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以质粒pCUBAC-HPT作抗虫基因供体,优良光温敏核不育系612S为受体,采用基因枪转化法,获得了转抗虫基因sck和sbk的植株.分子证据表明,外源基因己整合到受体基因组中.蛋白活性测定和Western blotting结果显示,转基因在受体植株中得到表达.田间抗虫性测定表明,外源基因的转入提高了受体的抗虫性.本文还讨论了转基因技术在水稻育种中的作用.图5表2参12  相似文献   

概述了近年来我国农用稀土光转换材料的研究进展及目前存在的问题.重点介绍了转光剂的类型及研究现状,展望了稀土光转换材料的发展前景.  相似文献   

对温敏感核不育水稻双低-S不同温度下的单胞期花药蛋白质进行固相双向电泳分离,经银染后,获得了清晰而稳定的图谱。以300ug左右的蛋白质进行电泳,分离开的蛋白点(多肽)可超过500个.在32℃温度下的花药蛋白点要比19℃温度下多,其中蛋白质点(MW14KD,pI5.4)在19℃可育条件时稳定出现。32℃不育条件时却缺失;而蛋白质点(pI7.6)和蛋白质点(pI7.8)非常明显的在不育条件下出现,而在可育条件下缺失。  相似文献   

研究了2份二倍体水稻和29份同源四倍体水稻(2n=4x=48)亲本(其中4份低代材料、25份高代材料)在2004年和2005年的结实情况.与二倍体对照相比,同源四倍体材料的花粉育性、结实率均不同程度下降,尤其低代材料的花粉育性(59.6%~65.3%)和结实率(26.8%~33.5%)大幅度降低;但经过选择改良,大多数材料的花粉育性和结实率均不同程度提高.F检验表明,同源四倍体不同品种间各性状均差异显著,说明同源四倍体材料具有很大的改良潜力.从1996年到2005年对部分同源四倍体水稻进行了连续选择改良,并对其结实率进行T检验,结果表明经过9a的选择改良,同源四倍体水稻结实率显著提高.本文还对同源四倍体水稻各性状间的相关性进行了分析,结果表明,结实率与花粉育性、穗着粒数、穗实粒数极显著相关,理论产量与花粉育性、有效穗数、穗着粒数、穗实粒数、结实率及千粒重极显著相关.表3图1参18  相似文献   

91FS是一个稳定遗传的籼粳杂种水稻新型不育突变体,育性特征表现为,雌雄配子和受精过程正常,约25%的受精卵发育成胚,约75%的受精卵终止发育,与91FS群体约25%的结实率吻合,而且六代保持不变;91FS的RAPD和RFLP的谱带六代保持稳定和一致,与91FS的杂种性状和育性表达的稳定性也是吻合的;91FS与籼粳杂种可育材料91FM和以91FS为父本的杂交F  相似文献   

采用开顶式熏气装置,以浓度为0.8571mg·m-3的SO2对二三年生的油桐(Vernicia fordii)幼苗进行118 d熏气试验.结果表明长期低浓度SO2熏气处理引起光化学猝灭、非光化学猝灭、表观光合电子传递速率(ETR)下降,荧光产量(Ft)增加,光系统Ⅱ(PSⅡ)的光能转换效率和潜在活性下降;光系统Ⅰ(PSⅠ)的潜在活性和光能转换效率也下降.因此认为长期低浓度SO2熏气处理引起PSⅠ和PSⅡ结构破坏,导致光系统光能转换效率和系统潜在活性的下降.  相似文献   

水稻锌指蛋白基因OsWIP6的克隆、表达及RNAi载体转化   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为了解水稻C2H2型锌指蛋白转录因子基因的表达调控机理及生物学功能,克隆了水稻的一个C2H2型锌指蛋白转录因子基因(OsWIP6),并构建其RNA干涉植物表达载体,通过农杆菌介导转化获得转基因植株.生物信息学分析显示,OsWIP6氨基酸序列与拟南芥两个WIP家族转录因子高度同源.组织差异性表达分析表明,该基因在水稻花发育上具有表达偏向性.与野生型相比,转基因水稻表现为抽穗延迟,结实率及千粒重降低,半定量分析显示转基因植株OsWIP6表达量明显下降.因此,推断OsWIP6基因与水稻育性密切相关.  相似文献   

