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资源与环境是人类社会赖以生存和发展的物质基础,利用投入产出技术,能定量地研究国民经济发展与资源环境的关系,指导国民经济产业结构向着资源与环境可持续方向健康发展。以作者所编制的2002年江苏省水资源利用、水污染防治投入产出表为基础,通过计算2002年江苏省国民经济各部门直接用水系数与完全用水系数以及COD直接排放系数与完全排放系数,深入分析了各部门对水资源的使用情况和水环境的消耗情况;利用投入产出价格模型,分析和测度了水资源费与排污费征收标准单独变动及同时变动等5种不同情况下江苏省国民经济各部门产品价格的变化率,进一步分析研究了水资源费与排污费征收标准调整对国民经济各部门的影响;最后依据上述计算分析结果,给出了江苏省国民经济不同行业今后调整的一些建议和意见.  相似文献   

人类住区可持续发展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
改善人居环境,是经济和社会发展中必须重视的一个问题。本文以人类住区发展为出发点,分析了我国人居环境的现状和住区发展面临的问题,指出改善人类住区环境,实现可持续发展,需要走一条科技、经济、社会和人口、资源、环境协调行动的可持续发展的道路。  相似文献   

贸易自由化对我国环境的影响——基于ACT模型的实证研究   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
近年来我国对外贸易发展迅速,但伴随而来的环境污染问题也越来越严重。学术界对我国贸易与环境问题进行了多方面研究,但并未得到一致的结论。文参考ACT模型,试图将贸易自由化对我国环境的影响从经济发展对我国环境的整体效应中分离出来进行研究。本文采用panel数据对我国1992-2004年期间贸易自由化的环境效应进行了实证分析,结果表明:贸易自由化对我国环境消极的规模效应和结构效应远远超过了积极的技术效应,即贸易自由化使我国环境恶化。这主要归因于我国粗放型的经济增长方式以及不完善的环境法规。要改善其不利影响,我国应采用法律和经济措施相结合的办法,从而达到减少贸易的规模效应、改变现有贸易结购以及加强其技术效应的目的。  相似文献   

中国城市规划学会副理事长陈为邦在此间举办的全国中小城市发展论坛上指出,伴随着城市的快速发展,我国城市建设不可避免地出现了一些“城市病”。在城市建设中,应树立科学的发展观,坚持协调发展的方针,实现经济、社会与人口、资源、环境协调发展。城市规模应根据经济社会发展的实际需要,实事求是,宜大则大,宜小则小,注意防止在规划建设中城市规模偏大,建设标准偏高,规划中盲目追求形式的不良倾向。那种不顾经济条件和实际使用的要求,片面地追求规模和奇特,不注重生态环境建设,将不利于城市的可持续发展。当前我国的“城市病”主要表现在以下…  相似文献   

我国对外贸易的资源环境逆差分析   总被引:7,自引:1,他引:6  
随着全球经济一体化进程的加快及我国改革开放的深入发展。我国贸易快速发展并取得了巨大成就。并成为拉动我国经济发展的兰大引擎之一。但是。长期以来粗放型贸易增长方式在拉动经济贸易增长的同时。也对我国资源与环境带来了巨大压力和严峻挑战。研究表明。我国贸易价值量顺差但资源环境却在产生“逆差”。因此,应高度关注我国贸易增长的资源环境代价.以环保手段绿化贸易增长,运用贸易手段缓解资源环境压力。为此.建议我国在进出口环境关税、市场准入与准出、投资等贸易环节增加环保“阀门”。具体政策建议:①扩大出口关税征收范围.加征高污染产品出口环境关税;②设计和实施以环境保护为目的的市场准入和准出制度;③提高外商直接投资环境准入门槛。引导我国企业的海外投资活动;④健全进口废物贸易政策,有效防范废物贸易环境风险。  相似文献   

随着我国进入新的发展阶段,特别是开始探索新的区域协调发展战略和加快推进形成全国主体功能区规划,区域差异性对我国的排污税费政策的影响会越来越明显,这将逐渐成为其环境规制效率提升的重要障碍之一。为了减小甚至消除这种区域差异性对排污税费政策的影响,本文从区域性这个角度出发,以排污税费标准的制定为切入点,以最优排污税费理论模型为基础,利用比较分析法,指出区域差异对我国现行的排污收费制度的消极影响是存在的这一客观事实,并对不同行政主体主导制定的税费标准的差异进行了分析。在此基础上,提出了完善我国排污税费政策的相关对策。指出排污税费标准不能高度统一,应研究探索区域划分机制,结合区域特征推行差别排污税费标准,以实现环境资源的充分利用和污染社会总成本的最小化;要建立动态的排污税费标准评估与调整机制,灵活地、适时地调整排污税费标准;同时,建立区域性的多主体协调机制,防范污染的区际转移,提高政策的有效性。  相似文献   

