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编者按:节能减排是我国的一项重要国策,高校是引领社会发展的重要力量,也是建设节约型社会的重要领域。2008年12月,北京工业大学被中国城镇供水排水协会工作委员会评为“2008年全国城市节水工作示范校园”,让我们来看看北京工业大学是如何进行节能减排与节约型校园建设。  相似文献   

<正>我国人均资源相对贫乏而经济高速发展,要实现社会、经济的可持续发展,就必须建立节约型社会。节约型社会的内容包括了工业、农业、矿产资源、林业以及生活各方面  相似文献   

建设资源节约型、环境友好型社会,需要在人与自然和谐发展的共有信念下,通过制度创新和制度变迁,实现个体理性向集体理性的收敛。制度变迁是构建资源节约型、环境友好型社会的关键所在,而制度变迁的内在机理是资源相对价格和人们消费偏好的变迁。通过强制性制度变迁,建立完善的法律法规体系、政策支持体系、技术创新体系和激励约束机制,形成低投入、低消耗、低排放和高效率的节约型增长方式;通过诱致性制度变迁,唤起公众的节约意识和环保意识,从而提升整个社会的环境责任感,让足够的认知成为公众自觉行动的能力。  相似文献   

发展循环经济、创建节约型社会,是贯彻落实科学发展观的必然要求,体现了以人为本、可持续发展的理念,是我国全面建设小康社会的战略选择,符合当今世界的发展潮流。山东蓬莱市在发展循环经济、建设节约型社会中进行了很好的实践,通过调查和解析蓬莱市发展循环经济的策略和实践经验,将会给我们新的启迪。  相似文献   

建设资源节约型社会是当前中国极为迫切的任务。在分析资源节约型社会内涵基础上,根据整体性原则、针对性原则、应用性原则、可操作性原则和动态性原则,从经济节约指数、社会节约指数、科技支持指数和环境支持指数4个准则层面给出29个具体指标,基本涵盖了节约型社会的各个方面;最后从推进循环经济的发展、增强节约意识推进节约社会的发展、加快科技进步促进科技成果转化和改善、提高环境支持水平等方面,对提升资源节约型社会节约水平提出了建议。  相似文献   

勤俭节约,杜绝浪费,是中华民族的传统美德。党中央提出了建设节约型社会的号召,第五次少代会期间,少先队代表也向全国少年儿童发出了倡议。这就要求学校要有明确措施,进一步引导学生积极参与到建设节约型社会的活动中来。我们反思以往的做法,认为深入开展“四个一”节约资源活动,  相似文献   

最近几年国家上下对环境的重视程度已提到历史最高度,各种排放指标直接表明国家政府对环境的高度重视。从建设和谐社会到节约型社会,不难看出国家已把环境建设提高到社会整体建设当中来。在这种大的形势下,朝阳化工在2001年-2006年期间,在循环经济、环保治理等环保方面行后新建和改造了10多个项目,  相似文献   

高校校园生活垃圾是节约型校园和"两型"社会建设必须正视的问题。不同高校间的校园生活垃圾产生量以及校园不同功能区之间在生活垃圾产量和组成上均存在有很大差异。校园生活垃圾以餐厨垃圾为主,且绝大部分为可燃物。开展校园生活垃圾分类回收和资源化利用能够产生积极的经济效益、社会效益和生态效益,但此项工作也需要从完善法规制度、加大技术创新和加强宣传教育等方面予以推动。  相似文献   

中国是资源大国,同时又是人口大国.中国经济社会发展正在经历从资源过度消耗、牺牲环境促进经济规模的扩张到人与自然和谐,最终实现人类社会经济的可持续发展的过程.在分析中国资源节约型、环境友好型社会选择背景的基础上,阐明节约型与友好型社会的本质与内涵,提出了资源节约型、环境友好型社会建设的保障措施.  相似文献   

地球是我们生活的美好家园,但随着现代科技的进步,环境已经逐渐难以支撑这种高污染、高消耗、低效益生产和生活方式的持续扩张了。近些年国家倡导建设“节约型社会”,我们清华附中C0712班的同学们在老师的指导下,积极地参加了中国地理学会组织的以“节能减排”为主题的“地球小博士”科技大赛和海淀区教科所组织的“家庭绿色消费方案的制定与实施”等活动。  相似文献   

