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全球CO_2排放研究趋势及其对我国的启示   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
近几年,全球气候变暖已经成为国际社会的共识,由此而引发的温室气体减排计划也陆续在主要发达国家开始实施,有关CO_2排放问题的研究也成为全球的学术焦点.通过对全球CO_2排放研究趋势的总结发现:首先,国际社会有关CO_2排放的核算方法不断完善,从IPCC(1995)到IPCC(2006),内容更加完善,方法更趋合理;其次,排放责任的区分日益公平合理,随着"碳转移"和"碳泄露"问题研究的深入,有关排放责任区分方法的研究逐渐在从生产视角向消费视角转变;第三,排放因素分解逐步深入,分解公式包括KAYA公式和投入产出公式,分解方法从指数法到平均对数法再到微积分法,分解模型日趋成熟和多元化;第四,排放预测模型也不断综合化、长期化,自上而下模型和自下而上模型逐渐相互借鉴和融合.在此基础上,笔者对我国CO_2排放研究提出了几点启发,即加快排放因子数据库建设,重视责任排放和结构分析研究,提高自主建模的水平和完善我国技术环境数据库等.以期提高我国对温室气体排放现状和历史的认识,在国际气候变化领域发挥积极的作用.  相似文献   

With frequent disastrous weathers and increasingly prominent GHG effects in recent years, normal existence and development of mankind are facing unprecedented threats and challenges. GHG emissions mitigation for the global climate changes has been the focus of concern of the world. As the biggest developing country and the second largest country of carbon-emission, China attaches importance to the carbon emission reduction. The major GHG component is carbon dioxide and in China, the emission of carbon dioxide is mainly from industrial production. In the paper, the status and trend of Co2 emission from industrial departments, high-carbon emission and its specific industries are shown in statistics. Meanwhile, the policy environment, industrial organization structure and technology of carbon high emission are all discussed based on practical situations in these departments and industries. At the end, through the analysis of gray correlation, correlativity is explored for both fossil energy consumption and total carbon emission, and also for the production value and carbon emission of each industrial sector. Some policy proposals for the establishment of low-carbon industries and transition of economic development pattern are set forth.  相似文献   

Environment, Development and Sustainability - Global climate change due to greenhouse gas emissions has observable impacts on environment. Among the GHG emissions, carbon dioxide is the primary...  相似文献   

This paper reviews the Regional Carbon Sequestration Partnerships (RCSP) concept, which is a first attempt to bring the U.S. Department of Energy's (DOE) carbon sequestration program activities into the "real world" by using a geographically-disposed-system type approach for the U.S. Each regional partnership is unique and covers a unique section of the U.S. and is tasked with determining how the research and development activities of DOE's carbon sequestration program can best be implemented in their region of the country. Although there is no universal agreement on the cause, it is generally understood that global warming is occurring, and many climate scientists believe that this is due, in part, to the buildup of carbon dioxide (CO(2)) in the atmosphere. This is evident from the finding presented in the National Academy of Science Report to the President on Climate Change which stated "Greenhouse gases are accumulating in Earth's atmosphere as a result of human activities, causing surface air temperatures and subsurface ocean temperatures to rise. Temperatures are, in fact, rising. The changes observed over the last several decades are likely mostly due to human activities, ...". In the United States, emissions of CO(2) originate mainly from the combustion of fossil fuels for energy production, transportation, and other industrial processes. Roughly one third of U.S. anthropogenic CO(2) emissions come from power plants. Reduction of CO(2) emissions through sequestration of carbon either in geologic formations or in terrestrial ecosystems can be part of the solution to the problem of global warming. However, a number of steps must be accomplished before sequestration can become a reality. Cost effective capture and separation technology must be developed, tested, and demonstrated; a database of potential sequestration sites must be established; and techniques must be developed to measure, monitor, and verify the sequestered CO(2). Geographical differences in fossil fuel use, the industries present, and potential sequestration sinks across the United States dictate the use of a regional approach to address the sequestration of CO(2). To accommodate these differences, the DOE has created a nationwide network of seven Regional Carbon Sequestration Partnerships (RCSP) to help determine and implement the carbon sequestration technologies, infrastructure, and regulations most appropriate to promote CO(2) sequestration in different regions of the nation. These partnerships currently represent 40 states, three Indian Nations, four Canadian Provinces, and over 200 organizations, including academic institutions, research institutions, coal companies, utilities, equipment manufacturers, forestry and agricultural representatives, state and local governments, non-governmental organizations, and national laboratories. These partnerships are dedicated to developing the necessary infrastructure and validating the carbon sequestration technologies that have emerged from DOE's core R&D and other programs to mitigate emissions of CO(2), a potent greenhouse gas. The partnerships provide a critical link to DOE's plans for FutureGen, a highly efficient and technologically sophisticated coal-fired power plant that will produce both hydrogen and electricity with near-zero emissions. Though limited to the situation in the U.S., the paper describes for the international scientific community the approach being taken by the U.S. to prepare for carbon sequestration, should that become necessary.  相似文献   

