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磷肥生产的主要原料磷灰石通常都含有3%左右的氟。在矿石粉碎,酸化等生产过程中,有大量的含氟废气、废水和废渣产生,虽然经过除氟设备的回收处理,但仍有相当数量的氟化物以各种途径从工厂逸散出来,污染工厂附近的空气和水源,并在土壤中富集,造成周围地区土壤的氟污染。共结果,一方面土氟被植物吸收,造成植物体内累积;另一方面上氟还可以向水中迁移,向空气中扩散,造成水体和大气的二次污染。长期以来,人们对大气和水体的氟污染较为重视,但对土壤氟污染的严重后果还认识不  相似文献   

植物叶片能通过气孔吸收并积累大气中的氟化物,分析累积在叶片中氟素的含量,便可估测出大气氟污染程度。1982年,我们曾对杭州市十个采样点的悬铃木叶片含氟量与各该点大气中氟污染浓度进行了分析比较,表明了杭州市区存在不同程度的大气氟污染,主要污染源为处于杭州市北郊的杭州钢铁厂和杭州玻璃厂,其氟污染浓度超过相对清洁区的十四倍。  相似文献   

水体中氟化物的含量、活性和运动特征与人体健康直接相关,其含量过高或过低都将成为人、畜健康的危害因素或潜在不利条件。因此,对水环境中氟的行为研究是必要的。 通过各种途径进入水环境的氟化物中一部份成为溶解态均匀地分散在水体中,其余部份可为水体中的悬浮物吸附或为水生生物吸收。进入水体的含氟矿物颗粒部份分散于水体呈胶态,更多的是在克服了水流的平推力和浮托力后形成水体沉积物。在不同条件下水环境中,可溶性氟与沉积物中的氟可发生吸附和释放作用而导致水体中氟含量的变化。对人畜产生危害的主要是溶解态氟,为此我们对不同条件下(温度、酸度、时间、共存阳离子及好气、厌气等)对水环境中氟化物的吸附和释放的影响进行了试验。1 沉积物中氟化物的释放试验  相似文献   

液氯意外泄漏的应急监测   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
为了迅速地处理京沪高速“3.29”液氯泄漏污染事故,启动了应急监测措施。介绍了应急监测中确立的气、土、水、植物等环境介质作为监测对象,氯、氯化氢作为监测因子,并因事制宜地选择监测方法,为事故处理指挥部迅速而正确地处理事故提供了优质快速的技术支持。  相似文献   

植物对环境中氟化物(特别是大气中的氟化物)有高度的富集作用,使氟化物在生态系统中的变化甚为复杂,并对人类的健康产生潜在的影响。生物样品中氟化物的分析,近年来有较多的研究。我们主要讨论近年来有关植物中氟化物的分析方法以及与此有关的氟化物微量分析。一、测定氟化物方法概述测定氟化物的方法很多,但是适于植物分析的微量方法,较早应用的有容量法,但其灵敏度较低,应用逐渐减少。近年来主要应用的有分光光度法、氟电极法、活化分析法以及极谱分析和发射光谱分析法。  相似文献   

铁铝盐基离子对土壤中水溶性氟环境效应的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
氧化物或粘土矿物可吸附氟离子,但磷酸根离子与氟离子存在竞争吸附效应,造成氟的环境存在量、存在形态及生物效应更加复杂,影响了环境中氟污染的治理.试验选用典型贵州黄壤和石灰土,通过向模拟高氟污染土壤中添加铁铝盐基离子和磷酸盐,采用两因素最优设计,研究外源物质对土壤中水溶性氟的影响.结果表明,FeCl3·6H2O或AlCl3·6H2O都能降低土壤中水溶性氟,而KH2PO4使土壤中水溶性氟增加,对黄壤和石灰土中水溶性氟影响效果大小依次为FeCl3·6H2O(AlCl3·6H2O)、KH2PO4.同时表明,采用铁铝盐基离子改变黄壤性质,达到降氟效果仍有很大潜力,而石灰土环境在高添加铁铝盐基离子水平下继续添加FeCl3·6H2O或AlCl3·6H2O降低土壤中水溶性氟的作用较弱.从土壤pH看,黄壤水溶性氟受试验因子影响复杂,土壤pH低水溶性氟不一定低,pH在4~6时,氟元素的形态及有效性尤其复杂,而石灰土中水溶性氟基本随pH降低而降低.  相似文献   

