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对以工业废水处理为主的工业污水处理厂和接管企业的环保管理提出了建议,有利于工业污水处理厂的健康发展,促进环境保护。  相似文献   

浙江水美环保工程有限公司由水美工程企业股份有限公司、浙江省工业环保设计研究院和浙江玉环东方环保实业公司于1993年合资创建,十五年来,公司本着“真实技术、执著追求、美好环境、客户满意”的宗旨,不断奋进超越、开拓创新,为国内外客户提供环保工程全方位的服务。  相似文献   

中国加入WTO将使国内环保企业竞争更为激烈,使国内环保机械企业生存变得更为艰难。同时,由于经验丰富的国外企业已将凭借实力占据国际市场,使得我国环保机械企业在国际市场竞争中处于不利地位。从另一方面讲,中国加入WTO可以促进我国政策采取有力措施,加强对环保市场的监管,克服无序竞争,为国内企业营造良好的竞争环境;加入WTO可以加快国内环保机械企业技术创新,开发具有国际水准的拳头产品,增强市场竞争力,同时,可以推动国内产业结构调整及资本运营,使环保机械企业快速发展壮大;另外,WTO的加入可以迫使国内环保机械企业学习国外先进经验,掌握全球经济知识,夯实参与国际市场竞争的基础。  相似文献   

对热电企业的环境监管工作是环保部门的重要职责,根据在对热电企业日常监管中遇到的问题,论述了监管的常用方法,包括监督企业环境管理落实情况、核查企业环保数据真实性及重视群众对企业的监督,并就相关工作展开了具体讨论。  相似文献   

浙江省绍兴市形成了节能电光源、大气环保装备、太阳能光伏三大新兴环保产业鼎足的局面。据悉,2007年全市节能环保产业完成产值逾130亿元,占规模以上工业总量的3%左右。  相似文献   

我国城镇工业和乡镇企业发展较快,环境污染问题也日趋突出,环保工作的综合性和地域性,使县级这个基层环保行政主管部门的工作十分繁重,在当前县级环保行政主管部门普遍存在机构不统一、不健全、人员缺乏的情况  相似文献   

文中总结宿迁经济开发区环保工作现状,分析未来宿迁经济开发区面临:水环境质量未能根本好转、生活污染物排放量上升并成为主要污染问题、环境基础设施建设滞后于社会经济发展、工业企业污染存在反弹趋势、农村环境问题亟需关注、客水污染问题仍然存在等挑战,并提出了应对这些挑战的对策。  相似文献   

电子束烟气净化技术由于能够同时脱除烟气中的SO2 和NOx 而得到世界各国环保界的重视。传统的电子束烟气净化技术在工业应用中存在能耗高、副产品黏结严重、工作可靠性低等问题。新型电子束半干法烟气净化技术解决了传统工艺在工业化应用中存在的问题 ,可以在较小的辐照剂量下获得更为理想的烟气净化效果 ,提高了系统的工作可靠性 ,是一项工业应用前景十分广阔的环保技术。  相似文献   

20 0 0年 6月 5日 ,在宁波市庆祝世界环境日文艺晚会上 ,宁波中华纸业有限公司、金狮啤酒公司、中国金轮集团、麦芽公司、卷烟厂、庆丰热电厂、方太厨具公司、豹王电池公司、斯迈克制药公司、床单厂等“一控双达标”环保十佳企业受到了表彰 ,这标志着宁波市工业污染源达标治理示范工程已全面启动。环保“十佳”企业评选活动由宁波市委宣传部、环保局、宁波日报联合举办 ,旨在通过宣传、表彰先进企业 ,全面推进“一控双达标”进程。环保十佳企业将起到良好的示范作用。浙江省宁波市表彰“一控双达标”环保十佳企业  相似文献   

对加强农村生态环境保护工作的思考   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
农村生态环境保护工作,关系到国家环保工作的大局,也是环保工作中的薄弱环节。因此,就农村环保工作中出现的环境问题,如不重视农村环保、环保公众参与意识不强、农业生产污染严重等方面进行了分析,并提出诸如改变环境立法和管理中出现的“三大中心主义”、“政府+社区+市场”的环保模式以及进行清洁生产等方面的一些建设性的建议。  相似文献   

ISO14000环境管理系列标准是国际标准化组织制定的关于环境管理体系的国际通用标准。目的在于激发企业自觉采取预防措施和持续性改善措施来改善环境。推行ISO14000认证不仅可以规范环境管理行为,而且提高绿色管理水平和资源利用效率,从而促进中国经济发展。需要政府进一步采取积极措施推广ISO14000环境管理体系认证。  相似文献   

Background Different types of indicators have been developed to describe the impact of chemicals on society and environment. Due to the high number of substances and their different types of use, most of these indicators are directed to specific areas of interest – regarding workplace safety, environmental health or consumer health. They address a specific subset of chemicals and can be used for monitoring enterprise-specific, national or international management measures. Main Features A survey of existing indicators for chemicals has shown that indicators already exist for a remarkable number of problem fields. As soon as the release and the environmental fate of chemicals are taken into account, the complexity of the approaches increases considerably. The distinction between indicators for drivers, pressures, state, impacts and responses, as proposed by the European Environmental Agency, supports the identification of proper indicators for a specific type of problem. Discussion and Conclusions. No single indicator exists which is able to cover the whole range of chemicals and their applications. Several indicator approaches cover at least a subset of the most relevant substances. If they are intended to be used for European monitoring, robust data must be provided by EU Member States. Chemicals in enterprises (ancillary inputs as well as process chemicals) are an important element of in-plant material flow management – in terms of occupational safety and health as well as environmental protection. Existing indicators for hazardous chemicals can be a valuable tool for process and product refinement regarding hazardous chemicals, especially for enterprises. Outlook Indicators for production and impact of chemicals, as well as policy performance indicators, are essential elements in order to monitor the management of chemicals. They have to be established for the national and for the EU level.  相似文献   