甲烷的全球变暖潜势是二氧化碳的72倍(20年水平),但其在大气中的寿命短于二氧化碳,可以作为优先减排对象。中国的甲烷排放十分突出,甲烷减排在应对气候变化国家战略中具有重要的基础性地位,然而在政策研究中,甲烷受到的关注程度远低于二氧化碳。本文基于甲烷排放研究的相关进展,首次系统性地论述了中国甲烷排放与应对气候变化国家战略之间的关系。主要结论是:甲烷排放的有效控制和减缓可以成为中国温室气体减排的重要组成部分,甲烷等温室气体的减排战略要用"系统减排"思路替代传统的"末端减排"思路;甲烷系统减排的策略和实施措施不仅需要重视主要排放部门(如煤炭开采与洗选业,农业)的直接末端减排,更需要突出强调建设活动、城市消费、资本投资和出口贸易等消费端的间接体现减排;在国际气候谈判中通过纳入甲烷排放,可以至少在五个方面丰富和支撑中国的国家立场,如从承诺"单位GDP二氧化碳减排"向承诺"单位GDP温室气体减排"转变。  相似文献   

节能减排目标任务的制定需要依据科学合理的CO2排放量测算。现有的IPCC提供的CO2排放量计算方法仅考虑一次能源燃料所产生的CO2,未考虑到二次能源省际调配的情况,不能真实反映各省CO2排放情况。本研究提出了考虑二次能源省际调配情况下CO2排放量的计算方法,并以2009年的数据为例,对各省能源消费CO2排放量进行了计算。考虑二次能源省际调配后,传统的能源大省如内蒙古、山西的CO2排放总量下降,东部沿海省份的CO2排放总量上升。中西部地区的CO2排放强度仍显著高于东部地区。中西部地区存在能源利用效率低、能源加工技术设备落后的情况,导致了西部地区的CO2排放强度偏高。建议中央在实施西部大开发"十二五"规划时,应当加强对中西部地区能源加工行业的投资,改善能源加工技术,改良加工设备,提高能源加工效率,降低CO2排放强度。建议由能源调入省向能源调出省份实施补偿。该部分补偿资金用于调出省的能源产业升级改造,以顺利实现节能减排的目标。  相似文献   

重庆市温室气体排放清单研究与核算   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
城市化进程所带来的大量能源消费和温室气体排放已成为制约城市健康快速发展的瓶颈因素,亟需进行定量核算和分析。开展温室气体清单研究对节能减排和低碳城市建设具有重要的理论和实践意义。本文以重庆市为案例,通过清单方法分析主要温室气体排放源和碳汇,考虑主要能源活动、工业、废弃物处置、农业、畜牧业、湿地过程和林业碳汇,核算排放总量和强度,剖析重庆温室气体排放结构和现状。结果显示:1997-2008年重庆市温室气体排放总量呈现出上升趋势,2008年比1997年增长了2.31倍,其中增长幅度较大的是一次能源消费过程、外购电力和工业非能源过程。此外,随着温室气体排放量的增加,单位产值温室气体排放量却呈现下降的趋势,反映重庆市温室气体排放控制取得了一定效果。最后根据重庆市温室气体排放结果进行分析,提出了改变能源结构和工业结构、提高能效和加强"森林重庆"建设等政策建议,为重庆市转型低碳经济发展提供参考。  相似文献   

江苏省交通运输业能源消费碳排放及脱钩效应   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
通过自上而下的计算方法,测算了江苏省1995~2010年交通运输行业能源消费碳排放量和人均碳排放量,并结合行业自身发展特点,扩展了Kaya恒等式,运用LMDI分解法进行分解分析。同时,在上述基础上采用Tapio模型对江苏省交通碳排放与交通运输业经济发展的脱钩关系进行了探讨。研究发现:(1)江苏省交通碳排放量与人均碳排量均呈明显上升趋势,其中石油制品类能源消费碳排放表现突出;(2)正向驱动交通碳排放量增加的因素为经济产出、人口规模和产业结构,负向驱动因素为交通能源结构和交通能源强度。其中,拉动碳排放量增长的决定性因素是经济产出规模的扩大,而促使碳排放减少的主要因素是交通能源强度的降低,相对于正向驱动因素,负向驱动因素抑制交通碳排放增加作用有限;(3)交通碳排放量变化与运输业经济发展之间的脱钩状态以扩张负连接、扩张负脱钩和弱脱钩为主,脱钩关系总体呈先恶化后改善的趋势,但要完全实现两者的绝对脱钩,依然任重道远  相似文献   

