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基于国家新型城镇化与"T"字型发展战略理论内涵,选取长江沿岸上、中、下游中心城市重庆、武汉和南京为实证研究对象,以1980、1990、2000、2010年4期遥感影像资料为基础数据源,通过RS、GIS和景观生态结合分析,分别对其城市扩张强度、城市扩张类型和城市建设用地扩张弹性进行对比分析,并采用景观指数进行了进一步分析和验证,从而系统分析了近30 a来3个城市建设用地扩张的时空特征与内在机理。结果表明:(1)30 a来,南京、武汉和重庆3市城市扩张强度均呈明显上升趋势,总体呈现南京市>武汉市>重庆市,但2000年是一个分水岭,之后重庆市城市扩张增速赶超武汉市,南京市反而增速最低;(2)对城市扩张类型分析表明,南京市始终以边缘式增长为主;武汉市在2000年之前以飞地式扩张主导,2000年之后呈现边缘式增长;重庆市以边缘式增长为主,但2000年之后飞地式增长迅速;(3)从城市建设用地扩张弹性分析表明,1980~2010年南京市土地扩张相比城市人口开始减缓,而武汉市和重庆市在2000年以后城市扩张速度远远超过城市人口增长速度;(4)景观指数验证分析结果显示,遥感分析、地理信息分析和景观生态分析的结合能够很好反映城市建设用地的扩张过程及演化特征。  相似文献   

太湖流域城市化水平及外来人口影响测评   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
太湖流域属于我国东部沿海经济较发达的地区,2000年城市化水平达到66.17%,接近全国平均水平的两倍。自改革开放以来,该地区工业化发展迅速,由以乡镇企业为主过渡到外资和民营企业的大力发展,吸引了来自全国各地的就业迁移人口,成为全国流动人口的主要集中区。同时使得外来人口成为地区社会经济发展规划不可忽视的重要因素。以第五次人口普查资料为基础分析了太湖流域外来人口来源的地域和城乡构成,计算了外来人口数量及分布情况,指出外来人口的城乡非均衡分布促成地区城镇化率的小幅上升,太湖流域各地区的上升幅度在2%左右,部分解释了隐性城镇化率的产生。在城市市区,外来人口平均占到总城市人口的18%。对于50万人口以上城市,外来人口比重与城市规模表现出良好的相关性,可用于指导城市人口规模及地区城镇化水平预测。  相似文献   

中国城镇化道路的反思与对策   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
改革开放加速了我国的城镇化进程。从1978年至2010年,城镇化率由17.92%迅速提高到49.95%,形成了长三角、珠三角、京津冀三大城市群,一批区域性城市群正在加速形成。城镇化的快速发展特别是城市群的形成为推动我国经济社会发展和增强国际竞争力发挥了重要作用。但与此同时,城镇化也带来了突出的可持续发展问题。主要表现在:人口过度膨胀,城市病集中爆发,经济增长与宜居性背道而驰;城市面貌千篇一律,野蛮拆迁横行,土地型资本运作难以持续;进城易,定居难,城乡"二元社会"问题正演变为城市内定居群体与流动群体"二元社会"问题;城市间恶性竞争,产业同构,建立分工协作的机制任重道远。基于此,本文提出了未来10年推进我国城镇化的对策思路:坚持积极发展小城市和小城镇方针,缓解地域中心城市人口压力;创新农村居民点用地管理制度,实现城镇化与新农村建设有机统一;加强城市规划与管理的科学化,全力提升城市品位;建立跨区域城市协调机制,破解恶性竞争与产业同构困局;促进公共服务均等化,消除新老"二元社会"问题。  相似文献   

纵观我国城市化发展历程,虽然取得了举世瞩目的成就,同时也带来了许多问题,具体表现为城市化快速扩张过程中带来的资源与生态环境压力。阐述了城市化发展的国内外背景,认为城市化过程中的土地资源、水资源、环境容量等是影响城镇健康可持续发展的重要因素,构成了制约城市发展的综合性支撑体系。对我国城市化道路健康发展的基本策略进行了阐述。在对我国城市化发展速度的主要影响因素进行分析的基础上,根据人均GDP增长和各地区城市发展条件与潜力,通过综合指标分析,对我国不同类型区的城市化发展速度进行了初步界定及趋势分析。  相似文献   

