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退化生态系统的诊断特征及其评价指标体系   总被引:33,自引:1,他引:32  
退化生态系统具有结构和功能简化、生产力和抗逆力低、生物多样性下降等基本诊断特征,由于区域背景和人类活动干扰的差异,生态系统退化具有不同的类型、过程和阶段。为了定量地研究退化生态系统,文中分别建立了土壤、植被、大气、水体,以及农业生态系统、区域自然-人类复合生态系统退化的评价指标体系,其中,土壤退化指标包括物理退化、化学退化、生物退化和土壤污染四类指标;植被退化则从数量、结构、功能与生产力、品质四个  相似文献   

Concentrations of Al, B, Ba, Cd, Co, Cr, Cu, Fe, Ga, Hg, Li, Mn, Mo, Ni, Pb, Se, Si, Sr, Tl, V, Zn, Ca, K, Mg, Na and P in the livers of marine mammals obtained from by-catches or stranded on beaches on the Polish Baltic coast were determined by ICP-MS or ICP-AES and CV AAS. Interspecific diversity with respect to the contents of these elements was found in cetaceans and pinnipeds. The diverse Cd contents in the livers of these mammals can be attributed to the variable concentrations of this element in their food. Mercury was correlated with age and can reach high concentration associated with higher level of Se in older specimens. No significant relationships were found between concentration of the chemical elements studied and nutritional status/condition of the Baltic harbour porpoises as well as between their concentration in specimens from the Gulf of Gdańsk and open Baltic. It seems that the nutritional and health status of the specimens studied is generally enough good since the specimens studied were not stranded on beach because of starvation but almost incidentally caught in salmon gill nets. Strong correlations were found between the macroelements analysed, i.e. for the Ba-Ca-Sr, Ca-K, Ca-Mg, Mg-P, Zn-Mg and Zn-P assemblies. Significantly higher content of Al was found in males of harbour porpoises.  相似文献   

空心莲子草对水分变化的形态适应研究   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
在人工栽培空心莲子草并控制其立地水分条件,使之形成相应三种生境类型——旱生型、挺水型、漂浮型的条件下,初步研究了空心莲子草对水因子变化的形态适应机理。对节间长度、不定根数、不定根长度、叶形指数、抽枝率、节间最大周长等六个形态学指标进行的单因素方差分析和因子分析的结果表明:水分条件的变化对全部形态参数都有极显著影响;旱生型空心莲子草以地上部迅速占有空间的生长为主,其次是地下部生长;与旱生型空心莲子草相比,漂浮型的生长趋势中茎的增粗生长和根的数量生长上升到重要位置,然后才是茎与根的伸长生长;挺水型的第一位生长具有旱生型与漂浮型的双重特点,第二位生长在一定程度上具有与漂浮型相同的特征。按旱生型—挺水型—漂浮型逐级过渡,节间长度、不定根数极显著增加;第一公共因子中不定根数的重要性逐步升高,而且抽枝率始终是重要参数,但其均值在漂浮型中最小。所以,对旱生型与挺水型空心莲子草的治理应以抑制其抽枝为主要手段,对于漂浮型则应以抑制其生根为主。后续的相关研究应该以寻找其根和茎的发育机理为主,并以此为突破口采用适当的方法治理该种的蔓延。  相似文献   

区域土地生态网络构建是土地生态建设的重要内容。当前研究中,多尺度的生态源地选取研究涉及较少,需进一步深入研究。该文以江苏省为研究区,基于土地利用调查数据开展全省土地生态敏感性与重要性评价分级,并在此基础上选取敏感、极敏感和重要、极重要图斑并经阈值筛选确定生态源地,生成架构生态廊道,规划形成江苏省域含多层级的土地生态网络系统。研究结果表明:(1)江苏省域土地生态网络可由31个一级源地、175个二级源地、1 313个三级源地和61条一级廊道、345条二级廊道、3 882条三级廊道组成,面积为23 526.26 km2,占全省总面积的22.04%;(2)一级生态源地主要由江、湖、水域湿地构成,二、三级源地以水田、林地为主。其中,长江、太湖、南通段沿海湿地、洪泽湖、高邮湖、盐城南段沿海湿地、盐城北段沿海湿地、骆马湖、滆湖、白马湖是省域内最主要的生态源地,连通度综合指数(dIIC)在1 519个生态源地中居前10名,对全域土地生态连通起重要作用;(3)土地生态敏感性、重要性评价结果是生态源地选取确定的重要基础和依据,据此并结合生态廊道构建能较好地实现区域土地生态网络的规划。  相似文献   

