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实验室质量管理体系内部审核的实施   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
在实施GB/T15481-2000 idt ISO/IEC17025:1999标准《检测和校准实验室能力的通用要求》的过程中,通过实验室质量管理体系内部审核的实践与系统分析,识别出内部审核实施阶段的关键环节,提出召开首次会议、收集审核证据、确定审核发现和召开末次会议的技术方法,对提高内部审核的质量和有效性、获得可靠的审核结论具有重要意义。  相似文献   

浅谈实验室质量管理体系内部审核计划的制定   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
质量管理体系内部审核是实验室能够自我发现问题、分析问题、解决问题,实现质量管理体系持续改进的重要环节。在进行内部审核之前按照有关的原则和要求,制定一份好的实施计划,是保证达到预期效果的重要举措.  相似文献   

文章通过阐述内部审核的依据和频次、内审员选取、审核准备、审核实施、不符合项整改、审核报告、材料归档等环节,逐一介绍了检验检测机构应如何加强管理体系内部审核的质量控制,为确保内部审核活动能够实现全面验证管理体系及其运行情况的符合性提供参考和借鉴。  相似文献   

汇总分析环境监测机构内部审核工作的常见问题,从内审员选取、审核准备、审核实施、不符合项整改、审核报告、材料归档等方面提出了相应改进对策,为确保内部审核能够实现全面验证管理体系及其运行情况的符合性提供参考和借鉴。  相似文献   

1 建立多层次数据审核的必要性环境监测试样由于成份复杂多变,在时间、空间、量级上分布广泛,因而不易准确测量.要使监测数据准确可靠,具有代表性,需要建立一整套质量保证体系,而数据审核是其中必不可少的一环.数据审核不仅要审核实验室内的分析数据、质控数据和数据处理这一过程,而且需审核试样采集的现场记录以及现场测定的整个过程.目前大多数基层实验室内部数据审核制度不够健全和规范.复核、审核流于形式,错报、漏报等现象时有发生.至于室外现场数据审核更显得不足.此外,一些基层监测站实验室以外直接影响数据准确性、可比性、代表性的质量控制措施没有引起足够重视,尤其对现场操作记录,现场观测记录、现场监数据审核等更欠管理.  相似文献   

环境监测站实验室认可的实践与思考   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3       下载免费PDF全文
结合浦东新区环境保护监测站通过中国实验室国家认可的经验,提出了实验室认可的工作重点:领导重视,全员参与;建立完善的质量体系;申报的项目应真正具备检测能力;加强技术练兵,提高监测人员的技术水平;记录规范,信息完整;认真实施质量体系内部审核和管理证明审;整改及时有效。  相似文献   

质量管理体系的建立和运作是环境监测站各项业务工作管理的质量保证和中心环节,《实验室资质认定评审准则》是将质量管理放在首位。这就要建立以质量为核心的管理体系,要形成的质量观念和模式,对实验室检测工作的全过程实施质量监督控制,对检测质量有影响的多种因素都要形成文件化的管理体系进行控制。通过定期的内部审核和及时的改进,发现管理体系实施中的问题;通过管理评审,由最高管理者确认问题并做出决策;再通过纠正措施和预防措施来解决问题,并有改进的监督验证,从而使环境监测站实施和形成良好的管理体系的环境监测站自我完善机制.  相似文献   

分析了当前环境监测站质量管理体系内部审核中存在的问题,探讨提高质量管理体系内部审核质量的对策和建议,实现有效内部审核,确保质量管理体系得到不断改进和完善。  相似文献   

针对目前环境监测行业仍存在对实验室资质认定评审准则管理要求部分理解和认识上还存在有不全面、不合理的情况。本文对管理要求中普遍存在的确保检测数据公正性、预防和纠正措施的区别以及开展内部审核和管理评审的必要性等三个方面的问题进行讨论,并给出相应的对策和建议,对提升环境监测实验室管理水平与监测工作质量,出具科学、公正的检测报告提供了参考。  相似文献   

质量体系内部审核工作是对内部质量体系运行持续有效性的检查,是质量管理的重要手段,也是发现、分析、解决环境监测环节出现问题的有效途径,在质量就是生命的环境监测领域更是发挥着不可替代的作用。通过内部审核工作可以实现质量管理体系持续改进,有效的保证环境监测数据质量。  相似文献   

简述了建设项目竣工环境保护验收监测报告的内涵和特点,从规范审核程序、优选审核方法、把握审核重点等方面总结了验收监测报告审核的技术方法与要求,并以苏州市环境监测中心站为例,介绍了网络化管理审核流程,以及对审核人员的具体要求,突出审核过程的科学性和责任性.对实际审核过程中有关复测、时效性以及环境敏感点监测等问题作了进一步的探讨.  相似文献   

