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近年来,我国个体防护装备标准体系在逐步完善,但个体防护装备的管理标准在比例上相对于产品标准还较为薄弱。《劳动防护用品配备标准(试行)》自2000年公布实施以来一直作为试行标准,标准的发布与实施对安全生产工作和劳动者安全健康保护起到了积极作用。  相似文献   

个体防护装备是保护劳动者在生产过程安全与健康的一种防御性装备,在我国又称为劳动防护用品.个体防护装备的防护功能和产品质量直接关系到劳动者的安全与健康.为此,世界各国都有专门研究机构,结合行业特点开发各种类型的个体防护装备,满足生产需要,保持经济持续发展.各国政府都将个体防护装备作为特殊产品,实行产品检验和市场准入制度,保证产品质量,保障劳动者的安全与健康.  相似文献   

通过对欧盟、美国等国家和我国的相关法律法规的调查,针对受限物质的管理制度,分析了化学品管控上的要求;对比国内、外法规和标准对受限物质的限制要求,总结我国个体防护装备鞋靴标准的差异,探讨了我国个体防护装备鞋靴的化学安全性,阐述了对我国个体防护装备鞋靴标准体系及标准的看法,提出了建议。为保护作业人员的健康和安全,提高和完善我国个体防护装备标准体系,制定个体防护装备鞋靴的有害物质限制标准提供依据。  相似文献   

劳动防护用品是保护劳动者在劳动过程中避免或减轻伤亡事故和职业危害所配备的个体防护装备,配备劳动防护用品是保护劳动者安全与健康的重要措施之一。因此,劳动防护用品装备在安全生产监督管理中也是一项重要内容。  相似文献   

1中国劳动防护用品产业现状 劳动防护用品是保护劳动者在劳动过程中避免或减轻伤亡事故和职业危害所配备的个体防护装备,配备劳动防护用品是保护劳动者安全与健康的重要措施之一.因此,劳动防护用品装备在安全生产监督管理中也是一项重要内容.  相似文献   

1引言个体防护装备,又称劳动防护用品,是指直接佩戴在人体、保护劳动者个人机体的局部或全身免受外来侵害的健康安全装备或者用品。工矿企业的职业危害因素较多,不同岗位的个体防护装备也有所不同。如何选择、购置、佩戴、淘汰个体防护装备,是职业健康管理的重要环节与内容,也是工矿企业(特别是安全主管部门)面临的安全管理问题。本文简单介绍个体防护装备及其应用,抛砖引玉,旨在引起个体防护装备的重视、提高工  相似文献   

正PPE(Personal Protective Equipment)即个体防护装备,以往称劳动防护用品,是以保护劳动者安全和健康为目的,并且直接与人体接触的装备或者用品。"9·11"事件发生后,人们的反恐意识愈加强烈,而近期,国内又爆发了多起刀砍、爆炸等暴力事件,人们日益渴望社会的和平和个人的人身安全,社会也对个体防护装备有着实质需求,个体防护装甲的研制和开发得到了快速发展。纵然对个体防护装备产业来说,市场上存在着较强的推动力,但企业的实际发展却显得不是尽如人意,本文将从多个方面分析我国个体防护装备企业的现状并探析应对措施。  相似文献   

过期劳保用品造成安全隐患 劳动防护用品是保护劳动者在劳动过程中避免或减轻伤亡事故和职业危害所配备的个体防护装备,配备劳动防护用品是保护劳动者安全与健康的重要措施之一,防护服、安全帽、矿灯等都属于劳保用品。  相似文献   

劳动防护用品是保护劳动者在劳动过程中的安全与健康所必需的一种预防性装备。其生产、检测、管理和使用是取得防护效果的重要环节。根据劳动防护用品管理工作的实践,试就四个方面提出粗浅看法。 一、劳动防护用品的作用 劳动防护用品是劳动保护工作中的一个重要组成部分,是保护劳动者在劳动过程中的安全与健康所必需的一种预防性装备。一  相似文献   

个体防护装备研究待扩展《中国安全生产报》2002 12 17 个体防护装备在我国称为劳动保护用品(Labor Protective Equipment,简称LPE),自20世纪50年代沿用原苏联的称谓至今;而国际上通称个体防护装备或个体防护用品(Personal Proteotive Equipment,简称PPE)包含了各类防护装备,其在抵御外来侵袭、减少人员伤亡方面发挥着重要作用。对安全健康的重视和关心已不再限于劳动者。  相似文献   

By establishing the internal market, the European Union intended to create an area in which safety and health at work are guaranteed. For this purpose, a series of directives was passed.

The EC Directive 89/686/EEC “Approximation of the laws of the Member States relating to personal protective equipment” is of particular interest to the manufacturers of personal protective equipment (PPE). On the European level, harmonized standards, that put these basic health and safety requirements into more concrete terms have to be available. The European Standardizing Committee (CEN) is charged with the elaboration of European standards.

A total of 176 standards relating to personal protective equipment have to be setup; 57 of them are available at present. All CEN members are obliged to transpose them without modification into national standards. Formerly existing national standards have to be withdrawn.