城市是人类生产和生活的中心,超过75%的温室气体从城市产生,其中又以城市产业部门能源消费和工业过程非能源产生的CO2为主。本文基于投入产出模型,评价城市产业部门3个不同层次的CO2排放。以重庆为案例,核算其2002-2008年产业部门三个层次的CO2排放,包括能源消费直接排放、购买电力间接排放和全生命周期排放,并进行多层次对比。结果显示传统能源消耗和购买电力为对象的核算方法低估了产业部门CO2排放水平。2002-2008年,重庆各产业部门排放量逐年增加,碳排放强度整体呈现下降趋势。煤炭开采和洗选业、非金属矿采选业、非金属矿物制品业、电力、热力的生产和供应业,化学工业、金属冶炼及压延加工业、交通运输、仓储及邮电通讯业部门共7大行业是重庆碳排放的重点行业。部门交通设备制造业是重庆的优势产业,排放总量大,但是排放强度却相对较小,因此应大力发展该产业以促进重庆市低碳经济的发展。  相似文献   

农田固碳措施对温室气体减排影响的研究进展   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
农田是CO2,CH4和N2O三种温室气体的重要排放源,在全球范围内农业生产活动贡献了约14%的人为温室气体排放量,以及58%的人为非CO2排放,不合理的农田管理措施强化了农田温室气体排放源特征,弱化了农田固碳作用。土壤碳库作为地球生态系统中最活跃的碳库之一,同时也是温室气体的重要源/汇。研究表明通过采取合理的农田管理措施,既可起到增加土壤碳库、减少温室气体排放的目的,又能提高土壤质量。农田土壤碳库除受温度、降水和植被类型的影响外,还在很大程度上受施肥量、肥料类型、秸秆还田量、耕作措施和灌溉等农田管理措施的影响。本文通过总结保护性耕作/免耕,秸秆还田,氮肥管理,水分管理,农学及土地利用变化等农田管理措施,探寻增强农田土壤固碳作用,减少农田温室气体排放的合理途径。农田碳库的稳定/增加,对于保证全球粮食安全与缓解气候变化趋势具有双重的积极意义。在我国许多有关土壤固碳与温室气体排放的研究尚不系统或仅限于短期研究,这也为正确评价各种固碳措施对温室气体排放的影响增加了不确定性。  相似文献   

畜牧业“碳排放”到“碳足迹”核算方法的研究进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
全球变暖趋势日益加剧,不仅影响农业可持续发展,而且威胁到人类生存。畜牧业碳排放因其在农业碳排放中乃至全球碳排放中占比较大而日益备受关注。准确核算畜牧业碳排放是制定切实可行的碳减排政策的前提,也为我国在气候变化下承担共同但有差别的减排责任提供话语权。本文基于研究范式的演进,对畜牧业碳排放到碳足迹核算方法的研究发展进行了系统梳理,研究表明,在学者的不断研究与质疑下,畜牧业碳排放到碳足迹的核算方法经历了从OECD核算法、IPCC系数法到生命周期法与投入-产出法的演变与完善,学术界认为区域异质性、养殖规模与管理方式均影响碳足迹;散养比规模化养殖产生更多的碳排放,舍饲比户外放牧排放更多的碳。畜牧业碳足迹核算能够更加全面地反映畜牧业全生命周期的碳排放情况,但由于研究假设、研究方法及研究样本等差异导致不同区域、不同畜产品的碳排放核算结果存在不确定性。运用生命周期法和投入-产出法对欧盟成员国畜牧业碳排放的核算结果基本一致,但运用IPCC系数法和全生命周期法对中国畜牧业碳排放核算中,牛、猪和羊的碳排放量排序结果不尽一致。鉴于核算结果的差异性,本研究对不同核算方法的起源、最早采用时间、特点、局限性等方面进行了归纳总结,并建议后续研究探讨基于生命周期评价的畜牧业碳足迹研究边界的延伸性,标准化畜牧业碳排放或碳足迹核算,避免学者重复核算畜牧业碳排放,以便深入展开畜牧业碳排放其他方面的研究。  相似文献   

