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采用环境政策分析的一般模式,从政策目标、政策框架、管理手段、管理体制与机制等方面对中国现有的农业面源污染防治政策展开评估,提出政策改进的建议。结果显示,虽然目前农业面源污染防治政策体系正在逐步健全,但仍未建立起从目标、管理方案、实施计划到政策评估的系统性农业面源污染防治框架;现有政策在确定性和经济效率方面均显不足,对农业源排放的总量控制目标设定过于粗糙,缺乏充分的监测作为支撑,且没有配合推动系统实施的管理实践来保证目标实现;农业面源污染防治的基础信息严重匮乏,资金供给难以满足需求。建议建立流域农业面源污染控制规划制度,完善农业面源污染防治的政策框架和信息机制,加大农业面源污染防治投入力度。  相似文献   

由于环境是原料的来源,也是废物排放的接受体。环境问题可分为资源枯竭和污染两类。 有效的资源管理和环境污染管理将减少资源枯竭问题和环境保护问题。 所谓经济手段,是指运用市场、价格、利润、贷款、税收、奖惩等经济手段,即运用经济杠杆来组织、调节和影响防治污染、保护资源,也即按照客观的经济规律的要求选择有效的环境管理方案。  相似文献   

对清洁生产、ISO14000环境管理体系的内涵作了简介,着重从理论到实践经验上探讨清洁生产审核在ISO14000环境管理体系推进过程中,环境因素和重大环境因素识别;目标、指标、环境管理方案建立;具体实施过程中的应用。  相似文献   

入河排污口管理是控制污染物入河总量的重要手段,也是保护水资源、改善水环境的一项重要保障措施.进行国内外入河排污口管理经验的对比,有利于完善中国的入河排污口管理制度,探索更加有效的污染物入河总量控制方法,以促进环境、经济和社会的协调发展.对比研究发现,中国入河排污口管理存在多龙治水现象,管理信息正逐步走向公开,管理以行政手段为主,监督管理成本较高,入河排污口监测体系还不完善,且侧重于排污口设置的初始管理;而美国等西方国家的管理部门较为单一,管理信息公开完全,管理以经济手段为主,监督管理的成本低,管理目标相对容易实现,还建立了较健全的监测体系,并着重实施全过程管理.最后,针对中国入河排污口管理中存在的问题,提出了打破部门分割,实施第三方监测;加强入河排污口监测能力建设和违规排污的处罚力度;加强信息公开,鼓励公众参与;建立区域间富有弹性的入河污染物总量控制制度等建议.  相似文献   

跨国污染是国际环境法研究的重要内容,而国际(环境)法是解决跨国污染的重要手段。从效率与公平的角度对跨国(全球)污染的分析表明,跨国污染实质是产生了国家间的环境不公平,即环境污染的外部不经济扩散到污染国之外的国家,而受害国没有得到应有的补偿,总体上可能有效率的经济收益只为污染国占有;在此基础上提出解决跨国污染环境不公平的国际法途径  相似文献   

加强固体废物环境管理,是防止固体废物污染环境,实现"减量化、资源化、无害化"目标的重要途径.近几年来,浙江省环境保护局以科学发展观为指导,按照环境保护"三个转变"的要求,不断完善政策制度,固体废物法制体系逐步形成;积极推动基础设施建设,医疗废物和工业危险废物处置能力分别比2004年增长4倍和18倍.  相似文献   

污染物总量减排中存在的问题和对策   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
“十一五”全国主要污染物排放总量减少10%,已成为约束性指标。面对严峻的形势,尽管社会各界空前重视,但各地减排工作进展不平衡,仍存在着经济增长方式粗放、政策措施落实不到位等问题。针对存在问题,提出了以加大对产业结构调整力度、加大污染防治资金投入、实施严格的环境准入制度等政策措施;以完善减排体系、适时修改国家污染减排核算细则等技术措施;以加大对环境执法和环境监管的力度、对减排宣传的力度等保障措施。  相似文献   

