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采用CA-Markov模型方法,基于3期湿地景观数据,模拟盐城自然保护区核心区湿地景观在不同条件下的时空演变过程,探讨自然及人为因素对核心区湿地景观的影响及变化趋势.模拟结果显示,人为管理改变了核心区北部湿地景观演变过程,1987-2007年芦苇沼泽带和米草沼泽带的宽度迅速增加,其面积比例分别由5.62%、1.91%增为60.20%、7.78%,碱蓬沼泽面积比例则由67.50%减为7.21%,湿地景观分布由4个带(芦苇沼泽-碱蓬沼泽-米草沼泽-光滩)逐渐演变为3个带(芦苇沼泽-米草沼泽-光滩),到2013年核心区北部碱蓬沼泽将逐渐消失.核心区东南部景观结构以自然演替为主,1987-2007年米草沼泽由零星斑块扩展为带状分布,面积比例由2.75%增为36.54%,光滩面积比例由65.44%减为26.85%,芦苇沼泽面积持续增加,河流和碱蓬沼泽变化不大,未来米草沼泽扩张速率将有所下降,其他湿地类型仍保持类似的变化趋势,湿地景观分布由3个带(芦苇沼泽-碱蓬沼泽-光滩)逐渐演变为4个带(芦苇沼泽-碱蓬沼泽-米草沼泽-光滩).  相似文献   

于5、8和10月对黄河口湿地典型断面盐碱植被群落进行3个航次的野外生态调查,研究了不同植被覆盖的湿地土壤氮素的时空分布特征及典型盐碱植物碱蓬和芦苇群落土壤氮素的根际效应,并基于线性模型的冗余分析(RDA)探讨土壤理化参数对氮素分布特征的影响.结果表明,黄河口湿地5月和10月土壤氮素含量高于8月,土壤氮素以有机氮为主,无机氮以铵态氮为主;总体上,表层土壤氮素含量芦苇碱蓬光滩,光滩土壤氮素含量低于碱蓬和芦苇群落土壤的30%—50%;光滩、碱蓬和芦苇群落剖面土壤总氮、有机氮和铵态氮在0—10 cm表层含量最高,随土壤深度其含量下降,硝态氮在土壤中呈现显著淋溶作用,其峰值出现在地下土壤层30 cm左右;碱蓬和芦苇群落根际土壤氮素含量均高于非根际土壤,且碱蓬根际土壤氮素含量显著高于芦苇根际土壤(P0.05).RDA分析结果表明,影响土壤氮素分布特征的主要理化参数是土壤有机碳含量和pH.植被种类影响黄河口湿地土壤氮素的累积,一般情况下土壤氮素的累积量呈现芦苇碱蓬光滩的特征,并具有明显的季节差异,相对芦苇群落,碱蓬在生长季节8月份根际土壤中积累更多的氮素.  相似文献   

为了解长江口典型滩涂湿地景观格局演变过程,根据1980—2010年长江口滩涂湿地演变规律,采用土地利用动态变化模型Dyna-CLUE模型和CA模型预测2020年长江口3处典型滩涂湿地崇明东滩、南汇边滩以及九段沙在生态保护、现行趋势和围垦加剧3种不同情景下的景观演变。结果表明:到2020年,在生态保护情景、现行趋势情景和围垦加剧情景下,堤外滩涂湿地总面积分别增长56、44 km2以及减少7 km2,其中芦苇(Phragmites australis)、互花米草(Spartina alterniflora)和海三棱藨草(Scirpus mariqueter)群落面积比由2010年的36∶38∶26分别变化为2020年的46∶34∶20、38∶38∶24和38∶37∶25。对于崇明东滩、南汇边滩和九段沙而言,生态保护情景下滩涂湿地面积分别增加7、43和6 km2,而现行趋势情景和围垦加剧情景下,滩涂湿地面积呈现不断减少的趋势。  相似文献   

通过现场采集辽东湾双台子河口翅碱蓬(Suaeda salsa)光谱数据,收集标准样方(1 m×1 m)的翅碱蓬生物量(Biomass),建立相关植被指数与翅碱蓬生物量的遥感反演回归算法,发现辽宁双台子河口湿地翅碱蓬生物量与植被指数PVI、SAVI和MSAVI的相关系数R2较高,直线回归方程相关系数分别达到0.626、0.698和0.679。同时,利用得到的估算模型,结合1990—2005年的双台子河口的TM影像数据,反演该区域翅碱蓬分布面积和生物量。结果发现:辽东湾双台子河口湿地翅碱蓬面积变化呈先降后升的趋势。通过植被指数(NDVI、RVI、PVI和MSAVI)和生物量的算法反演,发现翅碱蓬生物量曲线与分布面积曲线的变化趋势一致。  相似文献   

