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为了研究LPG储罐泄漏危害范围的变化规律,本文在分析LPG储罐结构类型的基础上,针对LPG泄漏事故后果类型,结合危害范围的模拟方法,借助ALOHA软件,对常温压力储存和低温常压储存条件下LPG储罐泄漏事故及泄漏可能导致的火灾爆炸事故的危害范围进行模拟。结果表明:LPG储罐发生泄漏或泄漏导致火灾爆炸事故,常温压力储存条件下的危害范围大于低温常压储存条件下的危害范围;在同种储存条件下,蒸气云爆炸、沸腾液体扩展蒸气爆炸、泄漏扩散、喷射火所造成的危害范围依次变小。研究结果为现场指挥员制定决策提供量化依据,为国家综合性消防救援队现场处置提供数据支持,同时也为应急管理部制定预案提供参考。  相似文献   

系统分析了LPG的火灾爆炸危险性,总结了LPG储罐泄漏后可能发生的事故类型,比较了LPG储罐池火、沸腾液体扩展蒸气爆炸和蒸气云爆炸事故后果模拟方法,提出了预防LPG储罐区火灾爆炸事故的技术措施.  相似文献   

LPG在储存过程中,可能由于泄漏或灾难性破裂等原因引发火灾、爆炸、中毒等重大事故。首先根据两类危险源理论,辨识与分析了LPG罐区的危险源及其危险性。然后,利用事件树方法,建立了瞬时泄漏和连续泄漏后果模型。通过研究典型的事故后果计算与模拟分析方法、风险确定与表示方法,借助PHAST和LEAK系统模拟分析与计算了某LPG罐区发生泄漏后的事故后果及其影响,并绘制了个人风险等值线和社会风险F-N曲线。最后,根据分析结果提出了多项针对性的风险控制措施。  相似文献   

基于甲醇在储存中可能存在的各种泄漏事故类型,结合挪威船级社(DNV)定量风险分析软件SAFETI中的PHAST模块,分析了甲醇的危险特性以及储存中泄漏事故危险性,并运用PHAST对甲醇储罐发生泄漏后的火灾、爆炸事故后果及风险进行定量风险评价,模拟预测事故后果及风险。通过模拟分析,得出事故影响程度的计算机模拟图表和报告,并提出了防止和减轻事故危害的措施,从而为甲醇罐区的安全提供指导。  相似文献   

事故树分析法在LPG储罐火灾爆炸事故中的应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
LPG(液化石油气)属于危险化学品之一,LPG储罐发生火灾爆炸的机率大,造成的损失比较严重,故对其火灾爆炸事故进行研究具有重要意义。LPG储罐爆炸根据其发生机理分为化学爆炸(燃爆)和物理爆炸两种模式。本文通过对LPG储罐燃爆﹑物理爆炸两类事故进行系统分析,建立了以LPG储罐燃爆、物理爆炸为顶事件的事故树。通过对其事故树的定性分析,得到了影响顶事件的各个最小割(径)集。通过计算底事件的结构重要度,确定了影响LPG储罐火灾爆炸事故的主要因素,并提出了相应的改进措施,进而提高LPG储罐的安全性和运行可靠性。  相似文献   

对石油化工企业典型生产装置--催化裂化装置发生火灾及爆炸事故后果进行分析,研究分析了催化裂化装置油浆泵泄漏引发池火灾和石油气泄漏引发无约束蒸气云爆炸两种事故的后果情况,给出这两种事故的各种伤亡半径,从而直观的为企业提供了事故后果情况,为企业的事故预防工作提供依据.  相似文献   

油库储油罐储存的油品均属甲乙类火灾危险性油,故具有易燃、易爆性。同时存储量大,一旦发生事故,其后果将会非常严重。从系统安全的角度分析储油罐发生火灾爆炸事故的因素,建立鱼刺图,从而提出相应措施,以减少和防止油库区的火灾爆炸事故。  相似文献   

化学工业重大事故的多米诺效应分析   总被引:8,自引:4,他引:4  
针对化学工业重大事故多米诺效应的严重后果,进行重大事故多米诺效应发生规律的研究。在指出触发重大事故多米诺效应发生条件和发生模式的基础上,设计重大事故多米诺效应的研究程序。借助生成重大火灾爆炸事故场景和其后果分析方法,建立多米诺效应概率分析的数学模型,利用VB开发了多米诺效应计算软件DOMISOFWARE,解决较为复杂的重大事故多米诺效应概率的计算问题。研究表明,爆炸事故总是较火灾事故具有更高触发多米诺效应的可能性,并且火灾和爆炸触发加压设备发生多米诺效应的概率与常压设备相比随间距增大几乎呈线性下降;确定了爆炸和火灾触发多米诺效应的概率和临界距离。研究结果对于化工装置的安全设计和重大事故的预防控制具有重要的指导意义。  相似文献   

