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建设部开展城市垃圾分类收集试点工作已进行8个月了,情况如何?在近日结束的“城市垃圾分类收集研讨会”上了解到,目前,垃圾分类收集受到国情、观念、生活方式、处理设施及法规政策的影响,分类收集率徘徊在20%左右,尤其是废旧物资回收利用产业发展缓慢,严重制约了城市垃圾分类收集的进度。 统计表明,由于废旧物品的回收利用滞后,致使垃圾分类收集的后续工作无法开展。据全国供销总社再生资源管理办公室介绍,自1955年成立废品管理总局至今,废旧物资回收已经形成了比较完善的体系,并有各类加工利用厂1500多家。到1997年,回收各类废旧物资3.5亿吨,回收金额1680亿元。但近几年,受市场、技术、经济等因素的影响,回收利用产业呈现萎缩趋势,许多企业已到山穷水尽的地步。建设部开展的垃圾分类收集工作让再生资源行业又见到了曙光。最近出台的《关于推动供销社再生资源行业二次创业的实施意见》框定了今后发展格局,即要形成以回收为基础,以加工为手段,以利用为目的的科、工、贸一体化的再生利用产业。 研讨会认为,再生资源利用产业的崛起,将有利于垃圾分类收集的运输、分捡、处置和利用的最终解决,使垃圾减量化不再是句空话。 (屈遐)  相似文献   

正2017年5月3—4日,由中国再生资源回收利用协会主办的"2017中国生态文明与再生资源行业会议"在上海召开,会议主题是"绿色发展,引航再生资源新征程"。来自全国循环经济产业、再生资源行业和生活垃圾领域的专家学者、企业家共500多位代表参加会议。本次全议围绕"绿色发展为再生资源行业带来的机遇""绿色回收,迎接垃圾分类与‘两网融合’新  相似文献   

我国金属包装废物产生和回收特性分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目前我国以饮料包装为代表的金属包装物使用广泛,今后仍将增加。依靠现有的再生资源回收体系,我国金属包装废物的回收率具有较高的水平,说明现有再生资源回收体系具有合理性;在现场调查和文献资料分析基础上,分析了金属包装废物的回收特点和数量特征;我国城市生活垃圾中金属包装物的含量很低,证明了金属包装废物具有较高的回收率;依据文献资料和专家观点,阐述了金属包装废物再生利用的总体特征和今后需要重视的问题。  相似文献   

以西安市垃圾分类回收网络为对象,从西安市现有的再生资源系统和环卫系统出发,系统调研西安市流动回收人员、废品回收站和垃圾填埋场等垃圾回收主体。对两个系统的回收主体、回收对象、回收流程和回收动力进行分析,并提出西安市垃圾回收利用存在的问题,如二手交易市场缺失,厨余垃圾、有害垃圾回收利用体系缺失,回收前端混乱不规范等问题,同时找出了产生问题的根本原因:再生资源系统的市场性和环卫系统的公益性互不衔接,导致市场调节和政府干预均不能有效发挥。根据西安垃圾分类回收网络现状,提出市场和政府引导有机结合,利用互联网创新回收交易模式,探究西安市垃圾资源化的新途径。  相似文献   

正日前,根据江苏泰州市社、泰州市城管局有关文件精神,泰州兴化市社与城管局联合制定《兴化市再生资源回收利用网络体系和垃圾分类收运处置体系融合建设工作方案》(以下简称《方案》),并印发各乡镇(街道)人民政府(办事处)、开发区管委会、市百盛再生资源有限公司和各基层社、乡镇农合联社执行,将按照美丽乡村建设和生态环保要求,实行再生资源回收利用和垃圾分类收运处置二  相似文献   

餐厨垃圾是一种具有较高再生利用价值的资源,但是处置不当会给社会造成危害。天津市餐厨垃圾的回收包括规范化的再生资源回收企业回收、以养猪和炼制餐厨再生食用油为目的的非法回收商贩回收、城市普通生活垃圾收集处理系统回收等三种形式。以源头单独集中、清洁化单独收运、无害化处理和资源化利用为指导原则,开展城市餐厨垃圾的规范化回收符合发展循环经济的根本要求。从加强宣传教育、加大食用油监管力度、健全行政监管体系、完善餐厨垃圾规范化收集网络等角度,提出推动天津市餐厨垃圾回收规范化发展的对策。  相似文献   

