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开展农业资源高效利用研究   总被引:61,自引:3,他引:61  
本文从开展农业资源高效利用研究的必要性出发,结合国内外农业资源高效利用的研究现状,提出了中国以提高资源利用效率为核心的农业资源高效利用问题。并建议围绕①中国农业资源态势分析、优化配置与合理布局;②中国农业资源综合生产能力和人口承载能力;③不同类型区农业资源高效利用的优化模式与技术体系的集成;④农业资源高效利用中的新技术应用前景和技术政策;⑤农业资源高效利用的监测与管理技术等5个领域深入开展中国的农业资源高效利用研究。  相似文献   

中国多样的生态农业技术体系   总被引:21,自引:1,他引:21  
中国生态农业的技术体系主要包括①农业环境综合整治技术;②农业资源的保护与增殖技术;③小流域综合利用技术;④立体种养技术;⑤庭院资源综合利用技术;⑥再生能源利用技术;⑦农业副产物再利用技术;⑧有害生物的综合防治技术。中国生态农业的技术体系继承了中国传统农业的精华,充分利用资源,合理保护资源,有效地连接农业的不同组分。文章介绍了中国近10多年来成功应用这些技术的典型例子,并且指出这将有利于中国实践"21世纪议程"和粮农组织的"持续农业和农村发展宣言"。  相似文献   

生物黑炭是生物有机体转化的稳定性碳物质,作为土壤添加剂近年来在土壤改良、温室气体减排以及受污染环境修复等方面具有广阔的应用前景。虽然近年国际上对生物黑炭的农业应用研究进展很快,但关于不同来源生物黑炭理化性质的调控及其在农业环境保护方面的应用研究还不够深入,未达成统一认识。而我国在该领域的研究才刚刚起步。为推动我国生物黑炭农业应用技术的开展,文章从生物黑炭的来源、不同生物炭理化特性的对比,及其在农业环境保护中的应用等方面进行了综述与探讨,并对生物黑炭的开发和利用存在的潜在问题和今后的研究热点进行了简要的展望,以期为我国发展低碳农业和循环农业提供依据和参考。  相似文献   

空间信息技术是近年来迅速发展的以获取、管理、分析与时空相关的地理信息为主的技术体系。资源环境承载力研究是针对一定时空范围内资源环境综合条件进行评价的一门新兴学科。随着我国经济的发展,资源、环境和造纸行业发展之间的问题越来越受到关注。文章在造纸行业资源环境承载力分析基础上,将遥感技术、地理信息技术相结合,提出空间信息技术在造纸行业资源环境承载力分析中的应用模式。并以海南省造纸行业资源环境承载力分析为实例探讨具体应用。  相似文献   

自然资源与环境安全研究进展   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
跟踪研究自然资源的演化、开发利用过程调控机理一直是中国科学院地理科学与资源研究所(以下简称我所)资源环境研究领域的重要研究任务和研究方向。论文总结了1950年以来我所自然资源与环境安全研究领域取得的成果与进展,在1950—1978年期间,我所自然资源与环境安全研究以大规模的自然资源调查与综合科学考察为主,丰硕的考察成果对中国的资源开发和区域发展提供了重要科学支持,做出了不可磨灭的贡献,而且在系统地积累科学资料和开拓资源科学方面也发挥了积极作用,它为了解我国资源环境、建立资源科学体系奠定了坚实的基础;1978—2000年期间,我所自然资源与环境安全研究转向了区域资源综合科学考察与资源科学研究并重的格局,完成的一系列考察报告为区域发展指明了路径,为全面认识中国自然资源和开展自然资源综合研究奠定了数据基础。2000年以来,我所自然资源与环境安全研究更加注重学科体系建设,促进了资源科学的学科体系建立;更加注重世界资源研究,将自然资源考察地域拓展到全球范围;更加注重机理过程研究,在资源环境承载力、资源流动、资源安全、生态服务功能等领域进行了理论开拓;更加注重资源开发利用技术研究,在环境修复的理论和技术方面取得了一系列成果。展望未来,我所资源与环境领域研究将会继续以国家重大战略需求为导向,以水资源、土地资源、生物资源、能源及矿产资源等关键资源为主要对象,在以下5个方面开展系统深入的研究,推动资源学科的建设与发展:①区域综合科学考察与资源科学综合研究;②水土资源可持续利用及其复杂性;③自然资源流动过程及其生态环境效应;④世界自然资源态势与国家战略性资源安全;⑤环境修复机理与废弃物资源化利用。  相似文献   

