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湖泊蓝藻水华预警监测技术的应用研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
湖泊蓝藻水华已经成为社会公众和政府共同关注的重要环境问题之一。为确保湖泊生态安全以及其周边地区饮用水安全,提高政府应对蓝藻水华的能力,对湖泊蓝藻进行预警监测是判断蓝藻水华发展趋势以及制定相应对策的重要手段。文中从简单的人工观测到实验室分析技术,发展到综合运用多种现代科学技术进行卫星遥感、视频监控、在线监测和水质垂直剖面自动监测系统(无线浮标监测系统)等,全面阐述了蓝藻水华监测技术中的宏观观测和微观分析技术,初步研究了目前湖泊蓝藻预警监测技术的应用。  相似文献   

垃圾填埋场苍蝇和恶臭污染控制技术研究进展   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
卫生填埋是中国垃圾处置的主流方式,填埋处置过程中会产生一系列次生污染问题,其中苍蝇孳生和恶臭污染问题一直是关注和研究的重点。分别对垃圾填埋场苍蝇灭杀控制和恶臭气体抑制消除的研究和技术应用进行总结,其中主要包括物理、化学及生物技术方法;结合垃圾填埋场管理对苍蝇和恶臭控制的要求,对不同技术的污染控制原理及应用优势和不足进行描述,最后综合现有技术的研究现状提出垃圾填埋场苍蝇和恶臭污染控制的新思路。  相似文献   

喷射撞击式蓝藻处理装置的原理及其应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
根据日本井芹宁博士发明的“加压、喷射、撞击”除藻原理研制的喷射撞击式蓝藻处理装置,通过用物理方法对蓝藻进行含水抽取、加压传输、高速喷射、强力撞击,即采用射流技术加碰撞作用来除藻。按照待处理的蓝藻气囊平均临界破裂压力,调整和控制处理装置系统的压力,把蓝藻的气囊破裂或撞碎,使蓝藻无法再群体集聚、浮游在水面。将处理过的蓝藻残体,随水流返回到水域,成为水中动植物和微生物的饵食,形成生态平衡。已研制成功的喷射撞击式蓝藻处理装置,每小时处理能力为80m^3,如果按处理水面以下25mm深度的蓝藻计算,则每天可处理25600m^2。该处理装置只消耗电能,处理每平方米蓝藻的耗电量不到7w。适用于湖泊、河道、水库、景观水域的除藻。  相似文献   

湖水源热泵系统尾水排放对湖泊富营养化进程的影响研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
黄向阳  周健 《环境工程学报》2010,4(9):1945-1949
以重庆市开县人民医院湖水源热泵工程为例,通过对该工程运行期间尾水受纳湖泊水域水温、氮、磷和浮游植物的长期监测,研究了湖水源热泵系统尾水对湖泊富营养化进程的影响。结果表明,夏季系统的长期运行导致了排放口附近水域水温的升高;当系统温排水水温在30℃以下时,温排水造成的温升使得排放口附近氮、磷含量升高,蓝、绿藻数量大幅增加,加速了湖泊的富营养化进程;当温排水水温达到33℃以上时,过高的温度会抑制藻类的生长。冷排水使湖泊排放口近水域浮游植物总量降低,且硅藻占总藻的比例增大,冷排水同时抑制了蓝藻和其他一些藻类的生长,对湖泊富营养化有一定缓解作用。但另一方面,由于温差较小,且冷排水的扰动作用加速了湖泊沉积物中营养盐的释放,因而冷排水对湖泊富营养化进程又有一定促进作用。  相似文献   

巢湖蓝藻的机械清除工艺以及藻水分离实验研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
对巢湖蓝藻进行机械清除以及藻水分离实验研究,实验采用的浮式围栏引导-机械清除-投加剥离液辅助机械清除工艺处理量大,除藻效率高,筛网过滤-浓缩-卧螺离心机脱水成藻泥的藻水分离工艺较为理想,藻泥含水率仅为89%。2011年5—10月在巢湖运用上述方法清除湖面水华蓝藻,共处理富藻水1.6万m3,得到藻泥970 t,累计清除蓝藻106.7 t(干重)。按照所清除蓝藻的总氮、总磷的平均含量计算,相当于从湖中移除了氮6.25 t,磷2.1 t。表明在富营养湖泊中水华蓝藻大量暴发时,采用上述方法除藻,对控制蓝藻水华污染,有效降低内源氮、磷等污染物负荷具有十分重要的作用。  相似文献   