为有效降低污染地块的环境风险,各地政府积极探索污染地块再开发利用的准入管理机制。对地方污染地块再开发利用准入管理文件进行全面梳理的基础上,分析了各地准入管理机制的差异性,总结了准入管理在信息共享、联合监管环节以及资金和责任认定等方面的经验,提出地方准入管理机制存在的法律法规要求缺失、信息共享机制不完善、全流程监管尚未打通的问题,指出应尽快制定和出台部门间的联合监管政策、加快完善部门间的信息共享机制和强化保障措施,为国家建立污染地块再开发利用准入管理机制提供参考。  相似文献   

公众参与环境管理的模式创新及试点探讨   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
合理有序的公众参与可以有效弥补政府失灵和市场失灵,改变社会力量在环境保护中功能缺位和主体缺位的双重窘境。但目前中国公众参与环境管理存在法律法规不健全、公众参与环境管理的程度不高、组织体系不完善、民间组织发展缓慢、社区参与环境管理不足等问题。在此基础上,建议引入社区磋商小组这种创新型公众参与模式来充分调动基层广泛的公众力量来参与环境管理。介绍了社区磋商小组的模式设计、职能和特点,并对社区磋商小组的试点研究和效果进行总结。最后提出,社区磋商小组这一公众参与环境管理的模式在常州市雅浦村的示范效果和成功经验为进一步研究社区参与环境管理奠定了良好的基础,该模式在中国有着广泛的应用前景,但仍需在政策支持、资金保障和长效运行模式等方面展开进一步研究。  相似文献   

县级城市装饰行业是随着城市建设发展而形成的,但由于国家对该行业没有具体的环境管理政策,行业缺乏统一的监督管理和实用的污染防治技术,已给城市环境造成影响。根据富阳市环保部门的调查,富阳市现有装饰行业85家,1997年被投诉的噪声污染事件有38件,占全市噪声污染投诉的86.4%。 目前,从事县级城市装饰行业的单位,除个别挂靠集体所有制外,多数以个体经营为主。因该行业投资少、规模小、技术要求低,因此一般经营者难以投入较大数额的资金治理污染。另外,装饰行业流动性大,作业点分散,业主的环境意识不强,对其的环境管理工作难以落实,给监督执法带来困难。装饰行业中产生的噪声、喷漆污染和固体废物成为城市的又一种主要污染来源。在环保工作中正确处理经济发展与环境保护的关系是促进装饰行业持续发展的保证,也是更好地为人们改善居住环境的  相似文献   

Pollution mitigation is an important target for restored wetlands, and although there is much information in relation to nutrient removal, little attention has been paid to emerging contaminants. This paper reports on the occurrence and attenuation capacity of 17 emerging contaminants in a restored wetland and two rivers in North-East Denmark. The compounds belong to the groups of pharmaceuticals, fragrances, antiseptics, fire retardants, pesticides, and plasticizers. Concentrations in surface waters ranged from 2 to 1476 ng L−1. The compounds with the highest concentrations were diclofenac, 2-methyl-4-chlorophenoxyacetic acid (MCPA), caffeine, and tris(2-chloroethyl) phosphate (TCEP). The herbicide concentrations increased after a rain-fall event, demonstrating the agricultural run-off origin of these compounds, whereas the concentration of the other emerging contaminants was rather conservative. The mitigation capacity of the restored wetland for the compounds ranged from no attenuation to 84% attenuation (19% on average). Hence, restored wetlands may be considered as a feasible alternative for mitigating emerging contaminants from river waters.  相似文献   

Heterotrophic activities were investigated by measuring 3H-leucine incorporation to bacterial protein and 14C-glucose turnover in surface flow constructed wetlands receiving woodwaste leachate. No significant longitudinal variation was found in heterotrophic activities of bacterioplankton. An open wetland, a vegetated wetland, and a fertilized vegetated wetland were used to examine the effects of vegetation and ammonium nitrate amendment. There was not a significant difference in treatment performance among the three wetlands, except for a significant pH increase and more efficient volatile fatty acids removal in the fertilized wetland. The fertilized wetland had the highest leucine incorporation rate and shortest glucose turnover time accompanied by the lowest glucose mineralization percentage, followed by the open wetland, then the vegetated wetland. Planktonic and sedimentary bacteria contributed to the majority of the total heterotrophic activities; epiphytic bacteria played a minor role. Heterotrophic activities were influenced by the availability of nutrient, electron acceptor, and organic substrate.  相似文献   

