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农业再生资源是再生资源的一个特殊而重要的组成部分,开展农业再生资源回收利用是再生资源产业向新领域的拓展,是助农增收、为"三农"服务的有效途径,是事关新农村建设的重要课题。本刊根据2009年12月18日中再生协会农业再生资源利用专业委员会成立大会暨2009年海峡两岸农业再生资源综合利用研讨会上的相关资料,刊发一组领导讲话,以使读者了解和认识实施农业再生资源回收利用的现实背景和重大意义。  相似文献   

由中国再生资源回收利用协会组织的再生资源回收利用培训考察团一行11人,于2010年12月4—24日赴美进行了"再生资源回收利用管理与实践"培训考察,学习了美国再生资源回收利用的法律法规、先进理念,拜访了相关管理机构和企业,建立了交流渠道,找到了可供借鉴的经验。  相似文献   

宁夏地区再生资源的回收利用,对推动当地循环经济的发展和环境保护起着非常重要的作用。通过实地调查研究,分析了宁夏再生资源回收利用行业的现状、特点及问题,并提出了发展当地再生资源回收利用行业的对策和建议。  相似文献   

在2009年4月2日召开的全国供销合作社行业协会工作会议上,隆重表彰了54家荣获“全国供销合作社优秀行业协会”称号的单位,其中再生资源行业有11家协会获得此荣誉称号,分别是天津市再生资源行业协会、上海废旧物资回收行业协会、江苏省再生资源回收利用协会、江西省再生资源回收利用协会、河南省再生资源行业协会、广西再生资源回收利用协会、海南省再生资源行业协会、重庆市再生资源行业协会、沈阳市再生资源协会、宁波市再生资源行业协会和广州再生资源行业协会。  相似文献   

介绍我国开展农村再生资源回收利用的背景,以及宣传培训在推动农村再生资源回收利用中的重要作用。阐述农村再生资源回收利用宣传培训的内容和方式,以及培养再生资源回收利用意识的途径。提出应加大宣传培训工作力度,丰富宣传培训内容并采取多样化的形式,推动相关理念和知识的传播,逐渐形成农村再生资源回收利用的长效机制。  相似文献   

<正>温州市龙湾区是再生资源回收利用大区,共有200多家再生资源回收利用企业,年产值在120亿元以上。2010年该区采取5项措施,继续扶持再生资源行业发展。这五项措施是:  相似文献   

2020再生资源行业企业家峰会在长春召开2020年12月29—30日,由中国再生资源回收利用协会主办,吉林省供销社、长春市供销社、长春市城市管理局、德惠市人民政府、长春市莲花山管委会协办,吉林省再生资源行业协会、长春市再生资源利用协会、长春市鸿兴再生资源开发有限公司联合承办的2020再生资源行业企业家峰会在北国春城长春举办。本次会议内容围绕主题“实现循环利用,重构回收体系”展开,共分为“企业运营分享”“城市垃圾分类及低值可回收物运营探讨”两个篇章。会议由长春市人民政府副秘书长郑广慧和长春市再生资源回收利用协会会长王华武主持。  相似文献   

<正>由全国供销合作总社、发改委、商务部、国台办支持,总社科技推广中心和中国再生资源回收利用协会主办,安徽省供销社和安徽省马鞍山市政府协办,农业再生资源利用专业委员会(以下称专委会)承办的"中国农业再生资源  相似文献   

2009年9月17日,中国再生资源回收利用协会会同北京华京源再生资源回收市场,在北京市丰台区举办了农民回收工培训班。培训班邀请了北京丰台区负责再生资源管理的有关同志和天津再生资源研究所的专家、老师,就再生资源回收挑选过程中的相关法规、专业知识进行了生动、系统地讲解。  相似文献   

2009年6月3日-4日,由中华全国供销合作总社社有资产监督管理部主办、中国再生资源回收利用协会承办的部分省市再生资源行业工作座谈会在常州举行。供销总社理事会副主任顾国新出席会议并讲话,供销总社社有资产监督管理部、中国再生资源回收利用协会有关负责人以及来自上海、江苏、浙江、安徽、江西、湖南六个省(市)的供销合作社分管副主任、再生资源公司负责人、再生资源行业协会负责人等近40人参加了本次座谈会。  相似文献   

Water, Air, &; Soil Pollution: Focus -  相似文献   

An adaptation procedure of a new emission inventory of theGreater Athens Area is attempted, based on a sensitivityanalysis on the treatment of the VOC emissions. Throughthis procedure the impact that a more detailed treatment ofthe VOCs emissions might have on the atmospheric chemistrysimulations, is examined. For this analysis three differentchemical mechanisms were applied for two differentlocations (urban and city plume) with different VOC andNOx mixture characteristics. Finally, this studyrecommends new carbon fractions, reflecting the localconditions in Athens basin.  相似文献   