农业是社会发展的基础,水是人类不可缺少的资源。应用先进的农业节水技术,能够在促进农业发展的同时,又能够合理利用水资源,使农业与节水工作共同进步、相互发展。目前,我国在农业节水技术应用里取得了一定的成效,但是仍然还存在一些问题,因此我国的农业节水技术应用仍然需要重视起来。  相似文献   

在新农村建设中,农业资源是否能够得到可持续利用是非常关键的。当前,我国农业资源环境面临着立法欠缺和制度缺位、政策不足等难题。如何大力发展循环经济,这是保护农业资源环境的关键点。这跟我国国情是息息相关的。本文对农业资源环境保护进行了研究。  相似文献   

随着农业的发展,福建农业面临环境与发展的双重挑战。为实现农业的持续发展,必须在继承传统农业技术精华和引进现代农业技术的基础上,运用生态学原理和系统工程方法,建立农业持续发展的技术体系。该文讨论多层利用、循环利用、自净利用和补加利用等4类农业持续发展技术体系。  相似文献   

农业资源利用模式间的转换及案例分析   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
目前我国农业仍然属于资源高耗低效型农业,而农业自然资源是非常有限的,为此必须实现农业资源的高效利用。本文从中观区域尺度上研究了农业资源利用模式及不同利用模式间的转换,通过案例分析认为,农业资源利用模式处于不断演替过程中,其演替具有明显的层次性;在演替过程中,物化资源投入水平不断增加,农业资源利用效率不断提高;与农业资源利用模式相适应的农业资源利用技术体系也具有多样性和层次性。  相似文献   

1991年联合国粮农组织在荷兰召开的农业与环境会议通过的《关于农业和农村发展的丹波宣言和行动纲领》,首次明确提出了农业可持续发展思想,即“采取某种使用和维护自然资源的基础的方式,以及实行技术变革和机制性改革,重点集中解决重大的稀缺农业资源和重大自然资源问题。以确保当代人类及其后代对农产品需求得到满足,这种可持续的发展(包括农业、林业和渔业)维护土地、水、动植物遗传资源,是一种环境不退化、技术上应用适当、经济上能生存下去以及社会能够接受”的农业体系。目前,农业可持续发展已成为世界各国共识,并纷纷寻求适合本国国情的农业可持续发展道路。农业可持续发展的核心是保护资源与环境。各国的探索与实践表明,发展循环经济是实现农业可持续发展最有效的途径。  相似文献   

Ever increasing attention is being paid to the environmental impact of intensive agricultural practices, and in this context organic farming is gaining recognition as a relatively friendly production system. In general, the risk of harmful environmental effects is lower with organic than with conventional farming methods, though not necessarily so. This review examines organic farming in the light of European conditions with special regard to recent research findings from Denmark. It specifies the environmental problems caused by modern farming practices and discusses appropriate indicators for assessing their impact. A driving force-state-response (DSR) framework is employed to organise and understand the processes and mechanisms that lie behind the impact of agriculture on nature and the environment. Important groups of environmental indicators are selected that characterise (a) the aquatic environment (nitrate and phosphorus leaching), (b) the soil (organic matter, biology and structure), (c) the ecosystem (arable land, semi-cultivated areas, small biotopes and landscape), and (d) resource usage and balances (nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium and energy use).The paper also reviews several empirical studies. With regard to soil biology, organic farming is usually associated with a significantly higher level of biological activity (bacteria (Monera), fungi (Mycota), springtails (Collembola), mites (Arachnida), earthworms (Lumbricus terrestris)), due to its versatile crop rotations, reduced applications of nutrients, and the ban on pesticides. In most cases there is also a lower surplus of nutrients and less leaching with organic than with conventional farming. However, poor management (e.g., the ploughing of grass and legumes (Fabates) at the wrong time of year with no subsequent crops to capture the mineralised nitrogen), low self-sufficiency in feed, and problems with certain production systems (such as those involved in organic pig farming, i.e., grazing sows, low crop yields), can lead to a high level of leaching in some organic systems. Organic farming is faced with a need to expand and develop in line with increasing demands for organic food and growing environmental concerns. This requires closer attention to the goals, values and principles on which organic practices are based, and more research into the influence of organic farming on different aspects of the environment.  相似文献   

