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油气田采油(气)废水处理设施运行情况调查与评价   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3  
通过对全国19个油气田191套采油(气)废水处理设施进行调查,针对其工艺流程、建设投资、处理能力、运行费用、运行状况和处理效果,分析了现有处理方法存在的问题,并提出了解决的办法。对今后处理设施的管理、改进和处理技术的研究有一定参考价值。  相似文献   

文章对国内20家炼化企业共计272套VOCs末端治理设施进行调研,统计了治理设施的设计处 理规模、VOCs进口浓度等信息。其中污水集输处理系统、工艺废气、储罐、装卸车系统是炼化企业VOCs 4大污染源。基于各治理设施的VOCs设计处理规模和进口浓度,建立了炼化企业VOCs末端治理设施排放估算 方法,按照污染源类别将各个治理设施的VOCs排放水平划分为4个等级,1级为最高,4级为最低。其中1级排放设施分别占比19.2%,24.6%,19.4%和24.3%,这说明目前我国炼化企业的VOCs处理量较大,排放管控不容松懈。此外,还统计了272套治理设施的治理技术,结合设施的排放等级,建立了炼化企业VOCs末端 治理技术评估表,基于此表能够为炼化企业对VOCs末端治理设施治理技术的比选提供指导。  相似文献   

通过调查石油企业机械加工废水55套处理设施的运行情况及处理效果,介绍了机械加工废水的来源、性质和目前机械加工废水处理采用的工艺方法。目前,石油企业投入了大量的资金用于机械加工废水处理,基本解决了机加工废水污染问题。但是,石油企业机加工废水处理率低于国家平均水平,处理运行费高于国家同期水平,现行处理技术基本能满足废水处理的要求,处理设施尚有潜力可挖。建议加强对现有处理设施的管理,推广“清洁生产”技术保证废水经处理后达标排放或回用。  相似文献   

放射性污染金属熔炼去污后循环再利用是处理放射性污染金属的有效手段。为了确保熔炼污染物的排放符合国家标准,合理估算释放源项,需要对放射性废金属熔炼去污分配系数进行研究。经对国外金属熔炼设施的分配系数的比较、分析,推荐了一套适用于评价放射性废金属熔炼设施辐射影响采用的核素去污分配系数。  相似文献   

吉化公司在过去的几年里,发展经济的同时注重环境保护工作,先后建成了一系列“三废”处理设施和综合利用装置178套,总投资为2.87亿元。这些处理设施投用后,使吉化公司的“三废”污染得到了有效的控制,同时,也为企业的经济发展创造了良好的环境条件。一、制定企业总体发展规划,搞好环境综合防治  相似文献   

炼油厂废水处理设施及工艺述评   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
为了弄清目前炼油厂废水的处理水平,通过对三个典型炼油废水处理厂的调查,分别对其处理流程、处理效果、采用的主要处理药剂及处理工艺进行了介绍,分析了每套处理设施的长处以及与先进设施对比存在的不足。  相似文献   

炼油污水生化处理的改造   总被引:3,自引:2,他引:1  
随着各炼油厂加工深度和加工能力的日益提高,排放的污水水量不断增加,水质不断恶化,原有的“老三套”中的曝气装置已无法满足生产需要,为此,不少炼油厂都针对各自的具体情况,对生化系统进行了技术改造,主要措施有:淘汰现有表曝池、改造现有表曝池、向表曝池中投加多孔物质或硝化与反硝化菌、增建生化预处理设施及将一级生化处理改为二级生化处理等。  相似文献   

概述了上海南汇地区农村生活污水就地处理设施运行管理的现状,从处理设施运行情况、管理水平和运行成本等方面分析当前农村生活污水就地处理设施运行管理模式的利弊和条件;进一步阐述上海农村生活污水就地处理设施运行管理应当因地制宜、综合考虑;最后从农村环境管理层面以及处理技术角度,提出了健全上海郊区农村生活污水就地处理设施运行管理体系的总体思路。  相似文献   

一、项目概况 中山市国泰染整有限公司位于广东省中山市三角镇,是一家综合型染整企业。所用染料主要有活性染料和分散染料,并使用多种印染助剂。该公司原有一套日处理6000m^3的污水处理设施,随着生产规模的扩大,该公司决定新建一套污水处理系统以满足需要。  相似文献   