Green construction is gaining increasing attention in the global context. However, the construction of sustainable green buildings and environments involves different tools and systems and diverse perspectives. Therefore, the development of environmental assessment tools is an important task for managing green housing and green building projects. In this paper, we discuss the benefits, limitations, and future directions of the assessment framework. There are four characteristics of building environmental assessment, i.e., comprehensiveness, design guideline, signaling, and communication tools, which afford both benefits and limitations. We illustrate the role of the assessment framework as a hub promoting integration of diverse knowledge, as a design guideline encouraging better design and action, as signaling environmentally friendly design and action, and as a communication tool. On the other hand, there are limitations, such as the use of a mixture of quantitative and qualitative measures, ambiguity of weighing, lack of financial evaluation, and lack of involvement of diverse disciplines and stakeholders. To develop an effective assessment framework, the following three factors must be considered: knowledge, power, and implementation. We propose that knowledge innovation, a credible approach for a salient solution, and collective action represent the future challenges of the assessment framework.  相似文献   

The relationship between Zn, Cu, Cd, Pb, and Ni concentrations in soft tissues of mussels and oysters and those in ambient sediments was examined. The study area was the coastal habitats of the northwestern Sea of Japan, which has a broad range of contamination due to urban sewage. Significant increases of all metals, except Ni, were observed in mussel Crenomytilus grayanus at concentrations of easily leachable metals in ambient sediments higher than 2, 100, and 800 microg/g for Cd, Cu, and Zn, respectively. Pb was accumulated by the mussels with no distinct threshold in Pb contamination of sediments. After 2 months, C. grayanus transplanted from a pristine to a contaminated locality increased in Pb up to 12%, and Cu up to 68% of concentrations of these metals in the contaminated local mussels, but Zn and Cd concentrations increased only in the excretory tissue, not in the somatic tissue, or in the soft tissue as a whole. Such regulation of metal accumulation puts limitations on the use of C. grayanus for monitoring of slightly and moderately contaminated localities. On the other hand, the oyster Crassostrea gigas showed definite accumulation of all metals, except Ni, at moderate contamination of ambient sediments. As contamination of sediments increased, increases of Pb, Zn and Cu concentrations in C. gigas slowed, possibly due to physiological control at very high metal concentrations in oyster soft tissue. Thus, the mussel C. grayanus should be used mainly for the monitoring of heavy contaminated localities, and the oyster C. gigas is more suitable as an indicator of low and moderate contamination.  相似文献   

研究目的在于分析武汉东湖生态旅游风景区植物资源类型和构成特点,探讨人工引种对植物资源成分的影响。通过实地考察、标本鉴定和查阅资料,统计该景区现有维管植物142科453属819种。其中,蕨类17科、27属、33种,裸子植物7科、16属、32种,被子植物118科、410属、754种。按性质和用途,划分为观赏植物、古大树木、珍稀濒危及国家重点保护植物、药用植物、材用植物、油脂植物、芳香植物、饲用植物、纤维植物9大类。对各种类型的资源植物进行了统计分析,列举了一些具有代表意义植物种类。记录了外来入侵植物的种类和分布,分析了人工引种对景区植物的生活型及各类型植物资源比例的影响,以及该景区植物资源在武汉地区所占地位。结果表明,该景区植物资源丰富,面积仅占武汉市的0.96%,植物种类却达到全市48.75%。木本植物比例相对较低,草本及藤本高于武汉全市的平均水平。在自然分布植物中药用植物所占比重最大,而在人工引种植物中,观赏植物所占比重最大。针对园林观赏植物的引种,古树名木和珍稀植物的保护,以及入侵植物风险控制,提出了具体的建议。〖  相似文献   

The needles of juniper growing in spruce and birch forests of the Khibiny Mountains have been analyzed to evaluate the pattern of changes in their chemical composition (ADF, lignin, cellulose, lignin/cellulose, lipids, phenolic compounds, proanthocyanidins, flavonoids, N, C, and also Ca, Mg, K, Mn, Zn, P, S, Al, and Fe). It has been shown that the concentrations of lignin, lipids, phenolic compounds, Ca, Al, and Fe in the needles increase with age, while those of flavonoids, soluble and bound proanthocyanidins, N, P, K, Mg, Zn, and Mn decrease. The needles of juniper from spruce and birch forests differ in the contents of nutrient elements, which is explained by differences in the composition of soils. The contents of lignin, cellulose, and lipids in aging needles are lower in birch forests than in spruce forests.  相似文献   