近几年来,海洋农牧化浪潮日渐崛起,淡水强化渔业与水体农业试验正积极推行。如同我们的祖先当初从天然采捕业逐步转向种养业一样,人类对水域的开发已进入定向利用时代。所不同的是,随着现代科学技术的进步,将促使这一进程迅猛异常。 江苏淡水资源达2,600×104亩,相当于省内耕地面积的1/3,居全国首位。若能充分开发,对实现工农业产值翻两番必有重大影响。因此,必须充分重视和研究我省淡水水面资源的总体开发战略。  相似文献   

Carbon farming policies aim to contribute to climate change mitigation, but their success strongly depends on whether landholders actually adopt desired practices or participate in offered programs. The Australian Government’s Carbon Farming Initiative and Emissions Reduction Fund policies were designed to incentivise the adoption of carbon farming practices. Although these policies have been active since December 2011, farmer engagement has been limited, and net emissions reductions low as a result. We surveyed broad-acre farmers in the Western Australian wheatbelt to explore their drivers and barriers to adopting carbon farming practices and participating in carbon farming policy programs. Drivers of adoption included knowledge and perception of co-benefits (for yield, productivity, and the environment), knowing another adopter, and believing that changes to farm management are an appropriate method to reduce Australia’s greenhouse gas emissions. Barriers to adoption included lack of information, uncertainty and costs. The key barrier to participation was policy and political uncertainty. The determinants of adoption and participation that we identify in our study offer important insights into how to best ensure the success of Australia’s land sector-based climate change policies. We conclude that, to increase landholder engagement, the co-benefits and climate change benefits of carbon farming practices must be actively promoted, and additional information is needed about the costs associated with adoption. Information diffusion is best achieved if it actively leverages landholder social networks. Finally, our results indicate that landholder buy-in to carbon farming could be greatly enhanced by achieving more continuity in Australian climate change policies and politics.  相似文献   

Compared to modern, conventional agriculture, alternative agricultural production systems may rely on biologically different mechanisms (syndromes) to attain similar production goals. Yield loss to rice in conventional and natural farming rice paddies in Japan was evaluated by simulated injury (leaf-clipping) and monitoring plants damaged by insect herbivores. Rice grown under natural farming practices was more tolerant of simulated injury and injury from Oulema oryzae than rice grown under conventional practices. Natural farming rice retained proportionately more tillers and had a higher proportion of mature seeds than conventionally grown rice. In conventional paddies, the simulated injury may have made the rice plants more susceptible to plant pathogens than their non-injured counterparts, resulting in higher disease attack and proportionately greater yield loss. These results suggest that, pests may affect yield loss independently in natural farming, but in conventional paddies, multiple pest injury may interact synergistically, compounding yield loss.  相似文献   

Loess Plateau,an arid and semi-arid region in Northwest China,is well-known for its most serious soil erosion in terms of sediment yield each year.Soil erosion,which is intensified by agricultural activities,is the major factor influencing sustainable agriculture development in this region.It reduces productivity by removing nutrients and especially reducing water availability that is essential for crop production in the area.It also brings about off-site costs by demanding more efforts for maintenance of banks and dame along Yellow River through raising the riverbed with sediment.Climate is capricious and extreme weather conditions occur frequently,which impairs normal agricultural production with erosion and also decrease of water availability.Extensive way of farming still dominates on the Loess Plateau,which canot produce satisfying economic results and needs to be improved or altered.Conventional agricultural production pattern needs to be reconsidered for husbandry has not been granted its due position.Agriculture is the backbone of economy.Poor agricultural production impedes economic development and vice versa,backward economy also influences the advancement of agriculture.Besides a large population,education status of farmers is another threshold that requires being resolved for a sustainable agriculture.Although conventional agriculture has been practiced there for more than 5000years,now it cannot meet the demand for food and fiber by the increasing population and some of its farming practices are contributing to environmental degradation directly or indirectly and can sustain no longer.Agriculture on Loess Plateau needs to find its own way of sustainability.To work toward a sustainable agriculture,chances and challenges both indwell on Loess Plateau.  相似文献   