Kirk Hatfield 《Chemosphere》1992,25(12):1753-1762
Land use regulations and air quality standards can be effective tools to control air pollution. Atmospheric transport/chemistry simulation models could be used to develop suitable regulations and standards; however, these models are not as efficient as air quality management models developed from embedding governing equations for atmospheric transport/chemistry into an optimization framework. Formulations of two steady-state air quality management models are presented to facilitate the development or evaluation of land use strategies to protect regional air quality from pollution generated from distributed point or nonpoint sources. Both models are linear programs constructed with equations that describe steady-state atmospheric pollutant fate and transport. The first model determines feasible pollutant loading patterns for multiple land use activities to accommodate the greatest regional population. The second model ascertains patterns of expanded land use which have a minimum impact on air quality. The primary goal of this paper is to explain how air pollution and land use modeling may be coupled to create an effective management tool to aid scientists and engineers with decisions affecting air quality and land use. The secondary goal is to show the types of air quality and regulatory information which could be obtained from these models. This latter goal is attained with general conclusions as consequence of applying ‘duality theory.’  相似文献   

分析了洪泽湖湿地生态系统属性及其在南水北调工程实施后的演变趋势,利用野外实验研究,在生境改变条件下,适用于不同湿地退化状况的人工辅助恢复技术;在实验监测的基础上,对洪泽湖几种典型湿地生态系统的生态功能进行了定量评价,为生态恢复工程的设计提供必要的技术支持。  相似文献   

Chemical methods and phytoremediation of soil contaminated with heavy metals   总被引:43,自引:0,他引:43  
Chen HM  Zheng CR  Tu C  Shen ZG 《Chemosphere》2000,41(1-2):229-234
The effects of chemical amendments (calcium carbonate (CC), steel sludge (SS) and furnace slag (FS)) on the growth and uptake of cadmium (Cd) by wetland rice, Chinese cabbage and wheat grown in a red soil contaminated with Cd were investigated using a pot experiment. The phytoremediation of heavy metal contaminated soil with vetiver grass was also studied in a field plot experiment. Results showed that treatments with CC, SS and FS decreased Cd uptake by wetland rice, Chinese cabbage and wheat by 23-95% compared with the unamended control. Among the three amendments, FS was the most efficient at suppressing Cd uptake by the plants, probably due to its higher content of available silicon (Si). The concentrations of zinc (Zn), lead (Pb) and Cd in the shoots of vetiver grass were 42-67%, 500-1200% and 120-260% higher in contaminated plots than in control, respectively. Cadmium accumulation by vetiver shoots was 218 g Cd/ha at a soil Cd concentration of 0.33 mg Cd/kg. It is suggested that heavy metal-contaminated soil could be remediated with a combination of chemical treatments and plants.  相似文献   

Wetland plants such as Typha latifolia and Phragmites australis have been indicated to show a lack of evolution of metal tolerance in metal-contaminated populations. The aim of the present study is to verify whether other common wetland plants such as Alternanthera philoxeroides and Beckmannia syzigachne, also possess the same characteristics. Lead and zinc tolerances in populations of six species collected from contaminated and clean sites were examined by hydroponics. In general, the contaminated populations did not show higher metal tolerance and accumulation than the controls. Similar growth responses and tolerance indices in the same metal treatment solution between contaminated and control populations suggest that metal tolerance in wetland plants are generally not further evolved by contaminated environment. The reasons may be related to the special root anatomy in wetland plants, the alleviated metal toxicity by the reduced rooting conditions and the relatively high innate metal tolerance in some species.  相似文献   

