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江苏省沿江开发区空间分工、制造业集聚与转移   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
基于新经济地理学相关理论,针对江苏省沿江开发战略实施以后,制造业空间可能存在的变动,在整理和分析调查问卷资料的基础上,选择专业化指数和基尼系数2种方法来定量分析江苏省21个沿江省级以上开发区空间分工、制造业集聚和转移态势。结果表明:(1)2002~2006年江南沿江开发区通过向江北沿江开发区转移部分传统产业,逐渐形成了江南沿江技术/资本密集型制造业“中心”和江北沿江劳动密集型制造业“外围”的空间分工格局;(2)江南沿江开发区内部、江北沿江开发区内部尚未形成良好的分工关系;(3)受开发区发展阶段、区域产业政策、本地化资源供给和市场需求等因素影响,并未发现理论预期的普遍存在的产业集聚现象,仅纺织服装、石化、电力、塑料橡胶等产业呈现集中趋势.  相似文献   

基于新经济地理学相关理论,针对江苏省沿江开发战略实施以后,制造业空间可能存在的变动,在整理和分析调查问卷资料的基础上,选择专业化指数和基尼系数2种方法来定量分析江苏省21个沿江省级以上开发区空间分工、制造业集聚和转移态势。结果表明:(1)2002~2006年江南沿江开发区通过向江北沿江开发区转移部分传统产业,逐渐形成了江南沿江技术/资本密集型制造业“中心”和江北沿江劳动密集型制造业“外围”的空间分工格局;(2)江南沿江开发区内部、江北沿江开发区内部尚未形成良好的分工关系;(3)受开发区发展阶段、区域产业政策、本地化资源供给和市场需求等因素影响,并未发现理论预期的普遍存在的产业集聚现象,仅纺织服装、石化、电力、塑料橡胶等产业呈现集中趋势.  相似文献   

作为快速交通流线的主要形式,高速铁路建设能有效拓展区域人口流动空间、增强区域联系度。本研究以沪宁城际高速铁路为例,基于宏观经济联系及问卷调查,通过构建经济联系强度模型、人口流动空间联系指数以及产业人口联系指数,定量分析城际高速铁路建设对区域人口流动空间的影响,探讨沪宁地区"一轴双核"经济结构运行机理。研究发现:①沪宁城际高速铁路建设有效拓宽了城市间人口流动时空,缩短了区域经济距离,以南京市和上海市为核心的人口、产业以及经济空间集聚效应明显,宁镇扬(南京、镇江、扬州)和苏锡常(苏州、无锡、常州)一体化程度增加,并且上海市与苏锡常地区相互联系增强,人口、产业、经济发展均质化程度提高;②高速铁路建成后,南京及上海周边地区呈现人口集聚的极核效应,上海与苏州、无锡与常州、南京与镇江的人口流动联系强度加强,高速铁路沿线区域"一轴双核"空间发展特征明显,经济一体化趋势加快;③沪宁城际高速铁路建成后,沿线居民出行频次增加,尤其是20-44岁之间的有较高职业声望的青壮年劳动力流动频次增加显著,这种微观变化一方面表征了区域经济联系度的增加,另一方面体现了区域人力资本之间的融合与相互依赖,是经济一体化的内在表现形式;④高速铁路服务水平、舒适度、准时性、高效性等是居民选择乘坐高速铁路的主要影响因子,居民出行及相互交流更注重实效;⑤结合区域产业分工与人口集聚,上海、南京的批发和零售业、文化、体育和娱乐业等,镇江市的信息传输、计算机服务和软件业等的产业人口流动趋势指数为正值,这些产业人口的流动是区域人口集聚的主要因素;同时苏州、无锡的制造业、常州的金融业等产业人口流动趋势指数为负值,从而导致这些城市人口呈现扩散趋势。  相似文献   

在产业转移及转型升级的背景下,以2006、2011、2016年我国21个主要制造业工业销售产值及从业人员为研究数据,应用动态集聚指数、产业梯度系数、改进偏离份额模型(SSM)等方法,对我国制造业转移及其结构演进进行探究.研究发现:(1)研究期内,制造业转移的主体是劳动密集型与部分技术密集型制造业,转移的方向是从东部向中西部地区,但2011~2016年江苏、浙江等地的化学原料、医药等制造业出现了较强的空间集聚态势;(2)东部地区的食品制造业、饮料制造业、金属冶炼业等边际产业的转移与技术授让,不仅优化了自身的产业组织形态,还促进了中西部地区制造业规模化、集聚化发展,而辽宁、吉林、黑龙江等地则须防范产业流失,引导制造业集聚发展;(3)研究期内,上海、广东等东部地区制造业结构效应指数W大于1,且平均结构偏离分量P较大,表明其制造业含有较大比重的朝阳产业,制造业产业结构较好;湖南、贵州等中西地区制造业竞争效果指数U大于1,且平均竞争效应较大,表明其制造业发展较为迅速,竞争力较强.研究有助于厘清在产业转移及转型升级的背景下,我国制造业转移及其结构演进的新特征,为我国经济、产业高质量发展提供借鉴意义.  相似文献   