为研究壤土夹层对VOCs穿透包气带的影响,以苯为特征污染物,Na Br为示踪剂开展室内的渗流模拟土柱实验。模拟包气带对苯的吸附实验,确定吸附平衡时间、最大吸附量,分析砂土和粉质壤土对苯的吸附特性;设计渗流土柱实验,模拟定流量降雨条件下苯在不同构型的土柱中的迁移过程,分析壤土夹层在时间和空间上对苯穿透包气带到达含水层的影响,并得出弥散系数和阻滞系数。结果表明,相对黏粒含量高的壤土夹层显著改变了溴离子的穿透曲线,对污染水有明显的阻水减渗作用,不仅延迟了苯向含水层的迁移时间,而且在一定程度上起到了吸附、降解的阻滞作用,有效降低了特征污染物穿透包气带的含量。  相似文献   

在地下水超量开采区,上层劣质潜水可以越过弱透水层补给承压水.有机磷能否随水迁移进入深层地下水构成水质污染是极为关注的问题.采用施压条件下将一定浓度的有机磷溶液渗透通过粘性土柱的模拟实验,对有机磷在饱和粘性土层中降解转化的各种因子及其影响机制进行分析,探讨有机磷在弱透水层环境中的降解转化和迁移的规律.结果表明:(1)粘性...  相似文献   

生活垃圾填埋场封场后种植植物中重金属迁移研究   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3  
在上海老港生活垃圾填埋场填埋单元封场的覆盖土中掺混了矿化垃圾种植植物,分析Cd、Pb、Cu、Zn 4种重金属在土壤和植物中的迁移变化,研究表明:(1)覆盖土土质从一般耕作土变成肥沃土壤;覆盖土和种植混合土重金属Cd、Pb、Cu、Zn中Cd、Pb含量相近,但种植土的Cu含量略大于覆盖原土,Zn含量远大于覆盖原土;(2)植物能富集土壤和垃圾中的重金属,木本植物的根部富集重金属的能力强于草本植物,但重金属在草本植物根、茎、叶中的迁移速度大于木本植物;(3)植物根、茎、叶的Cu、Zn含量均远大于未受污染土壤种植植物相应部位的Cu、Zn含量,种植的植物不能供家养动物食用,以免通过食物链作用危及人体安全.  相似文献   

氟离子在饮水中适量存在(0.4—0.6ppm),对予防龋齿是有益。但是若过量存在害处跟大,可溶性氟化物易被肠胃吸收,造成贫血,白血球减少;它能贮藏于骨头中,引起斑釉齿、骨头硬化等氟中毒症。如长期饮用含8—20mg/l氟化物的水,使骨骼畸变;每天饮用20mg氟化物,20年后引起瘫痪!单独用2250—4500mg氟化物会致死,可见氟化物的利  相似文献   

A strategy of research combining intense field monitoring and compartment modeling was used to characterize fluoride cycling in the semi-arid area around a newly installed aluminum factory in southern Argentina. The factory started operations In 1974 and emitted about 500 tons of gaseous fluorides to the atmosphere up to October 1976. Emphasis of research was on sedimentary or detritus cycling; periodically, samples were obtained from plant tissues, soils, sea water, and sea sediments. A compartment model of fluoride circulation at the atmosphere-vegetation interface provides further elements to Interpret the tendencies observed in field data. A fluoride budget up to October 1976 is presented showing the relative importance of environmental compartments monitored, with reference to fluoride accumulation. Plants are transient accumulators of atmospheric fluorides; soils, sea-water, and sea-sediments are sinks of the cycle. The major pathway of fluoride from terrestrial environment to coastal sea water Is along transportation with superficial soil eroded by wind. According to data here presented, it can be concluded that one wind storm can transport enough soluble fluorides to coastal waters to account for the transient differences of concentration observed.  相似文献   