In light of the rapid urbanization of the world’s population over the past decades, there is a growing concern about the environmental impacts of urban population growth. Rural–urban migration is a particularly important component of the urbanization process in developing countries and is often considered to be detrimental to urban environmental conditions. However, few studies have explicitly examined the presumed negative impacts of in-migration on the natural environment of cities. The continuously increasing volume of rural–urban labor migration in China since the early 1980s has formed the largest population flow in world history. This study links the existing literature on population–environment and urbanization–environment interactions by empirically assessing the relationship between rural–urban migration and urban air conditions in China. A two-period (2004 and 2010) longitudinal dataset for the 113 key environmental protection cities of China was constructed based on multiple data sources. We applied the STIRPAT equation using conventional and spatial panel regression models to examine whether rural–urban migration flows were associated with air pollution in cities. Results show a strong negative association of in-migration with urban air quality even after controlling for the effects of other population, affluence, and technology factors. Findings from this research can contribute to a better understanding of the environmental consequences of rural–urban migration in China, with broader implications for sustainable development research and policies.  相似文献   

Thirty-seven years since reform and opening up, China has sustained rapid economic growth and urbanization. However, there was inadequate protection of natural, historical, and cultural heritage, especially in the past 17 years, which led to the outcome that urban and rural construction lacked features. To rebuild our urban features during urbanization, and avoid destroying them, we should probe into the reason of lacking features and how to protect them. Therefore, taking Jinan City as an example, this paper explored the crisis and its causes of urban characteristics during the period of rapid urbanization based on discussing roles of spring features, including economic effects, social effects, ecological effects and so on. What is more, this paper listed and analyzed those protection measures taken by Jinan. The results showed that spring groups spewed again and kept for 8 years through those measures, which meant that urban characteristics restored. Thus, Jinan City provides successful and significant reference for other cities in restoring urban features during urbanization construction. Also, the author deemed that cities could recollect their urban features as long as they take reasonable measures.  相似文献   

城镇化是社会经济发展和现代文明的重要标志,但带来了严重的资源危机和生态环境问题。以鄱阳湖独特的流域特征为研究对象,以城市人口数量表征城镇化的进程,分类解析1990~2011年江西省统计年鉴数据,通过讨论鄱阳湖土地资源结构变化、水资源变化特征、湿地生态系统、生物多样性等资源消耗程度,以及大气污染和水污染为代表的城镇主要污染问题,探讨快速城镇化下鄱阳湖生态环境对干扰的响应。结果表明:鄱阳湖流域各城市的城镇化进展及其机制不同,南昌、九江和上饶城市扩张迅速,而景德镇和赣州发展较平缓;城镇化导致水资源日益紧缺,各城市年总用水量2003年以后均呈增加趋势,其中农业用水量逐年增加,工业用水量各城市年变化存在差异;生物多样性特征受到严重威胁,湖泊水面及湿地面积的持续减少,生物环境的组成和结构发生改变;九江等城市工业废气排放量加大、南昌等城市工业废水排放高,造成湖区环境恶化。根据分析,建议鄱阳湖流域未来从规划土地利用类型、统一调配水资源、制定生物多样性保护对策、加强环境污染治理、强化环保宣传和规划与政策法律化等多方面采取措施。本文为鄱阳湖生态系统可持续发展和生态经济区的城镇化建设提供理论参考  相似文献   

To address the growing need for developable land, many coastal cities are draining and filling wetlands, transforming them into urban built-up areas, and thereby substantially altering the structure and function of coastal ecosystems. We demonstrate an integrative approach for investigating the dynamics and impacts of coastal development in China’s Jiangsu Province, where urban expansion has resulted in extensive wetland losses and sea reclamation (the process of creating new land from ocean or coastal waters). Remotely sensed data reveal that landscape change in the study area has been accompanied by an increase in total impervious surface area and an increase in mean surface “heat island effect.” These indicators of change can be detected with remote sensing data and used to support a strategic environmental assessment (SEA) for urban coastal planning. Changes detected in Lianyungang during 2000–2006 suggest that reclaimed areas are environmentally sensitive and should be a focus of concern in future development planning, which has historically targeted coastal salt pond wetlands for conversion to land for the development. Given the current and projected rate of coastal development in China and elsewhere in the developing world, our findings and assessment approach have implications for coastal management decisions in the developing coastal zones of China and other regions of the world that are experiencing rapid urban growth.  相似文献   