为积极推进ISO14000系列标准在我国的实施,促进ISO14000国家示范区创建工作深入开展,不断提高区域经济和环境协调发展的水平,凡符合本条件的可列入ISO14000国家示范区。  相似文献   

能源-经济-环境非协调发展原因的经济学解释   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
我国的能源-经济-环境(3E)系统总体协调程度偏低,系统发展中存在着许多缺陷和冲突。主要表现在能源与环境、环境与经济间的矛盾突出,而经济与能源生产、消费之间呈现出一定的非均衡性。综合运用环境经济学、能源经济学,制度经济学、微观经济学理论,密切结合我国能源、经济和环境的发展现状,深入探讨造成3E系统非协调发展的内在原因,从而为政策实践提供更深层面的理论参考。分析结果表明:环境、资源的公公性与不明晰的产权安排,环境、资源利用中广泛存在着的外部不经济性,环境、资源不完善的市场与价格机制,实现经济外部均衡的资源要素投入效益难以衡量,人类行为假设与不完善的制度安排是我国当前3E系统非协调发展现象产生的根源所在。  相似文献   

1997年5月7日在北京召开的国务院第56次常委会议审议通过了《中国人民共部国可持续发展国家报告》,并决定将这个报告提交给将于今年6月在纽约召开的环境与发展事务特别联大会议。1992年世界环境与发展大会5年来,我国为执行《21世纪议程》作了大量积极有益的工作,制定并颁布了《环境与发展的十大时策》,批准了《联合国气候变化框架公约》和《生物多样性公约》,加快了环境立法的步大,形成了一整套有中国特色的、行之有效的环境保护政策、法规和措施。我国还在国际上率先制定并颁布了第一个国家级的可持续发展战略即《中国ZI世纪议程—…  相似文献   

电解金属锰作为一种重要的冶金、化工原材料,为我国工业快速发展做出了较大贡献。但在锰资源的开采和加工过程中,存在着资源利用效率低下、生产集约程度不足、资源管理不善等多方面的问题,这不仅严重破坏了资源基础,更加重了环境恶化的趋势。我国的电解锰行业面对着资源短缺和环境保护的严峻挑战。为此,在系统分析我国电解锰行业面临的资源压力、环境压力、安全压力的基础上,探讨了我国电解锰行业可持续发展的途径和对策。重点强调国家应实行限产,适度开发,加大找矿工作力度,充分利用国内外两种资源;加快电解锰工业产业结构调整,通过并购、重组等措施发展壮大一批生产规模大、工艺先进、资源利用率高的企业;以资源和环境确定和优化经济增长模式,制定和完善电解锰行业发展政策,鼓励企业推行清洁生产。  相似文献   

我国建材行业环境标志制度实施及意义   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
随着我要环境标志制度的实施。自1994年以来我要建材行业环境标志认证有了长足发展.据我国环境标志产品认证委员会秘书处数据。我国建材行业近200家企业的550多种产品获得环境标志认证.其产品涵盖了建材行业的各个方面。其中约有40多家企业近60个建筑涂料企业的产品、50家人造板材企业80多种产品、30余家粘合剂企业等建材行业产口获得环境标志产口认证。这对我国建材行业绩构调整具有十分重要的现实意义。  相似文献   

Buildings contribute almost half of the world's carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions. Energy and water consumption are some of the largest and fastest growing pressures on the global environment. The use of energy is mainly attributed to the heating and cooling of buildings. The type of materials used in the construction of buildings plays a significant role in the life-cycle emissions of each dwelling. Changing the material use in the construction of an existing building and adding insulation could have a major impact on energy use and the environment of the building in its entire life cycle. This paper investigates the amount of exergy savings and the decrease in CO2 emissions resulting from the refurbishing of an existing building in Ljubljana. This study results from the growing awareness that in the choice of building materials, the designer must consider not only the requirements of the owner and occupier of the building, but also the resulting energy savings, the resource base and the effects of the manufacturing and processing of building materials on the environment. The exergy efficiency of the material use is calculated and the environmental impact assessment of energy and material use is accounted for.  相似文献   

建筑装饰材料在我国一直保持着旺盛的市场需求和高的发展速度,它反映了经济的发展,科技的进步和人民生活水平的提高,然而建筑装饰材料的发展在美化人民生活环境的同时,也在一定程度上破坏着人类的生存环境,文章系统分析了各主要类型建筑装饰材料的生产,施工,应用废弃处理的整个寿命周期中存在的主要资料环境问题,指出了其对可持续发展的严重影响,探讨了引发这些问题的可能原因,文章最后提出了建筑装饰材料发展中产生的环境问题的解决对策和建议。  相似文献   