高原湿地若尔盖国家级自然保护区景观变化及其驱动力   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
基于3S技术,应用Fragstats软件对高原湿地若尔盖国家级自然保护区1990、2000和2007年3期TM解译图进行分析,研究保护区景观格局变化动态及其驱动力。结果表明,退化沼泽为若尔盖国家级自然保护区的景观基底,2007年达保护区总面积的48.05%。保护区建立前后的10 a间(1990—2000年),湖泊、河流、沼泽面积萎缩,主要演变为退化沼泽和草甸,退化沼泽、草甸和灌丛面积分别增加1 978.60、2 559.09和824.27 hm2,斑块数减少,景观破碎度和异质性降低,聚合度和优势度增加;建立国家级自然保护区后(2000—2007年),河流面积小幅恢复,但湿地退化仍是主要趋势,湖泊和沼泽面积持续减小,草场面积持续增加,沙地面积增加1 929.00 hm2,斑块数增加,聚合度和优势度下降,景观破碎度和异质性回升。气候变暖等自然因素和人为排水疏干、过度放牧、无序旅游、基础建设等干扰影响是湿地退化的主要驱动力。  相似文献   

通过遥感手段,利用大量的ETM、TM、MSS遥感影像,从土地覆盖变化、景观格局指数等角度,分析了近30年七里海湿地的土地利用变化特点及景观演替趋势特征。详细分析了七里海内水域、芦苇等用地类型的转化趋势与成因,并通过多年来景观指数对比的方法揭示了该区域景观连通性和破碎化程度的变化趋势。研究结果表明:由于入境水量减少,1976到2009年期间七里海湿地水域面积减少了80%,之后由于保护区的建立,水域面积持续增长。期间以保护区建立为节点,主要的土地利用类型变化趋势是水域-芦苇-水域。1976到2009年期问七里海总体聚集度指数从95.75下降到87.54、水面的破碎化指数从6.42上升到10.74,反映出区域景观连通性变差,破碎化程度在加剧,人类活动对环境影响越来越深刻。  相似文献   

辽河三角洲湿地景观空间格局变化分析   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
以1988年和2001年2个时相的Landsat-TM/ETM影像为信息源,选取斑块数量、斑块平均面积、边界密度、斑块密度、形态指数和斑块分维数等6个代表性格局指数,对辽河三角洲湿地景观格局变化进行了定量分析。结果表明,1988~2001年,水田、内陆水体和养殖用地呈现明显的增加趋势,苇田、光滩、河口潮间带水域和碱蓬面积呈减少趋势。受人类的区域综合开发活动的影响,研究区斑块数量和边界密度分别增加了32.76%和21.4%,而斑块平均面积减小了30.2%,平均斑块密度由17.43个/km2增加至24.21个/km2,斑块形态指数由84.03增至103.20,斑块分维数由1.057增至1.059。  相似文献   

意大利东北部海岸分布着独特的滨海湿地景观,在地中海区域具有极其重要的生态价值。该研究主要利用遥感影像监测1984—2016年滨海湿地演变,覆盖该区域所有的国际重要湿地保护区,并在此基础上定量分析滨海湿地演变的影响因素,深化对滨海湿地演变规律的认识,为今后制定与实施滨海湿地保护政策提供科学依据。研究结果显示,(1)滨海湿地的演变受一系列自然和人为因素影响,包括海平面上升、城市扩张、农业及旅游业发展等负面因素。保护区外的滨海湿地减少了21.62%,且岛屿湿地面临海平面上升的严重威胁,部分区域高达56%的湿地被海水侵蚀。(2)环保立法与修复措施在大部分滨海湿地集中分布片区得到有效实施,带来了积极的环境效应,湿地总面积从111 km2(1984年)增长至119 km2(2016年),保护区内滨海湿地大体上并未受到持续增强的人类活动带来的重大负面影响。但严格的环保措施和持续的城镇化产生了“环境极化”效应,同样不利于滨海湿地环境的长远维持。应当在保护区边缘区域采取弹性的环保策略,使滨海湿地环境得到更加可持续的有效保护。  相似文献   