征收碳税对中国经济影响的实证   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
近年来,中国CO2排放置显著增加,已引起社会各界的广泛关注.碳税作为最有效的经济手段之一,适时开征,不仅是我国应对气候变化、节能减排的要求,也是中国承担相应的国际责任的要求.本文根据中国各省(市、自治区)能源消费量及相关系数对相关能源产品使用产生的CO2排放量进行了核算,并依据国际实践经验拟定了三种不同情景的碳税税率.利用1999 - 2007年间的省际面板数据,通过面板数据模型定量分析了征收碳税对中国经济的影响,特别是对经济增长、能源消耗影响.研究表明:①征收碳税会降低社会总产出,对经济增长具有消极影响,从长期看,随着碳税体制完善,税率逐步提高,这种消极影响将逐渐减弱;②征收碳税可以提高能源的产出效率,降低能源要素的使用,减少CO2的排放;③碳税税率提高会减小劳动和资本要素之间的收入分配差距.因此,碳税开征具有明显的节能减排效果,且能有效地调整要素间收入分配.但是受中国现阶段经济发展水平的制约,碳税对中国经济冲击较大,短期内暂不适合开征.  相似文献   

二氧化碳排放的国际比较及对我国低碳经济发展的启示   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
首先分析了我国二氧化碳排放的基本情况,指出当前二氧化碳排放增长率虽然有所下降,但环境形势依然严峻。然后从国家碳排放总量、人均CO2排放量、单位GDP二氧化碳排放量、国家累积碳排放和人均累积碳排放几个方面对我国二氧化碳排放水平与国际水平进行了比较,并结合节能减排目标对我国低碳经济的发展提出了相关建议。  相似文献   

The Welsh Government is committed to reduce greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions from agricultural systems and combat the effects of future climate change. In this study, the ECOSSE model was applied spatially to estimate GHG and soil organic carbon (SOC) fluxes from three major land uses (grass, arable and forest) in Wales. The aims of the simulations were: (1) to estimate the annual net GHG balance for Wales; (2) to investigate the efficiency of the reduced nitrogen (N) fertilizer goal of the sustainable land management scheme (Glastir), through which the Welsh Government offers financial support to farmers and land managers on GHG flux reduction; and (3) to investigate the effects of future climate change on the emissions of GHG and plant net primary production (NPP). Three climate scenarios were studied: baseline (1961–1990) and low and high emission climate scenarios (2015–2050). Results reveal that grassland and cropland are the major nitrous oxide (N2O) emitters and consequently emit more GHG to the atmosphere than forests. The overall average simulated annual net GHG balance for Wales under baseline climate (1961–1990) is equivalent to 0.2 t CO2e ha?1 y?1 which gives an estimate of total annual net flux for Wales of 0.34 Mt CO2e y?1. Reducing N fertilizer by 20 and 40 % could reduce annual net GHG fluxes by 7 and 25 %, respectively. If the current N fertilizer application rate continues, predicted climate change by the year 2050 would not significantly affect GHG emissions or NPP from soils in Wales.  相似文献   

中国经济增长与CO2排放演化探析   总被引:42,自引:6,他引:36  
随着全球能源消耗的持续增加,温室气体的排放和气候灾变日益受到各国政府的高度关注,有关区域经济发展与大气环境效应演变规律和态势的研究亦方兴未艾。本文旨在采用SPSS统计软件和Excel系统。以库兹涅茨环境曲线{EKC)及衍生曲线为依据,对中国CO2排放量与人均收入增长时序资料进行统计拟合得出中国经济发展与CO2排放的函数关系。研究表明,三次曲线方程较之标准型的环境库兹涅茨二次曲线方程更能映示中国数十年来经济发展与CO2排放变化之间的相依关系。这种似“N型”而非“倒U型”的演化特征。意昧着我国在同时推进经济发展和环境保护事业上仍处于过渡期,尚无法达到两者协同发展的阶段。为此,本文对我国耒案经济.社会的健康发展和CO2减排提出了系列应对的策略。  相似文献   

为更好地推动崇明低碳生态岛的建设,在应用以自下而上的部门法为基础的区域范围温室气体排放评估核算方法,全面核算崇明岛能源消费及温室气体排放现状的基础上,应用LEAP模型,通过情景分析预测崇明岛中长期能源消费需求以及温室气体排放水平,并进一步应用对数平均指数法(LMDI)对影响崇明岛未来温室气体排放的主要因素进行了定量分析。研究表明:参考情景下,崇明岛能源消费总量从2010年的101万吨标煤增加到2050年的533万吨标煤,净碳足迹从2010年的238万吨CO2e增加到2050年的579万吨CO2e。崇明岛能源消费需求和碳排放增加的主要驱动因素是未来的经济发展、人口增长和生活水平的提高,但是通过一系列的优化,尤其是能源结构的变化和能耗强度的下降,减排情景下,崇明岛能源消费总量有可能在2039年左右达到峰值,并有望在2050年左右实现"零碳岛"的长期发展目标。结合定量分析的结论,进一步提出了实现崇明岛低碳发展中长期目标的可能性和重点发展领域。  相似文献   