运用产业专业化指数、竞合关系模型与产业分工指数测度了2001~2015年间江苏省制造业产业专业化、竞合关系与分工状态及其演进特征,同时运用随机效应函数分析了制造业区域分工的驱动因素。研究发现:江苏省制造业专业化演进呈现出苏南地区主导产业数量减少,苏北地区主导产业数量增加的特征,整体竞合网络结构较为稳定,但是局部竞合网络结构变化较大,江苏省制造业区域分工整体上呈现出了先增大后减小的趋势。产业专业化与区域间的合作促进了区域产业分工,但是当区域间存在较大的经济发展差异时不利于制造业的区域分工,同时距离过近的区域间容易形成区域产业竞争关系,也不利于区域分工关系的形成。  相似文献   

武汉城市圈制造业集聚的实证研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
采用调整后的产业集聚EG指标,结合产业集中度指数,对武汉城市圈2000~2007年制造业19个行业的集聚程度进行了精确的测度,并分别从制造业集聚度变动趋势、产业集聚度特征、产业集聚空间分布特征、增长集聚弹性等角度进行了详细的分析。结果表明:考察期间武汉城市圈制造业的区域集聚度较高,而且中高技术行业集聚特征十分明显,资源性和低技术行业较为分散;从行业的区域集聚空间分布特征来看,产业集中度较高,主要集中在武汉、黄石、孝感和黄冈4市,其它5个城市产业集中度较低,城市上榜次数较少,且上榜行业主要集中在资源性和低技术行业,形成了以武汉等4市为中心,其它5市为外围的“中心 外围”结构;构建的产业集聚弹性模型计算结果表明,整体上城市圈制造业集聚弹性较大,但不同行业间的弹性值差距明显。  相似文献   

整合新经济地理学、现代经济地理学强调的地方化因素,构建了一个包含初始因素、增强因素和扩散因素在内的非均质空间产业集聚的分析框架,采用历史归纳分析方法,深入剖析了影响苏锡常地区制造业集聚、扩散的向心力和离心力及其变化过程。认为,自然条件和地理区位优势、历史积累的地方化因素、接近外部市场是苏锡常地区产业集聚初始向心力;地方政府的作用、集群和网络效应成为外资快速集聚的增强因素;环境污染和生态环境的恶化、要素价格上涨、区域开发重点转移导致向心力和离心力的微妙变化,导致近年来苏锡常地区部分产业呈现扩散趋势,并使得苏锡常地区制造业步入产业升级重要阶段  相似文献   

泛长三角产业发展与环境污染的空间关联性研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
基于2003-2010年产业和环境数据,运用区域重心、地理集中指数等方法,探讨泛长三角地区产业发展与环境污染重心演变特征及其空间分布格局,并构建双变量空间自相关模型,揭示产业集聚与环境污染的空间关联性。结果表明:①泛长三角地区产业发展与环境污染重心均位于几何重心的东北方向,两者重心轨迹均朝西南方向移动,其中环境污染重心移动的速度和规模远远高于产业发展重心的移动,两者的轨迹演变趋势存在着一定耦合关系;②产业发展与环境污染地理集中度的空间分布均呈现东高西低格局,其中地区间产业发展极化程度下降明显,不均衡性趋于减缓;而环境污染极化程度无显著变化,地区间差异仍比较显著;③根据产业集聚与污染格局的空间关联程度,将泛长三角地区划分为高集聚—高污染、高集聚—低污染、低集聚—高污染、低集聚—低污染四种类型区。本研究可从空间效应角度为产业转型—转移与环境污染之间关联机理探讨提供新的视角。  相似文献   