景观连接度用来度量景观空间单元之间的连续程度,它同具体的生态过程相结合可有效表征景观的功能特性。已有景观连接度的研究往往缺乏长时间序列动态变化的分析,且从不同区域尺度开展的研究也较少。同时,关于影响景观连接度变化的驱动因素还未有明确解释。因此,文章基于1991—2013年6期遥感影像数据,利用基于图论的指数方法测度景观连接度,对黄河三角洲整体以及自然保护区一千二管理站和黄河口管理站、垦利农业生态区、河口农业生态区和胜利油田区5个区域内自然湿地景观连接度的时空变化格局进行分析,并探讨影响自然湿地景观连通格局的主要驱动因素。结果表明,1991—2013年黄河三角洲自然湿地面积减少了548.75 km~2,景观连接度整体较低且呈现下降趋势,最大可能连接度指数不足0.1。期间,垦利农业生态区、河口农业生态区和胜利油田区的自然湿地面积减少严重,景观连接度下降明显。到2013年,这3个区域的自然湿地景观连接度全部下降至0.01以下。而一千二管理站和黄河口管理站内自然湿地的面积与景观连接度却有所增加,其中,一千二管理站自然湿地的景观连接度均在0.5以上,黄河口管理站自然湿地的可能连接度也从0.203增加到0.360。人类活动对黄河三角洲湿地景观格局的演变产生了重要影响。耕地、人工湿地以及油田、道路等建设用地是黄河三角洲湿地景观连接度变化的主要驱动因素,而自然保护区的设立和有效的管理措施是区内湿地景观连接度增加的主要原因。在此基础上建议扩大保护区范围,增加踏脚石斑块,保持水系连通以提高景观连接度。  相似文献   

基于长江口4期遥感影像及野外考察资料,并结合国内外文献报道的该研究区及其周边植被、气候等条件类似地区湿地对水体中N、P营养物质的去除潜力,估算了长江口滩涂湿地去除N、P营养物质的潜力及其变化。结果表明,随着围垦导致的陆域面积、湿地总面积扩大以及湿地景观类型的变化,长江口滩涂湿地年N去除潜力由1980年的710.53~4 039.37 t增加到2010年的5 137.68~9 305.83 t,P去除潜力由1980年的64.62~408.55 t增加到2010年的886.45~1 228.08 t。30 a来堤外3种典型盐沼植被对N的去除潜力约增加800~1 100 t,对P的去除潜力约增加60~70 t,但占总去除潜力的比例却分别下降约44~71和62~84百分点。其中,藨草群落和芦苇群落对N、P的去除潜力贡献均呈不断减少趋势,相反,外来物种互花米草对N、P的去除潜力贡献分别由0%和0%增加到17%~24%和10%~19%。湿地净化潜力评估可为长江口地区水质改善、水源与湿地保护提供科学依据。  相似文献   

基于本底格局的鸭绿江口滨海湿地景观破碎化评价   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在3S技术支持下构建了鸭绿江口滨海湿地景观本底格局,并以本底格局为参照,分别对1989年和2005年鸭绿江口滨海湿地景观破碎化过程进行了监测评价.结果表明:湿地本底格局可作为强度开发环境下湿地景观格局破碎化评价的参照依据.与本底格局相比,鸭绿江口湿地景观格局呈持续破碎化趋势,1989年和2005年湿地景观整体自然度分别为89.373%和86.691%.在不同自然湿地景观类型中,芦苇沼泽、滩涂和潮沟面积萎缩幅度较大,2005年其自然度分别为69.94%、71.49%和78.42%;各湿地类型的斑块密度都出现了不同程度的增大,其中芦苇沼泽和滩涂增大最明显,2005年斑块相对密度分别达18.507和6.879;滩涂斑块形状趋于复杂,2005年斑块相对形状指数为1.085,其他湿地类型斑块形状则持续简化;各时期不同自然湿地类型斑块聚集度指数均较高,反映出鸭绿江口各湿地类型多呈聚集分布的空间格局.  相似文献   

小微湿地是乡村景观的组成部分,是乡村重要的水土基础设施.湿地的功能已经得到广泛认同,但过去多关注大面积成片分布的沼泽、湖泊、滨海湿地及大型河流湿地等,而对于那些数量众多、分散分布的小型和微型湿地却缺少关注.2018年10月,《湿地公约》第十三届缔约方大会通过了中国政府提交的《小微湿地保护与管理决议草案》,小微湿地的保护...  相似文献   

