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利用生态池净化玉泉景点富营养化水的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在人工湿地的基础上建立生态池,来净化杭州植物园玉泉观鱼景点观鱼池富营养化水质。结果表明该生态池在每年的不同季度内对总氮(TN)、氨氮(NH3-N)、总磷(TP)、化学需氧量(CODMn)、五日生化需氧量(BOD5)、溶解氧(DO)、浊度(TURB)、电导率(COND)均有较好的改善和净化效果,对硝态氮(NO3-N)的净化能力稍弱;总氮和氨氮的去除率在夏季最高,分别达到26.6%和87.7%,总磷在春季的去除率最高,为56.3%,硝态氮、CODMn和BOD5在秋季去除率最高,分别为8.05%、65.9%和73.9%。生态池的净化出水水质略低于地下水,但可以替代地下水来给养鱼池换水,为解决景区富营养化水质提供了一个好的途径。  相似文献   

为了解兰州银滩湿地公园对黄河水质的净化作用,对兰州银滩湿地公园不同河段的水流中氨氮、亚硝酸盐氮、总磷和氟化物的含量进行了测定。测定结果表明:湿地对水中TP的净化效果较好,去除率达到79.6%;对NH4+-N的净化效果次之,去除率达到了40.0%;对F-和NO2--N的净化作用一般。  相似文献   

安徽当涂县塘南镇是全国知名的养蟹大镇,现有养殖水面3万多亩,所产螃蟹个大黄肥,在市场上竞争力很强,以致当地流行这样一句顺口溜:一只螃蟹一担稻,一斤螃蟹一克金。塘南是我国生态养殖技术的发源地,该镇运用的“植草、投螺、稀育、立体养殖”模式被国家相关部门命名为“当涂模式”。  相似文献   

通过构建新型生态接触床,利用植物与微生物的共同作用来净化污水,研究其净化效果。浅层人工湿地上种植水生植物水芹、菖蒲和花叶芦竹,同时设置无植物对照组,分析其在春夏季和秋冬季对污水中总氮、总磷和有机物的去除率。主要结论如下:生态接触床在春夏季TN、TP的去除率可以达到60%以上,对高锰酸盐指数的去除率可以达到50%以上;秋冬季对TN、TP和高锰酸盐指数的去除率均可以达到60%以上。本研究采用的并联组合工艺可以节省用地,达到与串联组合工艺相当的去除效果。  相似文献   

2006年全国内陆水产工作现场会就在当涂县塘南镇盛大召开,与会人员专门调研了当地精细化养殖方法,在总结闭幕会议上将塘南镇的河蟹养殖方法命名为"当涂模式"。安徽当涂县塘南镇是全国知名的养蟹大镇,现有养殖水面3万多亩,所产螃蟹个大黄肥,在市场上竞争力很强,以致当地流行这样一句顺口溜:一只螃蟹一担稻,一斤螃蟹一克金。塘南是我国生态养殖技术的发源地,该镇运用"植草、投螺、稀育、立体养殖"模式被国家相关部门命名  相似文献   

依据西溪湿地水质监测资料及水体检测数据,对其水质状况进行了评价,阐述了水体污染特征和程度,同时,根据西溪湿地的水质状况和城市湿地的功能要求,提出了人工湿地、健康养殖、生态浮岛等生物一生态治理对策,并在其区域内鱼塘进行了相应试验。从监测结果分析,处理水体各项指标均有不同程度的改善,净化效果明显。  相似文献   

天津某再生水景观河道生态修复工程采用了生态修复处理技术以净化和保持河道水质。本文通过对该生态示范工程运行期间的水质净化效果的研究,为盐碱地区同类型景观河道的建设和水体富营养化的防治提供了工程经验和理论依据。  相似文献   

综述了石菖蒲在人工湿地水质净化中发挥的重要作用,植物通过吸附吸收、促进微生物的硝化反硝化作用等来实现氮、磷和有机污染物等的去除.分析了植物特性、植物搭配、环境因子以及水力负荷等对石菖蒲净化水质效率的影响.归纳了石菖蒲的生态习性和人工湿地设计时需要综合考虑的因素,对今后石菖蒲在人工湿地水污染控制等领域的应用进行了展望.  相似文献   