城市土地扩张速度过快是当前中国社会需要解决的一个重要问题。利用2000~2014年中国30个省会城市的面板数据,实证检验了全国层面和区域层面下,产业发展、土地集约利用与城市土地扩张之间的关系,并重点分析了土地集约利用在其中的中介作用。研究表明:(1)就全国层面看,第三产业规模提升和产业结构升级会抑制城市土地的扩张,土地集约利用在其中发挥部分中介效应,且其对总效应的贡献率分别为10.3%和12.6%;(2)就区域层面看,第三产业规模提升和产业结构升级会通过提高土地集约利用水平对东部城市土地扩张产生间接负向影响;第二产业规模增加对中部城市土地扩张有直接的促进效果;(3)该研究揭示了不同产业发展类型对不同区域城市土地扩张的影响及其中的作用路径,并针对性的提出了一系列政策建议,这对控制我国城市土地的过度扩张具有现实的指导意义。  相似文献   

As in many other developing countries, cities in Bangladesh have witnessed rapid urbanization, resulting in increasing amounts of land being taken over and therefore land cover changing at a faster rate. Until now, however, few efforts have been made to document the impact of land use and land cover changes on the climate, environment, and ecosystem of the country because of a lack of geospatial data and time-series information. By using open source Landsat data integrated with GIS technologies and other ancillary data, this study attempts to classify land use and create land cover maps, enabling post-classification change detection analysis. By this method, we document the spatial and temporal trajectory of urban expansion in Chittagong, the second largest city in Bangladesh, over a 36-year period. The findings suggest that, over the study period, 56 % of the land cover has undergone change, mainly because of the expansion of built-up areas and other human activities. During the 36-year period, the built-up area around Chittagong city has expanded by 618 %, with an average annual rate of increase of 17.5 %. As a result of rapid urbanization, the vegetated hills near urban development areas face serious threats of further encroachment and degradation, given that 2178 ha of hills have already been intruded over the study period. Because urbanization processes in Bangladesh have traditionally been viewed as the result of population growth and economic development, very little work has been done to track the potential growth trajectory in a physical or spatial context. This study, therefore, will contribute to the current understanding of urban development in Bangladesh from a temporal and spatial point of view. Findings will be able to assist planners, stakeholders, and policy makers in appreciating the dynamism of urban growth and therefore will facilitate better planning for the future to minimize environmental impacts.  相似文献   

太湖流域是我国城市化高度发达地区,城市化的发展有力地促进了区域经济的增长,但同时对原有河流水系造成了较大冲击,从而对生态环境造成了很大影响。苏州市是太湖流域城市化发展最为典型的城市之一,近几十年来城市化的快速发展导致区域河网萎缩,水系连通受阻。为此运用图论和GIS的方法探讨了水系结构与河流连通变化。研究表明:(1)近50 a来,苏州市中心区河流总长减少了约84 km,河网密度下降了约197%;(2)研究区二、三级河流持续减少,一级河流不断增加,呈明显的主干化趋势;(3)河流结点数和河链数均呈下降趋势,且1980s到2009年的变化幅度要比1960s到1980s的变化幅度大;(4)水系连通度由1960s的4215下降到1980s的4017,到2009年下降为3361,呈明显的减小趋势  相似文献   

基于圈层建设用地密度分析,提出了城市扩张核心度指数;通过计算城市扩张核心度指数和城市扩张强度指数,分析了1990~2010年中国27个主要城市距城市中心不同距离区域的城市扩张的时空模式。研究发现:(1)1990~2010年,大部分城市核心度指数不断降低,城市空间结构变化与国家区域政策密不可分,呈现明显的区域特征。1990~2000年东部沿海地区城市核心度值减少幅度较大,2000~2010年则是东北部和中西部城市降低明显。总体上看,西部和东北部城市的核心度指数要高于东部和中部的城市,结构更加紧凑。(2)城市扩张最活跃的地方总是出现在核心区边界附近,并不断向外推移。(3)城市的形态与城市的发展阶段密切相关。1990~2000年,一线城市扩张的强度和范围远大于其他城市;2000~2010年,二三线城市的扩张强度和范围明显增加。经济比较发达的城市,建设用地的扩张逐渐由单中心扩展向多中心协同发展转变,而经济相对落后西部城市和东北部城市,城市结构比较紧凑,保持着单中心的城市形态。  相似文献   