通过在湖北省几种主要成土母质上对不同水型水稻土施用氮磷肥效果及施用技术的研究.初步明确了氮肥的施用效果为淹育型水稻土>潴育型水稻土>潜育型水稻土.磷肥效果与之相反.从土壤养分状况、氮肥和磷肥的当季利用率、土壤微生物、土壤还原性物质含量和水土温度等方面,初步分析了不同水型水稻土氮磷肥效果差异的原因.提出了不同水型水稻土氮磷肥的施用技术.  相似文献   

本文研究了四湖地区水稻土潜育化的发生、类型及其肥力特性,对该区潜育化现状及发展趋势作了评估。阐述了地貌、水文环境、水利工程及耕作制度等因素与水稻土潜育化的形成和发展的关系。根据该区潜育化现状和发展趋势,本文提出了对潜育性水稻土实行“全面规划、综合治理”的总原则,并认为应实行宏观治理与微观改造相结合、工程措施与生态措施相结合、改良与利用相结合等对策和措施。  相似文献   

水稻 91FS是一个稳定遗传的籼粳型不育突变体 ,大约 2 5 %的受精卵能正常发育成胚 ,约 75 %的受精卵核仁不融合 ,受精卵不再分裂 ,导致不育和不结实 ,育性六代稳定遗传 ,受精卵致死时空位点发生在精细胞进入卵细胞完成受精作用后。开花前后 ,91FS、籼粳杂种可育材料 91FM和以 91FS为父本的杂种F1代的花药、颖壳、叶片和子房的可溶性蛋白质SDS PAGE和IEF/SDS PAGE分析表明 ,91FS、91FM和F1代的蛋白质谱带多代保持稳定 ,3个材料间蛋白质谱带的异同 ,既表明了它们在遗传和发育上的某些共同功能和相互关系 ,又表明不同品种、器官和组织在遗传和发育上的某些特异性 ;91FS的子房在开花 1~ 2天 ,具有一条Mr=15 8.5× 10 3 的特有蛋白带 ,结合 91FS受精卵发育的细胞学和胚胎学时空定位 ,表明它们极有可能与 91FS稳定遗传的受精卵发育的时间和空间表达有关 .图 4表 1参 16  相似文献   

Adult tautog Tautoga onitis, a marine temperate-water labrid, migrate each fall from inshore summering grounds to offshore overwintering sites. In a previous laboratory study, when adults were held under natural fall-winter cycles of temperature and photoperiod, changes in behavior, indicative of migration, occurred at the same time as their fall migration in nature. In the present study when fish were held under natural photoperiod in summer but with decreasing fall-winter temperature, while highly variable and transient components of migratory behavior were observed, no sustained trend was evident. Then, in the fall, under a naturally changing photoperiod but at simulated summer temperature, no trace of migratory behavior was observed. These findings indicate that temperature appears to play a leading role in triggering the fall migration of the species. The significance of these results and their ecological implications is discussed.  相似文献   

利用粳稻品种“合系39”在安宁河流域无控制的地理分期播种试验稻米,在实验室进行稻米生化品质的化验分析;采用统计分析方法,研究了气候生态因子与稻米生化品质的定量关系,找出影响稻米生化品质各组分的关键时期,建立综合关系模型.研究结果表明: 1)气候生态条件对生化品质不同组分影响的关键因子和关键时期不同,一些组分的关键期在齐穗前,一些在齐穗后,一些则从齐穗前持续到齐穗后; 2)温度是影响稻米生化品质含量的主要气候因素,蛋白质、氨基酸和直链淀粉含量与关键期的温度呈直线负相关,支链淀粉含量与关键期的温度呈抛物线关系; 3)温度日较差、日照时数与蛋白质、氨基酸、直链淀粉呈负相关,与支链淀粉呈正相关. 图4表2参10  相似文献   