低值再生资源具有一定循环利用价值。受多方面因素影响,目前回收率普遍偏低。在“十四五”期间,随着“两网融合”与垃圾分类工作的不断推进,低值再生资源的回收利用受到广泛关注。以南京市低值再生资源回收为例,介绍了2017—2021年南京市典型低值再生资源的回收情况,并进行了回收预测分析,对南京市低值再生资源回收行业发展提出了相关建议。  相似文献   

2016年3月19日,由中国再生资源回收利用协会倡议发起的垃圾分类处理与再生资源利用"两网融合"产业创新协作体在京成立,成为国内首家致力于探索垃圾分类与资源回收利用协同机制与模式的行业协作机构。"两网融合"产业创新协作体由中国再生资源回收利用协会、中国城市环境卫生协会、清华大学循环经济产业研究中心、  相似文献   

正案由:再生资源回收站点和分拣中心,处在再生资源产业链的上游和前端,是对接生活垃圾源头分类、推动"两网融合"的载体,是实现2020年再生资源回收利用量3.5亿t的重要保障。但是,近几年,各地回收站点和分拣中心因各种原因被拆被除,正规回收人员被驱被赶,造成公众交投废品不便,传统废品大量进入生活垃圾,回收规模下降,生活垃圾大幅增长,给终端处置带来更大压力,加剧了资源和环境约束瓶颈。  相似文献   

<正>2015年11月20日,中国再生资源回收利用协会蒋省三会长在广州会见了广州市陈建华市长,陈市长表示,垃圾的资源化处理,实质上就是在开发"城市矿产"。广州在垃圾分类处理方面,实现了减量化、资源化,希望进一步加强与中国再生资源回收利用协会的合作,大力破解"垃圾围城"难题。蒋会长表示,广州市在垃圾分类、减量化处置方面探索出一条合理的道路,所形成的经验值得向全国推广。  相似文献   

Recycling of packaging wastes may be compatible with incineration within integrated waste management systems. To study this, a mathematical model is presented to calculate the fraction composition of residual municipal solid waste (MSW) only as a function of the MSW fraction composition at source and recycling fractions of the different waste materials. The application of the model to the Lisbon region yielded results showing that the residual waste fraction composition depends both on the packaging wastes fraction at source and on the ratio between that fraction and the fraction of the same material, packaging and non-packaging, at source. This behaviour determines the variation of the residual waste LHV. For 100% of paper packaging recycling, LHV reduces 4.2% whereas this reduction is of 14.4% for 100% of packaging plastics recycling. For 100% of food waste recovery, LHV increases 36.8% due to the moisture fraction reduction of the residual waste. Additionally the results evidence that the negative impact of recycling paper and plastic packaging on the LHV may be compensated by recycling food waste and glass and metal packaging. This makes packaging materials recycling and food waste recovery compatible strategies with incineration within integrated waste management systems.  相似文献   

Germany seems to be one of the leading nations in solid waste management, especially in the case of packaging waste; success stories about the ongoing increase in recycling strengthen this impression. However, enormous costs and questionable ecological benefits are the result of Germany's packaging ordinance and the formation of the recycling organization Duales System Deutschland (DSD). This article shows that similar progress in the reduction and recycling of packaging could have been realized without the packaging ordinance and dual system, with lower costs. This regulatory impact analysis of the German packaging ordinance covers all the effects on the different life-cycle stages of packaging, from production to recycling or disposal. The conclusion is that a fragmentary solid waste management approach – one that is based, like the German packaging ordinance, more on ideology than on facts – leads to enormous costs and questionable ecological benefits. To improve this situation, there is a need for an integrated solid waste management approach, based on evaluation of the economic, environmental, and social effects of different waste management options for the materials involved. Received: February 4, 1999 / Accepted: April 30, 1999  相似文献   