运用数据包络分析DEA方法,建立了太湖殷村港流域工业园区企业污水治理效率评价体系,并利用该体系对园区内企业污水治理效率进行了实证研究。利用效率评价函数对园区内20家企业进行评价,结果表明,其中4家企业达到环境治理效率相对高效;20家企业的废水排放量、COD和NH3-N排放削减总量分别为3691860、217.53和14.64t/a,削减潜力较大。实证研究结果表明,该环境绩效评价系统可为园区企业污水治理调控提出定量化的调整建议。  相似文献   

清洁生产是从80年代末发展起来的一种新的、创造性的保护环境战略措施,其中心思想是通过对生产进行全过程控制达到节能、降耗、减污的目的。本文介绍了清洁生产的基本概念,并通过分析和总结我国一些工业企业实行清洁生产的结果,论述清洁生产和工业企业管理的关系。  相似文献   

胡伟  钱茂  刘广兵 《环境工程学报》2014,8(4):1417-1422
运用数据包络分析DEA方法,建立了太湖殷村港流域工业园区企业污水治理效率评价体系,并利用该体系对园区内企业污水治理效率进行了实证研究。利用效率评价函数对园区内20家企业进行评价,结果表明,其中4家企业达到环境治理效率相对高效;20家企业的废水排放量、COD和NH3-N排放削减总量分别为3 691 860、217.53和14.64 t/a,削减潜力较大。实证研究结果表明,该环境绩效评价系统可为园区企业污水治理调控提出定量化的调整建议。  相似文献   

随着全球经济一体化步伐的加快,中国的化工企业已呈现各种化工园区集聚发展的态势。化工园区作为地区化工行业集聚区域,也是一个地区工业经济发展的重要载体,已逐渐成为推动区域经济快速增长的重要支撑。本文分析了国内外先进化工园区管理模式及经验,总结了目前国内化工园区管理中存在的问题,通过借鉴国内外先进化工园区管理模式及成功经验,分析提出解决化工园区环境管理问题的建议,以期为改善园区管理现状、促进化工园区科学发展提供理论依据。  相似文献   

放射源管理系统是一种基于环境地理信息系统平台的资源管理系统,是GIS技术与环境监测技术、环境管理技术、数据库技术等各种环境信息分析和处理技术的集成。系统为环保部门提供了一个功能强大的空间信息服务和管理工具,可以直观、方便地获取放射源的监控、管理等数据信息,为环境管理部门的决策提供依据。  相似文献   

The Chinese government at the highest levels continues to stress the importance of environmental protection. The environmental consequences of rapid industrialisation and a burgeoning population are now unavoidable to citizens and government ministers alike. Among the major challenges for environmental protection and health and safety regulations in China are improving the transparency of government bodies and statistics, encouraging horizontal and vertical coordination on regulation and projects between and within ministries, ensuring economic viability of both municipal and commercial sector environmental protection projects, and enforcing ever-strengthening regulations. Government officials at all levels will no doubt feel pressure to advance new legislation while maintaining a high level of GDP growth, which invariably will place a priority on development and not on environmental, health and safety issues. Given the increasingly precarious economic conditions and ongoing reform of state-owned enterprises, it may be difficult for the Chinese government to follow through on high-minded efforts. This paper discusses the changing regulatory framework, likely enforcement inequities and implications for multinationals seeking to comply.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND, AIM AND SCOPE: Conjoint analysis and the related choice-modelling methods have been used for many years in marketing research to evaluate consumer behaviour and preferences for different kinds of product attributes. Recently, the number of applications in environmental science and management has started to grow. Conjoint analysis is found in many different forms, and the environmental studies evaluated in this review display the same range of methods as in other fields. The key characteristic of all these methods is that trade-offs are evaluated by jointly considering a number of important attributes. MAIN FEATURES: This paper is a review of the literature on environmental applications of conjoint analysis and assesses in which environmental area conjoint analysis has been most successful. The method and the design of the studies are reviewed as well. RESULTS: A total of 84 studies were found, dealing with environmental issues that were evaluated by conjoint analysis. The studies concern agriculture, ecosystem management, energy, environmental evaluation, forestry, land management, pollution, products, recreation, environmental risk analysis and waste management. DISCUSSION: Choice experiments seem to have a comparatively stronger position in environmental studies than elsewhere. Most of the environmental applications are related to natural resource management. This is somewhat surprising, but a number of reports have appeared also on product evaluation, which could be a key application area in the future. CONCLUSIONS: Compared to marketing and transportation, the number of environmental conjoint studies is rather small but increasing, and the method has proven to work effectively in eliciting preferences on environmental issues. In environmental issues, experimenters often use choice experiments, especially concerning ecosystem management and environmental evaluations. When it comes to evaluating preferences concerning agriculture, forestry, energy and products, a more traditional approach of conjoint analysis is favoured. RECOMMENDATIONS AND PERSPECTIVES: Two new areas of application are identified in this review--environmental communication and expert elicitation. Conjoint analysis can thus be developed into a useful instrument for environmental risk analysis and communication, both of which are necessary for an efficient approach to risk governance.  相似文献   

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