根据旅游、城镇化、生态环境3个子系统交互耦合的作用机理,构建鄱阳湖地区旅游产业-城镇化-生态环境复合系统的评价指标体系,引入协调发展度模型,定量测算了1999~2013年鄱阳湖地区的协调发展度,根据测算结果对鄱阳湖地区的协调发展状况进行整体评价及6个城市(南昌、景德镇、九江、鹰潭、抚州、上饶)的对比分析。结果表明:整体上鄱阳湖地区协调发展度呈上升趋势,但旅游和城镇化相对滞后导致其平均水平仍处于初级协调阶段,协调水平有待提升,6市之间的协调发展水平差异明显,且特征各异,城镇化和旅游业发展与生态环境之间的矛盾是制约鄱阳湖地区协调发展的主要因素,未来鄱阳湖地区应在坚持修复和改善生态环境的基础上,加快旅游业发展和城镇化进程,从而实现鄱阳湖地区旅游产业、城镇化、生态环境的全面协调和快速提升。  相似文献   

This is a review of investigations conducted to evaluate portable, direct reading instruments employing the principles of light scattering and the attenuation of beta-rays to measure the respirable mass concentration of airborne particulates. Data are presented on comparative measurements obtained with several different models of beta-ray attenuation instruments manufactured by the GCA Corporation and light scattering instruments manufactured by GCA Corporation, USA, Ernst Leitz, GmbH, Germany, Rotheroe and Mitchell, England, and Sibata Chemical Apparatus Manufacturing Company, Ltd., Japan, using aerosols of coal, limestone, Arizona road dust, and silica. The effect of aerosol parameters (concentration, size distribution, index of refraction) on instrument calibration and precision are discussed.  相似文献   

鄱阳湖区域旅游整体形象策划研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在鄱阳湖区域内,以鄱阳湖为龙头,与周边湖口、星子、德安、永修、新建、南昌、进贤、余干、波阳、都昌诸县和九江市庐山区以及与鄱阳湖相近相通的南昌市区组成一个集名山、名江、名湖、名城为一体的独具特色的旅游圈。 为把鄱阳湖区域发展成为集旅游、度假、休闲、娱乐为一体的国内外著名的旅游目的地,湖区各级旅游组织和旅游目的地,应遵循整体性、地域性、市场性、持续性、大众参与性、可操作性原则,充分发挥鄱阳湖旅游业的经济、社会与环境功能,实施规模化经营、一体化发展战略,从理念识别(MI)、视觉识别(VI)、行为识别(BI)等角度协调构建旅游形象识别体系,在此基础上形成具有独特性与市场冲击力的总体形象理念,提炼出针对不同目标市场和消费群体的差异性极强的总体形象宣传口号,创造具有赣鄱特色的整体旅游新形象。根据鄱阳湖地脉、文脉、旅游资源特色与旅游产品主题,可将主题形象定位为:东方“山江湖”,世界“后花园”。与此相适应的整体形象宣传口号为:华夏“山江湖”都会之地,世界“山江湖”奇观胜境。  相似文献   

为探究赣江南昌段水化学时空变化特征及南昌城区对赣江的影响,于2015年4月~2016年3月在赣江南昌段(赣江进入南昌城区前、城区中心及流经城区后的北支、中支和南支)进行月周期采样,分析水体中的化学离子(HCO-3、Cl-、SO2-4、NO-3、K+、Na+、Ca2+、Mg2+、NH+4),重金属元素(Cr、Mn、Fe、Ni、Cu、Cd、Sb、Pb)以及溶解性有机碳(DOC)、总磷(TP)的分布特征及影响因素。结果表明:1)赣江南昌段总体水质在地表水源地标准限值内,水化学类型为HCO3-Ca型水,HCO-3、Cl-、SO2-4、NO-3、K+、Na+、Ca2+、Mg2+、NH+4、Mn和DOC含量在不同月份间的变化主要受流量影响,Cr、Fe、Ni、Cu、Cd、Sb、Pb和TP受流量影响较小。(2) 赣江南昌段污染程度为:南支污染最重,北支次之,中支、城区中心和入城区前的污染程度相近。TP、Cr、Ni、Cu、Sb、Pb在南支显著偏高,Mn在北支显著偏高。(3)TP、Ni、Cu、Pb受南昌城区影响显著,经城区后含量增加;DOC、Cd经城区后含量减小,但流经城郊农业区后增加;HCO-3、Cl-、NO-3、SO2-4、Na+、K+、Ca2+、Mg2+、NH+4、Cr、Fe、Mn、Sb受南昌城区影响不显著。 关键词: 赣江;南昌城区;水化学;时空变化  相似文献   

