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生态文明建设要点探索   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
生态文明是继工业文明之后更高层次的文明,而环境保护是生态文明建设的主要内容.在综合分析生态文明建设的目标、任务、本质、路径、关键和保障等理论问题的基础上,提出生态文明建设的要点:生态文明建设的目标是人与自然和谐,核心任务是生态环境保护,本质是发展方式的转变,关键是科技创新驱动,保障是制度建设.认为通过生态文明建设,可最终实现人类社会的可持续发展.  相似文献   

正生态文明建设研究中心研究领域包括生态文明示范区创建、绿色低碳和高质量发展、生态修复与污染协同治理等,下设4个研究室和1个创新团队。(一)生态文明建设与规划研究室。主要从事生态文明建设规划、生态环境保护规划、生态工业园区规划、产业园区规划环评编制工作。开展生态文明建设基础理论、技术方法和管理制度研究,研发生态文明建设效果评估技术方法。  相似文献   

坚持以人民为中心的发展思想,以"创新性、科技性、智能性"为特征的现代社会发展大势,生态文明宣传教育面临的投入大、成效小的突出问题及互联网平台信息传播迅捷、载体丰富多样、交互性强的显著优势,使得"互联网+"融合生态文明宣传教育成为必要;"互联网+"视域下生态文明宣传教育的内容包含生态环境知识及生态科学技术常识,我国生态环境现状,环境保护相关的法律法规及日常生活中的环境保护实践;"互联网+"视域下生态文明宣传教育的路径要从培育互联网平台生态文明宣传教育的专业人才,完善互联网平台生态文明宣传教育制度与环境保护公众参与制度,建设基于互联网平台的生态文明宣传教育体系,建立生态文明宣传教育成效反馈评价机制四方面着手,提高网络条件下生态文明宣传教育的实效性.  相似文献   

西安市生态文明建设评价及预测   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
根据生态文明的涵义和生态市建设的总体思路,提出了生态文明建设3(系统层、子系统层、单项指标层)×3(经济发展,社会进步,环境保护)评价体系,其中包括25个单项指标。对西安市1998-2007年生态文明建设进行了定量评价研究,结果表明西安市生态文明建设处于整体上升的趋势;在此基础上,应用自回归预测模型对西安市经济、社会、环境和生态文明建设发展进行了预测,为西安市全面协调发展提供参考借鉴。  相似文献   

为科学客观地定量化评估县域生态文明建设水平及动态变化,指导地方生态文明建设规划与实践,根据国家生态文明建设的内涵外延,基于因子分析,筛选构建了生态环境状况、生态系统保护、生态安全保障、绿色节能降耗、资源循环利用、人居环境改善和社会共建共享共7个准则层21个指标的县域生态文明建设水平评价体系,利用熵权法客观赋值权重,运用...  相似文献   

基于绿色建筑与生态住宅的内涵,结合生态文明建设的基本国策,分析了生态住宅与生态文明建设的关系;系统介绍了国内外与生态住宅相关的评价标准和评价体系;重点讨论分析了生态住宅住区的绿化建设。认为发展生态住宅是推动生态文明建设的重要内容之一,生态住宅评价标准体系的建立是实现可持续发展的有力保障;生态住宅住区的绿化应强调生态住宅住区内形成多层次的立体绿化,除了绿化率,还要考虑选取吸收或吸附污染物能力强的乡土植物为主要绿化植物,慎用外来植物,杜绝外来入侵植物的引入。今后要结合生态文明建设,加强生态住宅的规划、建设与评价等的研究。另外,根据各地的区域特点与特色,尽快制订建立全面规范、可操作性强的地方生态住宅建设与评价指标体系或技术指导细则等,以便更好地指引各地生态住宅的建设与发展,切实推动我国生态文明建设。  相似文献   

水安全既是城市生态文明建设的重要内容,也是生态文明建设的重要保障,而水安全评价则是实现水安全的必然途径。本文旨在以生态文明建设为宗旨,以水安全的影响因素为依据,构建水安全评价指标体系。生态文明导向下的城市水安全评价更强调水资源的循环性、效率性、可持续性,水生态与社会发展的和谐性及平衡性。评价指标体系可分为自然生态、社会行为、制度规则和精神意识4个维度,然后根据每个维度下水资源的特征及外部因素对水资源的影响方式设计具体的评价指标,并运用层析分析法为各指标赋权。  相似文献   

正2016年环境日主题为"改善环境质量推动绿色发展",旨在动员引导社会各界着力践行人与自然和谐共生和绿色发展理念,从身边小事做起,共同履行环境保护责任,呵护环境质量,共建美丽家园。"六·五"环境日之际,中国生态文明奖表彰暨生态文明建设座谈会在京召开。会议表彰了获得首届中国生态文明奖的19个先进集体和33名先进个人。全国人大常委会副委员长沈跃跃出席并作重要讲话。  相似文献   