在政策支持和实际需求的驱动下,可能会导致县级地区垃圾焚烧项目迅速增多,且带来潜在的环境监管压力和环境社会风险,需要给予持续的特别关注,并对地方做好环境监管和风险管控的指导。本文基于全国精细化的生活垃圾焚烧处理设施、生活垃圾产生量、网络舆情等数据,通过构建泰森多边形等空间分析方法进行了焚烧处理设施的服务范围识别及负荷率计算,通过自然语言处理技术进行了关于生活垃圾焚烧处理设施的情感分析。在此基础上,基于焚烧处理设施的负荷率和负面舆情比例,对31个省份环境社会风险进行定量的评估分析并提出对策建议,一是平衡解决“缺口大”和“吃不饱”问题,合理规划布局县级地区生活垃圾焚烧处理设施;二是聚焦负面舆情高发领域、区域,积极防范县级地区生活垃圾焚烧处理设施环境社会风险。  相似文献   

邓鹂 《新疆环境保护》2011,33(3):35-36,49
医院污水来源及成分复杂,含有病原性微生物、有毒、有害的物理化学污染物和放射性污染等,需建设配套的废水治理设施.为检验治理效果,加强监管,需对治理设施进行验收监测和监督性监测.在排除废水治理过程一系列问题后即可做到,监测科学合理顺利开展,废水治理设施处理的废水稳定达标排放.  相似文献   

污水处理设施作为废水排放的处理终端,在区域水环境治理的过程中发挥关键作用。本文以长江经济带沿线1117座污水处理设施为样本,以单位污水处理能耗作为污水处理设施的投入变量,BOD5等污染物的削减率作为产出变量,在考虑各类污染物对环境造成的异质性影响下利用WSBM模型对污水处理设施的减排效率进行测度,并运用CLAD模型对影响污水处理设施减排效率的外部因素进行研究。结果表明:长江经济带污水处理设施综合减排效率较低且差异较大,设施单位污水处理能耗冗余率较高以及对总磷污染物减排效果不理想是制约其减排效率提高的重要因素;长江经济带污水处理设施的减排纯技术效率总体呈现"东高西低",以上海、湖南、云南三省份形成"三极"的空间分布特征,而设施减排规模效率则呈现出"中部高、东西低"的空间分布格局;设施减排效率外部影响因素的驱动效应差异明显,并据此提出了排水管网合理规划、推进新型城镇化建设等对策建议。  相似文献   

Medical waste management in Korea   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The management of medical waste is of great importance due to its potential environmental hazards and public health risks. In the past medical waste was often mixed with municipal solid waste and disposed of in residential waste landfills or improper treatment facilities (e.g. inadequately controlled incinerators) in Korea. In recent years, many efforts have been made by environmental regulatory agencies and waste generators to better manage the waste from healthcare facilities. This paper presents an overview of the current management practices of medical waste in Korea. Information regarding generation, composition, segregation, transportation, and disposal of medical wastes is provided and discussed. Medical waste incineration is identified as the most preferred disposal method and will be the only available treatment option in late 2005. Faced with increased regulations over toxic air emissions (e.g. dioxins and furans), all existing small incineration facilities that do not have air pollution control devices will cease operation in the next few years. Large-scale medical waste incinerators would be responsible for the treatment of medical waste generated by most healthcare facilities in Korea. It is important to point out that there is a great potential to emit air toxic pollutants from such incinerators if improperly operated and managed, because medical waste typically contains a variety of plastic materials such as polyvinyl chloride (PVC). Waste minimization and recycling, control of toxic air emissions at medical waste incinerators, and alternative treatment methods to incineration are regarded to be the major challenges in the future.  相似文献   

: Substantial reductions in municipal water use are feasible without reducing the quality of life. If conservation measures are preplanned, properly engineered, and coordinated, reductions in utility bills for water, waste water, and energy are estimated at $30+per person per year. Installation of devices to reduce water use, engineering plans to prevent malfunctioning of collecting sewers, and engineered process modifications of treatment facilities must be coordinated to achieve full benefits of water conservation. Pollutant discharges to the aquatic environment are reduced in direct proportion to the reduction in water use.  相似文献   