A flood event was investigated in a measurement section of the estuary of the Dese River, the major tributary of the Venice Lagoon (mean annual discharge=7.5 m3/s), to observe the variations induced by the flow on the physico-chemistry of the water column and the transport of particles and pollutants. The flood was generated by a typical summer storm, which had a return period of 2 years. The study was based on the continuous recording of the discharge and the measurement of both current speed and physico-chemical variables along the vertical profile. Water samples were also collected for the analysis of total and dissolved heavy metals (As, Cd, Cr, Cu, Fe, Hg, Mn, Ni, Pb, Zn), and nutrients (TKN, N-NO3-, N-NO2-, N-NH3, total phosphorous, P-PO43-). The suspended particle matter (SPM) concentration increased in the water column during the flood, and the discharge versus SPM relationship showed a counterclockwise hysteresis. The occurrence of hysteresis was related to the delayed response of the load, deriving from the runoff on the basin soils with respect to materials mobilized from the streambed in the initial phases of the flood. The transport of most of the analysed heavy metals was driven by the SPM. The increase in concentration of this parameter significantly affected the amount of Fe, Cu, Pb, Cr, Ni, and partially Zn transported by the stream. Among nutrients, N-NO3- concentration also increased significantly during the flood, due to the runoff on agricultural surfaces. The study allowed describing the mechanisms of load generation with high flow magnitudes, highlighting the importance of floods in the transport of materials and pollutants from the drainage basin to the Venice Lagoon.  相似文献   

近10年中国可持续发展研究进展与分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
可持续发展概念的提出以来,我国从学术界到社会各界分别进行了相应的研究和实践。可持续发展是一个涉及到自然、经济、社会三个子系统组成的动态、开放复杂系统,其研究内容涉及到地理学、资源管理、生态学、环境科学、人口学、系统工程、经济学、社会学等许多相关领域。为了实施闺家可持续发展战略.国寒加大了对可更新资源保护的力度、愿域生态环境建设工程的布局、区域综合减灾规划制定与工程的建设。与此间时。图家有关资源、环境、灾害管理等职能部门。从制定可持续发展途径出发.开展了大量的区域可持续发展研究。这些工作为区域可持续发展的理论和方法论建设提供了足够丰富的案例研究。利用中国知网网络平台和Google搜索引擎工具。检索并分析了我国可持续发展近10年的主要研究内容。即:可持续发展的理论研究、可持续发展的信息分类和指标体系以及评价的模型方法。在此基础上对今后的研究趋势进行了分析。认为可持续发展过程与机理研究、尺度问题、区域要素和地域结构的整合、区域综合集成以及区域要素变化、区域整体关系研究需要进一步加强。  相似文献   

系统梳理固体废物管理政策的变迁逻辑,研究固体废物管理政策的聚焦内容和发展趋向,有助于明晰固体废物管理政策完善路径。研究立足于已颁布的固体废物管理政策,运用统计方法分析固体废物管理政策的文本结构和内容,找出中国固体废物管理政策变迁的内在逻辑;紧密结合当前“无废城市”建设的政策需求,提出政策优化完善路径。研究发现:固体废物管理政策文本类型多元、效力级别多样,政策框架体系逐步优化完善;固体废物管理政策热点具有鲜明的时代发展烙印和动态演变特征,政策涉及的领域越来越广,政策内容更具针对性和全面性,政策执行更具指向性和可操作性;无害化、减量化、资源化,污染防治、监督管理、二次污染、回收利用、循环经济等是政策关注焦点;政府从宏观层面强化顶层设计,以政策引导规范为主,注重政策协同、技术支撑、治理水平提升等助推无害化、减量化、资源化目标实现;固体废物管理政策实施的工具手段多元化、要素支撑多样化,固体废物管理的技术支撑关注度逐步提升、管理模式与治理路径已进入适应性转型。立足现实需要,固体废物管理的市场化政策与激励机制不足,适用性技术关注度不高,综合管理水平和治理能力亟待提升。结合国外“无废城市”建设的理论研究、实践行动和政策举措,从固体废物生命周期管理政策、技术范式政策、主体协同政策、引导激励政策及法律法规政策等方面提出中国“无废城市”建设的政策完善路径方向。  相似文献   

