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提出了一套分析多种政策手段对社会经济系统物质流和价值流变化的综合作用的理论概念,弥补了现有不足.在理论概念的基础上,构建了由7个子模块组成的具体模型框架,以反映多种政策手段共同实施对物质流和价值流变化的综合作用.以我国为案例,利用提出的模型框架评估了我国7类典型环境经济政策对我国经济增长和物质流变化的综合和单独作用,证明了综合分析的必要性.  相似文献   

本文依据环境经济学物质平衡理论的概念框架,以污染者付费原则的环境经济政策为指导,研究上游河流水污染引发下游污染事件所致经济损失成本和事故技术等级关联系数,进而提出以公平和可持续的价值补偿标准为基础的上下游河流水污染经济补偿模型及其运作机制,并为环境损害财务成本的计量提供参考依据。  相似文献   

流域水质目标管理技术研究:V.水污染防治的环境经济政策   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:3  
环境经济政策是流域水质目标管理技术的重要组成部分.通过分析国内外的环境经济政策以及主要经济手段的实施现状与特点,指出我国环境经济政策的不足与问题.以流域控制单元为对象,提出水污染防治的环境经济政策的基本内涵和特点,以"分区、分类、分级、分期"为基本理念,研究了适合我国流域水质目标管理的环境经济政策框架与构建思路,并对环境财政、环境投融资、排污收费与污染税、生态补偿与污染赔偿等具体手段进行了阐述,提出环境经济政策的综合实施机制以及相关的政策保障.  相似文献   

环境经济政策是流域水质目标管理技术的重要组成部分. 通过分析国内外的环境经济政策以及主要经济手段的实施现状与特点,指出我国环境经济政策的不足与问题. 以流域控制单元为对象,提出水污染防治的环境经济政策的基本内涵和特点,以“分区、分类、分级、分期”为基本理念,研究了适合我国流域水质目标管理的环境经济政策框架与构建思路,并对环境财政、环境投融资、市场化、排污收费与污染税、生态补偿与污染赔偿等具体手段进行了阐述,提出环境经济政策的综合实施机制以及相关的政策保障.  相似文献   

从环境审计本质的研究看我国环境审计的发展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文基于外部审计的理论并结合中国环境审计实践,给出了环境审计新的定义并对我国环境审计未来的发展提出了建议.作者强调要优先探索我国的循环经济与循环社会审计的技术方法体系,将环境审计工作逐步由以资金链审计为主转变为以资金、法律法规、政策与规划、工程技术、行政管理行为以及物质、能量流链相结合的环境综合审计体系,进一步开展以产业和社区物质、能量流过程为核心的生态过程审计工作.  相似文献   

物质流管理的时空模型框架及应用研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
从物质流管理(MFM)的内涵出发,建立了物质流管理的时空模型,提出科学技术、经济结构和社会体系是影响物质流管理的关键因素;通过模型阐释了不同时空尺度物质流管理的特征;利用该模型分析了国家、地区、工业园区、企业等不同尺度下所适合应用的物质流管理策略与模式.研究认为,利用市场和行政手段分析、调控物质流时空曲线的环境影响,是物质流管理优化的关键.  相似文献   

在分析我国近年来物质流研究成果的基础上,探讨目前研究存在的问题,并提出今后物质流研究应在以下几方面作出努力:建立学术平台、研究基地,加强学术交流;建立统一的分析和计算的框架和具体系数的估算方法;把物质流分析的成果与具有社会价值的经济、人口、土地等因素结合分析,与国外进行对比,找出我国的问题所在;建立我国或者特定区域的隐藏流系数的实时分析模型;物质投入产出表的编撰与研究;对我国未开展物质流研究的典型区域进行物质流分析。  相似文献   

运用物质流分析方法以及最新发展的自回归分布滞后模型(ARDL),对福建省1990~2008年资源利用和实际GDP二者关系进行检验和分析.采用了物质流分析指标中直接物质投入来表征区域资源利用量.ARDL边界检验结果表明,资源利用和经济增长间存在稳定的长期均衡关系.进一步通过ARDL模型揭示了区域经济增长对资源利用长期弹性系数,其值约为0.73,通过误差修正模型揭示了短期弹性系数,表明了经济增长到资源利用的长期格兰杰因果关系.对福建省经济增长和资源保护战略提出了政策建议.这一研究思路和方法具有普适性,可以适用于其他地区关于资源利用和经济增长的问题的讨论和研究.  相似文献   

近年来,江苏省环保厅会同有关部门制定和实施了一系列环境经济政策,初步形成了以环境价格为重点,以排污权有偿使用和环境资源区域补偿为主要手段,同时综合运用财税、信贷、保险等政策的环境经济政策框架。在环境经济政策理论与实践上处于全国前列,探索了一条具有江苏特色的、以环境经济政策推进环境管理的环保之路。  相似文献   