氯乙烯储罐安全性分析   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
氯乙烯是被列入高毒物品的易燃易爆气体物质,液化氯乙烯由于其常温储存下蒸气压力高于大气压而在发生泄漏时容易引起火灾、爆炸、中毒等事故.氯乙烯储罐往往因为储存的物质量大而成为重大危险源.从国内现阶段法律法规、标准要求入手,分析了对氯乙烯储罐的安全要求,并以一具体储罐及其安全设施为实例,研究分析了储罐安全阀发生排放和储罐BLEVE等事故后果.并以此为基础,提出了本实例条件下保证储罐安全的具体要求.  相似文献   

正石油化工企业是火灾爆炸事故和职业危害事故高发的高危企业,由于生产系统储存和处理危险物料数量庞大、生产与控制系统复杂、工艺条件苛刻,一旦发生事故,极有可能造成灾难性的事故后果,所以加强生产安全事故的应急响应与管理体系的建设,是石化企业安全管理工作的重中之重。应急响应的出发点是减轻事故发生时的后果,防止意外事件或  相似文献   

Filling losses in tanks due to the expansion of the liquid into the tank and the vapors that are forced out of the tank are generally called displacement losses. Restrictions on vaporization loss of petroleum products give added emphasis to the accurate prediction of vapor pressure and hydrocarbon losses for petroleum products. In this work, firstly, a simple-to-use correlation is developed to estimate the true vapor pressure of liquefied petroleum gas (LPG) and natural gasoline as a function of Reid Vapor pressure (RVP) and temperature as well as the vapor pressure of different mixtures of propane and butane are correlated as a function of ambient air temperature and propane volume percent. Secondly, the filling losses from storage containers are estimated in percentage of liquid pumped in tanks as a function of working pressure and vapor pressure at liquid temperature. The study showed the proposed method to be in good agreement with the available reliable data in the literature. The average absolute deviation between reported data and the proposed correlation is less than 2%. The proposed simple-to-use approach can be of significant practical value for the process engineers and scientists to have a quick check on the prediction of the displacement losses from storage containers as well as for rapid estimation of vapor pressure of LPG and natural gasoline.  相似文献   

为了研究液化气体泄漏冷冻堵漏的堵漏机制,运用流体力学、传热学等知识对液化石油气(LPG)储罐(槽罐)泄漏时泄漏口处产生局部低温的现象进行了研究,探讨了LPG液相泄漏和气相泄漏2种不同泄漏形式的低温效应。结果表明:液相泄漏时,泄漏口处温度下降程度与泄漏口面积成正比,且随着罐体内部压力的减小而减弱,推导出喷水冷冻堵漏的成冰时间公式;气相泄漏时,对罐内压力与温度的平衡关系进行模拟并建立了数学模型;发现由于LPG气、液相之间对流换热和汽化吸热效应的差异,导致液相与气相之间的温度差,此温度差是罐体外壁产生结霜分层现象的主要原因。  相似文献   

液化石油气储运容器不同受热条件下的温度压力的估算   总被引:6,自引:2,他引:4  
刑志祥 《火灾科学》2000,9(3):65-70
提出了液化石油气储运容器在不同受热条件下,容器内的温度和压力的简化的计算方法,可用于此类火灾原因的分析认定、安全分析等,对火灾的扑救也具有十分重要的意义。  相似文献   

液化石油气站重大危险源的危险性评价   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:2  
液化石油气站的罐区属于重大危险源 ,因其一旦发生泄漏 ,引起火灾、爆炸意外事故 ,造成的伤亡及财产损失巨大 ,评价其安全性 ,控制其危险 ,建立防范及应急救援系统是控制工业灾害的重大举措。笔者通过建立数学模型对液化石油气贮罐区的危险性进行定量化评价 ,得出罐区的危险等级以及其现实危险性 ,为控制重大危险源 ,提供了一种有效的方法。  相似文献   

为研究火灾中球罐应力场分布情况,找到球罐失效破裂条件,以液化石油气为研究对象,基于球罐稳态热响应,通过ANSYS热-结构耦合有限元分析法进行研究。结果表明:充装率85%的液化石油气球罐最高温度部位出现在气相区,约619.66 ℃;最大应力值出现在气液交界处,约615.18 MPa;得到球罐破裂失效时温度值和应力值,并设置2次预警值。研究结果可为液化石油气储罐失效预警提供参考和判定依据。  相似文献   