为进一步加强环境宣传教育工作,增强全民环境意识,建立全民参与的社会行动体系,推进资源节约型、环境友好型社会建设,提高生态文明水平,依据党中央、国务院关于加强环境保护的要求和十二五时期环境保护工作部署,特制定《全国环境宣传教育行动纲要(2011—2015年)》。  相似文献   

阐述了生态住宅和住区的产生背景,提出生态住宅和住区是按生态学原理规划、设计、建设和管理的具有较完整的生态代谢过程和生态服务功能,人与自然协调、互惠互利、可持续发展的人居环境。以一树形图表示建设生态住宅和生态住区所倡导的5大主题,即健康(人的身心和环境健康)、自然和环境保护、生态良性循环、风水(所选居住地与自然环境间存在的地理和生态关系)、生态文明。认为营建生态住宅和生态住区是一类由许多相互联系、相互作用、相生相克、互为因果的成分和技术组成的生态工程。  相似文献   

Pot experiments were conducted on cole (Brassica) grown in soils jointly treated with traces of two heavy metals cadmium (Cd) and zinc (Zn). As the concentration of heavy metals in the soil increased, the uptake of these metals by the plants rose. However, the ratio of heavy metal concentration in soil to uptake by plants increased at a slower rate. Bioavailability of heavy metals considered between the roots and soil using non-linear regressions was shown to be statistically significant. Similarly, the bioavailability of these two heavy metals between leaves and roots using a linear regression was also statistically significant. The bioconcentration factors (BCFs) for Cd and Zn were 0.282 and 4.289, respectively. Significant variation of BCF with the heavy metal bioavailability in soil was noted from non-linear models. The transfer factors (TFs) were 4.49 for Cd and 1.39 for Zn. The Zn concentration in leaves under all treatments did not exceed threshold set standards, but Cd levels exceeded these standards when the concentration of Cd in the soil was more than 1.92 mg kg?1 dry weight (dw). Data indicate that cole (Brassica) is not a suitable crop for oasis soils because of plant contamination with heavy metals, especially Cd.  相似文献   

草灌混播在边坡绿化防护中的应用   总被引:15,自引:0,他引:15  
边坡绿化防护是对人工开挖建设形成的各种坡面进行生态修复以及防止水土流失的一项重要措施。草、灌木混播应用于边坡防护与修复,较之于单一的草被措施,更有利于形成立体的、多样的植被结构,对边坡的稳定和美化有更好的效果。  相似文献   

Abstract:  The impacts of potential linear barriers such as roads, highways, and power lines on rainforest fauna are poorly understood. In the central Brazilian Amazon, we compared the frequency of local movements (≤300 m long) of understory birds within intact forest and across a 30- to 40-m-wide road over a 2-year period. Rainforest had regenerated along some road verges, to the extent that a nearly complete canopy was formed in some areas, so we also assessed whether this facilitated bird movement. Movement data were determined from 1212 recaptures of 3681 netted birds at six study sites. The road significantly inhibited total bird movement across roads at five of the six sites. Bird foraging guilds varied in their responses to the road and different ages of regrowth. Movements of frugivorous and edge and gap species were not inhibited at any site, whereas most forest-dependent insectivores (mixed-species flocks, terrestrial species, and army-ant followers) had markedly inhibited road-crossing movements, except at sites with extensive regrowth. Solitary understory species were especially vulnerable, rarely crossing even roads overgrown by tall regrowth. For sensitive species, road-crossing movements were inhibited because individuals tended to avoid both edge-affected habitat near the road and the road clearing itself. Our results suggest that even narrow roads with low traffic volumes can reduce local movements of many insectivorous birds in Amazonia.  相似文献   

结合长江口上海滨岸带资源与环境现状,重点分析了上海滨岸地区在经济快速发展过程中面临的主要生态环境问题;指出上海滨岸地区面临风暴潮、海平面上升、地面沉降等主要自然灾害;滨岸水环境质量恶化,重金属等污染物的生态风险不容忽视;潮滩过渡围垦导致湿地生态系统破坏严重。探讨了污水排放等人类活动对滨岸带生态环境的影响。此外,从战略环境评价、污染控制、生态恢复、行政法规和管理等方面,提出了相应的调控对策。  相似文献   

The fast changes in chemical and biological properties of many coastal and inland waters in the last decades reflect the pressure of man on the environment. The surface waters of the Antarctic Peninsula, located far from industrial or populated areas, could eventually be used as background lines. Surface water samples were taken from five lagoons of King George Island, Antarctic Peninsula, and from the Kitiesh Lake. Sample pH and electrical conductivity were analysed in situ and in the laboratory, respectively. The dissolved fractions were analysed in 1997 and 1998. Total concentrations only for 1998 were determined in another fraction adjusted to pH 2. Aluminium, Ca, Cr, Mn, Co, Ni, Cu, Zn, As, Se, Sr, Cd, Sn, Sb, Ba, Bi, and Pb were quantified in all samples by means of inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometry (ICP-MS). Total and dissolved elemental concentrations were discussed considering the composition of particulate material suspended in the waters removed by streams or by water runoff, or from atmospheric aerosols. Concentrations of dissolved elements change from one lagoon to another. Total and dissolved elemental concentrations could be related to water movement by windstorms, to chemical mechanisms in water and/or to natural and anthropogenic atmospheric factors.  相似文献   