“控源-截污-资源化”模式处理面源污染   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
针对农村面源污染的时空范围广,不确定性大,成分、过程复杂,难以控制的特点,同时考虑废物资源化的问题,提出了"控污-截污-资源化(再利用)"CIR模式,包括三方面:通过改变不良用水习惯及耕作方式等从源头上控制污染排放;利用植物缓冲带、自然塘、沟渠湿地和表面流湿地等达到截污的目的;将畜禽养殖废水及生活黑水集中处理,产生沼气,变废为宝,于湿地内种植经济类水生植物,兼性塘内水产养殖,最终实现废物资源化(再利用)。经过将近一年半的运行测试,测试结果表明,整个模式不仅除污效率高,而且可产生良好的经济效益。  相似文献   

Although quarrying is often cited as a potential threat to wetland systems, there is a lack of relevant, quantitative case studies in the literature. The impact of pumped groundwater discharged from a quarry into a wetland area was assessed relative to reference conditions in an adjacent fen wetland that receives only natural runoff. Analysis of vegetation patterns at the quarry wetland site, using Detrended Correspondence Analysis and the species indicator values of Ellenberg, revealed a clear disparity between community transitions in the quarry wetland and the reference site. Limited establishment of moisture-sensitive taxa, the preferential proliferation of robust wetland species and an overall shift towards lower species diversity in the quarry wetland were explicable primarily by the physico-chemical environment created by quarry dewatering. This encompassed high pH (up to 12.8), sediment-rich effluent creating a nutrient-poor substrate with poor moisture retention in the quarry wetland, and large fluctuations in water levels.  相似文献   

Hadad HR  Maine MA  Bonetto CA 《Chemosphere》2006,63(10):1744-1753
A pilot-scale wetland was constructed to assess the feasibility of treating the wastewater from a tool industry in Santo Tomé, Santa Fe, Argentina. The wastewater had high conductivity and pH, and contained Cr, Ni and Zn. This paper describes the growth of vegetation in the experimental wetland and the nutrient and metal removal. The wetland was 6 x 3 x 0.4 m. Water discharge was 1000 l d(-1) and residence time was 7d. After the wetland was rendered impermeable, macrophytes from Middle Paraná River floodplain were transplanted. Influent and effluent quality was analyzed every 15 d. TP, Cr, Ni and Zn concentrations in leaves, roots and sediment (inlet and outlet) were measured monthly. Cover and biomass of predominant species were estimated. Also, greenhouse experiments were carried out to measure the effects of conductivity and pH on floating species. The variables measured in the influent were significantly higher than those in the effluent, except for HCO(3)(-) and NH(4)(+). TP and metal concentrations in sediment at the inlet were significantly higher than those at the outlet. Conductivity and pH of the incoming wastewater were toxic for the floating species. Typha domingensis displaced the other species and reached positive relative cover rate and biomass greater than those at the undisturbed natural environment. T. domingensis proved to be highly efficient for the treatment of wastewater. For that reason, it is the advisable species for the treatment of wastewater of high conductivity and pH enriched with metals, characteristic of many industrial processes.  相似文献   

A pilot-scale constructed wetland unit, consisting of free water surface (FWS) and subsurface flow (SF) constructed wetlands arranged in series, was integrated into an outdoor recirculating aquaculture system (RAS) for culturing Pacific white shrimp (Litopenaeus vannamei). This study evaluated the performance of the wetland unit in treating the recirculating wastewater and examined the effect of improvement in water quality of the culture tank on the growth and survival of shrimp postlarvae. During an 80-day culture period, the wetland unit operated at a mean hydraulic loading rate of 0.3 m/day and effectively reduced the influent concentrations of 5-day biochemical oxygen demand (BOD5, 24%), suspended solids (SS, 71%), chlorophyll a (chl-a, 88%), total ammonium (TAN, 57%), nitrite nitrogen (NO2-N, 90%) and nitrate nitrogen (NO3-N, 68%). Phosphate (PO4-P) reduction was the least efficient (5.4%). The concentrations of SS, Chl-a, turbidity and NO3-N in the culture tank water in RAS were significantly (P相似文献   

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