Existing European standards sometimes show deficiencies regarding the specification of requirements according to Directive 89/686/EEC: the standardization of PPE for special fields of application and insufficient harmonization of provisions for different PPE serving the same protective purpose. Test methods are not always described precisely enough.  相似文献   

This study reports the general health and safety (HS) conditions in the Turkish construction industry from the perspective of construction labor. Toward this aim, a questionnaire survey was carried out with 800 workers employed in 32 construction projects in Turkey. Contractors were found to neglect their legal liabilities in paying workers’ insurance premiums. Also, they overlooked safety training and were reluctant to hiring physicians at construction sites and investing in personal protective equipment (PPE). As the real constructors of projects, workers did not attach adequate importance to occupational training. In addition, they were not willing to use some PPE. Key participants of HS affairs such as workers, contractors, unions, and government should comprehend their drawbacks to overcome the current dangerous view of the industry. In this regard, related government bodies should compel contractors and workers to adapt to the relatively new regulations on occupational HS.  相似文献   

Introduction: The phenomenon that construction workers do not use personal protective equipment (PPE) is a major reason for the high occurrence frequency of accidents in the construction industry. However, little efforts have been made to quantitatively examine the factors influencing construction workers’ acceptance of PPE. Method: In the current study, a PPE acceptance model for construction workers (PAMCW) was proposed to address the noted need. The PAMCW incorporates the technology acceptance model, theory of planned behavior, risk perception, and safety climate for explaining construction worker acceptance of PPE. 413 construction workers participated in this study to fill out a structured questionnaire. The PAMCW was analyzed using structural equation modeling. Results: Results provide evidence of the applicability of the technology acceptance model and theory of planned behavior to the PPE acceptance among construction workers. The positive influence of safety climate and risk perception-severity on attitude toward using PPE was significant. Safety climate positively influences perceived usefulness. Risk perception-worry and unsafe was found to positively affect intention to use PPE. Practical Applications: Practical suggestions for increasing construction workers’ use of PPE are also discussed.  相似文献   

《地质勘查劳动防护和野外救生、特殊生活用品(用具)配备标准》是地质勘查行业的首个劳动防护领域职业安全健康标准。《地质勘查劳动防护和野外救生、特殊生活用品(用具)配备标准》的制定,将对提高地质勘查行业从业人员的劳动防护水平,降低职业危害,减少安全事故,促进我国地质勘查行业安全生产等方面起到积极推动作用。文章从行业安全现状以及地质勘查事故风险等方面介绍《地质勘查劳动防护和野外救生、特殊生活用品(用具)配备标准》编制背景,并对标准编制方法与思路、内容划分、作业人员分类、重点内容等进行了讨论。针对该标准的讨论有助于标准的贯彻执行,对安全技术类标准的编制也具有一定参考价值。  相似文献   

本文主要介绍了个体防护行业创建“标准化良好行为企业”的重要性以及与其他管理体系的整合,同时详细介绍了创建“标准化良好行为企业”的程序以及标准体系建立的依据、原则、方式等,以促进个体防护行业管理水平、产品质量水平的提升,使人们的安全与健康得到有效保护。  相似文献   

Accidents involving contractors continue to occur with regular frequency. By using the standard set within the PSM 29 CFR 1910.119(h) regulations, it has been identified that certain aspects of the way contractors do work are not up to the stipulated regulatory requirements especially regarding matters like not providing mandatory personal protective equipment (PPE) to the workers, not discussing hazards related to handling procedures with the workforce and improper control of non-routine activities during changes in shifts. The PSM 29 CFR 1910.119(h) regulations promulgated in 1992 provides standards that covered processes to obtain and evaluate data regarding contractors' health and safety programs as well as the contractors' performance evaluation. Many of the accidents involving contractors are direct result of poor training of contractors and/or poor control of the contracted work. Even though most organizations have their own contractor management systems, there are issues in meeting the requirements of PSM. The PSM standard only state “what to do” not “how to do it”. This is known as self-regulatory policy which depends on the industries understanding to interpret the standard that also contribute to this problem. This paper presents a structured and easy technique to plan and implement a practical and comprehensive contractors' management system in process industries that will comply with OSHA CFR 1910.119. A model has been developed based on this technique and its application has been tested in a pilot plant for compliance to PSM regulation. The model is beneficial to the process industries as any deficiencies in the PSM contractors' management program will be highlighted by the model which will then easily correct the identified deficiency so as to minimize and prevent catastrophic accidents.  相似文献   

个体防护装备是保障从业者人身安全的重要保护装备,研制性能优异的保护装备、装具和防护用品,可保障从业人员的作业安全。如何更好的感知危险因素,预防安全事故的发生,实现从业人员快速撤离的主动式个体防护技术及装备将成为研究重点。本文提出主动式个体防护装备的创新研制需立足危险因素及作业人员这两个关键环节,实现危险因素信息与作业人员信息的实时感知、高效互通、快速预警与处置,进而实现个体防护装备从被动防护到主动防护的深刻变革。  相似文献   

调研了安全产业相关概念,从安全生产角度,提出了狭义的安全产业定义;结合部分领域、部分地区的安全产业市场规模以及安全产业基地建设情况,分析了我国安全产业的总体发展现状;从产业规模、产业结构、产业政策和标准、产业科技基础和成果转化应用等方面,分析了我国安全产业发展面临的主要问题;基于我国安全产业发展现状,结合相关产业发展的经验教训,提出了我国安全产业的市场化、规模化、专业化、标准化、集约化的发展趋势;针对发展存在的主要问题,结合安全产业发展趋势,提出了开展产业基础调研、制定产业发展战略、构建产业支撑体系等加快我国安全产业发展的相关建议.分析提出的问题、趋势和建议,可为加快我国安全产业的发展提供参考.  相似文献   

本文分析了职业安全健康标志应用的必要性和前景,结合国内外先进技术经验,初步设计了基于价值理论的职业安全健康标志的认证和使用制度。与我国现行的生产许可证特种劳防用品强制性认证制度对照,这种社会化自愿形式的认证模式涵盖企业和产品范围更广,认证要求更高,提供个性化服务的功能更强。它是对我国个体防护领域认证制度的一个有益补充,也是接轨全球个体防护产业和产品市场的必要手段。  相似文献   

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