巢湖蓝藻的机械清除工艺以及藻水分离实验研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
对巢湖蓝藻进行机械清除以及藻水分离实验研究,实验采用的浮式围栏引导一机械清除.投加剥离液辅助机械清除工艺处理量大,除藻效率高,筛网过滤-浓缩-卧螺离心机脱水成藻泥的藻水分离工艺较为理想,藻泥含水率仅为89%。2011年5-10月在巢湖运用上述方法清除湖面水华蓝藻,共处理富藻水1.6万m3,得到藻泥970t,累计清除蓝藻106.7t(干重)。按照所清除蓝藻的总氮、总磷的平均含量计算,相当于从湖中移除了氮6.25t,磷2.1t。表明在富营养湖泊中水华蓝藻大量暴发时,采用上述方法除藻,对控制蓝藻水华污染,有效降低内源氮、磷等污染物负荷具有十分重要的作用。  相似文献   

臭氧预氧化-BAF工艺深度处理垃圾渗滤液   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
以广东省江门市垃圾填埋场垃圾渗滤液为研究对象,对经SBR生化处理和聚合硫酸铁混凝后的垃圾渗滤液,采用臭氧-BAF(曝气生物滤池)工艺进行深度处理。该工艺优点在于:臭氧高级氧化技术使大分子有机污染物降解成二氧化碳和水,或者小分子有机污染物,有利于后继BAF的生化处理,且臭氧处理过后废水的色度明显降低,是废水处理的有效方法之一。而后采用曝气生物滤池对垃圾渗滤液进行进一步处理,对COD进一步去除。结果表明,当臭氧的加入量为150 mg/L,BAF停留时间>4 h,出水COD低于85 mg/L,稳定达到国家GB 16889-1997《生活垃圾填埋污染控制标准》一级排放标准,臭氧氧化法处理每吨垃圾渗滤液的费用为4.8元。  相似文献   

臭氧-生物沸石处理有机微污染水研究   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
研究了臭氧氧化、生物过滤、沸石吸附对微污染水中有机物的不同处理效果和组合工艺的竞争、协同效果。结果表明:对于CODMn为6.30~7.20 mg/L的原水,在臭氧投加量为2.1 mg/L,接触时间为15 min时,CODMn的去除率可达10.8%;沸石吸附对CODMn的平均去除率为11.5%,生物沸石对CODMn的平均去除率为32.3%。臭氧-沸石工艺的CODMn平均去除率为15.6%,小于工艺组成单元的单独去除率的加和,各单元在有机物处理上存在竞争关系。臭氧-生物沸石工艺的CODMn平均去除率为45.5%,大于臭氧氧化和生物过滤独立单元去除率的加和,各单元之间为协同作用关系,因此宜采用臭氧-生物沸石工艺处理有机微污染水体。  相似文献   

针对柴油机微粒捕集器中灰烬颗粒的沉积特征,设计了一种非对称孔道微粒捕集器,基于非对称孔道微粒捕集器对微粒捕集器再生模型进行修正,分析了非对称孔道对微粒捕集器再生特性的影响。研究结果表明,增大过滤体进出口截面比能减少微粒捕集器的压力损失,降低碳烟再生时过滤壁面的最大温度,且非对称孔道能减少灰烬沉积对再生时壁面最大温度的影响,因此根据过滤体壁面厚度适当增大进出口孔道截面比可以有效提升过滤体的碳烟承载量,延长微粒捕集器的车载使用寿命。  相似文献   