通过对乡镇企业的经济效益、环境效益和社会效益以及小城镇发展的优越性分析可知,乡镇企业不宜在农村发展,应该在小城镇中发展。  相似文献   

冻融作用对土壤磷素迁移转化影响研究进展   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
磷素是生态系统中重要的生源要素之一,其在土壤中的丰缺变化制约着植物的生长状况,寒冷地区土壤的结构与理化性质常年受到冻结和融化的周期性影响,而冻融作用又强烈的影响着土壤磷的迁移转化途径,磷的生物地球化学行为是生态系统初级生产力的决定因素之一。系统的归纳分析了近年来国内外关于土壤吸附作用、土壤含水率以及土壤生物对磷素迁移转化过程影响的研究报道,主要研究结论认为:(1)冻融循环导致土壤颗粒粒径变小以及铁铝化合物形态改变,进而影响了磷在冻融土壤上的吸附行为;(2)土壤水在冻融作用下的固液相转换改变了土壤浸提液中磷的含量,而土壤含水率的高低与磷在土壤中的汇聚和释放存在密切关系;(3)土壤微生物和植物体内的磷在冻融过程中成为土壤中有机磷的主要来源之一。众多研究结果显示,同一制约因素在冻融作用驱动下对土壤磷的影响效果各不相同,这是因为冻融过程中土壤成分、水分含量、冻融时间、循环次数、植被类型和微生物状况等条件共同影响着磷的迁移转化行为,众多相互关联的因子产生的综合效应导致磷在冻融土壤中的迁移转化行为各异。总结分析当前的研究成果,提出冻融作用对土壤磷的影响应在土壤景观尺度、研究方法和手段、预防和治理措施方面进行深入的研究和探索。  相似文献   

绿道是将大量自然、经济、社会的景点、集聚地和示范点连接在一起的,兼具生态、体育、休闲、文化和通行功能的,彰显绿色、智慧、创新、务实和人本理念的线性生态开敞空间。经历了一百多年的发展后,绿道建设已成为一项全球性运动。绿道建设对促进城市质量提高,推动低碳生态城市建设具有重要意义。西方国家和部分亚洲国家和地区的绿道已发展到了较为成熟的阶段。我国内地引入绿道的时间较晚,但建设步伐快,发展迅速,尤其是珠三角绿道建设更为迅速。国内外在绿道网建设过程中积累了一定的经验,也存在一定的问题,为更好地推进我国绿道网建设,提高绿道网管理水平,非常有必要对国际绿道网和我国珠三角绿道网的进展状况进行分析。本文系统地介绍了绿道的发展历程,并从规划设计、建设实践、科学研究与管理等方面对绿道建设状况进行了深入分析。在总结、分析国内外绿道网建设经验与存在问题基础上,提出了我国绿道网建设对策,主要包括:(1)因地制宜,科学规划;(2)加快完善标识系统建设;(3)尽快探讨绿道网经营模式;(4)建立绿道监测与评估机制等。  相似文献   

云南元谋干热河谷区不同岩土类型荒山植被恢复研究   总被引:25,自引:0,他引:25  
云南元谋干热河谷周低山区不同岩土组成的坡地的土壤水份环境差异较大,因而植被恢复模式应有区别,砾石层阶地丘陵坡地壤水分环境最为湿润,适宜恢复较完密的森林植被;片岩和半成岩砂砾岩低山坡地次之,适宜恢复疏林灌草植被;泥岩低山坡地最差,适宜恢复稀树灌草植被。  相似文献   

Exploration and development of oil and gas (O&G) energy resources can create large-scale and permanent landscape effects that are best measured and understood via fieldwork and geospatial technologies. In this article, we examine O&G surface disturbance in the Orenburg steppe region of southwestern Russia for the year 2015. Utilizing field surveys, remote-sensing data and geographic information system (GIS) techniques, we apply a two-pronged approach. First, we map and measure the landscape infrastructure footprint (LIF) to determine the pattern and extent of direct surface disturbance created by O&G facilities and access roads. Second, we conduct a site suitability analysis to identify specific O&G production locations that are most vulnerable to environmental degradation. The approach considers both the particular properties of hydrocarbon production and specific natural features of steppe zones. Suitability patterns represent three indicators: two morphometric parameters (slope and aspect) and one spatial (the remoteness of O&G objects from water bodies). Our findings suggest that O&G production disturbs just over 3% of soil-vegetation cover in our study plot, while more than 13% of O&G objects are located in unsuitable zones based on topographic aspect, and about 11% lie in unsuitable zones regarding distance to water.  相似文献   

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