Facts that must be taken into consideration in developing fluoride standards for vegetation effects include: (1) Fluoride is an accumulative toxicant and injury is usually associated with long-term exposure; (2) gaseous and particulate fluorides differ in their phytotoxicity; (3) plant species and varieties differ greatly in susceptibility to fluoride; (4) extremely low concentrations can cause damage to sensitive species. Three possible approaches to standards are discussed: Atmospheric fluoride concentration, vegetation fluoride concentration, and the presence of leaf necrosis or chlorosis. Atmospheric fluoride concentration has the advantage that it fits the conventional concept of standards and that it is objective. Accurately measuring low fluoride concentrations, separating gaseous from particulate fluorides in the air sample, and establishing a safe concentration present technical problems, however. Vegetation analysis may more closely represent fluorides available to affect the plant. The presence of significant amounts of fluoride-induced leaf necrosis (e.g., 3% of the leaf area) may be the most practical approach to standards for fluoride vegetation effects. Advantages are that the combined effects of the forms of fluoride, species and varieties, and concentration-time relationships are all manifest in the factor that is measured. Relatively little time is required to examine the vegetation in a large area and only 2 or 3 surveys a year are required.  相似文献   

Three investigations into the physical and chemical fate of fluorides in plants yielded immediately useful information and suggested lines of additional fruitful study. Reported here, two deal with effects of environmental conditions on fluoride uptake from the atmosphere, and a third considers a possible effect of internal fluorides on cell wall permeability.  相似文献   

建材工业氟污染控制技术   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文综述了迄今国内外就砖瓦、陶瓷、搪瓷、水泥及玻璃生产等建材工业氟污染的控制技术 ,并重点介绍了德国为控制该类氟污染所采取的措施  相似文献   

Oryza sativa L. cv. GR3 was grown near to a fertilizer plant and the growth of its seed progeny was evaluated at sites near to, and distant from, the fertilizer plant. The grain yield was reduced in plants grown at the polluted site, with reduced panicle length and increased sterility index. This decrease in grain yield was higher in the progeny plants than in the normal polluted plants. The polluted progeny grown at a control site showed a normal yield, but an increased sterility index. Accumulation of total sulphur and fluoride was higher in the leaves of polluted rice plants. It was evident that tolerance to air pollution was reduced in the progeny plants due to an additional dosage of sulphur and fluoride pollutants and to unfavourable climatic factors. Further, pollution effects were not carried over in progeny plants when grown in an unpolluted environment.  相似文献   

In order to study the pollution gradient in the vicinity of an HF producing factory, a biomonitoring programme was performed employing VDI standardised grass cultures. Specimen plants of Lolium multiflorum cv. Lema were exposed at 11 sites over five monthly periods and the biomass produced was used for subsequent F-analyses. Meteorological data from the study region confirmed that wind direction accounted for changes in the pollution pattern over periods of time. Fluoride concentrations in the grass cultures, however, were unrelated to temperature and precipitation sums during the exposures. The biomass production of the grass cultures proved to be unrelated to these parameters as well but, with the enhanced growth of the plants, the fluoride concentrations were lower due to the dilution of the element with higher biomass accumulation. Because the contribution of particulate fluoride was unknown, both the washed grass cultures and the washing water were analysed in order to determine the amount of external fluoride. Washing reduced the fluoride concentrations by 22% on average, indicating that most of the element was internal fluoride stemming from stomatal uptake. Larger amounts of fluoride, however, could be washed off from grass cultures exposed at sites close to the factory indicating that dust emissions played a greater role at these locations. Because particulate emissions were supposed to arise from CaF2 and the waste-product anhydrite, grass cultures were also analysed for calcium and sulphur. While calcium concentrations were generally high but unrelated to fluoride, sulphur concentrations showed a slight relationship to the F-concentrations determined in the unwashed plants. Latter findings indicate the co-deposition of the two elements as surface bound, external loads, but bioindication could not clarify to what extent both elements were partitioned in the gas-to-particle phase. We therefore recommend using the grass culture method in air quality programmes to identify any exceedances of European feeding stuff standards in the vicinity of large emitters.  相似文献   