中国生态效率的区域差异及动态演化研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
采用2000-2011年的统计数据,首先运用超效率DEA模型对中国30个省份的生态效率进行测算,在此基础上,运用空间自相关分析方法对中国省域生态效率的演化格局进行了实证分析,以此来探寻影响中国生态效率区域差异变化的空间机制。研究表明:我国生态效率平均水平处于0.854-1.050之间,整体呈现波动性变化趋势。从区域层面看,东部地区、中部地区和西部地区2000-2011年生态效率的平均值依次为1.821,0.559和0.381,生态效率呈现由沿海向内陆、由东部向中西部递减的格局,具有明显的"俱乐部收敛"现象。从省级层面看,生态效率较高的省区集聚于东部经济发达地区,而生态效率较低的省区则集中于西部经济欠发达地区;从全局空间自相关来看,2000-2011年中国各省份生态效率的全局Moran’s I值均显著为正(指数取值范围在0.236-0.400之间),表明中国各地区生态效率呈现出正的空间相关性特征,存在较明显的空间集聚特征,近邻效应显著;从局域空间自相关来看,80%左右的省份表现为在地理空间上显著的空间正相关(H-H集聚和L-L集聚),其中H-H集聚的沿海地区已成为中国生态效率的重要增长极,有着较强的正向辐射效应,有向周围扩散的趋势,而位于L-L集聚区的西部、中部地区的大部分省区及东北三省则在空间分布上较稳定。根据实证分析结果,提出政策建议:一是转变经济发展方式,巩固节能减排效果;二是把握区域发展特征,因地制宜促进发展;三是加强区域合作与交流,寻求区域协调发展新渠道。  相似文献   

长江流域经济一体化下的中游地区产业发展研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
由于市场经济尚不完善,行政条块分割,地区产业缺乏一体化的统筹考虑等原因,我国地区产业同构现象严重,地区之间缺乏有效的产业关联与协作,区域整体效益差。随着我国市场经济体制的逐步完善,地区间的行政壁垒逐步拆除,区域经济势必在市场作用下走向一体化,产业发展也将趋于地区特色化,区域间的产业联系也日益密切,先前地区割据局面将逐步打破。从这个观点出发,以长江流域经济的逐步一体化为前提,在分析中游地区产业成长环境和比较优势的基础上,探讨了中游地区在长江产业带中的产业地位和分工;比较研究了资源导向型,出口导向型,中心城市带动型,智力发展型的不同发展战略在中游地区实施的可行性,提出中游地区应充分利用我国中西部市场逐渐开拓,沿海地区产业升级过程中大量的初中级制造加工业向内地转移的机遇以及沿江航运及水资源优势,发展成为区内进口替代--面向区外市场的农业和制造业的半成品和最终产品的加工基地。  相似文献   

Natural resources and raw materials such as metals and minerals are often taken for granted in today’s society. Without them, the offerings of an enormous variety of modern conveniences, including computers and mobile phones, would not be possible. The production of these everyday items depends on a secure, sustainable, and reliable supply of critical raw materials. In addition, product development also requires new hybrid materials when targeting lightweight structures, etc. However, the mandatory recyclability of new products or materials is not obligatory or even prevailing practice in present manufacturing business. Therefore, the main research question in this article is: “how to solve the challenge of recycling in industrial system?” In this article, a comprehensive approach to recycling based on the findings of research projects is presented. Simplified, this involves moving the challenge from the end of the product’s life cycle to the beginning, to the design or even to material development phases. Life cycle and system thinking and material know-how in the design phase are found to be essential elements of a new approach to recycling. This approach stems from the material development and market economy perspectives. Furthermore, the vulnerability of the industrial system to create uncertainty to recycling is also demonstrated.  相似文献   

The Royal Decree of 20th July has entrusted the Federal Agency for Nuclear Control (FANC) with the task of controlling the territorial radioactivity and the doses received by the population. Within this agenda, a monitoring programme has been developed over many years, in order to follow the main potential exposure pathways of the population. In practice, several potential vectors of contamination are controlled: air (and rain), surface water (including sediments and biota), soils around nuclear installations, food chain, drinking water etc. To carry out such work, the FANC has collaborated with public or private reputable organisations: The Centre of Nuclear Energy Studies of Mol, The National Institute of Radionuclides of Fleurus, and The Louis Pasteur Public Health Institute of Brussels. A synthesis of this monitoring programme will be presented and the most important deductions will be pointed out. For many years, the tendency has been for tighter control of artificial and natural radioactivity in the environment. This has been achieved by increasingly stringent regulations, regarding environmental monitoring efforts, from international organisations (EC, OSPAR, IAEA). In this context, the FANC in Belgium, is involved in a process that will lead to the adaptation of the Belgian monitoring programme. Different aspects of these adaptations and of their consequences will be presented for illustrative purposes.  相似文献   

退耕还林工程费用有效性的影响因素分析   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
费用有效性评价是工程评价的重要方面。从政策制定和执行角度对退耕还林的费用有效性及其影响因素进行分析。具有重要的意义。利用实地调研数据和相关统计数据.从退耕地选择和造林入手对退耕还林工程实施的费用有效性殛其影响因素进行考察.并尝试对这些因素的作用机制进行了分析。研究指出由于缺乏长期的和有效的退耕还林规划以及相关政策措施的缺失.使得退耕还林费用有效性的损失在微观层面和宏观层面广泛存在。而各利益主体的利益不相害性是影响工程有效实施的基本矛盾。有必要在遇耕还林中确立明确的规划、清晰的退耕地选择标准。建立和完善管理信息系统和及时有效的反馈和控制机制。构建协调多方利益的长期稳定的生态补偿机制。从而改进退耕还林工程的费用有效性。  相似文献   