太湖十八湾嗅味物质变化规律及除嗅方法   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为了探索湖泊水体中嗅味物质的变化规律,解决湖泊水体的嗅味问题,本研究选取太湖十八湾围隔水域作为调查对象,从2009年12月到2010年8月,对嗅味物质土臭素(geosmin)和二甲基异茨醇(MIB)的含量进行分析检测,结果表明,geosmin的含量和MIB的含量在冬春季节较低,夏秋季节较高,随季节波动明显,MIB是主要的致嗅物质。为调控臭氧稳定性,降低臭氧衰减速率,室内实验采用硅藻土来吸附夹载臭氧,使臭氧分解速率常数由0.036/min降低到了0.015/min,由此制得了臭氧-硅藻土,并用该材料处理模拟嗅味物质水样。结果表明,10 min时,geosmin和MIB的去除率分别为73.4%和46.6%,高于对照中的45.9%和20.5%,30 min时,geosmin和MIB的去除率进一步提高到96.1%和79.7%,本研究结果为解决湖泊等天然水体的嗅味问题提供了新的思路。  相似文献   

结合武汉市湖泊特点及分析湖泊污染带来的危害 ,叙述了一种以引江灌湖为主的生态恢复技术———物理生态工程 ,它包括 :引江灌湖模式 ;光合耗营养盐系统 ;鱼类除营养盐、抑藻系统 ;底栖、浮游动物控营养盐系统和面源截营养盐系统。并从理论及过去他人的研究实例中阐述其可行性  相似文献   

Lake eutrophication at the urban fringe,Seattle region,USA   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Nutrient pollution and associated eutrophication of freshwaters threaten the ecological integrity and the services provided to humans by lakes. We examined how human residential development influenced the level of lake eutrophication in the Seattle, WA, USA, region. We surveyed 30 lakes and measured 3 indicators of eutrophication: concentrations of chlorophyll-a and phosphorus, and the proportion of algae that are inedible to zooplankton. We classified lakes based on the waste-treatment method for shoreline homes: septic, sewer, and undeveloped lakes. Septic lakes occurred along the urban-rural fringe while sewer lakes occurred near urban centers. Septic lakes were more eutrophic than sewer lakes and undeveloped lakes, as indicated by higher levels of phosphorus and chlorophyll-a. These results suggest that septic systems contribute to the high levels of eutrophication in lakes at the urban-rural fringe. Lakes at the urban-rural fringe represent an opportunity for proactive management of urban expansion to minimize lake eutrophication.  相似文献   

杭州西湖水生高等植物的恢复与水生生态修复   总被引:4,自引:3,他引:4  
在过去的50年,西湖一直被富营养化问题所困扰。迄今为止,采用了各种工程措施进行治理,耗资数亿,但收效不明显。为了进一步解决西湖富营养化问题,提出需要用生态方法去解决生态问题,通过生态学手段,恢复、重建高等水生植物带落,增加水生生物多样性,改善西湖水生生态系统的结构和功能,控制藻类来修复西湖水生生态系统。科学地选择先锋种类组合、消除草食性鱼类的影响、合理地控制水位是西湖水生植被恢复过程中的三个重要措施。  相似文献   

蓝藻治理方法概述   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
近年来,随着社会工业化进程的加快,人类在生产以及日常生活中,向水体中排入大量含氮、磷的污染物,加速了湖泊、水库的富营养化进程,水华频频暴发,严重破坏了水体的生态平衡,危害人类和其他生物的安全。蓝藻水华的形成机制,对于科学预测湖泊中蓝藻水华的产生及采取相应措施减少其带来的影响,具有重要的生态和环境意义。  相似文献   