Investigating impacts of urban solid waste recycling on urban metabolism contributes to sustainable urban solid waste management and urban sustainability. Using a physical input-output model and scenario analysis, urban metabolism of Suzhou in 2015 is predicted and impacts of four categories of solid waste recycling on urban metabolism are illustrated: scrap tire recycling, food waste recycling, fly ash recycling and sludge recycling. Sludge recycling has positive effects on reducing all material flows. Thus, sludge recycling for biogas is regarded as an accepted method. Moreover, technical levels of scrap tire recycling and food waste recycling should be improved to produce positive effects on reducing more material flows. Fly ash recycling for cement production has negative effects on reducing all material flows except solid wastes. Thus, other fly ash utilization methods should be exploited. In addition, the utilization and treatment of secondary wastes from food waste recycling and sludge recycling should be concerned.  相似文献   

As the waste industry continues to move from a disposal-based system to one based on a combination of recovery options, the need for information on the composition of waste increases and this is reflected by the amount of information on the physical composition of municipal solid wastes that is now available. However, there is far less information on the chemical composition of municipal solid waste. The results from a number of chemical surveys from Europe are compared and show a reasonable degree of agreement, but several problems were identified with the data. Chemical and physical compositional data are combined in a case study example to investigate the flow of key potential pollutants in an integrated solid waste management system that uses materials recycling, composting, incineration and landfilling. This case study has shown that an integrated waste management strategy diverts lead and cadmium away from composting and recycling to incineration, which effectively isolates these elements from the environment through efficient capture of the pollutants followed by secure landfilling or recycling of the residues. However, further work is needed to determine the distribution of mercury in incineration residues and its fate when the residues are landfilled.  相似文献   

A mathematical model to calculate the recycle rates for packaging materials from the municipal solid wastes (MSW) built from the dry mass values that are obtained from the corresponding wet masses and their respective moisture contents is presented in this work. A possible universal methodology is also described to be used with the previous model so that reliable comparisons between indicators for different regions are feasible. Furthermore, this mathematical model demonstrates the effect of the moisture content of packaging materials on their recycling rates and constitutes a fundamental tool for operators and persons responsible for MSW management to define new policies and technical measures viewing the improvement of recycling rates. A theoretical study and the application of the model to the MEMSW of the Lisbon region shows that the moisture content of the mixed wastes plays a dominant role in the recycling rates of packaging materials such as paper, plastics and glass. Moreover, accounting for all relevant masses in the dry basis yields higher recycling rate values: increases of 32.8% for paper, 50% for plastics and 44.6% glass are observed.  相似文献   

The Pars Special Economic Energy Zone (PSEEZ) is located in the south of Iran, on the northern coastline of the Persian Gulf. This area was established in 1998 for the utilization of south Pars field oil and gas resources. This field is one of the largest gas resources in the world and contains about 6% of the total fossil fuels known. Petrochemical industries, gas refineries and downstream industries are being constructed in this area. At present there are three gas refineries in operation and five more gas refineries are under construction. In this study, different types of solid waste including municipal solid waste (MSW) and industrial wastes were investigated separately. The aim of the study was to focus on the management of the industrial wastes in order to minimize the environmental impact. In the first stage, the types and amounts of industrial waste in PSEEZ were evaluated by an inventory. The main types of industrial waste are oil products (fuel oil, light oil, lubricating oil), spent catalysts, adsorbents, resins, coke, wax and packaging materials. The waste management of PSEEZ is quite complex because of the different types of industry and the diversity of industrial residues. In some cases recycling/reuse of waste is the best option, but treatment and disposal are also necessary tools. Recently a design has been prepared for a disposal site in PSEEZ for the industrial waste that cannot be reused or recycled. The total surface area of this disposal site where the industrial waste should be tipped for the next 20 years was estimated to be about 42 000 m2.  相似文献   