本文介绍了一种新型仿生态氧化沟工艺及其在养殖废水厌氧处理后的应用,该工艺吸收了氧化沟、接触氧化技术及人工湿地的特点,NH3-N、CODcr的去除率可分别达70%和60%。具有设计科学、构造简单、投资较省、管理方便、处理效果稳定等优点,在养殖废水后续处理中具有广阔的应用前景。  相似文献   

一些常见的沉水草本植物对水质具有较强的净化作用,能够有效控制氮和磷的浓度.本试验通过模拟氮、磷污染的水质条件,采用篦齿眼子菜对氮、磷营养盐的吸附和去除效果进行研究.结果 表明:设定模拟废水中的初始总氮(TN)浓度在1~50 mg/L范围内,培养30天后的植株对总氮的去除率最高可达85.4%,随着初始培养环境中总氮浓度的...  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: Sustained interest in and concern about the health status of the aquatic environment has resulted in extensive research focused on (1) effects of pollution on survival, growth, and reproduction of resource species at all life stages; (2) diseases of fish and shellfish, as they may be related to pollution and as they may serve as indicators of environmental stress; and (3) contaminant body burdens in fish and shellfish - their effects on the aquatic animals and their potential effects on humans. Effects, lethal and sublethal, of pollutants on life history stages of fish and shellfish have been documented, as have impacts on local stocks in badly degraded habitats, but as yet there has been no adequate quantitative demonstration of effects on entire aquatic species - probably because of the difficulty in sorting out relative effects of the many environmental factors that influence abundance. Sublethal effects, especially those that result in disease, have been examined intensively, and some diseases and disease syndromes have been associated statistically with pollution. Other pollution indicators (biochemical, physiological, genetic, behavioral, and ecological) have also received some attention, as have body burdens of contaminants in aquatic species. Research, especially that conducted during the past decade, has done much to clarify the many pathways and toxic effects of contaminants on aquatic animals, and has also helped to identify mechanisms for survival of fish and shellfish in the presence of environmental changes caused by human activities.  相似文献   

A cooperative mangrove mapping project between the Ecuadorian Center for Remote Sensing (CLIRSEN) and the University of Delaware was begun in August 1982. The objectives of the project were to create historical maps of mangrove ecosystem extent and change, while transferring aerial photographic interpretation techniques to Ecuadorian personnel. The result of this cooperation was a series of three 125,000 scale maps of historical mangrove extent and change from 1966 to 1982 in the southern Gulf of Guayaquil. This multitemporal study showed a 16% decrease in mangrove extent and a 27% increase in shrimp pond development. If these rates of change prevail into the future, mangroves in Ecuador will reach parity with shrimp ponds in 1984 and completely disappear by mid-1990. Recognizing the significance of this loss to shellfish and fish production along the coast, Ecuadorian scientists at CLIRSEN have subsequently initiated a nationwide mangrove mapping program to create a historical base for future mangrove management strategies.  相似文献   

本文综述了从水产加工废弃物虾、蟹壳中制取甲壳素和壳聚糖的方法。简要介绍了甲壳素和壳聚糖及其衍生物的开发应用现状,供有关方面充分利用甲壳素资源参考。  相似文献   

The EEC Shellfish Directive is a policy designed to protect and, where necessary, improve the quality of designated shellfish waters. Its implementation within the UK, however, has had no effect upon water quality for two reasons. First, the policy has important defects, having ambiguities concerning public health provisions and lacking designation criteria. Second, UK government has sought to achieve formal compliance, while at the same time ensuring that its full financial impact on public expenditure has been contained. Consequently, only those fisheries which already comply with water quality standards have been designated. Within Wales, one fishery has been designated, while other, commercially more important, but grossly contaminated shellfisheries have not.  相似文献   

This project investigated the feasibility of using sewage sludge to culture microalgae (Chlorella-HKBU) and their subsequent usage as feeds for rearing different organisms. Part II of the project evaluated the results of applying the sludge-grown algae to feedOreochromis mossambicus (fish),Macrobrachium hainenese (shrimp), andMoina macrocopa (cladocera). In general, the yields of the cultivated organisms were unsatisfactory when they were fed the sludge-grown algae directly. The body weights ofO. mossambicus andM. macrocopa dropped 21% and 37%, respectively, although there was a slight increase (4.4%) inM. hainenese. However, when feeding the algal-fed cladocerans to fish and shrimp, the body weights of the fish and shrimp were increased 7% and 11% accordingly. Protein contents of the cultivated organisms were comparable to the control diet, although they contained a rather high amount of heavy metals. When comparing absolute heavy metal contents in the cultivated organisms, the following order was observed: alga > cladocera > shrimp, fish > sludge extracts. Bioelimination of heavy metals may account for the decreasing heavy metal concentrations in higher trophic organisms.  相似文献   