This study examines and evaluates, by using emergy analysis, the use of environmental resources for wastewater treatment in a Swedish town. Emergy analysis was applied, while it facilitates the comparison of resource use of substantially different kind. In the emergy analysis, all resources are assessed on the basis of the amount of direct and indirect solar energy required in their generation. The study also includes an evaluation of the amount of emergy associated with the production of wastewater. On the basis of our analysis, we suggest that the large amount of emergy that wastewater contains are in proportion to the amount of resources employed for wastewater treatment and the extensive effects on surrounding ecosystems of discharge of untreated wastewater. The use of local renewable natural resources in Swedish municipal wastewater treatment systems is negligible compared with the use of purchased inputs, processed largely with the support of fossil energy. A drastic shift of this order would demand that extensive land areas surrounding human settlements be (indirectly or directly) devoted to wastewater treatment. These areas are not accessible today. Our analysis also indicates that resource requirements from the economy in the production of electricity by the digestion of sewage sludge is about two times the total resource use for generation of the average mix of electricity used in the town. We, therefore, conclude that if the only reason to digest the sludge were to produce electricity, it would be more resource-efficient to purchase the electricity on the Swedish distribution net. Accordingly, there is no resource economy in producing biomass to digest just to increase the energy production at the wastewater treatment plant.  相似文献   

Sustainable development is forward-looking; it is a continuous mission for future developments of human society. A genuinely sustainable society is one that initiates developments in sustainable ways. The development of a genuinely sustainable society is supported by its citizens who think and act according to a recognized code of conduct - the sustainable culture. Similar to other forms of culture, sustainable culture of a society is not static, but changes over time. The changes found in a sustainable culture are reflections of the status of sustainability in a society and these changes should be measured from time to time. The resulting measurement gives very important information for decision-makers, in the government and in the private sector, to examine the magnitude of changes that have taken place in a given period of time. The results will also enable them to review and adjust policies in order to better accommodate changes according to the trends of society.This paper provides a method – the T-model, to investigate and measure the extent of change of sustainable culture through two extensive surveys among participants of the construction industry of Hong Kong. The change in sustainable culture is reflected by the change in attitude and practice among construction participants, this can be found in their performance in project development, design and construction operations. The data of these changes are collected and converted to numerical scores. The T-model synthesized these scores and revealed the change of sustainable culture within the specific study time frame.  相似文献   

It is often said that we live in the ecological era. It is also often said that society has entered a new phase, which—depending on the theoretical orientation—is called post-modern, post-industrial or risk society. This article analyses to what extent the presupposed shift to a phase beyond modernity is reflected in nature conservation policy. To do so, an analysis is first made of whether the basic perception and appreciation of nature in latter-day society differs essentially from perceptions and appreciations that were dominant during the heyday of modernity. When this turns out not to be the case, the development of nature conservation policy in the Netherlands during the last decades of the twentieth century is investigated to establish if conservation policy—that is, the way in which society deals with nature—has fundamentally changed. The conclusion is that Dutch policy with regard to nature has been undergoing a process of belated modernization in the sense that it is striving towards a firmer base in science and a more objective and quantifiable process of policy development. This can be seen as removing a pre-modern relic from modern society. At the same time, there is a late-modern drive towards consensus building and communication, which cannot be reconciled entirely with the stronger orientation towards science as the sole basis for deciding which kind of nature and how nature should be protected. Copyright © 2002 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

国土资源开发利用的综合效益分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
用定量与定性相结合的方法 ,系统分析了国土资源在开发过程中所表现出来的各种社会、经济和生态方面的数量关系和指标 ,并用经济学的基本模型 ,从国土资源开发的社会效益、经济效益和生态效益上总结了这种关系。最后提出了国土资源开发利用的综合效益就是社会效益、经济效益、生态效益的统一 ,经济效益是社会效益和生态效益基础的观点。  相似文献   