由全球气候变暖以及快速城市化引发的极端高温热浪事件频发现象已经影响到人类的生产和生活。利用多源卫星遥感数据和社会经济统计资料,构建基于"高温危险性-社会经济脆弱性-风险适应性"的高温热浪风险评估体系,获取2017年长江中下游城市群250 m分辨率的典型高温热浪事件风险评估结果。结果表明:热浪风险等级高值区主要分布在城市群中心城市以及其他城市中心城区,主要是较高的城市高温和社会经济脆弱性共同作用结果,围绕中心城区向外扩散,风险等级呈逐渐降低趋势。大城市虽具有更好的高温适应性,但离应对城市化导致的高温危险性和脆弱性还显得不足,从高风险区域面积来看,长三角城市群热浪风险高于长江中游城市群,主要与城市化水平以及人口聚集程度有关。通过多源遥感信息,获取高分辨率的城市群高温热浪风险空间分布特征,能为城市化过程中城市有效应对高温风险,加强区域防灾减灾提供科学参考。  相似文献   

Since the reform and opening-up, the difference between the development of the west region and the other regions in China is increasing. In addition, the condition of the development of cities in west China needs amelioration. Developing conditions of the west provinces and its cities using economic barometers (e.g. gross domestic product (GDP) and per capita GDP) and urban population datum (e.g. urbanization level and city primary degree) have been analyzed in this article. Five indexes have been chosen to work on the development of the provinces, for example, the contribution degree of the increment in GDP, the contribution degree of the increment of per capita GDP, urbanization level, city primary degree, city primacy ratio. Conclusions are as follows. (1) The growth of the GDP and per capita GDP of the western provinces is in a poor way; moreover, it is not steady going. (2) The comparability among the characteristics of the urbanization level growth of the provinces is at a low level. (3) The urbanization levels of Inner Mongolia province and Sinkiang province are more-sensitive responders to the growth of per capita GDP, whereas those of Guangxi province and Tibet province are less-sensitive responders. (4) The urban population in most of the provinces are highly concentrated, which can be shown by city primary degrees and city primacy ratios. While working on these cities in west China, some earlier zone-organic cities are chosen as sample cities, and these cities are also analyzed using economic barometers and population datum. By analyzing the difference among the cities and comparing the research findings of Professor Zhou and the author, the following conclusions are made: (1) the growth of the GDP and per capita GDP of the cities are mostly not steady going; (2) the middle and big cities are more-sensitive responders to the growth of economy, whereas the small and mega cities are less-sensitive responders; (3) the sizes of southwest cities have a higher speed than those of northwest ones, and furthermore, the differences between them are still increasing.  相似文献   

Rapid urbanization in the developing world calls for attention to address the issue of urban sustainability, especially in emerging countries such as China, where social equity and environmental conditions have been marginalized by the rapid economic development. In this paper, we addressed the above issue with an attempt to answer the following questions: (1) How did the sustainability of Chinese cities evolve over time? (2) What are the driving forces for the evolution? By constructing a composite index that incorporates three major aspects of sustainability, economy, environment, and social equity, we characterized the recent evolution of Chinese cities and assessed the disparity among regions in terms of the sustainability measures. Further, we analyzed the driving forces for the change of sustainability indices through a driving force-pressure-state-effect model. We substantiate our numerical analysis of Chinese cities with a detailed case study of Urumqi, the capital of Xinjiang Autonomous Region, which has experienced significant change over the past 3 decades in every aspect of sustainability. We highlight some fundamental socioeconomic driving forces that have caused spatial restructuring, reflected by land-use change, and consequently impacted the urban environment of Urumqi. A brief case analysis of Guangzhou is also provided.  相似文献   

山东省城市土地集约利用评价及其时空差异研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
21世纪的中国进入经济社会发展的转型期,城市化的迅速推进支撑了区域的快速发展,但城市用地的急剧扩张带来耕地锐减、社会矛盾加剧等严峻问题,土地集约利用成为解决问题的关键。在构建城市用地集约度评价指标体系的基础上,通过多因素综合评价模型对山东省城市用地现状进行综合分析,并阐释了其时空变化特征。研究结果表明:山东各城市土地投入程度不断增强、土地产出效益不断增加、土地生态环境质量也有一定程度的提高,但土地利用强度波动较大,城市用地总体上趋于集约化、高级化;各城市土地利用集约化呈现不同的变化轨迹,大致可分为持续上升型、偶变型、波动上升型、先升后变型四种类型;城市间土地集约利用水平整体上呈现由东向西递减的空间分布特征,区域差距有所下降。据此建议中西部地区从加快经济发展、增加土地投入强度、实行城市增长边界限制等方面入手,提高土地利用集约水平。  相似文献   