崔海航  刘珺芳 《环境科学学报》2016,36(10):3636-3642
针对膜污染的动态变化问题,通过计算流体力学(CFD)手段建立了中空纤维膜的二维轴对称模型,综合考虑了污染物间粘附力及水流剪切力的影响,提出有效剪切应力的概念,在模型中耦合了变形几何、自由多孔介质流动及稀物质传递3种物理场,将污染物法向积累、切向有效剪切与污染物界面处的网格速度相关联,建立了膜面污染物截留的动态模型.依据死端过滤与错流过滤的实验数据,确定出模型的匹配参数.在此基础上,研究了不同进给方式(连续流与脉冲流)对膜面污染物的影响.模拟结果表明,当水流剪切力足以克服污染物的临界粘附力时,可对膜面污染物起冲刷作用;与连续流相比,脉冲流具有更高的有效剪切速率,在对膜面污染物的冲刷作用方面更具优势.  相似文献   

Scenario-based approaches in environmental and policy assessment studies are increasingly applied within integrated assessment and modelling frameworks. The SEAMLESS project develops such an integrated framework (SEAMLESS-IF) aiming to assess, ex-ante, impacts of alternative agro-environmental policies on the sustainability of agricultural systems. A particular challenge in this context is the consistent translation of a wide range of policy questions into scenarios that a modelling framework can assess. The present work defines a methodology for scenario-development in integrated policy assessment with specific emphasis on SEAMLESS-IF. After a general overview on scenario concepts for integrated policy assessment the adopted scenario concept and its development procedure is presented. They allow building integrated scenarios capturing the range of drivers of the assessed agricultural system in a consistent way across temporal and spatial scales. Then focus is on the particular procedures to translate the policy assessment questions into scenario parameters and to implement these parameters into SEAMLESS-IF. Two examples targeted at European and regional level combining integrated assessments of policy changes and technological innovations are considered to illustrate the SEAMLESS scenario concept. We conclude that the proposed methodology to translate policy assessment problems into scenarios effectively supports integrated assessment in SEAMLESS-IF or even in other modelling frameworks.  相似文献   

The Finnish approach that is starting from the basic human needs of food, housing, mobility and related lifestyles enables us to address the social dimension of sustainable development alongside the ecological and economic dimensions. In this context environmental problems cannot be resolved in isolation from people’s everyday lives, as can happen if environmental policies are based purely on emissions.But it is also worth questioning the potential for national SCP programmes in today’s global markets. Over the last ten years, domestic material flows within the Finnish economy have remained fairly constant, with gains in material efficiency cancelled out by increasing levels of material consumption. However, external material flows and the consequent environmental impacts have steadily increased, and the magnitude and environmental impacts of both imports and exports are approximately the same as for domestic flows. This means that the role of external material flows can no longer be ignored in national SCP policies.It is also important to integrate SCP with climate policies. Finland’s national climate and energy strategy is mainly based on the need to reduce CO2 emissions from energy production and industrial installations, but there is also a need for complementary actions to reduce the carbon footprints caused by private and public consumption.  相似文献   

On integration of policies for climate and global change   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Currently envisaged mitigation of greenhouse gases (GHG) emissions will be insufficient to appreciably limit climate change and its impacts. Adaptation holds the promise of ameliorating the impacts on a small subset of systems being affected. There is no question that both will be needed. However, climate change is only part of a broader multi-stress setting of global through to local changes. Privileging climate related policies over other concerns leads to tragic outcomes. Climate policies need to be designed for and integrated into this broader and challenging context. This paper focuses on placing climate change within the broader context of global change and the importance of aligning climate policy objectives with the myriad other policies that still need to be implemented if our primary goal is improving human welfare rather than limiting our focus to climate change and its impacts.  相似文献   

基于投入产出分析方法,将城镇居民按照收入水平高低分为7个收入阶层,通过计算Suits指数值分析了我国能源资源税由从量征收向从价征收改革对城镇居民的收入分配效应.研究指出:单独实施煤炭资源税或天然气资源税改革具有累退效应,不利于收入分配公平;单独实施石油资源税改革则具有累进效应,有利于收入分配公平;在当前税率下同时实施3种能源资源税改革对收入分配公平基本没有影响;同时,需要关注能源资源税改革对低收入群体的影响,针对能源资源税改革导致低收入群体消费支出增加的情况,应制定相应补贴政策,降低对其福利水平的负面影响.  相似文献   

