyse forest dynamics simulated by the forest gap model ForClim. This analysis forms the basis for a systematic exploration of the ecological effects of changing means vs. changing variability of climate on central European forests. A reconstruction of historical climate covering the last 470 years in the Swiss lowlands (ClimIndex) is extrapolated to a transect across the alpine (cold) treeline and used to simulate the influence of climate variations on the time scale of decades on forest biomass and tree species composition at both sites. While the simulation at the low-elevation site shows little sensitivity to climate variations, the results from upper subalpine forests suggest that two major dieback events would have occurred at elevations above the current but below the climatic tree line, induced by clusters of exceptionally cold summers. The results are in agreement with available dendrochronological data and with documentary evidence on massive negative impacts on flora and fauna at high elevations during these periods. We conclude that ForClim is capable of capturing the effects on tree population dynamics of climate variability at these sites as reconstructed from the ClimIndex record. A factorial design is used to address the sensitivity of ForClim to changes of the long-term averages vs. changes of the variability of monthly temperature and precipitation data. To this end, the simulated tree species composition of near-natural forests is examined along a climate gradient in Europe. The results indicate that there are three types of forest response: (1) little sensitivity to both kinds of change, (2) strong sensitivity to changes in the means, but little sensitivity to changing variability, and (3) strong sensitivity to changing variability at least in parts of the examined climate space. Half of the cases investigated fall under the third category, suggesting that emphasis should be placed on also assessing the sensitivity of ecosystems to future changes in climate variability rather than on changes of average values alone. Electronic Publication  相似文献   


Mountain forest areas are key for providing a wide range of ecosystem services and are hot spots for land use change processes, in particular, increase in forest cover at the expense of mountain pastures and meadows. Mountain forest systems in eastern and western Europe have likely similar future socio-economic situations but significantly different socio-economic history. Using a scenario-based land use modelling approach (Dyna-CLUE framework) we model three scenarios (trend, liberalisation and self-sufficiency) of future land use in the Polish Carpathians and the Swiss Alps, focussing on forest cover change. We find that forest cover increase can be expected to continue in European mountainous regions under all likely scenarios, limited only by relatively strict policy interventions. Biophysical factors, rather than socio-economic ones, are key for defining the suitability for, and therefore likely locations of future forest cover, but land use legacy plays a very important role in the spatial patterns of future forest cover, particularly in eastern Europe.


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