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The aim of this study has been to use a global index to measure the air quality in the city, apart from individual assessment of the values of the concentrations of the different pollutants. We calculated the ORAQI with the data obtained at four air-pollution monitoring stations located in the city of Salamanca over the period between 1993 and 2001. For the calculations, SO2, PM10, NO2, CO and O3 were used as the most significant pollutants for the surroundings of the monitoring stations. The evolution of this index over 9 years is reported, and the repercussion of the most characteristic pollutants of each season of the year on the ORAQI along the whole period analysed is studied. The importance of the summer pollution in the characterisation of the least polluted surroundings was observed. At the most polluted sites, a decrease in the values corresponding to winter occurs, leading the ORAQI to take similar values along the whole year. In general, taking into account the surroundings of all the monitoring stations, the quality of the air to which the inhabitants of the city of Salamanca are exposed to can be said to be good.  相似文献   

Air pollution monitoring programs aim to monitor pollutants and their probable adverse effects at various locations over concerned area. Either sensitivity of receptors/location or concentration of pollutants is used for prioritizing the monitoring locations. The exposure-based approach prioritizes the monitoring locations based on population density and/or location sensitivity. The hazard-based approach prioritizes the monitoring locations using intensity (concentrations) of air pollutants at various locations. Exposure and hazard-based approaches focus on frequency (probability of occurrence) and potential hazard (consequence of damage), respectively. Adverse effects should be measured only if receptors are exposed to these air pollutants. The existing methods of monitoring location prioritization do not consider both factors (hazard and exposure) at a time. Towards this, a risk-based approach has been proposed which combines both factors: exposure frequency (probability of occurrence/exposure) and potential hazard (consequence).This paper discusses the use of fuzzy synthetic evaluation technique in risk computation and prioritization of air pollution monitoring locations. To demonstrate the application, common air pollutants like CO, NOx, PM10 and SOx are used as hazard parameters. Fuzzy evaluation matrices for hazard parameters are established for different locations in the area. Similarly, fuzzy evaluation matrices for exposure parameters: population density, location and population sensitivity are also developed. Subsequently, fuzzy risk is determined at these locations using fuzzy compositional rules. Finally, these locations are prioritized based on defuzzified risk (crisp value of risk, defined as risk score) and the five most important monitoring locations are identified (out of 35 potential locations). These locations differ from the existing monitoring locations.  相似文献   

基于污染物检测特征信息结合区域产业结构、企业布局等信息构建了大气污染物指纹系统,通过污染物检测特征信息构建的第一级指纹数据库实现了对大气特征污染物的识别和污染物应急处置措施的推送;通过污染源行业及其排放的特征污染物信息构建的第二级指纹数据库实现了产排污行业的溯源;通过企业及其产排污信息,结合气象条件构建的第三级指纹数据库实现了对产排污企业的溯源。基于大气污染物指纹数据库的污染溯源技术为突发环境污染事故中污染物质的识别和污染源的追踪提供了新途径。实际应用验证表明,大气污染物指纹系统污染溯源响应快速、识别精准,实现了大气污染物从监测、溯源到应急处置的全过程无缝衔接。  相似文献   

石油石化企业的含油物质泄漏进入地下水,会对生态环境造成负面影响。通过构建地下水井模型,比选不同原理的挥发性有机物(VOCs)检测传感器,建立了基于VOCs浓度反演的地下水中含油物质泄漏原位实时在线监测方法。研究发现,常规水质六参数传感器对含油物质泄漏的响应会产生滞后现象,在实时预警监测地下水井中含油物质时可不安装常规水质六参数传感器,节约企业污染防控监测成本。将该方法应用于企业现场进行原位实时监测,当实时监测值超过数据监控平台预警阈值时,系统会发出警报,实现了地下水井中含油物质泄漏实时预警监测。该监测方法具有响应速度快、准确性高、成本低、监测过程简单等优势,将帮助企业实时掌握地下水污染状况,提高地下水污染防控预警效率。  相似文献   