The use of plastic bags and film packaging is very frequent in manifold sectors and film waste is usually present in different sources of municipal and industrial wastes. A significant part of it is not suitable for mechanical recycling but could be safely transformed into a valuable gas by means of thermal valorization. In this research, the gasification of film wastes has been experimentally investigated through experiments in a fluidized bed reactor of two reference polymers, polyethylene and polypropylene, and actual post-consumer film waste. After a complete experimental characterization of the three materials, several gasification experiments have been performed to analyze the influence of the fuel and of equivalence ratio on gas production and composition, on tar generation and on efficiency. The experiments prove that film waste and analogue polymer derived wastes can be successfully gasified in a fluidized bed reactor, yielding a gas with a higher heating value in a range from 3.6 to 5.6 MJ/m3 and cold gas efficiencies up to 60%.  相似文献   

The population of Lagos, the largest city in Nigeria, increased seven times from 1950 to 1980 with a current population of over 10 million inhabitants. The majority of the city's residents are poor. The residents make a heavy demand on resources and, at the same time, generate large quantities of solid waste. Approximately 4 million tonnes of municipal solid waste (MSW) is generated annually in the city, including approximately 0.5 million of untreated industrial waste. This is approximately 1.1 kg/cap/day. Efforts by the various waste management agencies set up by the state government to keep its streets and neighborhoods clean have achieved only minimal success. This is because more than half of these wastes are left uncollected from the streets and the various locations due to the inadequacy and inefficiency of the waste management system. Whilst the benefits of proper solid waste management (SWM), such as increased revenues for municipal bodies, higher productivity rate, improved sanitation standards and better health conditions, cannot be overemphasized, it is important that there is a reduction in the quantity of recoverable materials in residential and commercial waste streams to minimize the problem of MSW disposal. This paper examines the status of recovery and recycling in current waste management practice in Lagos, Nigeria. Existing recovery and recycling patterns, recovery and recycling technologies, approaches to materials recycling, and the types of materials recovered from MSW are reviewed. Based on these, strategies for improving recovery and recycling practices in the management of MSW in Lagos, Nigeria are suggested.  相似文献   

In recent years the issue of the municipal waste in Poland has become increasingly topical, with a considerable rise in the waste generation, much of which can be attributed to a boom in product packaging (mainly plastic). The annual production of plastics packaging has been constantly increasing over the last 20 to 30 years, and now exceeds 3.7 million tons. Due to a lack of processing technologies and poorly developed selective segregation system, packaging waste is still treated as a part of the municipal solid waste (MSW) stream, most of which is landfilled. As a result of Poland's access to the European Union, previous legal regulations governing municipal waste management have been harmonized with those binding on the member countries. One of the main changes, the most revolutionary one, is to make entrepreneurs liable for environmental risks resulting from the introduction of packaging to the market, and for its recycling. In practice, all entrepreneurs are to ensure recovery, and recycling, of used packaging from products introduced to the market at the required level. In recent year, the required recycling levels were fulfilled for all types of materials but mainly by large institutions using grouped and transport packaging waste for that matter. Household packaging gathered in the selective segregation system at the municipalities was practically left alone. This paper is an attempt to describe the system and assess the first year of functioning of the new, revamped system of packaging waste management in Poland. Recommendations are made relating to those features that need to be included in packaging waste management systems in order to maximize their sustainability and harmonization with the EU legal system.  相似文献   

To achieve both high-efficiency power generation and high detoxification performance, advanced-type waste power generation plants such as pyrolysis and gas reforming plants are suggested. Further surveys on actual operational data of these plants are required in terms of reliability of the system when it is introduced to waste disposal sites. To verify the technical effectiveness of advanced-type waste power generation using the pyrolysis and gas reforming method, we evaluated 10?tons/day of municipal solid wastes (MSW) treated in a demonstration plant. A demonstration test was conducted over 100?days including 35?consecutive days of operation treating MSWs. The test results show high recycling performance and harmless nature of the plant which proves it to be an excellent waste recycling system. Major test results are as follows: (1) stabilization of waste treatment is possible with the wastes of various qualities, (2) clean gas is produced from the waste whose energy recovery ratio is approximately 40?%. (3) 99.3?% weight % of dried waste are recovered as valuable materials such as clean gas, char and metal, (4) total amount of dioxin emission to the outside of the plant is very small, down to 0.0051–0.018?μg?TEQ per ton waste.  相似文献   

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