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影响经济与环境协调发展的经济根源   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
环境污染作为一种经济行为,必然受到经济运行规律的制约,它的产生有着深刻的经济根源。影响经济环境协调的因素有市场失效、政策失效等。市场在分配和有效利用环境资源上失效,使得政府通过经济政策进行干预成为必要,但政府政策有强化环境资源市场失真而非纠正的趋势。只有采取各项政策和手段的组合运用才可能促进经济与环境持续发展。  相似文献   

生态旅游是旅游可持续发展和生态文明建设的重要抓手,生态旅游理论是旅游研究的重要内容。关于生态旅游产生的根源和兴起的原因,学界基本观点主要有环境危机背景说、大众旅游挑战说、旅游市场"绿化"说、综合说。根据内因外因的辩证关系原理,应更多地从生态旅游的主体上去寻找生态旅游产生的根源。在引介精神分析社会文化学派代表人物弗洛姆相关理论的基础上,指出生态旅游根植于人的"回归"需要和现代人的社会处境,环境危机则起到了催化剂的作用。这对丰富生态旅游理论、设计生态旅游产品具有重要的指导意义。  相似文献   

文章从制度改变环境的角度指出,环境问题的主要根源在于制度的失败,即政府在制定和执行可持续发展政策中存在着不足之处.因此,环境问题的出路有赖于在可持续发展思想的指导下实行强制性制度变迁,并完善相关的制度,在可持续发展思想的指导下进行制度创新,构建绿色市场机制与可持续的政府政策.  相似文献   

环境保护立法根源性漏洞及对策分析   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
本文对环境问题的外部经济性以及现行环境保护立法的根源性漏洞进行探析,并从法理角度对相关立法建议进行详细分析。现行环境立法中,环境的资源及经济属性在法律上的不确定性,环境资源产权的不存在性,使环境保护经济性立法缺失,导致了环境保护的外部经济性。在环境保护立法中引入经济机制,使现行的行政强制管治环境的环境保护模式向通过市场调节促使企业自觉减少排污与政府监管并存的机制转变,是实现立法最大目标最佳方法。  相似文献   

我国现阶段的环境问题应放在环境-经济系统下进行考察和解决。结合环境-经济系统,系统分析环境问题产生的经济,制度根源,并运用经济计量工具建立模型预测环境-经济系统下我国工业“三废-排放情况,提出控制,提出控制我国工业”三废“排放的政策建议。  相似文献   

环境伦理之光   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
环境既包含自然要素又包含经济、政治、文化等社会要素,对之作全方位认识,有必要从哲学层次上加以研究。造成环境危机的根源并不在自然本身,确在于人们的价值观念。环境科学研究应与伦理学研究结盟,把伦理学正当行为观念扩至对环境的关心,把道德上的权利概念扩至整个环境实体和过程。环境伦理学要求人们的社会、经济行为生态化,所选择的发展途径符合环境道德规范,从利己主义的“经济人”桎梏中解脱出来向自觉保护环境的“道德  相似文献   

环境是当今热门问题,环境与经济的关系,引起了广泛重视,但这方面文章尚不多。本文想就此抛砖引玉,结合我省具体情况展开讨论,提高认识,促进环保工作。环境问题是在社会经济发展中产生的,它的最终解决也必然有赖于社会经济的进一  相似文献   

生产、消费的环境成本外部性是全球性生态环境问题产生的重要根源之一。在体现资源生态价值的基础上,建立、运用资源动态调控体系(DRSR)、减少资源消耗、减轻环境负荷是绿化传统产业、实现可持续发展的重要经济手段之一。本文就运用资源动态调控体系,内化环境成本、改善环境状况的问题提出个人观点,以供商榷。  相似文献   

铁路建设会对环境产生一系列强烈的影响,建设期的生态环境破坏尤为严重,同时又易被人们所忽视。文章以水柏铁路建设期环境监理为例,综合分析了铁路在建设期对生态环境破坏及环境污染的强度、范围及根源,并从环境管理技术角度论述了环境监理的重要性和必要性。  相似文献   

论可持续发展的生态伦理观念   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
由于环境与生态危机日益严重,人类逐渐认识到传统发展理论的局限性,可持续发展理论应运而生,逐渐被世界所接受。实现可持续发展不仅有赖于科技的发展,还需要有政治、经济、文化、法律、道德等方面的协调配合。本文主张建立一种新的道德观--可持续发展的生态伦理观念,以强化人类自我约束,合理协调人与自然的关系,最终实现可持续发展。  相似文献   

流域累积效应及其评估中存在问题的探讨   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
阐述了累积效应、流域累积效应和累积效应评估的概念,并从技术、哲学和社会价值体系3方面着重论述了螺积效应评估存在的问题。通过对流域累积效应评估的研究及未来展望,提出了更加完善合理的流域生态管理思路。  相似文献   

