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由福州嘉园环保工程有限公司开发的JY-C型有机废气净化处理技术,适用于治理含挥发性物质的有机废气。主要技术内容一、基本原理采用活性炭吸附-热力脱附-催化再生工艺原理,理论基础为活性炭吸附解析机理和气-固催化氧化反应机理。蜂窝活性炭对有机废气具有良好的吸附能力,在分子间力和未饱和化学键力的作用下,低  相似文献   

随着近年来含油污泥绿色环保、高效经济处理技术的研究成果越来越多,对相关文献进行梳理,分析研究热点及未来发展态势,可为今后含油污泥处理技术研究提供科学支撑。文章基于文献计量学方法,运用CiteSpace软件,以中国知网作为目标数据库,通过发文数量、发文机构、发文学者、关键词共现、聚类及时间线图谱分析,梳理了国内含油污泥处理的研究现状及演进趋势。研究结果表明含油污泥处理研究领域的关注热度处于稳定上升期,研究热点分别为资源化、无害化、减量化、热解、焚烧、脱水及调剖,结合聚类分析及时间线图谱分析,含油污泥资源化利用将成为下一步研究的重点,处理后尾渣铺垫井场及路基、制作建材、作为燃料、填埋场封场等利用方式是未来的研究趋势。  相似文献   

以国土空间生态修复的理论内涵为基础,梳理其关键属性逻辑,并建立评价指标体系,运用模糊综合评价法对31个省级样本进行了评测,在此基础上采用数理推导和贝叶斯概率法推演了图谱图像关系。结果表明:(1)国土空间生态修复涵盖国土生态修复和空间生态修复双重内容,具有资源、资产和资本属性特征;(2)国土空间生态修复的资源、资产和资本属性之间存在线性和幂两种典型的图谱图像状态,三属性之间具有25种谱像关系;(3)资源、资产和资本属性之间具有6种类型的贝叶斯条件架构,先验概率中“资本性总量≥资产性总量≥资源性总量”条件架构体现了最高成效,图谱图像关系中有条件的线性函数图像Ⅱ的后验概率最高(75.51%);(4)以区域全部国土空间为资源属性的基础,通过国土生态修复和空间生态修复实现“资本≥资产≥资源”属性总量的交互转化状态,是三属性关系优化的重要方向。研究显示,国土空间生态修复的三属性之间存在多种函数谱像关系,充分认识图谱图像规律及其贝叶斯条件概率分布,有利于优化实践模式并提升综合成效。  相似文献   

朱薇 《四川环境》2023,(5):307-316
基于文献计量法,运用CiteSpace 6.1.R2软件和VOSviewer 1.6.18软件绘制知识图谱,对1992~2021年CNKI核心数据库收录的963篇以生活垃圾分类为主题的文献进行分析。结果表明:(1)作者与机构研究力量分散、地域分布特征明显;(2)研究热点聚焦于城市生活垃圾、农村生活垃圾、渗滤液、支付意愿等方面,研究主题可归纳为概念界定、处理方式、优化路径、驱动因素及实践探索5类;(3)生活垃圾分类研究发展经历了启蒙、深化、完善及优化4个阶段,研究内容体现出更多人文关怀。此外,结合时代背景从人居环境建设、等方面提出对策建议,旨在为我国生活垃圾分类实践提供参考。  相似文献   

目前随着新药开发、研制过程中对测试方法要求的不断增高,X射线衍射法因其能快速准确地判断药物晶体而被广泛应用于有机药物研究的各个领域.通过对X射线衍射法中装样方法、θ角度和狭缝的选择等参数研究,以获得该方法测定有机药物成分的最佳工作条件,使该法能为有机药物测定提供满意的图谱和更准确的测定结果.  相似文献   

傅立叶变换离子回旋共振质谱(FT-ICR MS)是目前商品化的具有最高质量分辨率和精确度的质谱,其分辨率可达百万以上,使得复杂化合物分子水平的解析成为可能。目前该仪器被广泛用于原油极性组分、环境有机污染物及其代谢产物、海洋天然有机质、蛋白质及其他生物大分子等的精确质量测定、分子式计算、结构推算等。文章梳理了FT-ICR MS在石油组学、相关水体及大气环境分析中的最新应用,旨在全面了解FT-ICR MS在石油组学及相关环保领域的工作进展,进而为下一步运用FT-ICR MS进行相关科学研究提供指导。  相似文献   

甜菜碱对植物重金属胁迫抗性影响的研究进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
土壤重金属污染导致的农作物重金属累积会提高食用人群的健康风险,故近年来甜菜碱对植物重金属胁迫抗性的研究引起关注。具体介绍了甜菜碱对植物重金属胁迫抗性影响的最新研究进展,并重点综述了其影响机制:甜菜碱可通过增加根际土壤溶液中低分子有机酸﹑有机碳和可溶性糖的量促进植物对重金属的吸收,还可通过影响钙﹑铁等无机离子的吸收转移和增加叶片中果胶﹑叶绿素含量来促进重金属在叶片的累积,提高植物对重金属胁迫的抗性,最后指出需关注的研究方向。  相似文献   