The Paris Agreement marks the beginning of a new era in the global response to climate change, which further clarifies the long-term goal and underlines the urgency addressing climate change. For China, promoting the decoupling between economic growth and carbon emissions as soon as possible is not only the core task of achieving the medium- and long-term goals and strategies to address climate change, but also the inevitable requirement for ensuring the sustainable development of economy and society. Based on the analysis of the historical trends of the economy and social development, as well as society, energy consumption, and key end-use sectors in China, this paper studies the deep carbon emission reduction potential of carbon emission of in energy, industry, building, and transportation and other sectors with “bottom-up” modeling analysis and proposes a medium- and long-term deep decarbonization pathway based on key technologies’ mitigation potentials for China. It is found that under deep decarbonization pathway, China will successfully realize the goals set in China’s Intended Nationally Determined Contributions of achieving carbon emissions peak around 2030 and lowering carbon dioxide emissions per unit of gross domestic product (GDP) by 60–65% from the 2005 level. From 2030 onward, the development of nonfossil energy will further accelerates, and the share of nonfossil energies in primary energy will amounts to about 44% by 2050. Combined with the acceleration of low-carbon transformation in end-use sectors including industry, building, and transportation, the carbon dioxide emissions in 2050 will fall to the level before 2005, and the carbon dioxide emissions per unit of GDP will decreases by more than 90% from the 2005 level. To ensure the realization of the deep decarbonization pathway, this paper puts forward policy recommendations from four perspectives, including intensifying the total carbon dioxide emissions cap and strengthening the related institutional systems and regulations, improving the incentive policies for industrial low-carbon development, enhancing the role of the market mechanism, and advocating low-carbon life and consumption patterns.  相似文献   

In an open economy, embodied carbon dioxide emissions in international trade should be taken into consideration to scientifically define each country’s emissions responsibility. In this study, a multiregional input–output model is constructed to calculate the embodied carbon dioxide emissions of 25 World Trade Organization members, including China, according to the producer–consumer shared responsibility principle. The study indicates that: it is fairer and more efficient to identify each country’s carbon dioxide emissions responsibility according to the shared responsibility principle; China’s producer responsibility is 1.4 times that of the USA, while China’s consumer responsibility is only one-tenth that of the USA; according to the producer responsibility principle, China shoulders the greatest responsibility. According to the producer–consumer shared responsibility principle, China’s responsibility shows a large decrease. Resource endowment, economic development stage, and trade structure account for the abovementioned changes in China’s emissions responsibility.  相似文献   

物流活动是主要碳排放源之一,是温室气体减排、缓解气候变化的重要领域,从省域层面对我国物流作业的碳排放量进行核算和比较分析,对于从宏观上掌控各省域物流作业碳排放量及省域物流作业节能减排目标确定具有重要的意义.本文首先给出了省域物流作业CO2排放量测量模型,测算了不同能源的CO2排放因子及排放系数.然后,以物流作业直接能耗法核算我国各省域2008年物流作业的CO2排放指标,包括各省域的CO2排放量和单位货物周转CO2排放置,对比分析发现:我国省域之间物流活动产生的CO2排放量存在着地域不平衡性,CO2排放量中东部大部分省域要高于西部省域,而单位货物周转CO2排放置西部大部分省域要高于中东部省域.最后,根据物流作业的特点,分别从发展低碳运输、探索物流作业的技术性减碳方法、实行精细化物流作业管理、建立完善的节能减排考核与激励约束机制、制定低碳物流作业标准与打造低碳物流示范企业等五个主要的方面,阐述了我国物流作业的低碳化对策,以期促进我国低碳物流的发展.  相似文献   

To analyze the motivations of Japanese companies to take environmental actions to reduce their greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions, we used FY2006 research data and questioned Japanese industries regarding their reduction of GHG emissions. Empirical investigations revealed that voluntary targets set by industry organizations, government requirements, and advance responses to possible future regulations can positively influence environmental actions for GHG emission reduction; however, cost reductions and corporate social responsibility fulfillment cannot.
Seiji IkkataiEmail:

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