Passive sampling devices have been used since the 1970s to measure time-weighted average (TWA) or equilibrium concentrations of pollutants in various environmental matrices (e.g. air, soils and sediments and water). In recent years the popularity of using such samplers has increased and the technology in now well established for the measurement of atmospheric pollutants. This sector has a long experience of using passive samplers in the short- and long-term assessment of air quality in the local environment and on a global scale (e.g. within the United Nations Stockholm Convention on the trans-boundary movement of persistent organic pollutants (POPs) where large networks of samplers on a continental scale have been established). In comparison, the use of passive samplers for monitoring the aquatic environment has been slower to take off. There has, however, been a recent research drive to develop devices for measuring the wide range of pollutants that can be found in environmental waters (e.g. ground, surface, and marine). It is now being recognised that passive samplers can play a valuable role in monitoring water quality within a legislative framework such as the European Union's Water Framework Directive (WFD). The data from these devices can be used alongside the results obtained from conventional spot or bottle sampling to improve risk assessments and to inform decisions on undertaking potentially expensive remedial actions. Such monitoring techniques may have uses within the European Registration, Evaluation, Authorisation & restriction of CHemicals (REACH) Directive and the forthcoming European Marine Strategy Directive. It is expected that the aquatic monitoring sector will follow a transition similar to that which occurred in air monitoring where data obtained from passive samplers can use used within a legal framework. There has also been increased interest in extending the role of passive samplers to both the measurement of equilibrium concentrations and investigating the movement and release of the dissolved fraction of various pollutants in the pore water of sediments and soils.  相似文献   

Industrial development in Visakhapatnam is conspicuous to urban agglomeration and the city is located in a topographical bowl formed by two-hill ranges. A major portion of the city is within the bowl area wherein most of the industrial and commercial activities are existing and lies within a distance of 10 km from the shore of the Bay of Bengal. Due to the peculiar geographic location of city, wind movement is either eastern or western and is engulfed within the hill ranges. Hence, there is a possibility of buildup of air pollution levels within the city. Due to gravity of prevailing situation, air quality status of Visakhapatnam on indices basis is analyzed using a non-linear equation for variable parameters i.e. Suspended particulate matter (SPM). Sulfur dioxide (SO2) and Oxides of nitrogen (NO(x)), which are main criteria pollutants in India. For current analysis seasonal air quality data is used, which indicates SPM values in winter at most of the sites and in summer at few sites are exceeding the prescribed standards. Calculated indices reveal that, in winter as well as in summer, most of the locations experienced poor or bad air quality, which is mainly due to higher concentration of SPM and certain extent of SO2 values. Application of Oak Ridge Air Quality Index (ORAQI) type equations (non-linear) are helpful for air quality management plan in the region on long-term basis and it has been also observed that there are certain lapses of weightage assignment for individual pollutant in application.  相似文献   

近年来我国水环境突发性污染事故呈逐年上升趋势,但目前还没有形成一套规范和完整的应急监测体系。结合3个具体案例,介绍了一套操作性、针对性强的突发性水环境应急监测工作方法。提出,在检测未知挥发性有机物时,首先采用便携式气相色谱-质谱仪对污染物进行初筛,再用台式气相色谱-质谱联用仪做准确定性;在检测未知半挥发性有机物时,主要采用液液萃取法进行前处理,采用台式气相色谱-质谱联用仪对污染物定性。该方法能够快速、高效地鉴定出样品中未知有机污染物的种类,可为今后类似的突发性水环境污染事故提供参考。  相似文献   

大气环境高灵敏光谱探测技术   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
大气环境高灵敏光谱探测技术是以光与环境相互作用为基础发展起来的学科交叉方向,使用光学的方法和手段来探知研究环境问题。大气环境高灵敏光谱探测技术能够实现从现场瞬态灵敏探测到污染时空分布等不同尺度的遥测,从而获得大气污染"点-线-面"的时空变化规律,由于光谱探测技术具有多组分、非接触、无采样、高灵敏度、大范围快速以及遥测等特点,已经成为国际上大气环境监测技术的主要方向之一。大气环境高灵敏光谱技术在污染源、工业园区、空气质量以及区域污染等监测方面都有很广泛的应用。针对化工园区复杂的环境污染问题,光谱探测技术可以高灵敏、非接触地获取多种污染物浓度特征,掌握化工园区污染时空分布状况,为化工园区的大气污染治理提供有效支撑;针对京津冀、长三角等地区大气重污染过程的核心问题,大气环境高灵敏光谱探测技术通过地基组网观测,车载/机载平台移动观测等三维立体监测手段获取重点区域污染物的生成、转化过程以及重污染过程的形成机制,为区域大气污染成因追溯、污染控制措施评估提供科学的数据和技术支撑。高灵敏光谱探测技术在大气环境领域的成功应用,为污染源、化工园区和重点区域的环境综合诊断和治理奠定了技术基础。  相似文献   