This paper is derived from a study on the safety of bulk transport and storage of hydrogen as a fuel, carried out by the Health and Safety Laboratory (HSL) for the Department for Transport (DfT). The aim of the study was to identify the knowledge and data required to develop fully a risk assessment for a hydrogen delivery and storage infrastructure. The methodology used was to begin to carry out a risk assessment for a representative delivery and storage supply chain, using a risk assessment methodology commensurate with the availability of necessary data. Semi-quantitative risk assessment was carried out through top-down HAZID brainstorming, consequence modelling using commercially available software, and use of a risk matrix.Finally through the risk assessment carried out and relevant literature review, the gaps in hazard identification, consequence modelling and frequency assessment, which should be filled to develop a quantified methodology, were compiled.Using data for current UK LPG consumption, comparisons were made between hydrogen and LPG for mode of failures and number of trips required to supply equivalent energy demand. The implications of using ammonia as a hydrogen carrier (hydrogen is within the ammonia molecule) and regulatory implications on hydrogen fuelling or storage sites are also discussed.  相似文献   

After the 2011 Tohoku earthquakes, several chemical and oil complexes on the Pacific Ocean shoreline of northeast Japan experienced massive losses. In Chiba, a refinery operated by Cosmo Oil lost 17 LPG storage vessels which were either heavily damaged or totally destroyed by fires and explosions in the refinery. These large vessels ranged in size from 1000 to 5000 m3. The estimated volume of LPG at the time of the incident was between 400 and 5000 m3 for each vessel. Five boiling liquid expanding vapor explosions (BLEVEs) of LPG occurred, resulting in huge fire balls measuring about 500 m in diameter.A BLEVE is defined as the explosive release of expanding vapor and boiling liquid when a container holding a pressure-liquefied gas fails catastrophically. It is thus important to estimate the physical properties of superheated liquids: the thermodynamic and transport properties, the intrinsic limits to superheating and depressurization, and the nature of thermodynamic paths. Also it is hoped to provide better understanding of the vessels designed, manufactured, installed, and operated to reduce or eliminate the probability that a sequence of events will result in BLEVE or loss of primary containment. Knowledge of these matters is still incomplete. The objective of this research is to estimate the significant BLEVE phenomenon in very large scale spherical vessels based on published information in Japan. There are some models predicting BLEVEs. However, it is essential to know if this is true for very large scales such as spheres since validation is usually rare to provide confidence in estimating the superheated liquids behaviors. To this end, comparing with the information on this event, the conditions in the five LPG vessels at the time of the BLEVE were determined in terms of: duration of vessel failure (time to BLEVE); mass fraction in the vessel with time; temperature distribution in the liquid and vapor region and pressure within the vessel (e.g. initial pressure and internal high-speed transient pressure during failure), by means of a computer program AFFTAC Analysis of Fire Effects on Tank Cars, which solves heat conduction, stress and a failure model of the tank, a thermodynamic model of its fluid contents, and a flow model for the lading flowing through the safety relief device. Subsequently, the consequences from the sphere BLEVE, such as the expected fireball diameter and duration and the expected blast overpressure produced by the BLEVE failures, are also subjects of active research. Here the blast using the methods of PHAST and SFPE Handbook of Fire Protection Engineering was calculated.Results suggest that methodologies here used gave reasonable estimations for such real and huge BLEVEs in a validated way, which may provide valuable guidance for risk mitigation strategy with regard to LPG facility in design, emergency planning, resiliency, operations, and risk management.  相似文献   

涂文勇 《安全》2019,40(2):12-14,18
为了提高液化石油气罐车采用压缩机卸车法作业的安全性,通过对某液化石油气罐车卸车作业时其顶部安全阀意外开启泄压的事故原因进行调查,查明了导致罐车顶部安全阀意外开启泄压的直接原因是操作工人违章作业导致储罐与罐车罐体内气相液化石油气压差安全裕量严重不足所致。同时探讨了在夏季高温环境采用压缩机法对液化石油气罐车卸车作业时液化石油气罐车顶部安全阀整定值设定、液化石油气储罐与罐车罐体内气相液化石油气压差安全裕量的重要性。  相似文献   

LPG船液货泄漏事故风险评估系统研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
通过对液化石油气(LPG)船舶液货舱泄漏事故危险度因素分析,建立液化气液体货物泄漏源强、蒸气释放源强和蒸气扩散计算模型,并制定泄漏事故风险评价流程,基于VB语言编写泄漏事故风险评估系统。利用该系统能够计算得出泄漏事故发生后蒸发气在不同时刻不同区域的蒸发气浓度、爆炸或火灾后对生命财产的伤害半径以及伤害程度等相关参数。对某航行状态下的LPG实船进行模拟分析,结果表明能够对LPG船舶泄漏事故进行有效风险评估,并能对船舶航行安全应急预案的制定和事故后海事鉴定提供一定的技术帮助。  相似文献   

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