Abstract: Wetland development within the United States is regulated primarily by size. Decisions concerning wetland destruction or conservation are therefore based in part on three inherent assumptions: (1) small wetlands contain water for short portions of the year; (2) small wetlands support few species; and (3) species found in small wetlands are also found in larger wetlands. We tested these assumptions using data on wetland size, relative hydroperiod (drying scores), and relative species richness of amphibians in depression wetlands of the southeastern United States. We found a significant (p = 0.03) but weak (r2 = 0.05) relationship between hydroperiod and wetland size and no relationship (p = 0.48) between amphibian species richness and wetland size. Furthermore, synthetic models of lentic communities predict that short-hydroperiod wetlands support a unique group of species. Empirical investigations support this prediction. Our results indicate that hydroperiod length should be included as a primary criterion in wetland regulations. We advocate a landscape approach to wetlands regulation, focused in part on conserving a diversity of wetlands that represent the entire hydroperiod gradient.  相似文献   

Mitigation and offset programs designed to compensate for ecosystem function losses due to development must balance losses from affected ecosystems with gains in restored ecosystems. Aggregation rules applied to ecosystem functions to assess site equivalence are based on implicit assumptions about the substitutability of functions among sites and can profoundly influence the distribution of restored ecosystem functions on the landscape. We investigated the consequences of rules applied to the aggregation of ecosystem functions for wetland offsets in the Beaverhill watershed in Alberta, Canada. We considered the fate of 3 ecosystem functions: hydrology, water purification, and biodiversity. We set up an affect‐and‐offset algorithm to simulate the effect of aggregation rules on ecosystem function for wetland offsets. Cobenefits and trade‐offs among functions and the constraints posed by the quantity and quality of restorable sites resulted in a redistribution of functions between affected and offset wetlands. Hydrology and water purification functions were positively correlated with one another and negatively correlated with biodiversity function. Weighted‐average rules did not replace functions in proportion to their weights. Rules prioritizing biodiversity function led to more monofunctional wetlands and landscapes. The minimum rule, for which the wetland score was equal to the worst performing function, promoted multifunctional wetlands and landscapes. The maximum rule, for which the wetland score was equal to the best performing function, promoted monofunctional wetlands and multifunctional landscapes. Because of implicit trade‐offs among ecosystem functions, no‐net‐loss objectives for multiple functions should be constructed within a landscape context. Based on our results, we suggest criteria for the design of aggregation rules for no net loss of ecosystem functions within a landscape context include the concepts of substitutability, cobenefits and trade‐offs, landscape constraints, heterogeneity, and the precautionary principle.  相似文献   

Whether through sea level rise or wetland restoration, agricultural soils in coastal areas will be inundated at increasing rates, renewing connections to sensitive surface waters and raising critical questions about environmental trade-offs. Wetland restoration is often implemented in agricultural catchments to improve water quality through nutrient removal. Yet flooding of soils can also increase production of the greenhouse gases nitrous oxide and methane, representing a potential environmental trade-off. Our study aimed to quantify and compare greenhouse gas emissions from unmanaged and restored forested wetlands, as well as actively managed agricultural fields within the North Carolina coastal plain, USA. In sampling conducted once every two months over a two-year comparative study, we found that soil carbon dioxide flux (range: 8000-64 800 kg CO2 x ha(-1) x yr(-1)) comprised 66-100% of total greenhouse gas emissions from all sites and that methane emissions (range: -6.87 to 197 kg CH4 x ha(-1) x yr(-1)) were highest from permanently inundated sites, while nitrous oxide fluxes (range: -1.07 to 139 kg N2O x ha(-1) x yr(-1)) were highest in sites with lower water tables. Contrary to predictions, greenhouse gas fluxes (as CO2 equivalents) from the restored wetland were lower than from either agricultural fields or unmanaged forested wetlands. In these acidic coastal freshwater ecosystems, the conversion of agricultural fields to flooded young forested wetlands did not result in increases in greenhouse gas emissions.  相似文献   