水权水市场改革是我国水资源管理改革的重要内容,也是当前我国资源环境研究领域的热点之一。我国水权市场尚未发育完成,水权交易还未成体系,更缺乏水权交易的制度体系和技术支撑。国内外的研究表明,有效运作的水权市场,需要具备产权明晰、计量监测技术支撑、监管制度完善等多方面的条件,同时也会受到交易成本、第三方效应、社会文化等多方面的影响;从已有的水权交易模型来看,国内学者基本上是沿用了西方发展起来的水权交易模型,很少考虑中国国情因素。总体来看,国内水权水市场研究目前存在三个方面的主要缺陷。第一,在水权市场发展的规律研究方面,过于强调市场的作用和市场制度本身,对水权市场运作的内在机制认识不足;第二,在水权市场的国际经验借鉴方面,过于强调个别国家的"先进经验",对水权市场发展的教训和伴随的问题认识不足;第三,在水权交易和市场制度建设过程中,过于强调理想意义上的自由市场模式,对国情条件的制约和中国特色的因素认识不足。当前亟需开展更为深入的研究,系统探索中国国情因素对水权市场构建的影响,重点揭示中国特色的水权市场制度体系特征,提出中国情境下的水权交易模式、交易规则、水权监管制度以及与国情条件相适应的水价政策。通过理论集成和知识创新,增进对中国特色水权市场制度的理解,为水资源管理体制改革和水资源的可持续利用提供研究支撑。  相似文献   

基于TM遥感影像、城市规划图等数据,利用logistic CA模型,模拟了2005~2010年天津市滨海新区城市形态演化,经过模拟面积和Lee Sallle指数两个指标的精度评价后,定量分析了新版总规实施后城市形态演化的驱动力。实证研究表明:滨海新区城市形态扩展迅速,驱动力大小依次是自然环境、经济发展、交通带动、城市规划引导;其中交通驱动力中,影响最强烈的依次是火车站、城市的道路、高速出入口、县乡道、航道、省道。因此提出:城市规划必须顺应城市形态发展的规律,把握好可控的关键驱动力,科学预测城市形态发展和提出城市规划方案,做到积极有效的引导城市形态发展  相似文献   