本文首先总体分析了"十二五"期间我国医疗废物环境管理和技术在完善制度建设、加快处理设施建设、打击环境违法行为和创新开展医疗废物处置示范等方面取得的进展和成效,分析了当前医疗废物管理中存在的包括缺乏针对性制度、处理设施总体技术水平不高、新增布局缺乏指导、收费水平偏低等突出问题。面向"十三五",本文提出环境管理四个方面的主要思路,从思路出发,提出"十三五"重点开展的任务,包括开展基础性调查评估、修订医疗废物管理条例、优化医疗废物处理设施布局、建立区域医疗废物协同处理模式、开展处理设施稳定排放达标整治工程、创新医疗废物环境管理和加快解决医疗废物处理收费中的突出问题等,为相关环境管理部门提供决策参考。  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: This review of state pollution control programs suggests that states have brought imaginative thought to environmental programs. While manpower and funds have been concentrated in such traditional areas of concern as air and water quality enforcement, many states have attempted to defray the industrial costs of pollution control by increasing public waste treatment facilities, providing tax incentives for pollution control equipment and authorizing pollution control revenue bond financing.  相似文献   

《环境保护税法(草案)》已经初次审议并公布草案全文征求意见,本文对草案中有关问题进行了探讨,期望这些建议能为修改法律草案条文提供参考。关于水污染物环境保护税的纳税人,建议按照直接向环境排放污水的企业事业单位和其他生产经营者、城镇污水集中处理设施、园区污水集中处理设施等三类区分;关于大气污染物、水污染物的征税范围与方法,建议近期将大气污染物中的重金属项目也纳入应税污染物,与水污染物征税范围保持一致,远期考虑与排放标准脱钩,重新审视、确定应税污染物的范围、筛选原则与当量值;关于综合利用固体废物征收环境保护税问题,建议对综合利用过程在满足环保标准要求条件下,免征环境保护税,而综合利用形成的原材料或产品则不适用本法。另外本文还提出了未来环境保护税应覆盖产品全生命周期的生产、使用、废弃等环节的观点。  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: Low flow augmentation from multipurpose reservoirs may yield significant water quality benefits. Cost allocation assigns a portion of reservoir expense to water quality consumers, waste water dischargers who benefit from increased receiving flow. Whereas such allocation currently is not authorized for Federal projects, the procedure is increasingly appropriate for efficient multiobjective management. Waste water treatment costs, multipurpose reservoir costs, and water quality are modeled for Oregon's Willamette River. Water quality is expressed as a function of treatment and augmentation levels. Treatment cost necessary to achieve a given water quality without augmentation less treatment cost with augmentation is an alternative cost of water quality maintenance. With a cost allocation procedure, this alternative cost is used to determine water quality's share of reservoir cost. Under current conditions, water quality beneficiaries could be charged approximately seven percent of annualized reservoir expense. This charge is one-fourth the expense of additional treatment facilities required were augmentation not provided.  相似文献   

当前,我国生态环境日益恶化,减排压力巨大,城市生活废弃物带来的环境负面影响突出。针对不断凸显的"邻避"效应挑战,如何优化配置城市生活废弃物处理设施,保证城市具有良好的市容市貌及居住环境,是亟需研究解决的重要课题。本文提出一种低碳化的城市生活废弃物综合处理技术路线,其以建设城市生活废弃物综合处理静脉产业园为平台,以设置各类再生资源利用设施为核心,通过生活废弃物分类预处理、化石能源替代、碳汇基地培养等一系列低碳化技术的应用,达到温室气体减排效益最大化,为城市提供"环境保护—气候减排—经济增长"的三赢模式,确保其环境和经济的协调发展。  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: Numerical simulation of ground water solute transport is combined with linear programming to optimize waste disposal. A discretized form of the equation governing solute transport is included as a set of constraints in a linear program. Two problems are described. First, the management model is used to maximize ground water waste disposal. The model constrains disposal activities so that the quality of local ground water supplies is protected. Parametric programming is shown to be important in evaluating waste disposal tradeoffs at the various facilities. Changes in the velocity field induced by waste water injection cause a nonlinearity in the solute transport equation which is dealt with by employing an iterative procedure. The second problem is aimed at identifying all sites which are suitable for waste disposal in the subsurface. The management model is manipulated so that the optimal value of the dual variables are “unit source impact indicators.” This physical interpretation is valuable in identifying feasible disposal sites. The joint simulation and optimization approach permits the management of complex ground water systems where the aquifer is used simultaneously for waste disposal and water supply.  相似文献   

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