构建反映生态文明与城市化发展内涵的两系统评价指标体系,以均方差决策法、耦合协调度模型、探索性空间数据分析(ESDA),借助Arc GIS软件从时间和空间两个维度定量分析京津冀13市2007—2016年生态文明与城市化的耦合协调关系及变化趋势。结果表明:①生态文明与城市化系统耦合协调度逐年提升,从2007年13市均处于拮抗发展阶段,到2016年实现较低水平协调,多数城市生态文明建设滞后于城市化进程。②生态文明与城市化耦合协调发展水平存在显著的全局正向空间自相关性,局部空间自相关性存在显著的空间集聚特征,处于高-高集聚区与低-低集聚区的城市最多,北京、廊坊和保定三地的局部空间自相关性最为显著,此三地对周围临近城市的辐射能力更强。基于分析结论,提出实现京津冀13市生态文明与城市化高质量耦合协调发展的策略:①将生态文明建设融入城市化进程,强力推进京津冀"弱势区域"生态文明建设与城市化"同频共振",推动京津两地优势资源向河北溢出和辐射。②强化三地的区域协作,促进共同发展,充分利用高水平集聚区的示范效应,带动和提升低水平集聚区协调发展,加强三地环境治理的联防联控,构建共建共治发展平台。③根据耦合协调度"中间高、南北低"的空间分布差异,三地政府还需根据自身特色,因地制宜研判和明确发展策略。  相似文献   

Land use and carbon emissions have long been a heated topic in China as well as developing countries. This paper contributes to the study of the related area as to investigate the causal relationship between the land urbanization quality and carbon emissions using panel data from 30 provinces in China over the period of 2004–2013. The empirical results show that: There exists bidirectional causality between land urbanization quality and carbon emissions across the country; land urbanization quality has negative effects on carbon emissions in all areas, with its effects largest in the Central region, followed by the Eastern, and the Western ranked at last; causal relationship exists in all regions, in addition to Eastern China; Central region has the highest potential of energy conservation. These findings provide new insights and valuable information for optimizing land use and urban development in China. In particular, to actively adjust the industrial structure, innovation in science and technology, and separate policy focus can contribute to energy conservation and urban land use.  相似文献   

改革开放以来,我国城市化过程出现快速发展时期,特别是长江下游地区(长江三角洲及其周边地区),由于人口与产业不断集聚,重大基础设施项目投资加大,道路网密度增加,开发区扩大,使得城市空间迭加扩展,造成了严重的水土资源利用失衡,生态环境日趋恶化,使本地区城市发展出现了许多新问题。以长江下游地区为例,对本区城市化过程中有关水土资源环境恶化、水污染增加、土地资源流失,以及城镇化速度过快的情况,作了深入分析论证,同时对长江下游地区水土资源合理开发利用与保护提出了新的思维、新的方法措施,特别是对如何加强长三角地区水质环境的整治提出了4点切实可行的办法与措施,为本地区的经济发展与生态安全提供科学依据.  相似文献   

中国城市群的兴起催生经济集聚,化石能源消耗增多引发碳排放形势愈加严峻,探索经济集聚对碳排放强度的影响及传导机制至关重要。本文以2004-2016年京津冀、长江三角洲、粤港澳大湾区、成渝城市群的61个城市面板数据为研究样本,探索经济集聚与碳排放强度的关系及影响机制,创新性地使用抗日战争时期各城市是否有铁路通过、2003年各城市是否有机场、各城市历年的国家级经济技术开发区数量作为工具变量解决内生性问题,构建中介效应模型分别检验环境规制和城镇化水平对经济集聚影响碳排放强度的传导机制,并分析经济密度异质性下经济集聚对碳排放强度的不同作用路径。结果表明:①经济集聚与碳排放强度之间呈显著的负向关系,现阶段城市经济集聚水平的提高有利于降低碳排放强度;②相对于低经济密度城市,高经济密度城市经济集聚的降碳效果更为明显;③经济集聚不仅直接对碳排放强度产生影响,还通过环境规制与城镇化水平两条路径间接对碳排放强度产生作用,中介效应显著;④低经济密度城市经济集聚对碳排放强度的间接影响主要是通过城镇化水平来传导,而高经济密度城市经济集聚对碳排放强度的间接影响可以靠环境规制和城镇化水平两条路径来实现。据此本文认为,政府应推动城市群经济以促进区域融合发展,实现企业联动合作以提高经济集聚水平。针对经济密度不同的城市治理手段应有所侧重,高经济密度城市应以增强环境规制力度为主要碳减排手段,而低经济密度城市则应通过提高经济集聚水平,改善城市建设水平并最终达到碳减排的目标。  相似文献   

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