The state-of-the-art in oil spill modeling is summarized, focusing primarily on the years from 1990 to the present. All models seek to describe the key physical and chemical processes that transport and weather the oil on and in the sea. Current insights into the mechanisms of these processes and the availability of algorithms for describing and predicting process rates are discussed. Advances are noted in the areas of advection, spreading, evaporation, dispersion, emulsification, and interactions with ice and shorelines. Knowledge of the relationship between oil properties, and oil weathering and fate, and the development of models for the evaluation of oil spill response strategies are summarized. Specific models are used as examples where appropriate. Future directions in these and other areas are indicated  相似文献   

欧盟旱在1994年就颁布了包装和包装废物的指令,提出了包装废物管理的目标和管理内容,要求各成员国采取积极的经济和法律措施,建立自由流通的公平市场秩序。通过研究评估表明,包装和包装废物指令的实施产生了多方面的积极影响。统计数据表明,历年包装废物回收总量平稳增加,处置量平稳下降,单位GDP产值产生包装废物的系数基本保持稳定,但各国包装废物人均产生量存在较大差异。  相似文献   

It is well known that air pollution is one of the major factors affecting human health and the activities in a town. Among the various air pollutants an interesting one, especially for sunny climates, is the reactive O3. O3 varies significantly through the year; it is therefore very important to know the onset and the duration of the warm period of the year since at that time O3 concentrations increase significantly. In this work, an attempt was made to determine the onset of warm season of the year as well as its duration in various sites located in Northeastern Mediterranean. For this purpose, a fuzzy clustering method is used. The method was applied on the isobaric thickness between 1000 and 500 hPa for the period from 1974 to 1997. The results were compared to conventional methods based on synoptic classification and were found to be in good agreement.  相似文献   

Autocondensation and copolymerization reactions of the Acacia nilotica subspecies tomentosa (Ant) and the subspecies adansonii (Ana) tannins extracts solutions have been studied at several pH values by thermomechanical analyzer. Results of chemical analysis of these tannins revealed that the studied tannins, Ant and Ana contained high percentages of extractable tannins (54 and 57 %) for and polyphenolic materials (78 and 80 %) respectively. Different hardeners such as paraformaldehyde, Urea and pMDI were added at different ratios and their polycondensation reactions was studied and compared with their autocondensation ones. The aim was to evaluate the tannins suitability for the production of commercially and technically viable tannin adhesives with reduced Formaldehyde emission for wood products and to study the interference between the autocondensation and the copolymerization reaction. The obtained results of autocondensation reaction for both of the tannins studied showed that the best Young’s modulus values for Ant (3,500 and 2,750 MPa) and Ana (2,650 and 2,620 MPa) were obtained at pH 5 and 7. The Young’s modulus values obtained by the tannins Ant were higher than those achieved by Ana. This indicates that the Ant is more reactive than Ana. These results were also in line with results achieved by the gel time for both of the tannins. Gel time results indicate that the reactivity of both tannins increased towards alkalinity with Ana being more reactive at alkaline pH. Addition of 8 % of paraformaldehyde was adversely affecting the autocondensation reactions, as the best Young’s modulus values were achieved at pH 4 for Ant tannins. As for Ana the higher Young’s modulus values (2,000 and 2,310 MPa) were achieved at pH 5 and 7. This indicates that autocondensation reaction was contributed to the final network of the copolymerization reaction. When smaller ratio of paraformaldehyde and Urea (5 %) was added to Ant tannins it favors the autocondensation reaction and the best Young’s modulus values were obtained at pH 5 and 7. Addition of pMDI (10–30 %) was found to decrease the temperature of copolymerization and the obtained Young’s modulus values by Ant were lower than those obtained by autocodensation reaction. Best Young’ modulus values were obtained by Ant at pH 5 and 7. Ana gave the best Young’s modulus values at pH 4 and 5 indicating that the autocondensation appears to depress the copolymerization reactions. The obtained results by both reactions were very important from technical and economical point of view as they concluded that it is very possible to produce adhesives system with zero emission depending on the tannins autocondensation reaction and pH values. Reduction of formaldehyde emission was also possible upon addition of smaller amount of paraformaldehyde and Urea.  相似文献   

介绍了日本的资源循环法律体系和促进容器包装分类回收和再商品化的法律和有关方针,介绍了日本容器和包装的管理体制和主要措施,以及各类包装废物回收利用状况和特点。  相似文献   

In 1995, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (US EPA) initiated the Brownfields Program to help local governments clean up and reuse hundreds of thousands of contaminated former factories and transportation and other commercial sites in cities and industrialized suburbs. By the end of 2002, the Brownfields Program had distributed grants of about $200,000 each to 436 local governments. Program grants have diffused through federal, state, regional, and local levels of government and private and not‐for profit organizations, and have reached into economically distressed neighborhoods. As expected, grant recipients disproportionately had a legacy of contaminated industrial sites and relatively large African American and/or Latino populations. But abandoned factories and environmental justice concerns do not completely explain the geographical distribution of recipients. Award winners tended to be larger cities with more capacity to compete for grants and were likely to be connected to sources of information about the grant opportunity and to decision makers. With a few exceptions, recipients consider the program to be highly successful at stimulating entrepreneurs to remediate and redevelop sites and, sometimes, surrounding neighborhoods. © 2005 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

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