Wetlands are more threatened than any other ecosystem type, with losses exceeding 50% of their original extent worldwide. Despite the small portion of the Earth's surface that they comprise, wetlands contribute significantly to global ecosystem services. In this study, we tested the hypothesis that the location and rate of change in wetland amount in the Tempisque Basin of northwest Costa Rica is predictable from landscape setting. Our results demonstrate that a strong potential exists for developing predictive models of wetland conversion based on an understanding of wetland location and surrounding trends of land use. We found that topography was the single most important predictor of wetland conversion in this area, entraining other conversion processes, and that spatial patterns of wetland loss could consistently be predicted from landscape-level variables. Areas with highest probabilities of conversion were found in the most accessible, non-protected regions of the landscape. While Palo Verde National Park made a substantial contribution to wetland conservation, our results highlight the dependence of lower-lying protected areas on upland processes, adding a little-addressed dimension of complexity to the dialogue about protected area management. Conservation strategies aimed at reducing wetland loss in tropical habitats will benefit from careful analysis of the dominant land use system(s) at a relatively broad scale, and the subsequent development of management and policy responses that take into account dynamic opportunities and constraints in the landscape.  相似文献   

The coastal wetlands of north-eastern New South Wales (NSW) Australia are increasingly being affected by anthropogenic factors such as urbanisation, residential development and agricultural development. However, little is known about their vulnerability to sea level rise as a result of climate change. The aim of this research is to predict the potential impact of sea level rise (SLR) on the coastal wetland communities. Sea Level Affecting Marshes Model (SLAMM) was used to predict the potential impacts of sea level rise. Geographic Information System (GIS) was used for mapping and analysis. It was found that a meter rise in sea level could decrease coastal wetlands such as Inland fresh marshes from about 225.67 km2 in February 2009 to about 168.04 km2 by the end of the century in north-eastern NSW, Australia. The outcomes from this research can contribute to enhancing wetland conservation and management in NSW.  相似文献   

Wetlands, with their many values and important functions, are precious resources. They have, however, undergone great changes during economic development and population growth. Relying on recent advances in remote sensing and geographic information system (GIS) techniques, this paper probes changes in wetland landscapes on Yinchuan Plain during 1978–2006. A series of remote sensing images was used to identify wetland landscape types. Landscape pattern indices, such as patch number, patch density, landscape shape, and Shannon's diversity, evenness, and contagion indices were calculated with GIS and landscape analysis software. Changes in wetland landscape patterns on Yinchuan Plain were analyzed. The analysis show that the total area of wetlands on Yinchuan Plain decreased from 391,540,239 m2 in 1978 to 267,979,957 m2 in 2006, a significant change over 28 years. The area of rivers and lakes has shrunk, and the area of paddies has increased consistently, with increasing wetland fragmentation and heterogeneity. The number of patches, patch density, and landscape shape index shows that wetland landscape patterns have undergone great changes. The landscape diversity, landscape evenness, and contagion indices indicate that wetland landscapes have become less heterogeneous. We discuss the causes of these changes and the sustainable development of wetland ecosystems.  相似文献   

Roe JH  Georges A 《Ecology》2008,89(2):485-494
Aquatic animals inhabiting temporary wetlands must respond to habitat drying either by estivating or moving to other wetlands. Using radiotelemetry and capture mark recapture, we examined factors influencing the decisions made by individuals in a population of freshwater turtles (Chelodina longicollis) in response to wetland drying in southeastern Australia. Turtles exhibited both behaviors, either remaining quiescent in terrestrial habitats for variable lengths of time (terrestrial estivation) or moving to other wetlands. Both the proportion of individuals that estivated terrestrially and the time individuals spent in terrestrial habitats increased with decreasing wetland hydroperiod and increasing distance to the nearest permanent wetland, suggesting behavioral decisions are conditional or state dependent (i.e., plastic) and influenced by local and landscape factors. Variation in the strategy or tactic chosen also increased with increasing isolation from other wetlands, suggesting that individuals differentially weigh the costs and benefits of residing terrestrially vs. those of long-distance movement; movement to other wetlands was the near universal strategy chosen when only a short distance must be traveled to permanent wetlands. The quality of temporary wetlands relative to permanent wetlands at our study site varies considerably and unpredictably with annual rainfall and with it the cost-benefit ratio of each strategy or tactic. Residency in or near temporary wetlands is more successful during wet periods due to production benefits, but movement to permanent wetlands is more successful, or least costly, during dry periods due to survival and body condition benefits. This shifting balance may maintain diversity in response of turtles to the spatial and temporal pattern in wetland quality if their response is in part genetically determined.  相似文献   

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