《Ecological modelling》2007,208(1):68-79
New insights into interdisciplinary engineering endeavors, from classical modeling to nano–macroscale extrapolation and critical evaluation, weigh heavily on the pervasive nature of thermodynamics in the physical world. Just as statistical thermodynamic approaches provide a beneficial complement to a process-based macroscale thermodynamic approaches with physical systems, a Lagrangian approach to energetics in biological systems can, we believe, provide a beneficial complement to popular Eulerian approaches. Statistical thermodynamics is used as a springboard for some analogies that are similarly used to leap into the ecological scale. The Lagrangian simulation, a discrete simulation, is implemented with a spreadsheet approach, a discrete simulation approach, and a new stochastic differential equation solution approach. The Lagrangian approach complements the more widely used continuous (or Eulerian) simulation approaches such as STELLA or Environ theory approaches. The Lagrangian approach decomposes energy into small packets or ecological quanta. An ecological entropy is computed based on nodal contacts in the network, with the notion that nodal contact is analogous to molecular speed. In the cases shown, the results of ecological entropy appear generally consistent with thermodynamic entropy. A newly available simulation package (ECONET) enabled an easy Lagrangian approach to analyzing the Cone Springs and Oyster ecological models. An analogy between nodal contact numbers and molecular speed was developed to enable computation of an ecological entropy. There is a similarity between classical and ecological entropy based on similarity in shape of the Maxwell–Boltzmann distributions to the packet-nodal contact numbers. An ecological temperature can be defined based on this similarity. Selected ratios of ecological entropy versus classical macroscopic entropy appeared to have some degree of robustness. Other aspects of ecological thermodynamics remain to be developed. It is felt that the ecological thermodynamics approach presented offers an improved way to combine biochemical and ecological entropy. A sound combination of entropies at multiple scales will help bring together measurements at disparate scales.  相似文献   

The persistence and precision of the endogenous, nocturnal, circadian locomotor rhythm of the sand-beach amphipod Talitrus saltator is characterised, and the influence of substrate availability, photoperiod, temperature and relative humidity as potential environmental synchronizers of the rhythm is assessed. Individual, cyclic light-dark and temperature regimes synchronize and modify the laboratory activity pattern, but substrate availability and relative humidity have no significant long-term effect. Under simulateneous experimental regimes simulating field conditions of photoperiod, temperature and relative humidity the rhythm is entrained solely by photoperiod. The implications are discussed in relation to field behaviour.  相似文献   

Behavioral and physiological correlates of vernal reproduction and molting were investigated experimentally in laboratory-held spiny lobsters (Panulirus argus Latreille) from Florida to determine their control by photoperiod and temperature. Behavioral measures included courtship, copulation and aggression; physiological measures included the timing and frequency of ecdysis, spermatophore emplacement, oviposition, egg hatching, and setal (pleopod) and gonadal development. Behavior resembled that observed in nature, as evidenced in the expression of complete reproductive cycles. Long daylengths and warmer temperatures enhanced courtship, spawning frequencies, and female gonadal development, although gonadal recrudescence occurred in large females irrespective of photoperiod. A significant interaction effect between photoperiod and temperature indicated a need to examine joint, non-independent factor effects upon reproductive parameters. Photoperiod and temperature did not significantly influence aggression and male gonadal development. Photoperiod did not affect molting rates significantly. However, warm temperatures enhanced molting and growth such that sub-adult and young adult lobsters (both sexes) had highest molting rates, followed by large adult males, which in turn had higher rates than reproductively active females. Female setal development correlated positively with female size, and changed abruptly at ecdysis. Although setal lengths were highly variable, setae of 9 mm or more signified sexual maturity. Reproduction and molting were size-dependent: the largest adults mated or spawned, the smallest molted, and intermediate-sized ones either mated, or molted before mating. Spiny-lobster reproductive and molting patterns were influenced by photoperiod and temperature in a complex manner depending upon sex, season, size and developmental state.  相似文献   

In Channa punctatus testicular regression commonly observed during spawning and postspawing phases of reproductive cycle. In the present study testicular regression was frequently noticed in fish maintained under both long photoperiod-warm temperature (LD 16 : 8-30 degrees C) and short photoperiod-warm temperature (LD 8 : 16-30 degrees C) regimes. Testicular regression was characterized by distortion of cellular boundary of lobules and formation of collagenous capsules containing degenerating germ cells, blood cells and colloidal mass within the lobules. The magnitude of testicular regression was more in fish exposed to short photoperiod regime (R-73.33%, SP-41.67%) than long photoperiod regime (R-50.83%, SP-19.16%) and control group (R-20.83%, SP-16.67%) in both resting (R) and spawning (SP) phases. Further the frequency of testicular regression during resting phase was 73.33% (short photoperiod), 50.83% (long photoperiod) and 20.83% (control) whereas during spawning phase was 41.67% (short photoperiod) 19.16% (long photoperiod) and 16.67% (control). In the present study occurrence of more testicular regression during resting phase than spawning phase may be due to change in the endogenous condition of the fish.  相似文献   