突发环境事件发生后,对污染物质、污染物浓度、污染范围及其动态变化情况进行监测是环境应急监测的基本工作要求。在不能利用管理手段有效获取污染来源等信息的情况下,开展溯源应急监测成为突发环境事件处理处置的重要需求。然而通过资料调研及应急监测案例分析发现,石油类水体突发环境事件应急监测大多存在采样代表性不够、溯源手段不健全、特征污染物监测不全面,以及现行石油类监测方法不能完整说清污染状况等问题或不足。因此,建议通过优化整合水中石油类指标监测标准,构建与石油类污染特征相适应的技术规范及配套监测分析方法,以达到精准、全面反映石油类水体污染状况的目的。  相似文献   

为了更好地为水污染应急监测工作服务,利用顶空原理,采用傅立叶变换红外多组分气体分析仪,测定水样中的有机污染物,快速筛查定性水体中主要污染物,再选用标准方法准确定量污染物浓度。结果表明,该方法具有测定范围广、仪器携带方便、筛查定性快速的优点。  相似文献   

A method is presented for the design of multi-pollutant air quality monitoring networks (AQMN). This technique leads to an optimal network, i.e. a network providing a maximum of information with a minimum of measurement devices. The spatial correlation analysis technique is used to compare the information given by the potential sites that may form the network. The concept of potential of violation is defined to take into account the number of times that the maximum emission values tolerated by law are exceeded. Both objectives are weighted automatically through an adjustable parameter, b, for which an estimation procedure has been developed in this study, depending on the purpose of the network. Several methods are described, allowing simultaneous consideration of different pollutants. As an illustration of these methods, a number of air quality monitoring networks is designed to perform an analysis of the environmental impact due to a hypothetical potash processing plant and two thermal power stations.  相似文献   

地下水在线监测技术可以实现地下水水质的高频监测,是未来发展的重要趋势。梳理国内外地下水在线监测技术研究进展,以上海市典型水文地质特征与环境质量状况为例,探讨地下水在线监测点位布设、指标筛选、监测方式及监测井设计等技术要点。首先,优化监测点位布设,对需要开展高频监测的区域或重点风险源开展在线监测,以代表性点位反映总体地下水环境质量状况。其次,综合筛选监测指标,除常规参数外,优先选取水体中的氨氮、高锰酸盐指数等作为在线监测指标,在具有潜在有机污染的区域,选取水中有机物、水中油等作为有机污染指示性指标。应进一步加强指标之间的相关性分析,为指示性指标的确立提供依据。再次,合理确定监测方式,根据取样方式以及污染源风险等级,设置相应的微型站和小型站。最后,优化监测井设计技术方案,进一步研究不同井管材质对地下水中无机或有机污染物的长期吸附(解吸)作用。  相似文献   

与传统的监测技术相比,走航监测技术具有监测范围大、响应快速、机动性强的特点,在工业园区及企业废气排放的监测监控、溯源定位方面应用较为广泛。被动式傅里叶红外(FTIR)走航监测技术可以动态、立体、实时地扫描周围一定空域气体中的污染物质。采用被动式FTIR走航监测车,对不同的工业园区企业进行监测,结果表明,被动式FTIR走航监测可对实时发现的超标或异常有毒有害、易燃易爆、异味因子排放装置进行及时的定位和溯源,为环保部门和企业对污染物进行进一步精细化管控提供了有力的科学依据。  相似文献   

An air quality monitoring network (AQMN) usually performs the basic function of assessment of regional air quality and demonstration of compliance with ambient air quality standards in an urban area. Different pollutants, however, may present different characteristic variabilities due to their specific emission patterns, rates of diffusion, and transport and transformation behaviors. But the costs of siting in a pollutant-specific monitoring network would be higher than that for a common network with respect to several pollutants monitored simultaneously. This paper presents a survey of multi-pollutant design principles and optimal searches for siting patterns of an AQMN using both simulation and optimization models as a combined tool. While conservative, quasi-stable, and reactive pollutants are considered in the design principles, cost, coverage effectiveness, and spatial correlation characteristics are included in the multi-criteria decision making process. For illustrative purpose, a series of technical settings and two types of objectives were examined in the case study for the city of Kaohsiung in Taiwan.  相似文献   