根据上海市空气自动监测网络由市级中心站负责子站和区/县级监测站自建子站共同组成和两级管理的结构特点,上海自2006年开始实施对空气自动监测子站的年度质保审核,并在实践中持续改进和完善。以上海为例对新环境空气质量标准实施和AQI实时发布背景下完整的空气质量自动监测QA/QC体系中的质保审核的建立实施及其效果进行讨论。  相似文献   

区域空气自动监测数据审核方法与制度的探索   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
区域空气自动监测网络地理分布范围大、系统仪器设备众多、监测数据以海量计,如何对数据进行审核是一个值得关注的问题.以粤港珠江三角洲区域空气监测网络的实践为例,探讨了区域空气自动监测的数据审核方法与制度.  相似文献   

以上海嘉定区环境空气自动监测数据为依据,利用中美合作-上海市环境空气质量发布系统示范项目(AIRNOW-International)提供的DMS数据自动审核模块,结合市区两级人工审核系统,对数据有效性审核中的异常数据情形进行归类和总结。以实例的方式介绍了环境空气常规六参数常见的异常数据情形,并提出应对异常数据的审核程序和办法。  相似文献   

环境监测数据审核是环境分析质量保证工作的一个重要环节,此项工作对监测数据是否准确可靠有一定影响。简述了环境监测超标数据审核确认的必要性以及超标数据的审核确认方式,针对目前存在的监测指标定性定量不准确、标准物质存在衰减状况、评价标准选择不准确等问题,提出,监测部门对于超标数据必须严格审核和把关,确保监测数据的真实性和准确性,真正服务于环境执法和环境管理。  相似文献   

Cleaner production audit demonstration projects were carried out in two Chinese case factories as part of a project co-sponsored by the Illinois Environmental Protection Agency and China's State Environmental Protection Administration. Audit results at both factories were characterized by implementation of predominantly low- or no-cost options, notable reductions in water pollution, and incomplete financial benefit analyses. Two reasons explain the financial benefit analyses' apparent weakness. First, factory audit teams were inexperienced in the techniques and procedures used to determine the economic benefits of cleaner production options. Second, motivations project personnel had for participating in the demonstration projects were not centered on attaining the monetary benefits of implementing cleaner production. Instead, other factors related to the international nature of the project, such as a high degree of state level oversight and prestige, were more influential in affecting the behavior of project personnel.  相似文献   

Good indoor air quality (IAQ) in buildings provides a comfortable and healthy environment for the occupants to work, learn, study, etc. Therefore, it is important to ascertain the IAQ status in the buildings. This study is aimed to establish and demonstrate the comprehensive IAQ audit approach for public buildings, based on Portugal national laws. Four public buildings in Portugal are used to demonstrate the IAQ audit application. The systematic approach involves the measurement of physical parameters (temperature, relative humidity, and concentration of the suspended particulate matter), monitoring of the concentrations of selected chemical indicators [carbon dioxide (CO2), carbon monoxide, formaldehyde, ozone, and total volatile organic compounds], and the measurements of biological indicators (bacteria and fungi). In addition, air exchange rates are measured by the concentration decay method using metabolic CO2 as the tracer gas. The comprehensive audits indicated some situations of common IAQ problems in buildings, namely: (1) insufficient ventilation rate, (2) too high particle concentration; and (3) poor filtration effectiveness and hygienic conditions in most of the air handling units. Accordingly, a set of recommendations for the improvement of IAQ conditions were advised to the building owner/managers.  相似文献   

Our understanding of natural ecosystems can be measured by our ability to predict their responses to external disturbances. Predictions made during environmental impact assessment (EIA) for major development projects are hypotheses about such responses, which can be tested with data collected in environmental monitoring programmes. The systematic comparison of predicted and actual impacts has been termed environmental impact audit. Ecosystem disturbances associated with major resource developments, though of lesser magnitude than those associated with natural cataclysms, are generally of far greater magnitude than those which can be applied experimentally. Environmental audit can hence provide critical tests of theory in a number of natural sciences. It is also needed to improve the scientific content of EIA. Audits of 4 and 29 EISs respectively have been carried out previously in the UK and USA, but this is the first national scale audit for any country. It is also the first attempt to select, from the many vague statements in EISs, only those predictions that are scientifically testable, and to determine and analyse their quantitative accuracies. Its principal results are as follows. The average accuracy of quantified, critical, testable predictions in environmental impact statements in Australia to date is 44%±5% s.e. Predictions where actual impacts proved more than expected were on average significantly (p<0.05) less accurate (33%±9%) than those where they proved as or less severe (53%±6%).  相似文献   

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