This paper analyzes the patterns of the formation of the aquatic and semiaquatic bird species population under the conditions of the altitudinal zonality of the Putorana Plateau. The population density and abundance of a number of background species was ascertained to decrease from the subalpine belt towards the forest and alpine belt. The bird population density in all the considered aquatic and semiaquatic habitats was revealed to change in a rather narrow range of values: the maximal population density indicator in aquatic and semiaquatic habitats is only 1.9 times higher than the minimal indicator. In the mountainous Subarctic region with a radial macrosymmetry, the spatial dynamics of abundance has a concentrically centrifugal nature in many aquatic and semiaquatic bird species.  相似文献   

The transparency of the forest canopy of lichen-green moss pine forests was estimated for different numbers of sectors of the celestial hemisphere. The ecological contents of these estimations are discussed. The dominance frequencies of species of the herbaceous-dwarf shrub and moss-lichen layers were analyzed. Based on the results of this analysis, it was concluded that the transparency estimated for the zenith sector alone better reflects the influence of leaf debris and the rainfall interception by the crowns. If the transparency was estimated taking into account all sectors of the celestial hemisphere, the effect of community disturbance increased and the redistribution of rainfall was masked.  相似文献   

A methodology of substantiating the ecological risk of technogenic soil pollution has been described according to the results of bioindication using microfungal communities. At the first state, the values of the factors under which the frequency of each species is maximal were estimated using ordination methods. The statistical distribution of the species sensitivity was simulated according to these data. The methodology was illustrated using the results of analysis of the toxicity of soil samples from uranium mine dumps (the village of Kadzhi-Sai, Kyrgyzstan). The preliminary estimates of the critical values of six soil pollution indices that provide the defined allowable probability of the ecological risk have been given.  相似文献   

Principles of the theory of the ecological mechanism of water self-purification based on multiple functions of the biota in freshwater and marine ecosystems are formulated. In developing this theory, the results of the author's experiments with filtering hydrobionts have been used. These results indicate that the water self-purification mechanism is vulnerable to the impact of some pollutants and, in particular, surfactants. Conclusions drawn on the basis of the theory have practical significance for biodiversity conservation and for the sustainable use of the biological resources of aquatic ecosystems.  相似文献   

凤凰城旅游景区转让后的效应评价   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
在我国经济市场化改革的大背景下,转让景区经营权、实行企业化运作成为一些风景名胜区经营管理改革过程中的一种制度创新模式。地处西部大开发战略图中的湘西凤凰县由于在旅游开发中受到了资金缺口和管理瓶颈的双重制约,于2001年底将其辖域内的八大景区(点)的50年经营权转让给了湖南黄龙洞投资股份有限公司。景区经营权转让是一个十分复杂而敏感的话题。本文避开关于景区经营权转让的各种是非争论,基于对旅游地社区各利益主体以及旅游者的实地调查和访谈记录分析,对凤凰景区企业化运作三年来的绩效与影响作了较为客观的评估,并就如何完善景区企业化运作模式、规避经营管理风险和负面影响等提出了相关理论思考和政策建议。  相似文献   

The external gamma-dose rate at 1 m height above a flat area due to the presence of fallout radiocesium in the soil is frequently calculated from the observed depth profile of the 137Cs activity as well as the soil mass per unit area. At a given site, these depth profiles may, however, vary considerably, thus introducing an uncertainty to the external gamma-dose calculated in this way. To assess this source of uncertainty for a typical grassland site, the activity of Chernobyl-derived 137Cs and the wet bulk density in the three upper soil layers at 100 plots in a 100 m x 100 m pasture were determined. Analysis of these data shows that the frequency distribution of the dose rates calculated from the corresponding depth profiles of all plots is similar to a log-normal distribution (mean 25 nGy h-1, median 22 nGy h-1, standard deviation 11 nGy h-1; range 1.6-56 nGy h-1). The various sources which contribute to the uncertainty of the dose rate are quantified. The semi-variogram indicates that any spatial dependence of the dose rates occurs on this pasture only over distances that are smaller than the shortest sampling interval (here about 10 m). It is estimated which errors have to be expected for the median dose rate when the depth profiles of 137Cs and of the wet bulk density are determined only for a small number of plots. It is preferable to calculate the mean dose rate as a mean from the n individual dose rates rather than from an averaged 137Cs depth profile of the n plots.  相似文献   

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