介绍了燃煤电厂超低排放气态污染物监测系统的采样系统和分析单元,分析了其各自的优缺点。对稀释抽取式、冷干抽取式和热湿抽取式3种采样方法,以及非分散红外吸收法(NDIR)、非分散紫外吸收法(NDUV)、紫外差分吸收法(DOAS)、紫外荧光法(UVF)和化学发光法(CL)5种分析方法进行对比。结果表明,冷干抽取式+紫外差分法以及稀释抽取式+紫外荧光法+化学发光法可以较好地符合燃煤电厂超低排放监测的要求。  相似文献   

环境监测实验室的环境污染与防治   总被引:12,自引:1,他引:12  
主要分析了环境监测实验室产生的污染特点 ,指出环境监测实验室是一类典型的小型污染源。同时详细阐述了环境监测实验室防治污染、加强实验室环境管理的几种途径  相似文献   

典型行业废水特征有机污染物排放控制标准探讨   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
通过对典型行业废水有机污染物排放现状的调查研究,探讨我国现有污水排放标准存在的问题,即现有的标准不能有效控制废水特征有机污染物排放。依据美国环保局多介质环境模型,用不同方法计算水介质排放环境目标值,用该值作为标准限值,评价典型行业废水有机污染物监测结果。针对典型行业废水有机污染物排放特征,提出制订排放控制标准的建议。  相似文献   

Anticipating the European Water Framework Directive (2000/60/EC), the Italian Government issued Legislative Decree n.152/99 which sets out rules for classifying the environmental status of national water bodies in order to achieve specific qualitative objectives by 2016. The most recent European Groundwater Directive (2006/118/EC), which was only recognized by Italy in early 2009 (Legislative Decree 30/09), requires such resources to be characterized from a qualitative standpoint and the risk of their being polluted by individual pollutants or groups of pollutants to be evaluated. This paper reports a simple methodology, based on easy-to-apply rules, for the rapid classification of groundwater, and the results of its application to the shallow aquifer of the plain of Tavoliere delle Puglie located in south Italy. Data collected during well-water monitoring campaigns carried out from 2002 to 2003 made it possible to assess the environmental status of the Tavoliere which, unfortunately, was found to be characterized by ??significant anthropic pressures on quality and/or quantity of groundwater and necessitating specific improvement actions??.  相似文献   

根据2016—2020年哈尔滨市、大庆市、绥化市(以下称哈大绥)国控环境空气自动监测站的SO2、NO2、PM2.5监测资料,统计年鉴中行政区划、污染物排放及气象等监测数据,分析哈大绥区域环境空气质量的变化趋势和测算因子,采用A值法核定了哈大绥区域SO2、NO2、PM2.5的大气环境容量。结果表明:哈大绥SO2、NO2、PM2.5 3项污染物采暖季的大气环境容量均呈逐年递增趋势。通过计算环境承载能力发现,哈大绥SO2、NO2、PM2.5 3项污染物在非采暖季均具有高承载能力,哈大绥非采暖季环境容量高于采暖季。哈尔滨的个别污染物仍然处于临界超载状态,为减少重污染天气,应进一步削减采暖季污染物排放量。  相似文献   

State-of-the-art approaches for urban air-quality characterisation have several drawbacks due to apriori assumptions and/or due to inherent limitations of the concept utilised. For the evaluation of abatement scenarios it is either necessary to embark on extensive monitoring campaigns or to consistently apply numerical models for atmospheric dispersion. The 'ENVISOR' methodology applied here is a mixture of the two approaches. It forecasts pollutant concentrations during real episodes and assesses the impact from the construction of a new highway across a large urban domain of 100×100 km2. Data from an extensive monitoring network are used to identify real modelling periods and for validating the modelling simulations. The selected periods are aiming to the assessment of 'annual mean' or 'episodic' conditions. These periods are short-listed according to the abatement scenario under consideration. This approach yields accurate forecasts for the concentration of pollutants after extensive validation tests extended over the whole domain. It is foreseen that the impact from the highway construction will be minimal for photochemical pollution whereas, higher impact will result for inert pollutants due to additional emissions from the highway.  相似文献   

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