为研究广安市城区大气细颗粒物污染特征及成因,选取2017~2018年广安市委国控站点四个季度监测数据,运用移动式在线单颗粒气溶胶飞行时间质谱仪(SPAMS)对广安市大气细颗粒物污染特征、季节性变化规律开展源解析。主要结果为:(1)2017~2018年广安市大气细颗粒物污染源贡献率季节性差异较大,春季和秋季扬尘源贡献突出,夏季和冬季为工艺过程源、燃煤源;(2)不同组分贡献率季节性差异不大。夏季、秋季、冬季有机碳、元素碳贡献较大,春季有机碳贡献较大;(3)冬季和夏季细颗粒物污染表现明显,颗粒物老化程度冬季>秋季>春季>夏季。研究为广安市加强大气细颗粒物污染防治研究提供参考依据,也为科学应对重污染天气提供一些借鉴意义。  相似文献   

含油污泥处理已成为国内外石油化工行业研究的热点。研究发现含油污泥中含杂原子的分子大都集中在胶质、沥青质组分中,氢键引起胶质和沥青质的聚集,在沥青质中虽然像OH和NH这样的氢键基团浓度很低,但对沥青质的影响却很大;Ni、V会导致原油中有机物分子间及分子内以多种方式缔合,形成各个层次的超分子结构。研究表明:维生素C可诱导含有氮、五氧化二磷、氧化钾等的生物复合肥"协同"磷酸二氢铵、硝酸钾、硝酸铵形成原油降解剂,能将土壤中近85%的原油分解,使被污染土壤达到环境可接受的条件,为含油污泥的处理提供了技术支持。  相似文献   

史箴  罗彬  刘中光  李抗美 《四川环境》2002,21(3):77-78,83
采用红外光谱法、色谱-质谱联用技术和气相色谱法,对新都县某厂废水和桂花村地下水中有机污染物种类进行了定性、定量分析,找出了桂花村地下水中的有机污染物质,并界定了污染范围。  相似文献   

We synthesized a new class of organic nanoporous polymers using cyclodextrins as basic building blocks. These processible nanoporous polymers were named 'nanosponges' because they have nanometer-size pores (distribution 0.7-1.2 nm) and exhibit superior ability to absorb organic molecules in water. Cyclodextrin cavities provide a hydrophobic environment and hence generate a strong affinity to organic molecules at water-solid interfaces. Indeed, the formation constant (K) of polymeric cyclodextrins and organic guest molecules is more than eight orders of magnitude larger than molecular cyclodextrin systems in water, and yet the process is completely reversible in organic solvents such as ethanol. The significant potential of these results is that hazardous organic contaminants may be reduced to parts-per-trillion levels in water by these polymers, as measured by ion-trap mass spectroscopy and UV-visible spectroscopy.  相似文献   

Contemporary analysis of the food sector has failed convincingly to link production to consumption, and it has not provided a sociological account of such links. This paper makes a provisional attempt to begin such an analysis and does so by examining the case of the market for organic food in Tuscany. It proposes that the ‘pioneers’ of organics in this region constituted a new food movement that succeeded in opening up a new market. However, this market could only be successfully expanded once other actors were enrolled in the market-making process, notably state agencies and supermarkets. The regional government, through new regulations and specific initiatives, integrated organic foods into rural development policy, thereby assisting producers in the process of conversion. Supermarkets co-operated in the implementation of these policies and made space for Tuscan organic products in their stores. So while the ‘pioneers’ began the process of market building, these later entrants were crucial to the stabilization and expansion of the organic sector in Tuscany. Thus, it can be concluded that the emergence of these new ‘markets’ for nature can only be adequately explained by analysing the full range of actors. Copyright © 2001 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Food consumption has been identified as a realm of key importance for progressing the world towards more sustainable consumption overall. Consumers have the option to choose organic food as a visible product of more ecologically integrated farming methods and, in general, more carefully produced food. This study aims to investigate the choice for organic from a cultural–historical perspective and aims to reveal the food philosophy of current organic consumers in The Netherlands. A concise history of the organic food movement is provided going back to the German Lebensreform and the American Natural Foods Movement. We discuss themes such as the wish to return to a more natural lifestyle, distancing from materialistic lifestyles, and reverting to a more meaningful moral life. Based on a number of in-depth interviews, the study illustrates that these themes are still of influence among current organic consumers who additionally raised the importance of connectedness to nature, awareness, and purity. We argue that their values are shared by a much larger part of Dutch society than those currently shopping for organic food. Strengthening these cultural values in the context of more sustainable food choices may help to expand the amount of organic consumers and hereby aid a transition towards more sustainable consumption.  相似文献   