以工业副产物氟石膏为研究对象,通过筛分进行粒度分析,得到不同粒径pH值、水溶性氟以及总氟含量的变化规律;重点研究了掺入2种碱性工业副产物作为改性剂对氟石膏化学改性固氟脱酸的效果,从而确定改性剂的最佳掺量。结果表明,氟石膏中氟的分布有一定规律;掺加5%的电厂干法脱硫灰或2%钢铁厂烧结烟气脱硫灰能很好的起到固氟脱酸的效果。  相似文献   

The ingestion of forages contaminated with inorganic fluorides from industrial sources constitutes an air pollution problem for domestic livestock. In cattle, which have been studied most extensively, the syndrome is characterized by dental and skeletal lesions, lameness, chemical evidence of increased fluoride ingestion, and in severe cases by effects on appetite and milk production. The only practical basis for a standard appears to be one based on forage fluoride concentrations. It is concluded that a standard should protect cattle from loss of milk production and from severe dental fluorosis, but need not be set so low that the animals will be protected against any discernible deviations from normal which do not influence their general health, productive ability, or the soundness and wearing quality of their dentition. As there may be wide seasonal variations in forage fluoride concentrations, the basic standard should be expressed as a yearly average of the forage fluoride concentration. However, as the developing teeth may be adversely influenced by short periods of high exposure, the standard should contain a provision which limits both the extent and duration of time that high concentrations may be tolerated even though they are balanced by lower values at other months. Based on these criteria, a tentative standard which limits forage fluoride to an average of 40 ppm, and limits the time that forage concentrations may exceed 60 or 80 ppm F is proposed.  相似文献   

Data on the short‐term effects of fumigation with hydrogen fluoride (HF) on the response behavior of the Nicotiana tabacum L. cv. St. Karabalar 6265 are being presented. Growth rate, fluoride accumulation in leaves and soils, and degradation in chlorophyll and nicotine contents of the plant species against the variations in two experimental factors, namely the exposure concentration and exposure time parameters, were investigated. Resulting data reveals that the variety selected for this study is not so tolerant to fluoride as generally reported in the literature, if only the individual effects of the pollutant is considered.  相似文献   

Fluoride toxicity to aquatic organisms: a review   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Camargo JA 《Chemosphere》2003,50(3):251-264
Published data on the toxicity of fluoride (F-) to algae, aquatic plants, invertebrates and fishes are reviewed. Aquatic organisms living in soft waters may be more adversely affected by fluoride pollution than those living in hard or seawaters because the bioavailability of fluoride ions is reduced with increasing water hardness. Fluoride can either inhibit or enhance the population growth of algae, depending upon fluoride concentration, exposure time and algal species. Aquatic plants seem to be effective in removing fluoride from contaminated water under laboratory and field conditions. In aquatic animals, fluoride tends to be accumulated in the exoskeleton of invertebrates and in the bone tissue of fishes. The toxic action of fluoride resides in the fact that fluoride ions act as enzymatic poisons, inhibiting enzyme activity and, ultimately, interrupting metabolic processes such as glycolysis and synthesis of proteins. Fluoride toxicity to aquatic invertebrates and fishes increases with increasing fluoride concentration, exposure time and water temperature, and decreases with increasing intraspecific body size and water content of calcium and chloride. Freshwater invertebrates and fishes, especially net-spinning caddisfly larvae and upstream-migrating adult salmons, appear to be more sensitive to fluoride toxicity than estuarine and marine animals. Because, in soft waters with low ionic content, a fluoride concentration as low as 0.5 mg F-/l can adversely affect invertebrates and fishes, safe levels below this fluoride/l concentration are recommended in order to protect freshwater animals from fluoride pollution.  相似文献   

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