国民素质的提高与可持续发展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
可持续发展是当今国际社会共同关心的一大主题,其核心就是协调人,自然,社会的相互关系,以促进社会的可持续发展,其中人的素质的提高是实现可持续发展的关键因素。文章分析了国民素质在可持续发展中的重要作用,以及可持续发展对国民素质的综合要求,并提出了提高国民综合素质的途径。  相似文献   


Civil society’s potential as a force for solving complex societal problems – particularly those that require a challenge to the status quo – has provoked practical and theoretical interest, with its potential largely reliant on the perception that it is a ready if variable source of social capital resources. However, there are no guarantees that civil society will use its social capital for the greater good. Civil society encompasses a range of groups, some more inward-looking and oriented to private interests, and others more outward-looking and oriented to public interests. This divergent character of civil society was evident in the three campaigns for greenspace protection that eventually led to the creation of the Toronto region greenbelt, where civil society organisations (CSOs) from both growth and conservation camps contended for influence, each succeeding at different times. But over time (a time when state actors were increasingly in need of non-state partners to help solve complex governance problems), coalitions of environmental CSOs in the three campaigns – to protect the Niagara Escarpment, Oak Ridges Moraine and surrounding countryside – became more effective at influencing government to protect greenspace. A comparison of the coalitions using a framework based on key attributes of CSOs – missions and memberships – suggests that the environmental coalitions were more effective when they recruited more members with a diverse set of resources arising from both bonding and bridging social capital. In general, the more inclusive and public-interested the CSOs, the more effective the challenge to the status quo.  相似文献   

李秋年  李秀贞 《四川环境》2009,28(4):123-127
文章围绕环境友好型社会建设这一核心问题,从建设环境友好型社会是历史的必然切入。分析了建设环境友好型社会应突出解决的关键问题,阐明了建设环境友好型社会需要法律作保障这一基本观点。  相似文献   

Japan's rural regions have been shrinking for the entire post-war period, and successive efforts to revitalise rural society have failed. This article examines whether the Great East Japan Earthquake and tsunami, and the subsequent meltdown at the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant, present the Japanese state and society with a watershed opportunity to rethink regional revitalisation and national energy procurement strategies. The article begins by summarising the events of March and April 2011, examines possible approaches to the reconstruction of communities in the Tōhoku region, and critiques problems of governance in post-war Japan that the disaster reveals. It concludes by pulling together the information and analysis presented into a discussion of the prospects for achieving the three-point vision for a safe, sustainable, and compassionate society that Prime Minister Naoto Kan set the Reconstruction Design Council.  相似文献   

By utilising a relatively underused framework developed by Maurie J. Cohen (1997. Risk society and ecological modernisation alternative visions for post-industrial nations. Futures, 29 (2), 105–119), this theoretical paper joins two of the most debated theories of environmental politics – ecological modernisation (EM) and Ulrich Beck’s risk society thesis – into a unified framework and problematises some of their implicit assumptions to theoretically introduce the notion of a “double-risk” society. In addition, it explains the differences between the traditional “Risk Society” theorised by the German sociologist Ulrich Beck and the newly introduced concept of a “double-risk” society. The arguments put forward in this paper provide some fresh perspectives facilitating the study of the techno-environmental risks and other ecological problems faced by “double-risk” societies. Theoretically, this paper adds to both EM theory and the risk society thesis as the generalisability of their existing versions is limited precisely because they fail to address some important social changes at the global structural level.  相似文献   

While the People's Republic of China appears on a daily basis in all of the important newspapers around the world with its enormous successes in modernizing its economy, life in the Chinese countryside usually does not attract international attention. However, we know from a wide range of reports that the situation in the Chinese countryside is getting more and more complicated with local corruption, pollution and poverty growing in most parts of the country. The Chinese language press reports on a growing number of local uprisings in remote areas. While some analysts regard the situation in the countryside as a potential threat to the ongoing peaceful process of economic reform in China, China seems to be well prepared to cope with this change and the state is comparatively flexible in dealing with unrest among the rural population. So far the system itself has not been challenged by peasant discontent. This article introduces the idea that the distance between state and rural society is the basis of this flexibility. It will analyze a major policy document issued by the state and party leadership in order to show how state and rural society interact on the basis of a still insurmountable distance between state and rural society.  相似文献   

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