Coordinated environmental, ecological and biochemical studies have been applied to assess the impact of sewage disposal in a fjordic system near Bergen, Norway. The ecological and biochemical effects were studied in 1983 at four sampling locations situated along a spatial gradient of effects of the sewage on conditions in the sediments. Two of the locations, near Dolviken, were found to be considerably affected by the sewage. Relatively few species of macrobenthic invertebrate fauna were present at these locations, and analysis of the distribution of individuals among species indicated distortion of the benthic community structure. On the basis of its distribution along spatial gradients of organic enrichment and various criteria relating to its suitability for biochemical analysis, the polychaete Glycera alba (Müller) was selected as the most suitable pollution-sensitive indicator species for use in the biochemical studies. In individuals from the two affected locations near Dolviken, maximal activities of the regulatory glycolytic enzyme, phosphofructokinase, and the pyruvate oxidoreductase, alanopine dehydrogenase, were very low. Activities of several other enzymes associated with carbohydrate catabolism were also lower in these groups than in the reference group collected from Raunefjorden. The ecological and biochemical measures both corresponded closely with the changes in environmental conditions along the gradient of sewage effects. The results are discussed with reference to earlier coordinated ecological and biochemical investigations carried out in Scotland and Norway and to experimental studies of the effects of pollutants and hypoxia on energy-yielding metabolism of polychaetes. It is suggested that the enzymatic changes in G. alba may be a sensitive component of an integrated metabolic response, which may involve a decrease in glycolytic energy production for the fuelling of muscular activity. Further development of this coordinated ecological and biochemical approach is discussed, with emphasis on its potential utility in the assessment of biological effects of the disposal of organically rich waste materials in coastal waters.  相似文献   

Cassemiro FA  Diniz-Filho JA 《Ecology》2010,91(12):3729-3738
The metabolic theory of ecology (MTE) is based on models derived from the first principles of thermodynamics and biochemical kinetics. The MTE predicts that the relationship between temperature and species richness of ectotherms should show a specific slope. Testing the validity of this model, however, depends on whether empirical data do not violate assumptions and are obtained within contour conditions. When dealing with richness gradients, the MTE must be empirically tested only for ectothermic organisms at high organization levels and when their body size as well as abundance does not vary with temperature gradients. Here we evaluate whether the magnitude of the deviations in slope expected from the MTE to empirical data for New World amphibians is due to the violations of model assumptions and to lack of generality due to restricting contour conditions. We found that the MTE correctly predicted biodiversity patterns only at higher levels of organization and when assumptions of the basic model were not violated. Approximately 60% of the deviations from the MTE-predicted slope across amphibian families were due to violations of the model assumptions. The hypothesis that richness patterns are a function of environmental temperature is too restrictive and does not take complex environmental and ecological processes into account. However, our results suggest that it may be possible to obtain multiple derivations of the MTE equation if idiosyncrasies in spatial and biological/ecological issues that are essential to understanding biodiversity patterns are considered.  相似文献   

The tolerance and resistance parameters of Mytilus edulis were investigated using probit analysis based on the dosage-mortality response curve. The effect of thermal acclimation on incipient lethal temperatures for a range of 5° to 25°C are described. The ultimate upper incipient lethal temperature is 28. 2°C. Changes in the thermal resistance parameters with size, photoperiod and salinity are shown to be statistically significant. The temperature of incapacitation of the mussel is defined in relation to the critical thermal maxima. A correlation was found between latitude and both temperature of incapacitation and temperature of spawning in the laboratory.  相似文献   

土壤酶研究动态与展望   总被引:112,自引:4,他引:112  
1 土壤酶的研究简史土壤酶主要来源于土壤微生物和植物根系的分泌物及动植物残体分解释放的酶 ,包括氧化还原酶类、水解酶类、裂合酶类和转移酶类 .自 1898年Woods首次从土壤中检测出过氧化氢酶活性以来 ,土壤酶研究经历了一个较长的奠定和发展时期 .2 0世纪 5 0年代以前为土壤酶学的奠定时期 ,许多土壤学者从各种土壤中共检测出了 4 0余种土壤酶的活性 ,并发展了土壤酶活性的研究方法和理论 ,土壤酶研究逐渐发展成一门介于土壤生物学和生物化学之间的一门新兴边缘交叉学科[1~ 2 ] .50年代至 80年代中期为土壤酶学迅速发展的时期 ,这…  相似文献   

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