We provide a global assessment, with detailed multi-scale data, of the ecological and toxicological effects generated by inorganic nitrogen pollution in aquatic ecosystems. Our synthesis of the published scientific literature shows three major environmental problems: (1) it can increase the concentration of hydrogen ions in freshwater ecosystems without much acid-neutralizing capacity, resulting in acidification of those systems; (2) it can stimulate or enhance the development, maintenance and proliferation of primary producers, resulting in eutrophication of aquatic ecosystems; (3) it can reach toxic levels that impair the ability of aquatic animals to survive, grow and reproduce. Inorganic nitrogen pollution of ground and surface waters can also induce adverse effects on human health and economy. Because reductions in SO2 emissions have reduced the atmospheric deposition of H2SO4 across large portions of North America and Europe, while emissions of NOx have gone unchecked, HNO3 is now playing an increasing role in the acidification of freshwater ecosystems. This acidification process has caused several adverse effects on primary and secondary producers, with significant biotic impoverishments, particularly concerning invertebrates and fishes, in many atmospherically acidified lakes and streams. The cultural eutrophication of freshwater, estuarine, and coastal marine ecosystems can cause ecological and toxicological effects that are either directly or indirectly related to the proliferation of primary producers. Extensive kills of both invertebrates and fishes are probably the most dramatic manifestation of hypoxia (or anoxia) in eutrophic and hypereutrophic aquatic ecosystems with low water turnover rates. The decline in dissolved oxygen concentrations can also promote the formation of reduced compounds, such as hydrogen sulphide, resulting in higher adverse (toxic) effects on aquatic animals. Additionally, the occurrence of toxic algae can significantly contribute to the extensive kills of aquatic animals. Cyanobacteria, dinoflagellates and diatoms appear to be major responsible that may be stimulated by inorganic nitrogen pollution. Among the different inorganic nitrogenous compounds (NH4+, NH3, NO2-, HNO2NO3-) that aquatic animals can take up directly from the ambient water, unionized ammonia is the most toxic, while ammonium and nitrate ions are the least toxic. In general, seawater animals seem to be more tolerant to the toxicity of inorganic nitrogenous compounds than freshwater animals, probably because of the ameliorating effect of water salinity (sodium, chloride, calcium and other ions) on the tolerance of aquatic animals. Ingested nitrites and nitrates from polluted drinking waters can induce methemoglobinemia in humans, particularly in young infants, by blocking the oxygen-carrying capacity of hemoglobin. Ingested nitrites and nitrates also have a potential role in developing cancers of the digestive tract through their contribution to the formation of nitrosamines. In addition, some scientific evidences suggest that ingested nitrites and nitrates might result in mutagenicity, teratogenicity and birth defects, contribute to the risks of non-Hodgkin's lymphoma and bladder and ovarian cancers, play a role in the etiology of insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus and in the development of thyroid hypertrophy, or cause spontaneous abortions and respiratory tract infections. Indirect health hazards can occur as a consequence of algal toxins, causing nausea, vomiting, diarrhoea, pneumonia, gastroenteritis, hepatoenteritis, muscular cramps, and several poisoning syndromes (paralytic shellfish poisoning, neurotoxic shellfish poisoning, amnesic shellfish poisoning). Other indirect health hazards can also come from the potential relationship between inorganic nitrogen pollution and human infectious diseases (malaria, cholera). Human sickness and death, extensive kills of aquatic animals, and other negative effects, can have elevated costs on human economy, with the recreation and tourism industry suffering the most important economic impacts, at least locally. It is concluded that levels of total nitrogen lower than 0.5-1.0 mg TN/L could prevent aquatic ecosystems (excluding those ecosystems with naturally high N levels) from developing acidification and eutrophication, at least by inorganic nitrogen pollution. Those relatively low TN levels could also protect aquatic animals against the toxicity of inorganic nitrogenous compounds since, in the absence of eutrophication, surface waters usually present relatively high concentrations of dissolved oxygen, most inorganic reactive nitrogen being in the form of nitrate. Additionally, human health and economy would be safer from the adverse effects of inorganic nitrogen pollution.  相似文献   

旅游资源资本化的机制和方法   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
针对目前我国旅游资源开发和管理方面存在的突出问题以及旅游实践发展的需要,提出“旅游资源资本化”--一种新的以价值为导向的旅游资源开发管理的理念和方法,强调了旅游资源的价值性、所有性和收益性。在国家政策和法律允许的前提下,旅游资源的所有者将旅游资源作为一种资本形态,与货币资本、实物资本、人力资本等一起投入到旅游开发活动中,进行市场化的开发、经营、运作和管理,从而带来良好的经济效益、环境效益和社会效益,使旅游资源实现价值增值,而旅游资源的所有者也从中获得经营收益。深入探讨了旅游资源转化为旅游资本的内部机制、外部条件、实现途径、方法模式等问题,指出旅游资源资本化有利于拓宽旅游融资渠道、优化资源配置、提高旅游资源的利用效率和开发管理的水平,实现旅游产业的可持续发展.  相似文献   

浙江省陆路交通可达性与经济社会协调性研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
以浙江省69个县(市)为研究对象,利用1996、2004、2012年交通路网和经济社会数据,采用加权平均旅行时间指标、主成分分析法和耦合协调度模型,探讨城市综合交通可达性时空演变及其与经济社会耦合协调发展关系。研究结果表明:(1)1996~2012年,城市综合交通可达性以及经济社会发展水平均出现不同程度提高,两者耦合协调关系逐渐由低水平向高水平转变;(2)协调性存在空间分异,环杭州湾、金丽衢平原、温台平原城市协调性普遍高于西部低山丘陵地区城市,地级市辖区协调性普遍高于各县(县级市);(3)协调性空间格局演变显著,呈现出由东北向西南、中心城市向周围县域梯度改善现象,且逐等级类型提升特征显著。总体上来看,浙江省城市可达性演变及与经济社会的耦合协调关系,体现了区域经济社会发展以及交通基础设施完善的结果  相似文献   

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