The rising rate of multiple pregnancies and its association with advanced maternal age has expanded the need for prenatal diagnosis in twins and higher order gestations. The complexity of the invasive diagnostic procedures and the risk of loss of an unaffected twin raise significant clinical, technical and ethical issues. In this review we discuss the specific issues of early scanning, counseling and determination of chorionicity prior to invasive procedures in twins. We present the available data describing the risk associated with these procedures in twins and compare data of fetal loss rate from different studies. We also discuss the issues of fetal blood sampling and late karyotyping in twin pregnancies. Copyright © 2005 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Clinical diagnostic laboratories are producing next-generation sequencing-based test results that are becoming increasingly incorporated into patient care. Whole genome and exome sequencing on fetal material derived from amniocytes, chorionic villi, or products of conception is starting to be offered clinically in specialized centers, but it has not yet become routine practice. The technical, interpretation, and ethical challenges are greatest in the area of prenatal medicine because the fetus has a limited health history, and the physical examination is only indirectly available via prenatal sonography. Here, we provide an overview of these challenges and highlight the clinical utility, reporting, and counseling issues associated with prenatal DNA sequencing. Future considerations are also discussed. © 2017 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The natural desire for couples to be parents and the medical practitioner's inability to treat most genetic diseases have been responsible for some of the most exciting research into infertility and genetic disorders. This has led in the United Kingdom to the establishment of the Warnock Committee of Inquiry into Human Fertilization and its report in 1984, and to a Review of the guidance on Research Use of Fetuses and Fetal Material published in 1989 and known as the Polkinghorne Report. The Warnock Report, among other ethical issues, considers the most fundamental question which has been debated for thousands of years, namely, What is life and when does it begin? More recently, the report has been responsible for new legislation which imposes ethical and legal restrictions on the scientific and medical community. The Polkinghorne Report recommends a voluntary code of practice which is morally and ethically acceptable within our society. We are also fortunate in the U.K. to have a parliamentary structure which allows debate on such important human issues and is prepared to impose ethical restrictions.  相似文献   

In this paper, the organization, results, and lessons learned from a workshop on Environmentally Benign Manufacturing (EBM) are presented. A multidisciplinary group representing industry, academia, and government discussed issues related to design, supply chain issues, process technologies, decision-making and education in a one and a half day workshop. Plenary speakers from the US, Europe and Japan gave overviews of the higher level linkages and complexities in the area of environmentally benign manufacturing. Some of the overarching findings included the need for better assessment methods and tools, better knowledge about the true cost of resources, continuous effort in developing new process technologies. Increased active understanding of not only multidisciplinary, but also international research efforts was deemed as a fundamental necessity in the area of EBM.  相似文献   

本文从阐述生态经济系统、生态经济平衡和生态经济效益等生态经济学的基本范畴入手,提示生态经济问题产生和演变的内在机理-生态经济系统的基本矛盾;从经济发展、人口增长、生产力进步而与资源缺口、环境容量、生态平衡等的相互关系,分析生态经济基本矛盾的种种表现;从原始社会、农业社会和工业社会等几个主要阶段,阐明生态经济基本矛盾产生和发展的一般过程;并从自然生态系统与社会经济系统在运动周期性、有序性、运行路线与运行机制等方面异同,着重论述产生生态经济基本矛盾的原因,进一步阐明生态问题演变的规律性。探索解决生态经济基本矛盾的途径,即通过控制人口,转变经济增长方式,实施资源替代战略和地域优势互补,建立生态化的产业和区域发展模式,进行环境与资源市场化的制度创新,实现人口、资源、环境与经济的协调发展。  相似文献   

Prenatal screening for sex chromosome aneuploidies (SCAs) is increasingly available through expanded non-invasive prenatal testing (NIPT). NIPT for SCAs raises complex ethical issues for clinical providers, prospective parents and future children. This paper discusses the ethical issues that arise around NIPT for SCAs and current guidelines and protocols for management. The first section outlines current practice and the limitations of NIPT for SCAs. It then outlines key guidelines before discussing the ethical issues raised by this use of NIPT. We conclude that while screening for SCAs should be made available for people seeking to use NIPT, its implementation requires careful consideration of what, when and how information is provided to users.  相似文献   

吉林省经济增长和环境变化的动态关系   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
以吉林省为例,采用无残差完全分解方法和柯布-道格拉斯生产函数,分别提取环境变化和经济增长的驱动因子,在分析共同影响因子对环境系统和经济系统作用差异的基础上,应用异速生长模型分析经济子系统和环境子系统的相对变化关系.结果表明:经济增长和环境变化具有不同的增长维度,环境变化中的规模效应依赖于经济系统中资源要素的投入水平,而驱动经济增长的技术变化因子仅仅是引起环境变化技术效应的一个方面,环境系统的技术变化具有一定的独立性;经济增长和环境变化既有关联性也有差异性,经济系统主导形成二者倒“U”型的数量关系,而环境系统影响因子进一步决定了在何种污染程度上穿越环境高山;环境变化和经济增长的相对速率具有广义分维性质,环境系统和经济系统的负异速生长是实现可持续发展环境目标的根本途径.   相似文献   

钢铁工业是我国国民经济的重要基础产业和实现新兴工业化的支柱产业,同时存在能源消耗和环境污染的一系列问题。通过对钢铁行业的能源消耗和环境保护的现状及特点进行总结,归纳了该行业突出存在的环境问题,提出相应的环境保护对策,并指导钢铁行业未来的发展;提出了提高生产装备水平、控制污染物排放总量和严格环评准入等方面的建议。  相似文献   

Two linked probes were used to determine the Huntington's disease status of the fetus conceived by a woman affected with the condition. The fetus was found to be unaffected with a certainty of 97 per cent. The ethical issues associated with presymptomatic testing were avoided since the mother presented with initial symptoms of Huntington's disease, but other psychological and ethical issues arose. The concerns of an affected woman planning a pregnancy, and the dilemmas involved in decision-making regarding prenatal diagnosis and possible selective abortion were exposed and explored with the patient and her husband.  相似文献   

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