Nutrient dynamics in shallow lakes of northern greece   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
GOAL, SCOPE, BACKGROUND: Shallow lakes display a number of features that set them apart from the more frequently studied deeper systems. The majority of lakes in Northern Greece are small to moderate in size with a relatively low depth and are considered as sites of high value of the wetland habitat. However, the water quality of these lakes has only been evaluated segmentally and occasionally. OBJECTIVE: The objectives of this study were to thoroughly investigate nitrogen and phosphorus speciation in lakes of a high ecological significance located in N. Greece, in order to evaluate their eutrophication status and possible nutrient limitation factors, and to investigate the main factors/sources that affect the water quality of these systems. METHODS: An extensive survey was carried out during the period from 1998-1999. Water samples were collected on a monthly basis from lakes Koronia, Volvi, Doirani, Mikri Prespa and Megali Prespa located in N. Greece. Water quality parameters (temperature, dissolved oxygen, pH and conductivity), organic indices (COD, BOD5), and N- and P-species (NO3(-), NO2(-), NH4(+), and PO4(3-), Kieldahl nitrogen and acid-hydrolysable phosphorus) were determined according to standard methods for surface water. Statistical treatment of the data was employed. RESULTS AND CONCLUSIONS: The physicochemical parameters determined in the lakes studied revealed a high temporal variation. The trophic state of the lakes ranged from meso- to hypertrophic. The nutrient limiting factor varied among lakes suggesting either P-limitation conditions or mixed conditions changing from P- to N-limitation throughout the year. Urban/industrial activities and agricultural runoff are the major factors affecting all lakes, although with a varying contribution. RECOMMENDATION AND OUTLOOK: This lake-specific research offers valuable information about water quality and nutrient dynamics in lakes of significant ecological value located in N. Greece that can be useful for an effective pollution control/management of these systems. Due to the large intra-annual variability of certain physicochemical parameters, a properly designed monitoring program of lake water is recommended.  相似文献   

Putschew A  Mania M  Jekel M 《Chemosphere》2003,52(2):399-407
Monitoring of organic halogen compounds, measured as adsorbable organically bound bromine (AOBr), in an eutrophic lake, which is influenced by treated waste water, revealed repeatedly high concentrations of organobromine compounds in late summer, whereas five times lower values were measured during the rest of the year. It was possible to reproduce the in situ observed AOBr increase in the laboratory. Batch experiments were performed with lake water from two different lakes and an algae culture. It could be shown that the AOBr production is not limited to strong waste water influenced lakes. Furthermore, the AOBr formation requires light and the presence of algae, and thus is most probably biotic in nature. A low content of nutrients favours the formation of organic bromine compounds. To our knowledge this is the first report about the seasonally occurrence of naturally produced organic bromine compounds in lakes/surface waters.  相似文献   

We compared the nutrient dynamics of three lakes that have been heavily influenced by point and non-point source pollution and other human activities. The lakes, located in Japan (Lake Kasumigaura), People's Republic of China (Lake Donghu), and the USA (Lake Okeechobee), all are relatively large (> 30 km2), very shallow (< 4 m mean depth), and eutrophic. In all three lakes we found strong interactions among the sediments, water column, and human activities. Important processes affecting nutrient dynamics included nitrogen fixation, light limitation due to resuspended sediments, and intense grazing on algae by cultured fish. As a result of these complex interactions, simple empirical models developed to predict in-lake responses of total phosphorus and algal biomass to external nutrient loads must be used with caution. While published models may provide 'good' results, in terms of model output matching actual data, this may not be due to accurate representation of lake processes in the models. The variable nutrient dynamics that we observed among the three study lakes appears to be typical for shallow lake systems. This indicates that a greater reliance on lake-specific research may be required for effective management, and a lesser role of inter-lake generalization than is possible for deeper, dimictic lake systems. Furthermore, accurate predictions of management impacts in shallow eutrophic lakes may require the use of relatively complex deterministic modeling tools.  相似文献   

A set of bioluminescent tests was developed to monitor water quality in natural and laboratory ecosystems. It consisted of four bioluminescent systems: luminous bacteria, coupled enzyme system NADH:FMN-oxidoreductase-luciferase and triplet enzyme systems with alcohol dehydrogenase and trypsin. The set of biotests was applied for a small forest pond (Siberia, Russia), laboratory microecosystems polluted with benzoquinone and a batch culture of blue-green algae. Thereby effects of natural water compared to those of models of heavy pollution and “bloom” of blue-greens on the bioluminescent tests were revealed. The set of biotests was not affected by a natural seasonal variability of water quality in the unpolluted pond, but responded to the heavy pollution and the “bloom” of blue-greens. The set of biotests could be recommended as the alarm test to control the acute toxicity of natural water bodies.  相似文献   

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