Disinfection by-products (DBPs) are formed when disinfectants such as chlorine, chloramine, and ozone react with organic matter in water. Chlorine being the most common disinfectant used in the drinking water industry worldwide, significant attention has been focused on chlorinated DBPs. A new indexing method using fuzzy synthetic evaluation is proposed to determine the health risk associated with the two major groups of chlorinated DBPs--trihalomethanes (THMs) and haloacetic acids (HAAs). Initially, membership functions for cancer and non-cancer risks associated with THMs and HAAs are used to establish the fuzzy evaluation matrices. Subsequently, weighted evaluation matrices for both types of risks are established by performing cross products on the weighted vectors (founded on the analytic hierarchy process) and the fuzzy evaluation matrices. In the final stage, the weighted evaluation matrices of cancer and non-cancer risks are aggregated to determine the final risk rating. Two case studies are provided to demonstrate the application of this method.  相似文献   

以新疆库尔勒市为例,将利用测土配方施肥项目所取得的基础数据,筛选有机质、速效钾、有效磷、有效锌等可量化的指标作为评价指标。根据模糊数学理论和特尔斐法建立评价因子的隶属函数模型,利用层次分析法建立评价因子的层次分析模型。以ArcGIS统计分析模块和空间分析模块为平台,根据加法模型计算出耕地地力综合指数,划分耕地地力等级。评价结果基本符合当地实际。  相似文献   

Mesotrione is a carotenoid biosynthesis-inhibiting herbicide labeled for pre-emergence and postemergence weed control in corn production. Understanding the factors that influence the dissipation of mesotrione in soil and in the plant-available water (PAW) is important for the environmental fate assessment and optimal weed management practices. The present research investigated the role of soil properties and microbial activities on the interrelated sorption and degradation processes of mesotrione in four soils by direct measurements of PAW. We found that mesotrione bound to the soils time dependently, with approximately 14 d to reach equilibrium. The 24-h batch-slurry equilibrium experiments provided the sorption partition coefficient ranging from 0.26 to 3.53 L kg(-1), depending on soil organic carbon and pH. The dissipation of mesotrione in the soil-bound phase was primarily attributed to desorption to the PAW. Degradation in the PAW was rapid and primarily dependent on microbial actions, with half-degradation time (DT(50)) <3 d in all four soils tested. The rapid degradation in the PAW became rate limited by sorption as more available molecules were depleted in the soil pore water, resulting in a more slowed overall process for the total soil-water system (DT(50) <26 d). The dissipation of mesotrione in the PAW was due to microbial metabolism and time-dependent sorption to the soils. A coupled kinetics model calibrated with the data from the laboratory centrifugation technique provided an effective approach to investigate the interrelated processes of sorption and degradation in realistic soil moisture conditions.  相似文献   

为了降低城市生活垃圾焚烧厂渗滤液膜浓缩液混凝出水中的有机物浓度,采用电化学氧化对渗滤液膜浓缩液混凝出水进行了处理.同时,考察了阳极材料、电流密度、初始pH值和电解时间对有机物的去除影响,使用三维荧光光谱分析了有机物的去除特性,并通过氯离子的转化探讨了有机物的降解机理.结果 表明,钌铱(Ru-Ir/Ti)阳极对有机物的去...  相似文献   

Discourse analysis is becoming an increasingly common approach in planning and environmental policy research. This paper asserts that the generic treatment of discourse analysis obscures distinct approaches in which ‘discourses’ can combine different elements of text, systems of thought and action. Textually oriented approaches have been more prevalent during the 1990s, but this paper explores a different approach, grounded in the theory of Michel Foucault, which broadens discourse to embrace social action. Comparing and contrasting two studies that have utilized this approach, the paper suggests that there is considerable room for variation concerning the subjects of study, the institutional scale of analyses, the methods of investigation and process of analysis. Nevertheless, this paper identifies certain core elements of a Foucauldian discourse analytic approach. The paper concludes that this emerging approach to discourse analysis promises considerable insights if applied more widely in planning and environmental research. Copyright © 2001 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Characterization of total volatile organic compound emissions from paints   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Recently, Homeswest in Western Australia and Murdoch University developed a project to construct low allergen houses (LAH) in a newly developed suburb. All potential volatile organic compound (VOC) emission materials used in LAH are required to be measured before the construction of LAH, to ensure they are low VOCs emission materials. To protect people sensitive to exposure to VOCs it is important to evaluate and select low VOCs emitting paints. In this paper, therefore, twelve different paints provided by local manufacturers were selected for analysis to characterize total volatile organic compounds (TVOC) emissions. Emissions of TVOCs from six organic solvent-soluble paints and six water-soluble paints were evaluated using a small test chamber under controlled temperature, relative humidity and air exchange rates. The major volatile organic compounds in these paints were also identified. The time dependence of TVOC emissions from paint products in the chamber was evaluated. TVOC emissions from organic solvent-soluble and water-soluble paints were compared. The influence of air exchange rate on the TVOC concentrations emitted from organic solvent-soluble and water-soluble paints was also investigated. A double-exponential equation was used to evaluate emission characteristics of TVOC from paint products. With this double-exponential model, the physical processes of TVOC emissions can be explained. A variety of emission parameters can be calculated and used to estimate real indoor TVOCs concentrations.  相似文献   

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