长江流域可持续发展的环境支持系统研究   总被引:7,自引:1,他引:6  
可持续发展取决于智力、资源、环境、动力、过程五大支持系统的正常协调运转1。其中环境支持系统是一个重要方面。但目前长江流域的环境支持系统较为脆弱,生态环境问题比较严重,若不积极研究采取有效措施加以解决,对长江流域的持续发展极为不利。本文根据有关资料,对持续发展的可利用空间及其五大支持系统作了较为系统的论述,并对长江流域环境支持系统面临的主要问题和对策作了较深入的分析。研究认为,长江流域环境支持系统面  相似文献   

Methods, standards, and regulations that are aimed to reduce indoor air pollution from building materials are critically reviewed. These are classified as content control and emission control. Methods and standards can be found in both of these two classes. In the regulation domain, only content control is enforced in some countries and some regions, and asbestos is the only building material that is banned for building use. The controlled pollutants include heavy metals, radon, formaldehyde, and volatile organic compounds (VOCs). Emission rate control based upon environment chamber testing is very much in the nature of voluntary product labeling and ranking, and this mainly targets formaldehyde and VOC emissions. It is suggested that radon emission from building materials should be subject to similar emission rate control. A comprehensive set criteria and credit-awarding scheme that encourages the use of low-emission building material is synthesized, and how this scheme can be practiced in building design is proposed and discussed.  相似文献   

生态旅游区环境变化与可持续旅游发展——以张家界为例   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
生态旅游区在扩大接待能力,增加旅游注入的同时,不可避免地破坏了景区生态环境。既要接持更多的过夜游客,增加旅游收入,又要使旅游区生态系统维持在安全的水平上,开发建设规模多大为宜,这是许多生态旅游区亟待解决的问题。本文提出了基于环境脆弱因子的建设规模容限值计量模型,并在典型的生态旅游区张家界进行了验证。通过计算得出了在不同的建设规模条件下,张家界景区最为脆弱的环境因子-总磷含量的变化状态。实证研究表明,宾馆规模容限值模型是分析生态旅游区环境变化可持续发展的有效工具。  相似文献   

In this paper, sustainability is examined as one of the objectives of enabling man in a preserved, efficient and enduring world environment. Thus, sustainable housing and environmental development is conceptualized as a building or shelter provided through judicious, selective sourcing, processing and use of building materials to satisfy current shelter needs while ensuring quality environment and adequate resources for the future generations in satisfying theirs. To stimulate orderly academic debate, the paper proposes five major factors of sustainability. They include climatic sustainability factor, ecological sustainability factor, economics and affordability sustainability factor, social sustainability factor and cultural sustainability factor. The sustainability attributes of each factor are highlighted, and the criteria for the selection of building materials to satisfy the attributes are commended.  相似文献   


Contrast with artificial environment, the multi-level self-organizational system of nature has great gain. Sustainable material environment should respect nature: non-rubbish and super-cycle quality of natural ecosystem offers the material source of human development, fractal structure of nature offers new field of space and information source to this high-density and information-based society, dissipative structure of nature links the new system of energy with whole ecosystem organically, and life-chain regulation is the base of sustainable life environment. Nature guarantees the physical healthy environment by its all-dimension healthy factor, constructs the mental healthy environment by its quality of co-ordinate and chaos, so that guarantees the whole emergence of sustainable development on the ‘super-science’ level. In the view of sustainable development, construction, green economy and human health are basic fields. With the concept of ecosystem regulation, we can relate these fields organically and fulfill the task of human health, welfare and sustainable development. Ecosystem regulation is the base of sustainable development’s new paradigm.  相似文献   

This essay examines discourse from members of the Skull Valley Goshute Native American tribe about the nuclear-waste proposal and tribal controversy. Building from Kinsella's “bounded-constitutive” theoretical model of communication, I argue the environment (material) is more than a context where Goshute culture and policy development (symbolic) plays out. Rather, environment, culture, and policy mutually define each other, and the material environment constrains Goshute culture. Instead of the symbolic unilaterally influencing the material, the material responds and acts to influence the symbolic. The symbolic becomes responsible to the material and vice versa as the relationship is multi-influential and interactive creating political, cultural, and environmental complexities and contradictions while fueling intra-tribal conflict.  相似文献   


The vulnerable eco-area is one of the important research targets in the field of sustainable development. It is the requirement of building a well-off society in an all-round way that we should study more on the vulnerable eco-areas, deal with the relationship between environmental protection and economic development, speed up the economic development in these areas and increase the living standard of the local people. This paper puts forward the countermeasures of environment—economy coordination, on the basis of the recognition of eco- environment features and social economic conditions in the vulnerable eco-areas of China, in view of the progress in sustainable development studies of the vulnerable ones, taking the transitional areas of farming and pasturing in northeast China as an example to study the regional environment vulnerability.  相似文献   

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