从经济与环境关系的角度出发,探讨了国家宏观经济政策对环境的作用效应及其复杂性.结合大量实例,分析了价格、产业模式、贸易自由化、利率、贴现率、产权、补贴、投资导向、税收、就业及工资等宏观政策对资源环境保护的影响机制.结果表明:①旨在稳定生产与消费、调节市场和提高社会分配有效性的宏观经济政策,如资源价格、补贴等,由于人们对其缺乏系统的认识或对政策实施带来的后果预计不足,往往在短期内缓解经济矛盾的同时又产生了对资源环境保护的负作用;②旨在保持宏观经济大局稳定的调控手段如利率、贴现率等对于实现可持续发展是十分必要的,但由于私人与政府均存在短视的社会时间偏好等原因,也可能会对资源环境产生不利影响;③一些对经济增长和收入分配都会产生重要影响的宏观经济政策,如贸易自由化、投资导向、就业与工资政策、税收政策等,分别在不同程度上、直接或间接地影响着资源环境的利用与保护.因此应在综合分析基础上,结合中国实际,将环境考虑有效地纳入宏观经济决策体系,以促进中国下一步环境与经济的协调发展,并提出了一系列政策建议.   相似文献   

Life cycle thinking is emphasised in EU policies and legislation. All products have environmental impacts during their production, use and disposal. It is important to ensure that environmental impacts are considered throughout the life-cycle and it will be more and more important for the industry to understand the meaning of the life cycle thinking and to adopt it.The environmental impacts of an industrial disposable cup concept were studied with help of life-cycle assessment method. The objective of the study was to create new knowledge about the life cycle effects of the carton based cup concept. The scope of the study was to compare the effects of material choices and different end-of-life scenarios. The paper focuses on the global warming potential of the cup concept. The carton based products were covered either with polyethene or polylactide. In addition, the environmental impacts of the carton-based cups were compared to the estimated environmental impacts of polymer-based cups. The polymer based cups were made of polyethylene terephthalate. The paper shows that significant improvements can be achieved with help of the choice of materials and optimal end of life.  相似文献   

This paper presents results of an assessment of the linkages between regional air pollution and climate change in Europe (the AIR-CLIM Project). The main research tool was an integrated modeling framework and the main product was a consistent set of long-term scenarios covering Europe between 1995 and 2100. Scenarios consisted of trends in emissions, acid deposition, nitrogen deposition and climate change. Critical loads and critical levels were used to assess the impacts of deposition to forest soils and a new analogous concept of “critical climate change” was developed to assess the impacts of climate change. Taking into consideration the limitations of the scope and models used in the study, preliminary conclusions were: (1) regional air pollution and climate change may be fairly weakly coupled in the natural environment, i.e. climate change was not found to have a large impact on the sensitivity of forest ecosystems to regional air pollution, nor on the distribution of deposition; nor did regional air pollution (in the form of sulfate aerosols) have a significant impact on climate change in Europe; (2) however, regional air pollution and climate change may be strongly coupled in the “policy” environment. It was estimated that virtually all of Europe at mid-century might be affected by either regional air pollution or climate change, or both, and this will require a strong policy response. Moreover, the indirect effects of climate policies were found to reduce the costs of controlling air pollution emissions by more than 50%, suggesting a strong potential financial linkage between policies to reduce greenhouse gas and air pollution emissions.  相似文献   

中国正处于城市化的快速发展时期,城市发展需要探索出一条符合生态文明理念的新道路。杭州市确立了环境立市战略,优化生态环境,提升城市功能,推行低碳经济,实践低碳城市发展模式。本文基于杭州低碳城市建设现状、特点,从组织领导、完善政策、建立激励调控机制、完善碳信息、研发低碳技术、培养低碳人才、产业与能源结构调整、环境综合整治、低碳生活等方面有针对性地提出基于低碳理念的城市可持续发展的对策与建议。  相似文献   

童昕  王涛  黄慧婷  王兆龙 《中国环境科学》2018,38(10):3868-3873
基于2014年和2015年环保部发布的省级回收数据,分析了现有传统回收体系下,各省的电子废物回收率变化,发现省级尺度电子废物的回收率呈现较大波动,这与电子废物的跨省流动有密切关系.为此,本文基于现有回收渠道的省际流动网络格局,采用网络分析中的层次聚类方法,揭示全国电子废物流动的区域化特征.结果显示根据区域化特征重新划分市场区,可以使主要市场区的整体回收率波动明显降低,从而为制定合理的回收目标提供参考.针对这一研究结果,提出基于市场区域化特征,建立全国一体化的回收利用市场和差异化的区域性回收目标,有助于充分利用市场机制优化中国电子废物循环利用的空间格局.最后,讨论了生产者主导和处理企业主导两种治理机制对空间优化的潜在影响.  相似文献   

简要论述了我国国内温室气体自愿减排的政策导向、7省市温室气体交易试点的发展现状。由此对我国温室气体自愿减排市场的发展提出了一些建议,以促进“十三五”期间建立全国统一的温室气体自愿减排市场,更好地为达成指定的减排目标服务。  相似文献   

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