水环境中重金属的生物积累研究及应用   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
本文综述了水环境中重金属在水生生物体内(包括鱼类的鳃、软体动物及贝类的肾、肝和肌肉等组织器官)蓄积研究现状及蓄积规律。利用生物积累的特性,为重金属污染的防治及生物监测提供参考。  相似文献   

东营污水处理厂采用污水处理与利用相结合的生态塘处理工艺,主要由高效厌氧塘、曝气塘、曝气养鱼塘、养鱼塘、藕塘、芦苇塘等组成。经过应用分析以及10个月的数据统计可以看出:在东营市这样土地资源丰富的地区采用生态塘工艺处理城市污水,具有基建费用低、运行费用省、维护管理方便、处理效果比较稳定的优点。  相似文献   

Bougeard, Morgane, Jean‐Claude Le Saux, Nicolas Pérenne, Claire Baffaut, Marc Robin, and Monique Pommepuy, 2011. Modeling of Escherichia coli Fluxes on a Catchment and the Impact on Coastal Water and Shellfish Quality. Journal of the American Water Resources Association (JAWRA) 1‐17. DOI: 10.1111/j.1752‐1688.2011.00520.x Abstract: The simulation of the impact of Escherichia coli loads from watersheds is of great interest for assessing estuarine water quality, especially in areas with shellfish aquaculture or bathing activities. For this purpose, this study investigates a model association based on the Soil and Water Assessment Tool (SWAT) coupled with a hydrodynamic model (MARS 2D; IFREMER). Application was performed on the catchment and estuary of Daoulas area (France). The daily E. coli fluxes simulated by SWAT are taken as an input in the MARS 2D model to calculate E. coli concentrations in estuarine water and shellfish. Model validation is based on comparison of frequencies: a strong relationship was found between calculated and measured E. coli concentrations for river quality (r2 = 0.99) and shellfish quality (r2 = 0.89). The important influence of agricultural practices and rainfall events on the rapid and large fluctuations in E. coli fluxes from the watershed (reaching three orders of magnitude in <24 hours) is one main result of the study. Response time in terms of seawater quality degradation ranges from one to two days after any important rainfall event (greater than 10 mm/day) and the time for estuary to recover good water quality also mainly depends on the duration of the rainfall. In the estuary, three effects (rainfall, tidal dilution, and manure spreading) have been identified as important influences.  相似文献   

Effects of changing environments of riverside mangroves, coastal land uses, and water quality on fish communities were studied in Bangphra and Thaprik creeks, Trat Bay, Thailand. Regression analysis revealed that fish species richness in the wet season had a negative relationship with water transparency, nitrate, and phosphate and a positive relationship with zooplankton. In the dry season, species richness had a negative relationship with nitrate and phosphate and a positive relationship with salinity, pH, and zooplankton. Abundances and species richness of fish declined over distance from downstream to upstream in both creeks. Riparian mangroves and water quality also declined with distance upstream in both creeks. Results from one-way analysis of variance and Tukey’s HSD test revealed that the highest zooplankton volume with the lowest amounts of nitrate and phosphate were observed at the downstream station in both creeks in each season. Low zooplankton volume with high amounts of nitrate and phosphate were found at the midstream and upstream stations of the creeks. The midstream and upstream stations of Bangphra Creek had low to moderate abundance of mangroves along the riversides, whereas shrimp farms were mainly found along the riversides at the midstream and upstream stations of Thaprik Creek. Correlation analysis results of land-use types and the significant habitat factors were discussed. This study found that mangrove degradation, shrimp farming, and residential and agricultural areas altered water quality and the health of fish habitats, causing the decreases in fish abundance and species richness.  相似文献   

随着畜禽养殖业的迅速发展,其产生的污染问题已成为我国环境保护的热点和难点问题。本文综述了传统养殖模式下污染物的治理方法,并重点介绍了一种新型的零排放养殖模式,可有效地防治养殖污染,并降低养殖成本,提高产品品质,该模式可扩大试点,并逐步推广。  相似文献   

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