Mulching as employed in small-holder farming in Tanzania is considered, largely using examples of environmental management which were obtained from replies to a newspaper contest. Specific examples show the ingenuity of local practices and the vast extent of empirical knowledge. It is concluded that micrometeorological research into traditional methods of soil and aerial climate management would be of considerable value in improving and disseminating these techniques in low-input agriculture.  相似文献   

This special issue of Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment recognizes the important contribution of Dr. J.W. Sturrock to agroecosystem and environmental research through his long-term role as Editor-in-Chief (1982–2000). An historical overview of agroecosystem and environmental research is provided to illustrate the continued growth of scientific endeavor in this area, and to show its importance for a better understanding of ecological interactions within agroecosystems and especially at the agroecosystem/environmental interface. The papers collected in this special issue are selected to illustrate the breadth and diversity of agroecosystem and environmental research. They can be placed in the following four areas: the environmental impact of farming systems; the management of organic resources, the link between the ecology of farming systems and the environment; and the ecological interactions that occur within or between agricultural systems. Intensification of food production, population growth, technological change, changing land-use patterns, and global change will further impact the structure and functional properties of agroecosystems, and intensify the interaction between agriculture and the environment, and will present a major continuing need for research in the 21st century.  相似文献   

太行山前平原农牧结构模式评价与配套技术体系   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
农牧结构生产模式是太行山前平原农业生产的重要模式。苜蓿具有明显的经济效益、水分效益和土壤培肥作用。种植-畜牧模式农田亚系统可节约灌溉35%、具有显著的经济效益和能效,苜蓿氮、磷产出投入率远高于小麦-玉米两熟制和棉花;畜牧亚系统氮素327%、磷素259%可归还农田亚系统,实行一定程度的养分循环。农牧结构优化模式的配套技术体系体现在制定合理的农牧比例、农田亚系统高效管理、调整畜牧结构、秸秆饲用处理、饲料作物和牧草种植技术以及农牧物质循环技术,其中制定合理的农牧比例、调整畜牧结构是关键。综合协调应用这些技术,最终能够实现提高农牧结构优化模式农业资源综合利用效率20%~30%的目标。  相似文献   

资源环境约束下的天津市盐渍土农业利用研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
盐渍土作为一种重要的宜耕后备资源,其农业开发利用已成为解决人口、粮食、资源和环境等问题的重要措施。论文通过天津市盐渍土农业利用中面临的水土资源短缺、环境污染与经济效益差等问题进行系统分析后得出:目前天津市盐渍土面积为32.42×104 hm2,其中,重度盐渍土与盐土大多分布在滨海平原地区,这些区域恰恰是补充耕地的主要来源,然而由于其盐渍化程度原本就高,即使改良后很快又会返盐;天津市目前年均缺水量为6×108~9×108 m3,水资源短缺已成为限制农业发展的重要瓶颈问题,若改良这些盐渍土宜耕后备资源并继续采用传统的农业耕作方式,将会进一步加大农业用水缺口,农药、化肥、地膜的过量施用,也加重了环境污染危害;并且,耗费巨大成本改良后的耕地,由于比较效益差、后续利用与管理资金难以维系,面临着无人耕种的困境。随着城市化与社会经济发展结构的变化,农业早已不再是天津市国民经济发展的主导产业。但是为了保障国家粮食安全,天津市也必须承担一定的耕地保有量和基本农田保护任务。鉴于大都市区对蔬菜的巨大需求,综合考虑区域资源、环境与效益因素,在滨海平原的盐渍土上发展设施水培蔬菜,不仅可有效缓解耕地保护压力,保护生态环境、提高经济效益,将北京市的蔬菜基地外迁至滨海平原,也有助于促进京津一体化发展。  相似文献   

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